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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Outside of Genesis and Angeal he thinks it wasn’t worth wasting his life well because of the lies and deception..
I read the wiki for XC3 but I’m still a little lost. I get the basic gist of it, though: kids are born and reborn as soldiers.
It can be convoluted so just knowing the gist if for the best lol. If I tried to explain the whole thing we'd be receiving a whole ass novel from me explaining the entire plot of XC3. I don't think we need nor want that LMAO

Go figure I play the games with convoluted elements/plots. Looking at you KH, P5, and XC. Hell throw FE in there too LMAO
Never played a FE game, but when I saw Ike in SSB I was like 8O “Ooo! Big manly man!!”

Want even more angst?

These reunions become an annual thing, and fighters begin bringing their families. Sora happily gives everyone tickets to Didney World, then he gets to Pit, glances around, and asks where his family is at. Someone has to pull him aside to tell him what’s happened.
Bro Marth and Ike are hot daddies. 🤤
But I mean, you're not wrong-
It's okay IS forgets him too in favor of Celica lol. But yeah Alm is my FE protag frfr. Love him so much, though I will say FE3H made it hard claiming him my fav lord with Claude's existence. I fucking love Claude so much actually I have silly meme art from like 3 years ago regarding this. Memory unlocked LMAO

If I had to pick a fav from Smash, Lucina is easily my favorite among the FE characters, but if it HAD to be a protag/lord, then Roy. I have a super soft spot for Roy even though he gets so much hate for being such a garbage unit in his own game and people saying he's "bland." I will defend my baby boy
All of those are very much valid. It's hard for me to pick a favorite although I'm inclined to say Marth because Shadow Dragon was my first ever FE game, and the reason I got into the fandom was because of him and how good he was in Melee.
Marth got SO much accidental rizz in Smash Bros. Lol

I actually headcanon that even Captain Falcon had flirted with Marth under false pretenses. First time being that he thought Marth was female and the second time mistaking him for Lucina. And Marth would tease Cap with insinuations about his tastes. 😅
Lmao he really did, which is a big contrast as in FE he's usually this timid, humble person who doesn't really seek attention. I like to imagine he just somehow has this unnatural rizz in the Smash universe and he isn't aware of it, so whenever a bunch of people are flirting and doting on him he's just politely confused about it all XD

That's freaking hilarious, lmao, Falcon flirting with Marth until someone reveals to him that Marth's actually a guy. And Marth can't do it himself because in the earlier Smash Bros games, he only spoke japanese! And poor Lucina, even with her long hair she's still the spitting image of her ancestor qwq
Lmao, Marth would side-eye Captain Falcon for the longest time after the incidents, although I'm sure he'd get over it and joke around with Falcon afterwards.
You liked Melee Marth and his ability to destroy all in his vicinity, TYPICAL XD I like how Melee was the game that introduced you to FE. For me it was Brawl lol
PLEASE DO, I would love to see Marth! I bet he and Sheik would get along splendidly. Melee buddies!

Lol Marth just has to strike a pose and pull out a 'meaningful' phrase from his ass and he's got the Smash girls swooning!

It's okay! I'll love anything you draw anyway!
And yea, I'm doing better, still kinda wonky but much better than yesterday.
Listen, shield breaker and tipper were really good! And his aerials and disjoints were the bomb.com as well!
Lmao I like to imagine in Brawl Ike looking at Marth and being like, "They didn't give you English voice lines?" and Marth replying in a very salty tone, "どう思いますか、ミートヘッド?"

Marth: *brushing his bangs to the side, his face perfectly accentuated by sunlight and roses appearing around his face out of nowhere* "We tech those."

*An audibly enchanted sigh arises from those around him*

I'm glad you're doing better, and I'll draw you something soon!
If I had to pick a favorite FE protag, without a doubt it will always be my girl Lyn. But my favorite MALE protag would have to be either Marth or M!Corrin. Idk why, that's just the way I am :]
Lyn is very valid, pretty Sacaean lady is a 20/10. I love her voice in Engage. And I'm glad to see you also like Corrin and Marth, cuz I like them too (*cough* OneOfThemMoreObviouslyThanTheOther *cough*)
Last edited:
Never played a FE game, but when I saw Ike in SSB I was like 8O “Ooo! Big manly man!!”

Want even more angst?

These reunions become an annual thing, and fighters begin bringing their families. Sora happily gives everyone tickets to Didney World, then he gets to Pit, glances around, and asks where his family is at. Someone has to pull him aside to tell him what’s happened.
They tell the 1 person who is known to easily travel worlds that Mythra and the kids have gone missing. He looks around, notices Pyra and Shulk are also missing and now he's suspicious. After that reunion he decides he's gonna try and visit the Xenoblade World. He regrets this decision. He sees the unspeakable horrors of Aionios and when he returns, he does not wanna talk about it to anyone, even though he'd probably be trying to figure out how he could help
They tell the 1 person who is known to easily travel worlds that Mythra and the kids have gone missing. He looks around, notices Pyra and Shulk are also missing and now he's suspicious. After that reunion he decides he's gonna try and visit the Xenoblade World. He regrets this decision. He sees the unspeakable horrors of Aionios and when he returns, he does not wanna talk about it to anyone, even though he'd probably be trying to figure out how he could help
Aww, and poor Sora probably having to tell Pit that he couldn’t find any of them! He must’ve held his own baby very tightly after that!
Listen, shield breaker and tipper were really good! And his aerials and disjoints were the bomb.com as well!
Lmao I like to imagine in Brawl Ike looking at Marth and being like, "They didn't give you English voice lines?" and Marth replying in a very salty tone, "どう思いますか、ミートヘッド?"

Marth: *brushing his bangs to the side, his face perfectly accentuated by sunlight and roses appearing around his face out of nowhere* "We tech those."

*An audibly enchanted sigh arises from those around him*

I'm glad you're doing better, and I'll draw you something soon!
Lyn is very valid, pretty Sacaean lady is a 20/10. I love her voice in Engage. And I'm glad to see you also like Corrin and Marth, cuz I like them too (*cough* OneOfThemMoreObviouslyThanTheOther *cough*)
You don't have to tell me! I know the weapon of eradication that is Melee Marth.
"What do YOU think, meathead?" XDDDDDDD

Lmao not the 'we tech those'! Seems like Marth and OoT Zelda got the same romance manga powers lmfao

Idk Lyn has just always been my favorite, though Marth is *chefs kiss*
Aww, and poor Sora probably having to tell Pit that he couldn’t find any of them! He must’ve held his own baby very tightly after that!
Sora is horror stricken. He is not letting his baby go for at least a week and nobody knows why he's acting so weird

Bonus: New character announcements happen and wow would you look at that! New Xenoblade reps, Noah and Mio. They show up but the others are still missing! Questions are unavoidable! The truths of Aionios will be revealed to all. I'm sure that goes really well
My friend just sent me this and made my heart hurt a little, and since I just posted for him, I offer this
Sora is horror stricken. He is not letting his baby go for at least a week and nobody knows why he's acting so weird

Bonus: New character announcements happen and wow would you look at that! New Xenoblade reps, Noah and Mio. They show up but the others are still missing! Questions are unavoidable! The truths of Aionios will be revealed to all. I'm sure that goes really well
I can see Pit telling Sora that he's going with him to the Xenoblade world, only for Palutena to step in and hold him back. As much as her heart breaks for him, once he goes into a new world they'll be unable to communicate with each other, and she cannot risk losing Pit. Skyworld needs its champion; Palutena needs him. And I'm pretty sure Pit would be stubborn enough to stay in that world until he finds his family or dies trying!

Sora likely doesn't need to say a thing when he returns. He's so horror-stricken that all it takes is for Pit to see his face and understand. Sora may feel even worse because he might believe he gave Pit hope only to break his heart again.

"Somehow... deep inside... I knew something terrible had happened. Sora... thank you for doing this for me. Please... I need to be alone."

Mythra leaving the twins to him would definitely be the happier alternative. He'd be a single parent, though, along with being Skyworld's champion. I can picture Palutena wearing a harness with the twins in them while Pit is on a mission. Or they give the duty to a Centurion. Imagine an Armstrong Centurion wearing a baby harness for twins lol

Though if 1000 years pass by, the twins will be adults when Mythra returns. The good news is that if Pit and Mythra are both immortal, it stands to reason that they will be too.

That's freaking hilarious, lmao, Falcon flirting with Marth until someone reveals to him that Marth's actually a guy. And Marth can't do it himself because in the earlier Smash Bros games, he only spoke japanese! And poor Lucina, even with her long hair she's still the spitting image of her ancestor qwq
Lmao, Marth would side-eye Captain Falcon for the longest time after the incidents, although I'm sure he'd get over it and joke around with Falcon afterwards.

Listen, shield breaker and tipper were really good! And his aerials and disjoints were the bomb.com as well!
Lmao I like to imagine in Brawl Ike looking at Marth and being like, "They didn't give you English voice lines?" and Marth replying in a very salty tone, "どう思いますか、ミートヘッド?"
RP-wise, Master Hand had put a spell in place to remove the language barrier because of what happened with Marth and Roy when they joined the roster. Unfortunately, Crazy Hand went behind his back and messed with the spell so that's why Inklings and Pokemon can't be understood. XD
I can see Pit telling Sora that he's going with him to the Xenoblade world, only for Palutena to step in and hold him back. As much as her heart breaks for him, once he goes into a new world they'll be unable to communicate with each other, and she cannot risk losing Pit. Skyworld needs its champion; Palutena needs him. And I'm pretty sure Pit would be stubborn enough to stay in that world until he finds his family or dies trying!

Sora likely doesn't need to say a thing when he returns. He's so horror-stricken that all it takes is for Pit to see his face and understand. Sora may feel even worse because he might believe he gave Pit hope only to break his heart again.

"Somehow... deep inside... I knew something terrible had happened. Sora... thank you for doing this for me. Please... I need to be alone."

Mythra leaving the twins to him would definitely be the happier alternative. He'd be a single parent, though, along with being Skyworld's champion. I can picture Palutena wearing a harness with the twins in them while Pit is on a mission. Or they give the duty to a Centurion. Imagine an Armstrong Centurion wearing a baby harness for twins lol

Though if 1000 years pass by, the twins will be adults when Mythra returns. The good news is that if Pit and Mythra are both immortal, it stands to reason that they will be too.
Sora would feel terrible if that were the case. He'd probably be upset he couldn't do more, but it was something even he couldn't begin fixing on his own. He probably searched specifically for Mythra/Pyra or Shulk and had no luck. He just wanted to give hope but couldn't Dx

On another thought, despite the horrors he saw and heard, if Sora met the main cast of XC3 it might be the little bit of hope he can bring back. He may be unable to help, but he sees this group on the verge of making big things happen! Luckily time really was flowing differently there so not much has passed for everyone else

Mythra leaving the twins is by far the happier alternative! Only she goes missing and her kids can be happy and live a nice life! Though imagine... she's gone for so long they forget her 😭
You don't have to tell me! I know the weapon of eradication that is Melee Marth.
"What do YOU think, meathead?" XDDDDDDD

Lmao not the 'we tech those'! Seems like Marth and OoT Zelda got the same romance manga powers lmfao

Idk Lyn has just always been my favorite, though Marth is *chefs kiss*
Lmao, Marth is a bringer of death throughout Smash (for some reason, he's pretty much always a top tier) but off the battlefield he's...less menacing.

XD they both got that shonen romance in them!! If only they knew the amount of charm they had, if they harnessed their powers they'd be invincible!

Naurrr, Lyn's adorable! It's been a while since I've played Blazing Blade but it's a pretty good game!

RP-wise, Master Hand had put a spell in place to remove the language barrier because of what happened with Marth and Roy when they joined the roster. Unfortunately, Crazy Hand went behind his back and messed with the spell so that's why Inklings and Pokemon can't be understood. XD
Yeah, I know that, I was just speculating the idea for the funnis :3
Ahdkdbdlf Isabelle’s done! Next up is Inkling, I’ll try to get her post up this week as well. But after that…

I’ll be back into the swing of college so there might be a change in regards to my posting habits. Either way, just in case I wanna give everyone in Pichu/Zelda’s groups permission to skip me since I’d feel awful if y’all had to wait on me getting back into the swing of things 😅
Pit in my latest post: Lady Palutena, there's about to be some slow singin' and flower bringin'!

I'm terribly sorry for how short my T'ink/Pit post is. I tried to make my minimum of 500 words, but I just couldn't do it.

Yeah, I know that, I was just speculating the idea for the funnis :3
Sorry about that! I know I brought it up in the thread before, but I couldn't remember if I brought it up again for newcomers.
I'm terribly sorry for how short my T'ink/Pit post is. I tried to make my minimum of 500 words, but I just couldn't do it.
Nah you good! I haven’t been meeting my standards either so it probably isn’t helping in that regard Dx
Mythra with her kids

Sora would feel terrible if that were the case. He'd probably be upset he couldn't do more, but it was something even he couldn't begin fixing on his own. He probably searched specifically for Mythra/Pyra or Shulk and had no luck. He just wanted to give hope but couldn't Dx

On another thought, despite the horrors he saw and heard, if Sora met the main cast of XC3 it might be the little bit of hope he can bring back. He may be unable to help, but he sees this group on the verge of making big things happen! Luckily time really was flowing differently there so not much has passed for everyone else

Mythra leaving the twins is by far the happier alternative! Only she goes missing and her kids can be happy and live a nice life! Though imagine... she's gone for so long they forget her 😭
I think Pit would be very determined to make sure they know who Mythra is. They might not have memories of her after 1000 years, but they would at least know of her. I can see Pit telling the twins stories of his adventures with her, or of her fighting skills in the Smash tournaments. Mythra still misses out on the kiddos growing up. It doesn't seem like there's any true "good" choice here: either way, one or both parents are screwed.

As I love wholesome dads, I'd naturally find the idea of Pit being a single parent an interesting one. Though, I personally think Pit is more likely to have a student than an actual child of his own, just like how he is Palutena's pupil in the Japanese script of Uprising. He gets his own padawan!
Pit in my latest post: Lady Palutena, there's about to be some slow singin' and flower bringin'!

I'm terribly sorry for how short my T'ink/Pit post is. I tried to make my minimum of 500 words, but I just couldn't do it.

Sorry about that! I know I brought it up in the thread before, but I couldn't remember if I brought it up again for newcomers.
Don't worry about it! It's chill :3
Speaking of posts, I've held off on posting long enough. I'll write for Tetra and Min Min soon cause I don't wanna keep people waiting.
Y'know, we've never talked about what might happen should Hyrule's Royal Family go to visit Valla, or the Valla Royal Family visiting Hyrule, especially after the disaster with Roxas and Donald! XD
Y'know, we've never talked about what might happen should Hyrule's Royal Family go to visit Valla, or the Valla Royal Family visiting Hyrule, especially after the disaster with Roxas and Donald! XD
Oh boy, that would be a whole ordeal. Corrin would definitely have her hands full that day. She might have to enlist her advisor Azura to aid her in trying to keep everything sailing smoothly.
I can see Zelda quietly warning Pittoo that he’ll be sleeping in the stables if he starts a war. He huffs in response. XD
If it's in Valla, Roxas ain't around to cause his usual trouble since he's been told he's not allowed to come back so it might go smoother? I mean as long as the Hoshido and Nohr royals aren't around. I guess it depends on how those from Hyrule would view Sora getting blasted by the royals IF they were there during a meeting like that because what other reason would they have for acting out
Lmao, Marth is a bringer of death throughout Smash (for some reason, he's pretty much always a top tier) but off the battlefield he's...less menacing.
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XD they both got that shonen romance in them!! If only they knew the amount of charm they had, if they harnessed their powers they'd be invincible!

Naurrr, Lyn's adorable! It's been a while since I've played Blazing Blade but it's a pretty good game!

Yeah, I know that, I was just speculating the idea for the funnis :3

Lmao, if only they knew...maybe it's a good thing they don't! People are ALREADY mad at Marth for being unknowingly attractive...

Blazing Blade is an awesome game. I didn't pay much attention to Eliwood or Hector, but Lyn is my absolute fave.
Oh boy, that would be a whole ordeal. Corrin would definitely have her hands full that day. She might have to enlist her advisor Azura to aid her in trying to keep everything sailing smoothly.
Corrin: "Azura, have you warned the elders of Hoshido and Nohr of the new arrivals?"
Azura: "...I forgot."
Corrin: "...Azura, you had one job."

Would Corrin force Kaida to wear a dress? Kaida would HEAVILY revolt! XD
I can see Zelda quietly warning Pittoo that he’ll be sleeping in the stables if he starts a war. He huffs in response. XD
Lol, Corrin's not going to start a war with Hyrule because of some mishaps. The princess has children and a kingdom to look after, the last thing she wants after restoring Valla is to have it ruined. Although she can't speak on behalf of the kings of Hoshido and Nohr...
If it's in Valla, Roxas ain't around to cause his usual trouble since he's been told he's not allowed to come back so it might go smoother? I mean as long as the Hoshido and Nohr royals aren't around. I guess it depends on how those from Hyrule would view Sora getting blasted by the royals IF they were there during a meeting like that because what other reason would they have for acting out
Corrin might let Roxas come back, although she'd only invite some of the ladies of Hoshido and Nohr, since they weren't the ones that got bonked by a keyblade XD
Honestly she'd probably warn everyone to be on their best behavior. After all, it's not just Sora and his family they have to deal with now, it's another kingdom. They gotta sustain at least a DECENT relationship to keep the peace that Corrin worked so hard to install.

Lmao, if only they knew...maybe it's a good thing they don't! People are ALREADY mad at Marth for being unknowingly attractive...

Blazing Blade is an awesome game. I didn't pay much attention to Eliwood or Hector, but Lyn is my absolute fave.

Corrin: "Azura, have you warned the elders of Hoshido and Nohr of the new arrivals?"
Azura: "...I forgot."
Corrin: "...Azura, you had one job."

Would Corrin force Kaida to wear a dress? Kaida would HEAVILY revolt! XD

Smol! I found the chibi art on the FE wiki, they're adorable :3

Lmao I like how at the end of Palu's guidance Marth just sends Pit flying XD Also, Viridi really needs to chill. First Link, then Roy, then Marth?

XD Although Azura wants the best for Valla, she might get a little frazzled during all the preparations! I also headcanon Azura being Kaida and Percy's godmother and being sort of a nanny for them at times when Corrin and Sora aren't at Valla. She'd have to prepare them with proper manners and table etiquette!

Oh my god, she totally would! Corrin doesn't really wear dresses much herself, but she'd be chill with it. Kaida on the other hand is channeling Tetra's spirit and saying NO to "leg tents"!
I can imagine Kaida wearing a pretty blue dress, made of silk and lace, absolutely beautiful, but wearing the biggest scowl you've ever seen! Corrin would also take away Kaida's bow and sword too, and boy, that would make the little princess LIVID XD
Smol! I found the chibi art on the FE wiki, they're adorable :3

Lmao I like how at the end of Palu's guidance Marth just sends Pit flying XD Also, Viridi really needs to chill. First Link, then Roy, then Marth?

XD Although Azura wants the best for Valla, she might get a little frazzled during all the preparations! I also headcanon Azura being Kaida and Percy's godmother and being sort of a nanny for them at times when Corrin and Sora aren't at Valla. She'd have to prepare them with proper manners and table etiquette!

Oh my god, she totally would! Corrin doesn't really wear dresses much herself, but she'd be chill with it. Kaida on the other hand is channeling Tetra's spirit and saying NO to "leg tents"!
I can imagine Kaida wearing a pretty blue dress, made of silk and lace, absolutely beautiful, but wearing the biggest scowl you've ever seen! Corrin would also take away Kaida's bow and sword too, and boy, that would make the little princess LIVID XD
Marth: "You wanna fly, chicken wings? Okay, COME HERE-"
Lmao, even the gods admit that Marth is handsome!!

Poor Azura, not only does she have to assist Corrin with taking care of Valla, she also has to help take care of Corrin's children! When Kaida gets into her knight phase, it's going to be a doozy on her trying to figure out where she disappears to every day!

Lmfaoooo, Kaida would be glaring at her mother all day for what she's done to her! Kaida would probably try to appeal to Link, only to find out that he's been forced to wear different attire as well! He'd just be like, "Listen, Wildflower, I know this is very uncomfortable, but don't make a scene. This is very important for your mother, and you and I both know what she's like when we make her mad. Just suck it up, buttercup, it's only for today."

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