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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

Angel Black
Ms. Abdu's classroom
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy

Angel checks the display after letting go of the hug and sitting back down "Can you find Atlas?" she asks, Atlas is her father's hero name, who has superstrength, so she's curious what his ratings are since he doesn't go out that often anymore. It's not needed in their town, of course there's the occasional robbery and what not, nothing the police couldn't handle.
John finishes with the hug and looks up flower girl, she didn’t have a very good public opinion, he’s curious to why.

After he sees that he will look up the most notorious anti hero there is.
Ms. Abdu
Flame Demon Flame Demon
Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise

"Feel free to use whatever is available to you." Ms. Abdu was not sure who was blocked and who wasn't, some things were public others required a certain level of clearance. Atles was available He had a moderate casualty rate and and kill rate of 1. His Public opinion was high. Deathblade was a very popular name in the anti hero realm. His casualty rate was low with a kill rate of 23 public opinion was fair, most anti heroes received a fair or low.
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John looks at deathblade, he never read up on anti heroes before. He usually looked up heroes and villains to learn more about them so if he fought them or anyone like them he could kill or take them down.

He was fascinated to learn more about this anti hero, his motivation and even popular opinion. He was surprised to learn people did not like anti heroes, and that deathblade’s casualties were moderate. He was a real hero, someone who wants to save lives and FIX the problem. Not just lock the problem away hoping it will go away.

John having learned all this will send a message to Angel then Maria saying. “Mind readers can hear and see your thoughts, so when you fight them if you think about what move you will make you will lose. That’s why we tend to not want our opponent to be mad while fighting, they stop thinking and be unpredictable. So the best strategy to fight a mind reader is to have NO strategy, or think of what you won’t do to trip them up.” John sends them wanting to build some more trust with them both.

John will rub his eyes and take a break from looking at the screen and look around the room.
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Portia Lovelace
Starlight?? She pondered hearing the teacher address her by another name, although she did kind of like it. Portia looked to the board before wondering what her own parents would be ranked as. Her mother never talked much about her villain days and her father was one of the biggest heroes she personally knew of. Dad probably has a great rank... Mom on the other hand... She thought smiling as she began typing in the names Wintero and Aquatica into her screen. As she suspected her father was an A+ hero, low casualties, zero deaths, and a moderate to high popularity rate. As for her mother, she was almost the exact opposite. It was as if they didn't change her scores from when she used to be a villain. High casualties, thirty counted kills and low popularity. She let out an inaudible sigh looking down at the screen understanding why her parents pushed for this. With powers like hers learning control was important so she wouldn't end up like her mother. The way it stood now was if she even tried to use her powers past their general limit it would overload everything electronic in her direct vicinity.

She closed the tabs deciding to look for other heroes that didn't have a relation to her, preferably with the similar powers so she could know how they did it. The ones with anything electrical based would have high casualties huh... She puffed her cheeks out disappointed that the results were as she thought they'd be.

LOCATION:: Ms. Abdu's classroom
INTERACTIONS:: open for business
John sees Portia’s cheeks puff out while looking around and decides to message her. “Psssssst hey whatcha doin?” John sends the message. He didn’t really expect her to answer back or acknowledge it in any way but hey it would give him some more insight on how she is if she reacts to the message.

John tunes his mind to Portia’s

thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm

Location: Abdu class
Maria Mallette

Ms. Abdu's Classroom

1548882461874.pngBreaking away from the small group hug, "thanks," she said meekly. With the tears in her eyes drying, she took a seat in a desk next to John. She always wondered what her father was like before the incident, he was a low-level hero so it wouldn't surprise her if his profile was open. While Maria was too young for her parents to trust her with the alias her father went under, her mother and father got in a fight a few weeks before the incident. One night, when Maria was seven years old she was supposed to be asleep she could hear her mother screaming at her father, "I DON'T WANT THIS!" her mother screeched, "HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU WERE CAUGHT! HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT ME! ABOUT MARIA!..." then there was silence, dead as night Maria thought the fight had finished, she was just about to fall into the awaiting hands of sleep when her father spoke out, in a very calm and collected voice she said, "I know you do not like how I'm risking my life going out there as Antinode, but I have to, people rely on me." Weeks later during a house burglary, her mother and father were shot. So, Maria typed Antinode's name on the screen and what it showed put Maria back on the verge of tears. This is what it showed:
NameClassifacationCasualitiesKill RatePublic ViewStatus
AntinodeVillainLevel 5 authorization required to view dataLevel 5 authorization required to view dataLevel 5 authorization required to view dataTerminated
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Florian settled down when he heard the teacher's explanation. He didn't realize that boosting his grade would actually require active heroism and teamwork. That sounded tiring, but he supposed it would help in the long run with his reputation. For the sake of others, he will be a hero standing upon a hill and cast a shadow on all the others. The young man just had to be more sociable, selfless, and professional, or at least that's what he thought Pro meant. A heavy, tight knot formed in his stomach as he thought of the various loops he would have to jump through. He could feel his breathing hitch but calmed himself down. "I can do this," he assured himself.

His attention was caught once again by the search bar that appeared in front of him. Once again, his body betrayed him as his heart began to quicken. His fingers flew across the keyboard. "Ventusri, Jifeng, Fysima, Gyri, Jun, Spinam," he gently huffed under his breath. The only things that popped up were unregistered. "Hmm," he hummed, feeling his eyes burn, "I must be really tired." His heart slowed down as his eyes blinked away the sensation. "Of course, it wouldn't be that easy," Florian thought to himself, glancing over at the tearful girl. His right eyebrow raised in curiosity, but he stayed silent. He didn't know the girl well enough to go prying; he just hoped that someone would go and comfort her.

Location: Ms. Abdu's class
Portia Lovelace
She hadn't even realized there was a messenger system until one popped up on her screen. John? Suddenly he's interested in comradery. She thought as she read the message over. "Well aren't you nosy." She sent a message with a smirk across her face. Portia wasn't trying to be rude but she sometimes comes off differently than she thinks. "I'm looking at heroes similar to me. Wanted to know if there was anything I could do differently to control my powers." She sent another message saying what she was currently doing but internally facepalmed herself for slipping up and mentioning her lack of complete control. There was no way she was going to just openly talk about her family life with a person who said he doesn't trust her. I wonder what his hair smells like. The random thought occurred glancing at John from her seat. He had quite fluffy hair and she bet it smelled like something sweet. Maybe he'll let me touch his hair one day. Portia shrugged looking back to her screen awaiting a response from him.

LOCATION:: Ms. Abdu's classroom
INTERACTIONS:: Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
John chuckles slightly seeing the first message Portia sent him then reads the second one. “Oh she doesn’t have full control? Interesting.” He thinks to himself, John reply’s with “pffft I’m not nosy... I call it considerate. I saw your cheeks puff up and wondered what made you so stumped lol. That’s good So your looking for new ways to control it, if you wanted I could help you look : ).

John hearing Portia’s thoughts about touching and smelling his hair blushes furiously. He has never once in his life had someone think that about him and it was all new territory for him. He looks back at her and smiles trying to hold the blush back.

John after typing Portia looks around some more, to see Maria almost crying again. John leans over to talk to her but accidentally sees the name Antinode, he closes his eyes shut quickly not wanting to invade her personal life and says in a hushed tone and concern in his voice. “Maria, what’s wrong?”

John leans a little away from Maria so he doesn’t seem to be invading her personal space as well. “Please if you want to talk about anything at anytime me and Angel are here for you, We are all friends don’t hesitate I won’t invade your thoughts if you don’t want me to know I won’t look.” John adds putting a hand on her shoulder

thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism

Location: abdu class
Sven Vetter (Mr.Fuji's class)
While Sven was minding his own business, he felt a presence in the back of his mind, the presence... tormented him, gnawed at his soul, he lifted one hand up and grabbed the side of his head. This pain... it's excruciating... DESTROY THE SOURCE Sven carefully turned his head backwards to see the the black haired girl, who couldn't be more than 13 or 14, she was the source... Sven focused all the will he could muster and sent a very small concentrated ball of wind straight at Ashley's forehead.
(Interacted with: Ashley SimeaseKitten SimeaseKitten )​

Noticing Sven looking towards her, she looks towards him, not bringing too much attention in the process. Ashley looks confused to see the boy in such pain. She then notices that the boy looks like he is hurt but attempts to ignore him, after all, it isn't any of her business. Ashley looks around for something just to look away from the boy till she notices him doing something, making a orb of wind. Ashley quickly ducks under her desk in spite of the dangerous ball of wind coming towards her.
Angel searches for Atlas, her father actually has a high public opinion despite not going out much, casualties low, somewhat expected, however what surprises her is the kill count, 1, why would her father do that, maybe it was an accident or something, she raises and eyebrow before looking at the other students"
Zaxen looked up, his attention won. He looked down and an idea floated into his mind. He cleared his throat, “Um miss,” his voice was shaky, “Can I search Sa- My dad?” He tugged at his collar.
Ms. Abdu

Her grin faded into a more sympathetic smile. She looked over at Maria before typing something on her key bored. " I don't think it will show up Kitten, there aren't many heroes with public access " She was using the term hero loosely. "Does anyone of any questions about anyone that you found?" She looked to the class waiting for questions.
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Angel Black

"Yes if say, a hero kills someone as an accident, does the count?" Angel asks closing the search screen, honestly, she didn't think her father killed someone on purpose, that's not who he is. She looks at Maria and she sighs, John was there to cheer her up.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
“It can, but that’s not really how things work. A kill count is how many of the bad guys they have killed, if someone were to fight someone and kill them, its a result of there own doing.” She looked around the room. “Anyone else?”
While all his attention is on Maria, John turns his head to mrs. Abdu still looking at Maria, then wordlessly shakes his head and turns his head back with his body towards Maria.
After John has talked it over with Maria John gets on the device.

John searches darkness’s users and remembers Angel. He then sends her another message. “Hello whatcha doin Angel? : )” he sends Angel the message and continues looking at darkness users, he doesn’t know Portia’s was power is so he can’t help her with finding ways to control it.

Location Abdu class

Flame Demon Flame Demon Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Angel Black

"Being confused about something" Angel sends back to John, she had to ask her mother about it, surely she had an answer "Ugh" she says resting her head on the table, how was she gonna bring this up with her father or mother, surely they knew about it, hell she figured even her brother probably knows about it "Why is life so complicated sometimes" she thinks.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Angel Black
Abdu's classroom

Angel sighs seeing the reply "Don't think you can, sorry, also I don't think you'll find anything interesting" she sends back before going back with laying her head on the desk, trying to figure out when it had happened, but she just can't remember anything about that "Maybe I was still young" she thinks with a groan.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
“Oh.” Zaxen said, forelorn, “Ok.” He thought it was for the best. The last thing he needed was for someone to know who his dad was. They already knew he was a villain and he had the lowest grades in the class. He looked up at Angel, who had her head on the table, “hey you okay, hun?” He had no idea why he asked.

Location: Miss abdu’s classroom
Talking to: Flame Demon Flame Demon
Angel Black
Ms. Abdu's classroom

Angel smiles sightly reading the reply before sitting up and looking at Zaxen "Nope, I'm not okay" she says "I don't even look okay" she thinks, she really did get it, some things were better left unsaid, but this, she had a right to know about something like that. "Why the sudden interest in how I'm doing?" she asks sinking down into her chair, everyone seemed a bit off after seeing their search results.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
John tunes his mind into Zaxen’s to see what the boy is up too.

John continues his search on shadow users and finds many... that were not available. He continues his search though.

“What would Zaxen want with Angel? It just doesn’t make sense. Well I will see soon enough.” John thinks to himself as he searches for shadow users.

Location: abdu class

Flame Demon Flame Demon L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel

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