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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

While the drama went on, Florian was chatting up the librarian. He felt uncomfortable around that redhead, so he tried to avoid whatever that guy touched. He asked the librarian about about the checking in and out system, favorite books, best prep books and the like. Eventually, they finished their conversation, and Florian decided to check a few of the recommended ones out. "Might as well, since I have time to wait." He grabbed one off the shelf, shaking it out from the tight wedge it was in. The moment he did Florian could hear the creaking of falling bookshelves. "Well, darn," Florian muttered, watching the bookshelves fall in domino fashion.
Zaxen was taken aback by the question. He considered lying but dissmissed the thought. He looked up, pondering the question. He was completely unphased by the bookcases falling down. “The rush I suppose.” He replied, “Killing someone feels...good.” He realised how bad that sounded, “not in that way. Its like a drug. That high you get when you do something bad and get away with it, its addictive.” He gazed at her, amused, “why do you ask?” His voice was smooth and velvety. The voice of a murderer.

||location: Library||
||talking to: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ||
||mood: amused, intrigued||
Mr. Fuji
When Ashley sat down Mr. Fuji happened to see Ms. Abdu's class out of the corner of his eye outside his class. "She must be doing a tour right now." He thought. "Alrightttt. Thanks Ashley. Next up is Sven Vetter." Mr. Fuji flipped through his files until he came across the boy Sven. There was a reason he was having the students introduce themselves. What information they decided to give the class helped Mr. Fuji learn what they wanted the class to know and what they didn't and whether they took the introductions seriously or not. Lying wouldn't help the students either because he had their files in his hand which had all their info on it.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Ungifted ;-; Ungifted ;-;
Pumpkid Pumpkid
omninova omninova
Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
SimeaseKitten SimeaseKitten

Ashley notices all the clones Lisa has created looking at her through the corner of her eye. She looks at Lisa, confused. Ashley looks around at all the action going on in the room and decides she is right.
"What do you need to focus on?"
Ashley says while crossing her legs and shifting her body towards Lisa, interested on what she has to say next. Ashley still stares at Lisa with a blank expression.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Ira sat in the nearest seat, his dull stare now directed at whoever or whatever resided at the front of Mr.Fuji's class. There were many things about this world he didn't quite understand and school was considerably high on the list. Nevertheless he was here now-- present and ready to learn.
Sven Vetter Mr.Fuji class.
Sven got up from his desk."Hi" Sven said with the most monotonous voice he could muster, "My name is Sven Vetter, I work at butchers store part time, my power is air manipulation, I can manipulate air to enhance my strikes, create projectiles and form gusts of wind, I can control all the air in a 12 meter radius around me, however I wish to learn better Air techniques so I can become a hero and... fix what my father did as the Supervillain Omnishot." As Sven was explaining his voice hit a tone of sadness at the end. "Don't worry, I won't be blowing any hot air anymore and I'll try to be as chill as a breeze." Sven smiled and bowed before he sat back down.
~Ella Ross~
Ella glanced at Sven who she could see was clearly looking at her."Whoops"Ella said to herself and teleported the pencil one more time but back where it was.Ella noticed that Sven immediately digged through his backpack and dug out a pencil and notebook."What rude biiii...."Her words trailed off as Mr.Fuji called his name and when he got up Ella was determined to not let that notebook stay there.She gave the book one glance and *zip*it was gone."Haha,now let's see about this pencil."Ella had an amazing and mean idea that she was sure that she would end up regretting.Ella was going to teleport the pencil right in front of the teacher.She gave the pencil a glance and *zip*there it was tumbling in front of Mr.Fuji.Ella was laughing so hard in her head and that brought her clear joy.​
Angel Black
Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism

Angel hears the first bookcase falling, so with record speed she grabs gets up, grabs her bag and drags Maria out of the way "Well I think I know who's behind that" she mumbles, narrowing her eyes, it's official, she's gonna stay away from Zaxen "Where the hell is the teacher, that bloody idiot is ruining the school already" she thinks.
Portia Lovelace
“I’ve never met anyone who actually murdered someone before so this was my only opportunity. I wanted to experience both sides of the spectrum if that’s the best way to put it.” Portia looked up thinking about how she was always surrounded by heroes in her adolescence because of her parents. “I’ve also never met anyone brave enough to commit something like that and still come to a place flooded with heroes and wannabe heroes.” She smiled satisfied with that answer. “What are you really doing here? I mean I don’t see you actively trying to become a hero like the rest of them.”

INTERACTIONS:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Zaxen sighed, “I just want to be normal.” He looked up at her, “I know im not gunna be a hero but at least I’ll have a good rep and my dad will leave me alone.” There was a twang of anger in his voice when he mentioned his father. He furrowed his brows, “why on earth would you want to even ask? Isn’t it like, a rule not to talk to villains?” He closed his eyes, “Wouldn’t want to damage you reputation by talking to scum like me.”

||location: Library||
||talking to: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ||
||Mood: forelorn, frustration||
Maria Mallette

Flame Demon Flame Demon

1548797454333.pngWhen Maria took the seat next to Angel, the last thing she expected was that the bookcases they were leaning on would collapse. Not paying attention, Maria didn't hear the clear warning that they were about to be crushed, luckily for her Angel dragged her out just in time. "Thank you," she spoke with a shaking voice, still in shock of what just happened. "I think I know too," saying that, she focused in on the different sound waves in the room and singled out Zaxen's voice, "His this way," she said heading off towards Zaxen and Portia
Angel Black
Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism

Angel grabs Maria's wrist "Don't, it's gonna be more trouble then needed if you talk to him now" she says "Now I need another spot to read quietly" she mumbles. She looks at Maria and asks "What are you gonna do after we finish?", most probably already know, but she wasn't so sure, people were afraid of her and her powers, in her hometown only the neighbors weren't scared, besides her own family of course.
Portia Lovelace
“I guess? That didn’t really stop my dad from converting my mom from a villain to a hero and he never actively told me not to talk to villains. I don’t care too much about reputation and all that anyway. Just people I become close with.” She blinked a few times thinking about what she had said. If she recalled correctly her father would always tell her to try to avoid villains. “Besides you seem less like a villain and more like a lost soul trying to find out where to go. People with destructive powers are just labeled that way.” Portia said in reference to her own.

INTERACTIONS:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Sven Vetter (Mr. Fuji's class)
Sven looked at where his notebook should've been and saw that it was gone... Hook, line and sinker. He thought as he got the biggest sh*t-eating grin on his face as he could, he pulled a single note out of his pocket and held it up, revealing it's content to Ella. "I applaud your contribution to my hypothesis, thank you, teleporter Ella." Sven's grin faded as he crumbled the note and returned it to his pocket. I am a genius his arrogant side emerging a bit in his head, Sven gave himself a mental pat on his back and decided after class he was gonna get some coffee before heading to his part time work.
(Interacted with: Ella Ross Ungifted ;-; Ungifted ;-; )​
Tobin Woodmire (Mr. Fuji's class)
Tobin, (although being guilty of falling asleep the moment he sat down at his desk) was definitely awake to hear his fellow classmates introductions, thanks to the teacher’s double clap at the beginning of class having woken him up. Learning about the other kids was exciting but it seemed to be taking forever for his name to be called. He fought back boredom by fidgeting with a pen and watching people walk by through the window. One of the times he had decided to look up around the room, he noticed a pencil teleport right in front of the teacher, and he stifled a giggle. He knew it would probably be a fun class if kids were already using their powers to mess with the teacher on the first day.

~Ella Ross~
Ella could notice that she amused someone a little."See it wasn't that bad,don't regret it"Ella started to feel a little proud of her decision.So when Sven sat down and said those words that pissed her off all over again.Ella looked at Sven and his grin."Damn you"all Ella wanted to do was send him somewhere far,far away.But all she actually did was shoot Sven a mean glance and quickly turned her head.

Mentions~ Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian and omninova omninova
Interactions~ Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
Mr Fuji class.

She was taken back at the question, was she actually interested in me? She looked at the corner of her desk,try to find a good way to explain it. “On me...all of me. I’m trying to extherthize my brain, but it’th pretty difficult to keep all of me on the thame page.” It was really hard to explain. She new what everyone clone was doing,saying, and thinking all at the same time. As well as having her own separate thoughts. It was a remarkable capability, but it had its down falls.

While staring at Lisa, she notices each clone is doing something different. She figures that it takes quite a bit of power to make clones do separate task. She wonders, but puts it aside for later to think about.
"Anyway, my name is Ashley."
She says with perfect grammar but in a small voice.
"I am guessing your power is cloning?"
Mr. Fuji
"Thank you, Sven." The instructor said as he stared straight at Ella and watched her teleport Sven's supplies. "Ella Ross. You're up next. Also, before you introduce yourself, please return Sven's notebook and pencil. Note of advice, pay attention." Looking down at his files he had already flipped through them to find Ella Ross. The little stunt she pulled wasn't even remotely funny and Mr. Fuji hoped she wasn't gonna try to be class clown.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Pumpkid Pumpkid
omninova omninova
Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
SimeaseKitten SimeaseKitten
John got out of the way of the book case easily due to him being not very near it. “You've gone to far.”

John tries to find Zaxen when he sees Angel hold Maria back from looking as well. Reluctantly he stops and goes over to them. “Hey Maria, Angel are you guys ok? I’m so sorry I didn’t keep a check on him, I knew I should have.” He says with a hint of regret in his voice.

“Hey Maria I can tell you what we were talking about earlier, if you still want to know.” John asks Maria
(Guys remember to put your name And location at the top to help out SP3CT3R SP3CT3R )

Each student found themselves suddenly entrapped by a golden force field. They were all separat in there own boxed shaped prision which had enough room to stand in. Ms. Abdu was apologizing to the librarian for her students behavior, fourtantly she was able to stop the destruction of the bookshelves blocking the fall with another shield. There were still three bookshelves that had met an unfortunate fate. She walked over to the class letting out a sigh before a soft smile returned on her face.
“Let’s head back to class”. Her voice was chipper despite What had just happened. She released everyone leading them back down the halls. “ It was my fault,” she sang out not looking back at the class as they headed down the hall. “I should not have left you all to yourselves, of course this was going to happen. A library, really Aalia.” She new that the deed was done on purpose, but was treating it like an uncontrollable event. She opens the door of the room watching the students file in giving them all a smile.

Mr Fuji’s class

“ I gueth you can thay that” she turned her attention to Mr. Fuji. “ We thould really be paying attention...” she was a goody two shoes, it was in her nature. As much as she enjoyed the idea of making a friend she couldn’t risk missing any information.
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Chloe - Ms Abdu’s class

Chloe was confused and amazed by the golden shield she found herself in. On one hand, the power was amazing. On the other, why was she stuck in it? It wasn’t like she was the one to knock over the shelves! She gave Ms. Abdu an apologetic smile as she passed her. It wasn’t her fault but she felt grouped in with the others. First, melted handcuffs, now destroyed bookshelves. If their first day was so destructive would the others be worse? Would things eventually settle down? She was lost in her own thoughts as she took her seat at her desk.
Maria Mallette

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Ms. Abdu's Classroom

1548831135035.pngBefore Maria had the chance to respond to either Angel or John, she found herself surrounded in a golden force field. She was grateful that Ms. Abdu was able to save most of the bookshelves, there was so much knowledge in this library, missing out one even the smallest bit would have been heartbreaking for her. When they returned to the classroom, she almost forgot about what Zaxen had done, almost. However, even though he did put her and Angel's life in danger, she decided to look past the whole ordeal because he surely didn't mean to put anyone in danger. "John, you were talking about how you lied about your powers to everybody," she said plainly, answering his statement from before. "I know you didn't trust me earlier, but are you willing to disclose your actual power to me now?"
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