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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

Florian faded between the edges of consciousness. He could hear snippets of conversations which would be useful in learning more about his classmates if he could identify their voices. Right now, all he heard were disembodied voices and, what he could guess, were sneezes. There was even a strange warmth that followed the sneeze. It was comforting, to say the least. The early morning hadn't been very warm, and Florian felt rather chilly despite the sunshine. Would that student mind if he got closer? Florian didn't know the answer and hadn't the drive to find out.

He was finally brought out of his stupor when he heard the melodramatic voice of a teacher. What did she look like? He didn't know. It was so dark. "Oh yeah, my eyes are closed," he thought to himself. After he opened his eyes, he saw another colorful personality, the teacher. Nodding along to her words, he followed the conversation. Apparently, he would have to move soon, so he tried his best to keep his attention on the teacher.
Location: Ms.Abdu's Class
John was glad he made Maria laugh and even more that she left the subject alone. He gives her a smile as he looks back to his teacher.

John is surprised the little girl would use her power openly during class. Creating a shadow arm to move the desk, it was bold but extremely fortunate for John. “Ok a shadow user...” he notes her power.

John tunes his mind reading to the little girl moving the desk. Having learned enough about his teacher.

John sits back and watches as she moves the desk. In a effort to learn anything more about her powers, weakness, strengths anything.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
Angel Black
Ms. Abdu's classroom

Once she thinks the desk is far enough the hand disappears and she looks at the teacher, who she hoped would fall for it, if not then she could always try another time, plus this teacher probably wouldn't mind a prank, besides it wasn't like they had something better to "Wonder where mom wanted to take me after school, she seemed happier then normal when she dropped me off" she thinks, not taking her eyes of the teacher. Of course her mother could be talking about visiting relatives or something, which would be fine, she decides to focus on the teacher again and not let her mind wander "Come on, I want this day to be at least somewhat fun" she thinks.
Portia Lovelace
Portia sat silently observing her classmates who each seemed to do their own thing or give strange looks to the teacher. Zaxen seems unstable as hell.. She thought watching him roll on the floor in the middle of class. She was curious why anyone would want to go to school here and why her father pushed her into doing this. He talked about it as if it was his greatest experience and she's starting to believe those stories were lies. "Best get going with this tour before someone else manages to get hurt..." She said as an exasperated sigh escaped her plump lips.

She looked bored and overall unentertained with the teacher's lack of control over the students. Portia steadily believed that power bred control and commands respect, which Ms. Abdu had yet to perform. She knew of this woman from her credible history as a heroine but nothing more than what she had seen on television. If she was capable of stopping crimes and saving civilians she should be more than qualified to lead a class, you would think. I wonder if people messed with each other would she even care? We'll have to test that out later. She smirked letting her imagination run rampant waiting for when they'd actually leave the class to 'adventure'.
John hearing the little girl think stays in his seat. “Hmmm that’s interesting, not sure what to pin her as. Fun seeker? Mamas girl? Tsundere? Hahaha” He chuckles a bit at that thought. “No apparent weaknesses, she can make it go away at will.” He notes what he saw from the girl.

Seeing Zaxen loose it on the ground caught his attention. He was no doubt a wild card, not reliable for anything but being unpredictable.

His attention gets drawn to the girl named Portia. He could feel a air of confidence around her. When she says they should get on with it before anyone else gets hurt, he waves his healed hand with a line on it at her. Smiling at her, showing her acknowledgment and keeps his mind reading on the little girl to learn more about her. “Yea that’s a good idea, can we mrs. Abdu?” He adds
Angel Black
ms. Abdu's classroom

"Well as long as he doesn't hit his head he isn't injured" Angel mumbles, though her voice is probably drowned out by the laughing, she finally remembers why Zaxen's powers seem familiar, but she's just not sure about something else on the matter, she really hoped to get on with it already, she didn't understand what was so funny anyway, sure there had to be a very good reason why some students would come in handcuffs, she's curious as to why.
Marvin Forrester
Location: Mr. Fuji’s Classroom

Mostly keeping to himself, Marv turned every few moments to glance at each student as they walked into the classroom, trying not to stare at the small tornadoes repeatedly being produced on the desk next to him. Though his eyes went a bit wide as a freezing chill passed through the room and a person with long hair made his entrance, calling off to what Marv could only assume was the student’s friend out in the hallway. He was going to make a cold pun in that moment, but was cut off when a large gust of wind was sent through the room and right into the long haired student... along with who Marv presumed was Mr. Fuji, considering the man’s still easily standing.

Marv stifled, rather unsuccessfully, a small snicker as he looked at the disappointed visage of the nearly blonde student: “Well, that escalated quickly.” He gave a small wave to Lexi, as per the student’s introduction, and turned his attention to Mr. Fuji when the teacher clapped twice. Marv would be lying if he said that the largest wave of relief didn’t just wash over him when Mr. Fuji didn’t mention powers in the introduction, he wasn’t exactly keen on talking about the subject with all the crap it put him through.

Too lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t even see Lisa(s) come into the classroom. Needless to say, when they stood up Marv definitely wouldn’t have been as worried as he was if he never saw the Shining. At least until she said her age, then a look of puzzlement crossed his visage. Either she was very smart, or the classes weren’t separated the way he assumed. He swears the surprises within this school will never end, though that might not always be a bad thing... hopefully.
Bernice Allister
(Location: Mr. Fuji's Class/Mentions: SP3CT3R SP3CT3R / Tagged: None)

Bernice yelps over the sudden gust of wind blowing indoors? How is that even possible when all the windows are closed? As soon as the breeze ceases, she's left with a mess of hair. Not that her bun was not messy to begin with. She pouts blowing a few strands from her face before removing her band to fix her hair. It was easily fixed like one, two, three. Satisfied, the Bruenette's attention diverts to Mr. Fuji whom she has failed to notice enter the room along with new faces. He casually introduces himself then asks the class to do the same as he called out his first perp named, "Lisa Grande". Purple eyes shift over to a young girl wearing some sort of brace around her mouth. This was the first time Bernice had ever seen one in person. It definitely suited a child like her. Aside from her brace and lisp, Bernice found Lisa quite adorable like someone out of a book. She noticed how nervous the girl is and honestly to introducr yourself to the class can indeed be overwhelming. A wave of nerves struck her realizing she might be next on the list. She had to get her story straight, maintain eye contact as well as keeping her jitters in control. Having to check off everything she just listed only made her feel worse. Why would she do this to herself? Always going around in circles with no end.
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She sits in her seat, not minding the gust of wind. She then notices Lisa sitting next to her. Ashley looks over noticing Lisa and how she is able to create clones. She notes this down and looks towards her.
"You look uncomfortable."
Ashley says with a straight face that is slightly concerned after Lisa introduced her self.
Ashley stares at Lisa with her dark red eyes waiting for an answer.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
zaxen was wheezing on the floor. The ginger noticed his peers glaring, "oh come on do I look like the kinda guy who follows the bloody rules?"

Zaxen blinked at John before grabbing his hand and hoisting himself up. He nudged John playfully, "thanks man. I can get a little carried away sometimes." He beamed. 'Leave me alone.' The voices in his head echoed.
Mr. Fuji
"Thank you, Lisa Grandes?" He said, adding an 's' at the end to make it plural. Mr. Fuji was scanning through her files as she introduced herself and read over her power already so he wasn't confused. "Next... Ashley." Mr. Fuji announced without looking up from his files and paperwork.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Ungifted ;-; Ungifted ;-;
Pumpkid Pumpkid
omninova omninova
Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
SimeaseKitten SimeaseKitten

Hearing her name, she shifts her focus to the teacher quickly, then she pushes back her chair and stands up.
"Hello everyone, I am Ashley. I came to this school to do what is right. Oh, I am also 14."
Ashley says all this while staring at the teacher with a blank expression. She sits down then breaks her gaze after a bit.
John doesn’t have Zaxens mind in tuned with his so he doesn’t hear his thoughts. “Hey no problem, it’s been ok we all can go overboard in one way or another sometimes.” He says looking at Zaxen while hoisting him up.

He looks at angel “hey there what’s your name?” He stays where he’s at in case mrs. Abdu announces they are leaving.
Angel Black
ms. Abdu's classroom

"My name's Angel" the girl says quietly, she wondered why no one else is talking right now, so she looks down, doodling in her notebook, she didn't really trust them if she's being honest, she wondered why they haven't had to introduce themselves to the class yet, maybe the teacher forgot that as well.
“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Angel, as you probably know I’m John I hope we can be good friends.” John says to Angel while giving her a smile. John doesn’t approach her remembering what she thought earlier, she likes her space.

“Ok so trust issues and shy. Probably one of the hardest to befriend, possibly one of the hardest to beat also.” He thinks as he walks over and moves the teachers desk back in place.

“That was a good joke” he says looking at Angel. Once it is moved in the correct place he looks at the teacher. “There you go mrs. Abdu.” Then walks back to his seat.

John tunes his mindreading to Portia now.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Dumplingboy Dumplingboy thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
Angel Black
ms. Abdu's classroom

"I don't know what you're talking about" Angel says, still quietly though, she's bored, she looks at the other students, they had all displayed their powers to the rest, probably because they liked showing off, although she didn't know what John's power was yet, so she looks at him for a moment before going back to her drawing, how could he know it's her anyway, he wasn't there when she told Kama what her powers were.
John inwardly laughs “oh man close one almost revealed it.” He thinks to himself.

“Oh sorry then, not that many people here haven’t shown or told there power here besides you and her So I just assumed.” He says to Angel sheepishly.
Angel Black
ms. Abdu's classroom

Angel looks at John and she narrows her eyes "Just stay away from me, I don't trust you and unless I do I don't want you anywhere near me", she should be making friends, not tell people to leave her the hell alone "Charming people, sure, he has no charm whatsoever, the bastard" she think focusing back on her drawing.
John tunes his mind reading to Angel to see if she believes him. He hears her insulting his charm. “Hahahahaha oh man she’s going to be a fun one.” He thinks to himself.

“Ok that’s understandable I will no problem.” He says short and sweet to not annoy her any longer, then doesn’t looks at her at all to honor her request.
The boys in blue had their virtues. In today's world, they had to deal with all manner of superpowered beings and that was saying nothing of the everyman but was the escort really necessary? Ira adjusted his coat and entered the school. He stared blankly ahead at nothing in particular. One wouldn't think he even noticed the pair of officers much less that he'd arrived late. "You alright kid?" the officer questioned. He waved his hand in front of Ira's face and shuddered a little. "You're in Mr.Fuji's class," the officer reminded with a sigh. "There's the door." The man watched as Ira entered. It looked as though introductions were being held. That was good.
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John goes over and sits near Chole “hey I really like your necklace” John says trying to spark a conversation while they wait. John tunes his mind to hers.

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