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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

Aries made it to the library, opening the door she found herself a table at farthest end of the giant room. Sitting herself down, she grabs a book left on the table and began to read it. 'The final Battle' she opened to a marked page and begin her boring inquisition of the story.

Sheik opened the door, making sure that she didn't make a lot of noise, and looked around. Almost no one was in the room. She let out a relieved sigh, 'Peace and quiet'. She walked in, closing the door behind her, quietly, and started scanning the shelves. @SocialDestruction
Aries begin to grow bored quickly of the book she had in her possession, sighing out a pure unnecessary loud sigh, she took the book in her grasps and headed down the isles to find a place for it to return to. Bolting through the isles, she nearly runs into a woman that was much shorter than her, skirting to a stop being hitting her head on she quickly apologizes "My apologizes ma'am! Didn't see you there" she grinned widely at the woman staring at her quietly, almost judging her.

She chuckled, feeling sheepish about that, "Sorry! Bad habit.." She looks at her for a moment before continunig, "I'm Aries! Pleasure to meet you!" She doesn't know weather to stick her hand out, or keep it recoiled, so instead Aries bounces on her heels waiting for a reply.

Sheik looked at Aries and then let out a slight chuckle, revealing a very small smile before returning to her emotionless face. She held out her hand and said, "Sheik." @SocialDestruction
Putting her hand out quickly, she took it in her own, smiling brightly she shook it very quickly. Releasing her hand, she leaned on the shelf, grinning as usual, "So.. what brings you to the library?" she tried her attempt at small talk, mentally scolding herself for the foolish start.

Sheik crossed her arms and held in her small laughter, "Not as many people. It's quiet and peaceful, although I'm not one who enjoys reading." She shrugged and scanned the books one last time. @SocialDestruction
She shrugs, "I mean there's many others things that are much more interesting than these books," she says as she puts away the book in her hand, "Like for an example there's this place with the fantastic view of the place below the school.." She trails off about her many excursions around the school. In reality though, Aries was trying to figure out what person this summoner was.

"Hm..." Sheik sighed, quietly, "I haven't explored this school enough to find this 'place'. Would you mind showing me?" @SocialDestruction
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"Why of course" Aries's grin extended even further, shifting on her heels to wait for Sheik to be ready to leave to explore the rest of the school yard. In all out honesty, Aries only knew of five places so far, not including the one she was in of course, so she knew she'll have to improvise this "tour" of the sorts.

OceanBunny said:
"A day away?" Ilyanna asked looking back up at them. 'It'll give us time to get to know one another.' She thought, smiling. "I'm sure we can find some way to stay entertained. How are we travelling?" leaning forward, she blew lightly on her bowl, causing it to start steaming as he breath heated it.
Roy taps his hand and then says" By magic coach not like in cities i mean these houses can go through any plane and the carriage is bloody comfortable".
Alex followed Nyx through the school trying to take it all in. It was big an wonderous and he was trying to get his bearings. Asger pipped up at the sound of an arena 'HA HA! A battle ground boy! Let us partake in some bloody good sport! Ha ha!'

"Wow this place is biig" Said Alex "How the devil am i gunna be able to find a summoner in all this?" he said more to himself.

"What about your friends Nyx? I'm sure one of them is a summoner"

"I guess....I do have several summoners as friends..." Nyx said softly as she looked around and spotted one of her friends shooting a series of fire balls as it creates a huge bang while smoke come out, making some of the people stop for a minute and stared at the source. The person was laughing maniacally and blocked an incoming attack from their enemy and backfired by summoning their champion. "Yea...That's one of them.."

Alex watched the events unfold in front of him "Well they seem strong..." He was quietly watching the fight unravel in front of him before turning to Nyx again "Care to introduce me?"

"Jackie....She's a pyromaniac..and her champion Amon, The light of the Nile.." Nyx answered and watched Amon defeat the last of his enemies as he stood tall and proud until he jerked forward from his summoner's tackle. Jackie could be seen laughing and congratulating him while he kept a straight face.

"Do you want to meet them?" Nyx asked as she turned to look at Alex..

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Yeah, but the food prices. He whistles in high pitch tone meaning that the prices were high. So who's gone get the snacks for the rode, before we leave, because then food prices are high. He looks at Roy and chuckles, then looks back towards ilyanna. I know he won't be paying for anything that expensive. He used up most of the money of repairs since he wants to go over board during training. @Leo Radomir @OceanBunny
Alex smiled 'Sure i wouldn't mind" He wanted to know exactly how the relationship between a Summoner and there champion was like. He figured if he was going to get one it needed to be someone he trusted.

Nyx nodded and pulled him gently towards the pyromaniac as she turns around and sees her.

Jackie gasped and ran towards her until she tackled her (more like her chest..) and snuggled it while Nyx stood really tense by the younger woman's actions. Meanwhile Amon groaned silently and walked towards them as he tried to pull his summoner from her who kept a strong grip.

"Miss Nyx. A pleasure to meet you...I apologize for my summoner's......behavior.." He looked down at her and said in a very deep voice while trying to pull her off.

"It's.....alright dear Amon...and yes..hello to you to dear Jackie.."
Nyx said and gently patted her head softly before looking at Alex. "Just uh...wait a minute please..." she said in his mind while Jackie continued to snuggle her.

Alex leaned back and smiled "Its all good" He said nodding at Amon while he was still trying to detach Jackie. He sisnt know how to rect to this girl. It was his first time meeting a summoner and Asger put it best 'A little too friendly inst she?'

Once Jackie is pulled away, Amon sighed in slight frustration as he placed her down on the ground. "Well then, Amon..Jackie..I would like you to meet Alex.." Nyx smiled softly. "He's my friend and a new champion...."

"A champion you say??" Jackie looked up in interest as she stared at Alex. "Ohhh~ Hey~" She grinned and reached out her hand "Nice to meet cha!" Jackie snickered while Amon looked down and nodded at Alex.

Alex smiled down at the little girl with the mask. He grabbed her hand and gave it a firm shake. He then looked up at Amon and gave him a nod back.

"That was an interesting fight yuo both where just in..." He said looking at both of them

Roy laughed and says" now lying is bad it was you that went nuts, but that aside I have snacks prepared so clam it oshi"
"Heh, Thanks~" Jackie chirped and made a manly pose. "I bet you saw me beat that big guy with my bare hands!! One Punch!!" She grinned proudly from inside the mask. "She didn't... she just shot the guy with a fireball... three times" Amon deadpanned.

"Or when I exploded the battlefield!!"

"We got charged for it....."

"And when the enemy ran before I even did anything! I've got that cool intimidating aura!!" Jackie did another manly pose as she spoke loudly filled with pride.

"I was behind her all bloody....." Amon corrected and face palmed as Jackie continued to talk about how they fought them while Nyx just chuckled at her.

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