Summer Vacation! [Dreams and Nightmares]


Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The scene opens up to see our group of Exalts sitting in a lounge on a luxury airship bound for a vacation spot in the north. Kentaru, a boisterous Chosen of Mercury, has spent the past several weeks raving about how the resort town of Arden has the best of all attractions for the Exalt looking to blow off some steam. The Maiden of Journeys was quite persuasive, and since he helped to guide most of you in your first days in the High City of Meru, you let him talk you into joining him on his annual ski trip. A stewardess comes into the lounge carrying a tray of assorted drinks and passes them out. As he takes a sip, Kentaru leans forward in his seat, and launches into his excited banter once more.

"Did I mention that the whole island is reserved to cater to the needs of the Exalted? Very exclusive clientelle. Mostly Celestial Exlats, but a few Dragon-Blooded manage to arrange a trip. The Chateau has a wonderful selection of wines from across Creation, and some that can only be found in the Wyld!"
As Alexandria sits trapped with Kentaru she grows more and more irritated with his rantings. Finally she stands up and shouts at him, "Shut up! You've told us this 37 times allready and frankly we are all sick and tired of your bantering!" She then quitely glares at everyone else in their party with the 'isn't anyone else going to take my side, I know you all feel the same fucking way!', kind of look. She sits down grabs the nearest drink and slams it back, lets out a not so ladylike belch and waits for someone to say something. Thinking, that if Kentaru knows whats good for him he'll remain quiet for a while.

Killing Frost looked up from the heavy tome she was perusing, watching as Alexandria tossed back her drink, she glanced across the aisle to where Ghost and Kitty sat, she silently pointed at the No Moon Lunar slamming down her drink, held up all ten fingers, then turned up one hand to show a stack of Jade coins and quirked an eyebrow. Whether either of the thieves took her up on the bet on how many drinks it would take before Alexandria started dancing on tables or offering to take her bra off or other amusing incidents of past experience, or not, the mage would signal for the flight server to bring the entire party another round; that drink Alexandria preferred from the far south, the aromatic smoke Frost preferred, to each their own favorite poisons. It had been a boring flight, just Kentaru jabbering on and on, let Alexandria get enough alcohol in her and she’d liven up the rest of the flight.

And who knew, a tipsy Alexandria might even manage to shut Kentaru up for five minutes running.

Killing Frost sat back, taking a long drag off her pipe, her cobalt eyes glittering with amusement, then growing serious as she turned to the pair she had not sat down near by accident, “I wanted to talk to you two about something for after this fun in the snow trip of Kentaru’s. How familiar are you with tomb traps? According to *this* book, the book I want is in a tomb long abandoned and off the beaten path…â€

Rufus chuckles, and with a laugh says "You are in danger of making this trip too good to live up to, Kentaru. Let us discover some of it on our own. Just relax and enjoy the ride."

He then pulls out his flute, and begins to play soft tune to soothe whatever anger is lurking in the air.
Lor rolls her eyes at Alexsandria's out burstout but says nothing to her. This too shall pass. With a sigh she turns to Killing Frost and says,"what was that about a tomb?"
The music of the flute takes sudden dramatic high note, and Rufus pauses for moment. He doesn't look up, nor address any one person in particular. "All this talk of tomb thievery... in front of a magistrate, sworn to up hold the law.... if I didn't know better, I'd say I might keep the wrong sort of company." The music lingers briefly on that high note, before drifting into a more mellow tune. "Luckily for you all, I'm on vacation... Though you might want to check with I AM first. It might be able to locate a copy of the book you need. Unless its adventure you are looking for..."
Alexandria angrily glares at Frost, grabs another drink and slams it back. After hearing Rufus' lovely flute playing she calms down and appologizes for her outburst. She too tells Kentaru to "please just let us discover how wonderful this vacation spot is for ourselves." "Thank you for the lovely music in which to travel by, Rufus, your playing is quite divine! How long have you played?" "Frost, do you allways have to go looking for trouble everywhere we go?, Can't you just relax and enjoy the surroundings without having to go tomb raiding? We can't take you anywhere! "You know, I would never dream of causing trouble."(she smiles innocently and batts her eyelashes)
Kentaru gets a hurt puppy look as Alexandria yells at him, but has the good mind to stay quiet until she calms down. He lets out a heavy sigh, then pulls out his pipe. "Please pardon my excitement. I look forward to my time off from my duties advising the Deliberative; it happens so rarely." He glances at his timepiece. "Well, we still have several hours of flight before we get to our destination. Plenty of time for Frost to tell us some more tales about whatever book she's interested in."
Killing Frost

Frost sniffed, “One, dear companions, I wasn’t making a general comment to the group but just asking our resident liberators of property if they had any skill with tomb traps, as my own is somewhat lacking.†Her gloved hand summoned the airship’s server, this time asking for hot water for tea instead of her aromatic smoke, she also sent Alexandria another drink, willing to take a longer view on scoring a return for the Lunar’s catty comments. “Two, oh musical conscience of us all, I would not be wasting months, and risking dealing with the books owner, if I AM had the tome.†She shrugged her bare shoulders, her scarlet and black gown rustling softly, “I,†she insisted, “do not go looking for trouble. Nor do I need go looking for adventure, since I get all I could ever want of both hanging out with you, my fine companions.†She raised an eyebrow, daring them to deny the group was always finding itself ass deep in alligators on a regular basis.

She shook out some pale leaves into the steaming water, returning the pouch to its hiding place in her cleavage, While the luminous leaves seeped she lifted a case from its usual place by her feet, removing her an unique violin and bow, “If its music you want,†she said, ignoring Kentaru's hint about the book as out of habit she touched the pegs to check for tuning, even though the Blood Violin had never once been out of tune, “we should play some tunes from the mountains we are headed for.â€

She drank deeply of her tea, then putting bow to strings she played a song of wind dancing in the pines, whipping a plume of snow from a ridge of a mountain, swooping, skipping, whirling wind, her eyes open, her lips curving into a smile as a second serving girl faded into her vision, and her vision alone. Perhaps in the next few hours before landfall she might have the privacy to ask the ghost how she came to be here, perhaps she might even be able to help her, or at least offer her the dregs of her Ghost Flower Tea to the spirit, it cost her nothing and someday in the future this ghost might know something Frost needed.

However, in the meantime, until she had a private moment, White Snow on Green Bamboo, more commonly known as Killing Frost, played on, lost in the music and the hidden world now opened to her…

OOC: argh you snuck in a question about the book and I already had post done lol remember to ask again later and we'll see how it goes lol

OH and someone needs to kick Gomez and Rustygirl's butts and get them to post...
As the next drink arrives, Alexandria tells the server no thank you and orders a non alcoholic beverage (of some sort). "Thank you for your attempt to enebriate me, Frost, but today is not the day for this. I would like to arrive at the destination with all my clothes on." She then flings her waist length blonde hair behind her and begins to pin it up off her neck, so she can maybe catch a wink or two on the way, or at least just relax.
"Oh, Alexandria, you don't need any help getting drunk," Frost answered shaking her head. She carefully wiped the blood from the violin bow and strings, the Blood Violin was named for the fact the strings bled and why, was one of the things the mage was investigating.

She started to make her way casually to the back of the cabin, hoping to get a few moments alone with the ghost, she had only recently started seeing them, awake as well as in her dreams, thanks to the tea she'd found, even if the cost of the leaves had been dear.
"I've practiced since I was a child - the musical arts are a passion of mine. The music helps me think..." He plays a soft tune, trying to create a relaxing atmosphere and help pass the time.
Kentaru reaches inside the pockets and pulls out a small lute and offers his playing to join Rufus in filling the cabin with light music with a smile on his face.

In the forward observation room, Frost takes a closer look at the spectre that she saw earlier. It is the ghost of a young woman in her late teen years wearing what appears to be a servants dress of some quality that is a bit out of date, suggesting that she died many years ago. When she discovers that she's been noticed, she drops down into a deep curtsey with her eyes to the deck and murmurs in a quiet voice, "Forgive me, m'lady, I did not mean to disturb you."
Ghost sat back and listened to the rant about how wonderful the island was. It sounded quite profitable if one could manage to escape with the riches there. He nodded at Kitty and winked. This sounded just up their alley. In such a place there were bound to be items that were accidently misplaced and who knows where they might turn up.

He sipped his drink, it was one that appeared to be alchoholic but had little to no alchohol in it. One did not survive by being a drunkard. He looked at the others sitting around and sneered. Bunch of layabout drunks.
For those that are interested, post Per + Awareness please
Sherwood said:
Kentaru reaches inside the pockets and pulls out a small lute and offers his playing to join Rufus in filling the cabin with light music with a smile on his face.
In the forward observation room, Frost takes a closer look at the spectre that she saw earlier. It is the ghost of a young woman in her late teen years wearing what appears to be a servants dress of some quality that is a bit out of date, suggesting that she died many years ago. When she discovers that she's been noticed, she drops down into a deep curtsey with her eyes to the deck and murmurs in a quiet voice, "Forgive me, m'lady, I did not mean to disturb you."

Killing Frost winced, the music sounded okay, and to those less musically inclined perhaps more than good, but sounding good didn't mean the song was necessarily right. She would have to talk to him, if he was trying the song she believed, he needed to check his song book again, perhaps she could offer to play a song or two with him, perhaps he was creating his own song, if so then it was a different matter altogether, other than she kept wanting to go change his fingering to the song she was familiar with. They came from so many places, a single song could have as many versions as there were compass points, as countries, even villages.

She sat near the ghost, the violin case on her knees, her teacup carefully placed on the small table near her, "You did not disturb me, girl," she said, unconsciously her fingers tapped out the alternative fingering on the case while she talked, "I was the one who intruded drinking my tea. If you would be so kind as to tell me a bit about yourself, how you wound up on this airship, I'd happily offer you the remaining tea. Have you heard of Ghost Flower tea, girl? Just as it makes you visible to me, if you consume enough of it you will become visible to the living." Frost did not tell her how expensive it was, how she would only get more tea from Frost if she had information of use to the scholar-adventuress. "If you have no desire to be seen by some loved one, somone hated," she waved her hand in a 'whatever' gesture, "Then tell me why you linger, what do you need, perhaps I can help you."

Sherwood said:
For those that are interested, post Per + Awareness please

Per 3 + Awareness 0

did you want dice rolls? is there a dice roller on the forum? hmm did a search on forum and didn't show one on here, but used one site reccomended:

3 dices: 2 successes

Enjoying the music, as mindless as it was, Rufus looked up and around the lounge to take the sights...


Results for 8 dice: 5 successes (TN: 7)

I personally use a site called konkret. Any of the web dicebots would do, of course.
Gomezyaddams666 said:
7 Dice ...I got 4 Successes so I see the huge missle flying toward us.
<No missile - just the Kukla>
In the forward lounge, Frost and the young ghost continue their conversation.

"My name is Kala, m'lady, and I have been trapped in this ship for many years, bound by my oaths of service to Voice of Thunder, Chosen of Luna. I was not fast enough in bringing him his evening meal and he showed his displeasure by removing my head. I cannot leave until another celestial Exalt of his Essence or higher releases me. Until that day I try to make myself as useful as I can, given my limitations." When you mention the tea, she shakes her head. "No, m'lady, I have never been able to afford such luxury, since this," she gesgures at her dress, "is all that I now posess, and none have ever thought to offer such things to a mere serving girl."

Just as Frost is about to reply, she, and the others that passed their Perception rolls, feel a sudden dark chill that bites deep into your soul of a sudden rush of Essence that is now alien to Creation; a wave of power reminicient of the Primordials and their followers. The feeling comes from somewhere in the distance in front of the airship. Looking out the windows, you can see that you are still traveling over the ocean before reaching your island destination.
Kentaru also pauses his playing, looking up in confusion. "Hmmm, yes. That feels... quite odd. Almost like..." He taps his chin as he thinks.

Before he has a chance to finish his thought, the airship lurches suddenly to the left with a loud bang and a flash of light outside the window. Even from your position in the aft lounge of the aircraft you can hear the startled swearing of the flight crew as the ship begins to weave violently back and forth in the sky.

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