Summer Vacation! [Dreams and Nightmares]

In short order, the various Exalts in the area have converged upon the egg that Kitty and Ghost found. It is obvious to all that this is not something native to Creation, but instead, has some dark infernal presence that chills the soul. It seems likely that mortals would be forced to flee from its fearful aura.

Kentaru looks concerned as he examines the find. "I've not had such a creepy feeling since I was a young boy telling ghost stories around the campfire." As he speaks, his anima banner begins to glow as he activates various Charms. "Lets not waste time; this thing needs to be destroyed as soon as possible."

As he takes a purposeful step foreward, a brilliant blast of Essence scorches the earth from high up in the air. Looking up, you see a dark grey Warstrider of unusual design.


With a powerfuly ampilfied voice, the pilot calls out, "You will leave the egg alone! No one is allowed to interfere with the Master's work."

A deep cracking noise from the egg tells you that a bouncing baby Godzillia is about to join the party. In a quiet voice, Kentaru asks, "Frost, do you think that you can take out the flier while we work on the monster? That thing cannot be allowed to run free, but I think we're goinig to get trouble from that flying asshole."
More cracks form on the surface of the egg as it wobbles back and forth wildly. With a sudden flash of green light the shell blows away, revealing a horrific sight.

I forgot to say post your Join Battle rolls, please.

Awareness + Wits
Sherwood said:
I forgot to say post your Join Battle rolls, please.
Awareness + Wits
Ghost: 6 dice only 1 success Sigh... he was picking his nose or something..

Kittie: 7 dice only 1 success she was helping him... ROFLMAO
Kittie looked at the monster crawling out of the egg and yelled, "Eeep!!" and turned into a dragon fly and flitted away to some large boulders. She sampled the air trying to get some sort of scent of what the critter was. Ghost did a double take and said, "Holy crap, that is one ugly dude." He kicked in his defensive charms and dove for cover. He was not a stand up, toe to toe fighter and knew better than stand there and slug it out. He saw Kittie fly up as high as she could as a dragon fly and then change to a Hawk clutching something in her claws. She swooped down scattering 8 Scream Devil powder on the monster.

Ghost invoked his Cascade of Cutting Terror and threw his daggers as fast as he could. Dex plus thrown 10 Dice 7 successes...
Hold on those posts until I have everyone's Join Battle rolls and the tick chart up, please. Especially with your low rolls, you may wish to change your posts as others with more successes act.

So far, here is our list:

0 - Alexandria

1 -

2 - Kentaru

3 - Enemy Warstrider

4 -

5 - Kitty, Ghost

6 - Monster

I'm just waiting on Coppersmom and Edge to be added in.

6 dices: 4 successes

thanks to the new awareness dots

Oh and can Killing Frost recognize any of the weapons or other info, like Warstrider rating (E.G. I'm in a common), its flight suite (I beleive there are three), etc, that is if its close enough to current warstriders, heck or guessing with magitech craft even (let me know any rolls I need to make for Frost).

Also, barring essence/magical detections, can people who don't see it cast tell that her warstrider is spell casting?

Sherwood said:
Hold on those posts until I have everyone's Join Battle rolls and the tick chart up, please. Especially with your low rolls, you may wish to change your posts as others with more successes act.
So far, here is our list:

0 - Alexandria

1 -

2 - Kentaru

3 - Enemy Warstrider

4 -

5 - Kitty, Ghost

6 - Monster

I'm just waiting on Coppersmom and Edge to be added in.
So "join battle" is initiative?

Oh and can Killing Frost recognize any of the weapons or other info, like Warstrider rating (E.G. I'm in a common), its flight suite (I beleive there are three), etc, that is if its close enough to current warstriders, heck or guessing with magitech craft even (let me know any rolls I need to make for Frost).

Also, barring essence/magical detections, can people who don't see it cast tell that her warstrider is spell casting?

The opposing 'Strider does not match any of the standard designs that you are familiar with, but you can see that it is made from a blend of different kinds of jade and steel. It has a large Essence Cannon mounted on the shoulder, and it is also carrying a jade weapon that is either a sword with a long handle or a spear with a long tip.

Looking at your armor, a observer would only note that it is crafted of nearly all out of your Magical Material, not necessarily that it is made by a spell.
Gomezyaddams666 said:
Sherwood said:
So far, here is our list:

0 - Alexandria

1 - Frost

2 - Kentaru

3 - Enemy Warstrider

4 -

5 - Kitty, Ghost

6 - Monster

I'm just waiting on Coppersmom to be added in.
So "join battle" is initiative?
Looking up at the large creature with a mix of horror and disgust, Alexandria pauses for a moment. Knowing that Frost should be able to handle the other flying Warstrider, she turns her focus to the twisted thing before her. With a loud voice, she yells at it, "You sonofabitch! You ruined my vacation!"

With a flare of Essence, she turns her mind to the paths of power that flow through her as a Child of Luna. Patterns begin to form as she begins to Shape a spell.

0 - [Alexandria - beginning Shape Sorcery]

1 - Frost

2 - Kentaru

3 - Enemy Warstrider

4 -

5 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria finishing her Shape Sorcery

6 - Monster

Now, Frost is next up.
Sherwood said:
Gomezyaddams666 said:
Sherwood said:
So far, here is our list:

0 - Alexandria

1 - Frost

2 - Kentaru

3 - Enemy Warstrider

4 -

5 - Kitty, Ghost

6 - Monster

I'm just waiting on Coppersmom to be added in.
So "join battle" is initiative?
Ok so those are the actions we are going to take when our turn then... So are starting to make the moves and are committed to doing the actions described...
0 - [Alexandria - beginning Shape Sorcery]

1 - Frost, Lor

2 - Kentaru

3 - Enemy Warstrider

4 -

5 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria finishing her Shape Sorcery

6 - Monster

Now that coppersmom has posted, both Edge and her are up for their action.
Lor yells to kentaru, ghost and Kitty"Behind me !" as she whips out her bow and solar arrows. aiming for the head she rapidly fires and arrow, shooting toward the monster's eye.


8 motes for solar arrows plus 3 motes for keen sight techinque

dexterity/archery--10 dice---6 successes
Lor lets fly with an arrow, but she didn't expect such a large creature to move so rapidly. Her arrow does strike the beast and its wound lets out a spray of blood, but the monster does not seem overly concerned yet.


Since you are using a Orichalcum powerbow, you get bonuses to Accuracy and damage. Its stats are: Speed 6, Accuracy +2 dice, Damage +4L, Rate 3, Range 400 yards. I'll add the bonus dice in for ya.

0 - [Alexandria - beginning Shape Sorcery]

1 - Frost, [Lor]

2 - Kentaru

3 - Enemy Warstrider

4 -

5 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria finishing her Shape Sorcery

6 - Monster

7 - Lor
Killing Frost kicks off from the ground, the Warstrider responding to her wishes instantly as with a scream its jets carry her up toward the foe overhead. Frost blasts by trying to keep just out of the long reach of the Grey Warstrider's odd weapon, her own fire lance slashing out at the enemy with all the the powerful strength of her common warstrider backing it. Frost moves above and off to one side of the other Warstrider so she doesn't risk glancing shots going into the mass of her companions below. She puts the Sun to her back adding its golden halo to the Orichalcum armor and iconic snow owl screeching its challenge to the opponet below them, now forced to either turn its back on her, or on her companions as they attack the Grey Warstrider's charge. She searches for what damage the Fire lance might have ready to strike again, if it did, or if she should attempt to close and use the Warstrider's Daiklave if it the fire lance didn't have effect.

fire lance fan speed 4, acc +3, dam 12L (distance) but she is using as HTH this action so: Str (12) + 16L (melee), rate 1, compatible with melee charms but not archery ones (would '1st melee excellency - essence overwhelming' help?)

also remember I have a dancing flame watching over me. Virtuous Guardian of Flame Flaming sword for HTH or Flaming Shield to block ranged. Either way it gives Parry DV or (Wits+OCC+ESS/2= (11/2 round up or down?) which is in addition to protected person's normal DV, I don't understand the DV bit and there is something about choosing the DV and how it is used that round)

not sure how warstrider combat works, do I take damage when the 'strider does? if so Frost also has ox body tech...)
Frost's blade flys out, nearly faster than the eye can follow as it tries to bite deep into the skin and bone of her foe. Just before the blade hits, however, rainbow bands of Essence wrap themselves around the haft of the spear, pulling the weapon around just in time to block the attack.

Down on the ground, Kentaru leaps to the attack of the monster that is struggling to free itself from the last bits of its egg. The young Sidereal is nearly eclipsed by the cobra-shaped flare of his anima banner, his hands taking the place of the fangs as he strikes. His mighty impact causes the monster to shift it's feet to avoid being knocked back, but seems to do little else.


First, Frost gets a two die stunt to go with that attack; sadly, that was not enough to get through a perfect defense. But, you do get to take your pick from two Willpower or four Essence motes recovered by it.

0 - [Alexandria - beginning Shape Sorcery]

1 - [Frost], [Lor]

2 - [Kentaru]

3 - Enemy Warstrider

4 -

5 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria finishing her Shape Sorcery, Frost

6 - Monster

7 - Lor, Kentaru
The sudden attack made by Frost has gotten the attention of the other Warstrider pilot. Spreading its wings wide, its jets scream for altitude and speed. Calling out once more, the pilot says, "You fools! You know nothing of what it is you face!" Flipping over until it is nearly up-side-down, it turns the power of its Essence Cannon upon the Solar. A sudden rush of flame envelops Frost as she maneuvers around, and for a moment, those on the ground think she must have sustained a fatal blow. When the flame clears, onlookers are surprised to see that her armor is still undamaged, but the flame is now dancing around her form, seeming to laugh at how easy the attack was to block.


3 - [Enemy Warstrider]

4 -

5 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria finishing her Shape Sorcery, Frost

6 - Monster

7 - Lor, Kentaru

8 - Enemy Strider
Gomezyaddams666 said:
Kittie looked at the monster crawling out of the egg and yelled, "Eeep!!" and turned into a dragon fly and flitted away to some large boulders. She sampled the air trying to get some sort of scent of what the critter was. Ghost did a double take and said, "Holy crap, that is one ugly dude." He kicked in his defensive charms and dove for cover. He was not a stand up, toe to toe fighter and knew better than stand there and slug it out. He saw Kittie fly up as high as she could as a dragon fly and then change to a Hawk clutching something in her claws. She swooped down scattering 8 Scream Devil powder on the monster.
Ghost invoked his Cascade of Cutting Terror and threw his daggers as fast as he could. Dex plus thrown 10 Dice 7 successes...
3 - [Enemy Warstrider]

4 -

5 - [Kitty], [Ghost], Alexandria finishing her Shape Sorcery, Frost

6 - Monster

7 - Lor, Kentaru

8 - Enemy Strider

9 -

10 - Kitty, Ghost
Alexandria's Essence whirls around her as she makes the Sign of the Hooded Headsman. Her Essence then congeals into a barbed chain two feet long, and she hurls the glowing weapon at the demon. Instead of wraping around the creature's neck, it manages to put a claw up in its path, and the chain fastens around its arm instead. The chain spins and tightens, causing a spray of black ooze to spurt out from the severed piece of its claw, causing a loud roar of pain from the beast.

3 - [Enemy Warstrider]

4 -

5 - [Kitty], [Ghost], [Alexandria finishing her Shape Sorcery], Frost

6 - Monster

7 - Lor, Kentaru

8 - Enemy Strider

9 -

10 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria

Thoughts racing Killing Frost considered her next action, she continues to climb and move away from both the new born horror below and the ravished city behind them, better to keep them away if possible, especially since she was going to have to keep hitting the Grey Warstrider, to give him no break, wear him and his Essence down until he had no choice but to drop his defense and let her attacks through.

With Virtuous Guardian Flame as well as her own Warstrider's armor she felt fairly safe from the other’s attacks, and there was always the Leaping Dodge Method if he did, all in all Frost wasn't overly worried. Frost was using up her own Essence in twos for the Fire Lance melee attack, ones or twos if she had to use her Dodge Excellency or charms, no reason to use the Melee Excellency while her opponent had his Essence defense in effect.

The thoughts took an instant, even for one like herself, whose preference was a magical tome and a cup of Ghost Flower tea, had combat drilled into her, much of what for another would have been moments wasted while they worked it all out was known to her, understood on an instinctive level so actual time was small.

And now was time to jerk her foe's chain.

"You are
almost amusing," she laughed, "'You know nothing of what it is you face'?" she mocked, "Did you think it was chance that *we* of all people were on that ship, that someone was *Ready* in a Warstrider? We know *exactly* what we are dealing with, can’t you hear your charge whimpering in pain? You are useless and your precious ugly *baby* is going to die slow and painfully for *your* lack.â€

Killing Frost held her breath, if her foe fell for it, looked back to the crying horror on the ground, then she went into a steep dive, flipping around to partially brake, the rest taken up when the Grey Warstrider’s defense brought his weapon around again. Frost slid the shaft of the Fire Lance along her opponent’s shaft, attempting to drive the Essence charged tip along the Grey Warstrider armor. She wasn’t too concerned about failing, it being more important that she simply continuously drive at him, keeping him from dropping his defense, burning through his Essence as fast as the foolishly allowed. “You are going to die, a fool who challenged Lawgivers, but not before I have a lot of fun finding out what *lie* you were told to bring you out on this fool’s quest.â€

She is trying to use manipulation + performance to act as if she knows what’s going on, and possibly get some actual clues from him, or even if he just gets enraged and acts without thinking things through (if I need some other roll let me know, I also did it twice not sure if one time counts for all or just for one section)

4+3= 7 … 7 dices: 4 successes

7 dices: 3 successes

IF he doesn’t look away she’ll still attack, she’s just trying to mess with his head lol and possibly get surprise on him just for the heck of it since perfect defense would still handle it, lol)

And of course the attack-

(not sure exactly the effect of bonus and such so I’ll leave it up to you, lol perhaps a quick primer in the OOC thread
:P )

fire lance fan speed 4, acc +3,Damage she is using as HTH this action so: Str (12) + 16L (melee), dam 12L (distance) rate 1, compatible with melee charms but not archery ones (would '1st melee excellency - Essence overwhelming' help?)

Virtuous Guardian of Flame Flaming sword for HTH or Flaming Shield to block ranged. Either way it gives Parry DV or (Wits+OCC+ESS/2= (11/2 round up or down?) which is in addition to protected person's normal DV, I don't understand the DV bit and there is something about choosing the DV and how it is used that round)

The carefully chosen words from Frost seem to have found some sort of chink in her opponent's armor. The 'Strider lets out a screach of rage at the taunts the Solar directs at him. It turns towards Frost with its claws spread wide, as if it were to choke the very life from her, seeming oblivious to the danger of Frost's weapons driving at it, cutting deep into it with a spray of dark fluid.


By using an Excellency, you can at most double your Attribute + Ability for a to-hit roll. The only downside for you to use a Charm is that it would be a Speed 5 action, putting your next action at tick 10 instead of 9.

And you get another two dice bonus to get 4 Essence back.

3 - [Enemy Warstrider]

4 -

5 - [Kitty], [Ghost], [Alexandria finishing her Shape Sorcery], [Frost]

6 - Monster

7 - Lor, Kentaru

8 - Enemy Strider

9 - Frost

10 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria
The twisted monster lets out a ear-shattering roar as the pain from the attacks of the Exalted are pounded home. It takes a deep breath, then lets forth with a gout of green fire that it sprays across the tiny warriors in front of it. Since she took to the air, Kitty is well clear of the flaming attack, but the rest of the group on the ground are in its blast.

Alexandira taps into the fluid, ever-changing nature of Luna, and for a moment her body seems to turn into Moonsilver as she twists herself out of the way of the flames. Kentaru is not as lucky, as he tries to leap to safety he gets caught in the tail-end of the flame and cries out in pain.


Alexandria uses her Charm of Flowing Body Evasion, and Kentaru gets a bit crispy, leaving Ghost and Lor still in the blast. The two characters both have the Charm of Seven Shadow Evasion as a Perfect Defense (costs 3motes) if you wish to invoke it. If not, you'll both be taking some damage.

5 - [Kitty], [Ghost], [Alexandria finishing her Shape Sorcery], [Frost]

6 - [Monster]

7 - Lor, Kentaru

8 - Enemy Strider

9 - Frost

10 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria

11 - Monster
Lor invokes the seven shadow evasion charm as she attempts to leap aside to avoid the monster's flame. Thenshe rapidly fits a solar arrow into her bow, again using her keen sight in an attempt to drive the arrow through the monster's eye into his brain.


3 motes for the keen sight--3 motes for th seven shadow

12 dice to hit--7 successes

4 successes on damage

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