Summer Vacation! [Dreams and Nightmares]

Lor leaps into the air, with the flames kissing the bottoms of her shoes as she twists through the air and fires another Essence arrow from her Powerbow. The twisted monster cries out in pain as the arrow burns deep into the scaly hide.

Racing forward through the flames, Kentaru sends a flow of Essence through his body; as you watch, muscles across his body flex and grow. With a blur of speed, his hands and feet lash out and rip into the body of the creature, causing more blood to flow and spray about, causing the ground to bubble and smoke just from its alien touch.


Just a reminder to coppersmom, you have a Charm called Trance of Unhesitating Speed that is an Extra Action Charm. You can buy extra shots at a cost of 2 motes each hit, to a maximum of (Essence + 1), and if you add the effects of First Archery Excellency, you can add extra dice to each shot to a maximum of Dex + Archery.

If Ghost is going to dodge the attack, post it before you do your attack or he will take 4L past his defenses.

6 - [Monster]

7 - [Lor], [Kentaru]

8 - Enemy Strider

9 - Frost

10 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria

11 - Monster

12 - Kentaru

13 - Lor
Up in the air, the two Warstriders twist and turn as they trade blows. Nursing a deep wound, the enemy mech pulls back to get some space between it and Frost. Raising the Essence Cannon once more, a spray of colbalt blue beams fire out, arcing and weaving through the air. Frost's Guardian of Flame once again leaps between her and the beams, but it is not able to parry all the shots. One slips past its defense and blasts into the gleaming golden armor, blasting a piece away.


Frost's armor takes the damage, but it is now vulnerable.

7 - [Lor], [Kentaru]

8 - [Enemy Strider]

9 - Frost

10 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria

11 - Monster

12 - Kentaru

13 - Lor, Enemy Strider

Killing Frost hissed to herself, and in an undertone told the Guardian of Flame to take extra care of the vulnerable area, unsure just how responsive the being really was. However, since she could pass the Guardian to another, Frost had always accepted that it had some understanding, and worse case, it didn't understand and nothing changed. "Shall I show mercy and kill you so your shame dies here," she mused aloud to her foe, "or would it be more amusing to let you crawl back and report your failure? Decisions, Descisions," she said, tapping a huge metal finger against the lips of her Warstrider's face. Frost was also circling, as was her opponent, looking for openings, and clawing for height. In mid mock she dived again, but this time she did not move to strike in passing, but rather set her lance and using all the power of her suit's flight unit, drove straight into him, hoping to do the greater damage a charge would give, though she had never attempted to power directly into another flyer before. Frost grinned, a gesture with neither friendliness nor humor, summoning Essence to power her Melee Excellency and using a couple more motes on the lance tip as she started her dive so he had no warning; if she caught him off guard with her change in tactics she might even drive him into the ground.

Manipulation + Performance = 7 dices: 3 successes

And of course the attack-

Melee Excellency: Dex + Melee = 5 additional to hit using motes gained from bonus 4motes previous 2 rounds.

fire lance fan speed 4, acc +3,Damage: Str (12) + 16L (melee), dam 12L (distance) rate 1, compatible with melee charms but not archery ones

When charging: lance type weapons increase to 18L/22L when essence tip charged (which Frost has been doing) I only just noticed the Fire Lance was also listed under melee charts on other page, lol, I had found the text on pg 154 but hadn't noticed about the charging and setting weapon damage of course the attack (pg 160 you might double check I am understanding it right)

if it doesn't count in the air, np, she'll still try to drive the grey warstrider into the ground (assuming we aren't over the others
:P ) clinching if need be.

Ghost had Charm of Seven Shadow Evasion which was among the defensive charms he had started as the monster broke out of the egg (Charm of Seven Shadow Evasion, Easily Overlooked Presence, Returning Weapon Concentration, and Cascade of Cutting Terror)... He was burning through essence fast but knew he was no match so needed to do as much damage as possible first. He dodged the fire as he ducked behind the boulder. He could feel it grow hot but at least it caught the brunt of the fire. He shook his head, out of the frying pan and into the fire, literally.

Kitty had dropped the 8 Scream Devil Powder on the creature and watched the powder fall into the joints between its armor. The powder should start causing intense pain on the creature taking its attention away from those on the ground. She fluttered and dodge the arrows as she flew down near it and changed into her Grizzly Bear form (with Claws of the Silver Moon spending the 3 extra motes) as she dropped on the monsters neck and began raking the face with her claws, and raking the back with her rear feet. Keeping an eye out for any attempt to attack her, she is ready to push off, tuck and roll and change back to one of her small forms.


Not exactly sure what all she needs to roll?? (She is going to use the max motes of whatever she has to do most damage Graceful Crane Stance, Claws of Silver Moon, First Dex Excellency, Hide Toughening essence, ) So taking a guess... Martial Arts + Strength 7 dice 2 = 3 successes, Claws of the Silver Moon: Accuracy +2 + Dex 5 dice + First Dex Excellency max motes +5 (Max Dex) = 7 dice with 7 Successes So 15 dice?? IF so then 8 successes for damage(??)...
Up in the air, the battle between the two Warstriders continues. Once again, Frost is able to penetrate the defenses of her opponent, causing more dark bile to spray out as the pilot cires out.

On the ground, the monster is finally showing signs that it is injured. Its struggles are getting weaker and weaker as the assembled group of Exalts pounds on it. The sudden weight of a grizzly bear sitting on its head drives the beast down to flop face-first into the dirt.

Seeing that the monster is nearing its end, Alexandria calls out, "Kitty! Hold it for just a moment longer!" as she begins casting another spell with a angry gleam in her eyes.

For Kitty's attack, you will use Dex + Martial Arts with the accuracy bonuses from the CotSM, not Str.

9 - [Frost]

10 - [Kitty], [Ghost], [Alexandria - Shaping Sorcery]

11 - Monster

12 - Kentaru

13 - Lor, Enemy Strider

14 - Frost

15 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria - casting spell
The monster struggles under the weight of having a giant bear sitting on its face, clawing and grinding its way through to the soft tissues beneith the bones, but it is in a bad spot with little leverage to work itself free. Even as it tries to escape, the Exalts involved with the battle show no mercy; Kentaru joins Kitty on its back and delivers a series of finger-fang strikes from his Cobra-style Martial Arts training. More blood sprays out to poison the ground; desicration of Gaia's beauty. The creatrue's cries become more palintive, as if it knows that its end is comming soon as Lor and Alexandria both position themselves before it, preparing to deliver a final blow.


I'm just trying to give everyone time to see what's going on.

10 - [Kitty], [Ghost], [Alexandria - Shaping Sorcery]

11 - [Monster]

12 - [Kentaru]

13 - Lor, Enemy Strider

14 - Frost

15 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria - casting spell

16 - Monster - incapacitated

17 - Kentaru
The two Warstriders seem to stay focused on one another, until the cries of discomfort and pain from the monster reach their ears. The sounds of its distress seem to break through the veil of rage that Frost's taunting has thrown up, and now the pilot seems torn between continuing his fight with the Solar before him or going to the defense of the beast as it lay pinned on the ground with a giant bear chewing on its head. Finally a decision is reached. It mutters something along the lines of, "The Master will not be pleased," and it tosses its long blade to the side and it floats up in front of Frost in her armor. It then spreads its wings wide and accelerates away rapidly towards the center of the island, far faster than what Frost can in her current suit. The blade hovers in place for a moment, then starts to dance and weave about in the air, preparing to test your defences against its upcomming attack. Frost does know that her Guardian of Flame should still work to block the attack, unless some special sorcery is involved that lets it bypass the first layer of her defenses.


12 - [Kentaru]

13 - Lor, [Enemy Strider]

14 - Frost

15 - Kitty, Ghost, Alexandria - releasing spell

16 - Monster - incapacitated

17 - Kentaru

18 - Dancing Spear
Using her keen archer's sight Lor searches for the one vulnerable spot that will be the monster's undoing. Finally she spots it . In his clawing of the monster, Kentaru has opened a breech in the monsters chest bearly exposing his lifeforce. Invoking the trance of unhesitating speed, the young solar unleashes a bolt of solar fire from her mighty power bow, targeting the monster's heart.


keen archery sight 3 motes, trance of unhesitating speed 2 motes

14 dice to hit---5 sucesses

damage--13 dice---9 successes
The blazing Solar arrow flies swift and true and finds a chink in the armored hide of the beast. It penetrates deeply, causing the monster to kick and thrash enough to throw off the giant bear sitting on its head. It squirms on the ground for a moment, then finally it goes limp and lifeless.

Off in the distance, you can hear cheering from the few onlookers as they watch the spawn of the creature that destroyed their homes face the righteous wrath of the Exalted. The fight is finally over, even for Frost as the dancing spear falls to the ground while the other Warstrider flies away.


Now you're getting the hang of the over-the-top posting style, coppersmom!

Your bonus dice helped to kill the big bad ugly, and you recover 2 motes of Essence.
Kittie tucked and rolled and changed to her human form as she did it. Landing on her feet, she dusted herself off and strode jauntily over to the body of the monster and kicked it as hard as she could in the head, "And let that be a lesson to ya, mess with the Cat you get yer butt kicked!" She turned to see what the results of the carnage was, not having time to see what was going on during the fight.

Ghost came up and high-fived Kittie, "Too bad you took it down, I was just getting ready to knock the pins out from under it." Turning to the rest of the group, Ghost said, "We would like to thank you all for your modest attempts at helping Kittie and I thump this monster." He smiled and winked and then bowed, and arm in arm with Kittie went over to the crowd of survivors that was gathering and offered to sign autographs.
When the spear dropped Killing Frost darted forward and snatched up the spear, spinning it like a Drum Major with his baton, ending with it over one shoulder as she watched the receeding warstrider. Realizing the grey warstrider was faster than her, at least faster than the flight unit she had chosen to form with the magic spell, Frost instead pushed for as much height as possible, high enough to see the land spread out before her like a map, looking for landmarks, checking the compass direction on her Personal Assistant, and watching the other warstrider until it had completely disappeared into the distance.

If there was time before the hour was up, Killing Frost would fly to the wreckage of the ship, looking for the ghost girl, if she was there and tied to the wreck Frost would try to release the spirit to its rest, and help any other spirits that might lingering, cooks, attendants, all due a life of ease it only they went on to their rest.

After the hour was up, or there was no further need for the warstrider, Frost would let it fade and instead call for her cache egg, retrieving her armor, weapons and gear, all the while muttering about Kentaru's idea of a restful vacation spot. She would re-commit her belongings she had thought were unnecessary, she would wrap and store in the egg a piece of the egg shell and a vial with the 'blood' if possible, as well as a piece of the creature, nothing too big, just something those with more knowledge and experience than herself. She would check out the monster, the egg shell for magic, magitech, anything that looked familar, any clues, while telling those on the ground about the things the pilot had said to her when she tried to draw him out during the fight. His fast escape and the direction he had taken.

Once she can, Frost also looks at the spear, meaning to keep it as a way to thumb her nose at her foe, she would also be looking to see if the 'dancing' was in the nature of the spear or a spell, and of course check to see if the fool had rushed, forgetting, and left a hearthstone, for if he had she would suggest looing for his Manse as a means to find and question the grey warstrider pilot...

Dex + Melee/Martial Arts (?) = 7 dices: 4 successes

(catching the spear)

Int + Occult = 9 dices: 3 successes

or Int + Lore = 7 dices: 5 successes

(concerning monster and eggshells, not sure occult or lore stat is needed)

Int + Occult = 9 dices: 6 successes

(for spear)

The fetid smell of the monsters carcass was too quickly starting to permeate the air as Lor walked around the body examining the corpse. Turning to Kentaru, she said, " Nice bit of acrobatics." Kentaru grinned but said nothing in reply. Lor bent down to examine fragments of the egg that had held the monster. "any idea of what this was, or where it might have come from ?"

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