Summer Vacation! [Dreams and Nightmares]

As the group moves towards the source of the flames, Kentaru tries to fill in as much information as he can. At least he's not raving about how wonderful the mineral pools are.

"The only town on the island is Aldaris. It was built as a vacation resort by a Solar artificer trying to gain favor with Merela, the supposed Queen of the Deliberative. [OOC: She was the leader of the Solars that established the High City of Meru. Later on, she stepped down from her position. This is all info that all of you would be familar with. For more info, read DotFA Lands of Creation pg 11.] The original town was established with hand-picked servants and the best of magitech available. It was later opened up for use by all of the Exalted in Creation some two thousand years ago, give or take a century.

Back when the town was first built, there were still followers of the Primordials hiding in the deep, dark places of Creation, so to protect Merela's privacy and ensure her safety, defensive weapons were placed about the island programmed to attack anything that has resonance of the Primordials. Perhaps when whatever disaster happened here, the defense grid may have gone into overdrive."
Sherwood said:
As the group moves towards the source of the flames, Kentaru tries to fill in as much information as he can. At least he's not raving about how wonderful the mineral pools are.
"The only town on the island is Aldaris. It was built as a vacation resort by a Solar artificer trying to gain favor with Merela, the supposed Queen of the Deliberative. [OOC: She was the leader of the Solars that established the High City of Meru. Later on, she stepped down from her position. This is all info that all of you would be familiar with. For more info, read DotFA Lands of Creation pg 11.] The original town was established with hand-picked servants and the best of magitech available. It was later opened up for use by all of the Exalted in Creation some two thousand years ago, give or take a century.

Back when the town was first built, there were still followers of the Primordials hiding in the deep, dark places of Creation, so to protect Merela's privacy and ensure her safety, defensive weapons were placed about the island programmed to attack anything that has resonance of the Primordials. Perhaps when whatever disaster happened here, the defense grid may have gone into overdrive."
Kittie grimaced, "Yeah yeah, old news, and clear as mud... so what caused this primordial thing? Thought they had been thumped soundly and tossed in the trash heap." She shook her head, "I never did trust all this technology, it will rise up and bite you in the rear when you least expect it." She sighed, "And who was it who said, "Oh no, you won't need any weapons there, it is all peaceful and warm and fuzzy? Well apparently you can take the peaceful and warm and fuzzy and shove 'em where the sun doesn't shine. I wish I had my heavy artillery and armor with me."

Ghost nodded, "Yeah, this doesn't seem to be much of a relaxing vacation, if I wanted to get shot at I could have stayed home."
"You are Exalted, chosen by the Incarna to be their champions in Creation, gifted with powers that let you stand before an entire army with little fear for your life, and you're complaining about getting shot at?" Kentaru rolls his eyes in exasperation. "Good grief, man, but just being an Exalt pretty much ruins any hope of a quiet, normal life, don't you think? It is not your destiny to live in some small pool of quiet; instead, you run through the rapids on the way to surf in a tsunami."
Sherwood said:
"You are Exalted, chosen by the Incarna to be their champions in Creation, gifted with powers that let you stand before an entire army with little fear for your life, and you're complaining about getting shot at?" Kentaru rolls his eyes in exasperation. "Good grief, man, but just being an Exalt pretty much ruins any hope of a quiet, normal life, don't you think? It is not your destiny to live in some small pool of quiet; instead, you run through the rapids on the way to surf in a tsunami."
Ghost and Kittie looked at each other and started laughing, holding their sides almost falling down. When she finally could speak, Kittie muttered "Bullshit! Hey I didn't volunteer for this crap, it volunteered me without my permission." Ghost sighed, "Yeah that's true, the family pressure thing to exalt as a precious legend in their own mind Solar sucks. Hey, I am a lover not a fighter." He smiled broadly at Kentaru and continued to walk along jauntily. "Hey where did those other twits disappear to?"
Rufus would be using the effects of All-Encompassing Sight, just in case there was SOMETHING he could see lingering. He stays back near Kentaru and company, knowing that Frost and Lor could handle any threat, with the warstider and all.

He's trying to see if he can locate where the control center for the turrets.
Luckily the Warstrider mask hid the frown on Killing Frost's face, flying was a lot faster and she couldn't understand why they would prefer to slog through cold, wet snow than fly high above all that. Perhaps they were afraid of the Essence cannons coming to life again, but they hadn't tracked her and other than an occasional glance as she passed the nearest she ignored them; the Virtious Guardian of Flame would come to her defense, it had done so often enough in the past that she normally kept the few motes committed, and depended on it more than perhaps she ought to.

Flying, Lor and Frost saw the city long before the others, not only that but it was far more obvious what had happened, " 'By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes. Open locks, Whoever knocks! How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags! What is't you do?' " Frost softly sang, a dirge-like tune to go with the forebording words she had recalled overhearing on one of her Necromancy class field trips.

"Something nasty made that path of destruction through the city," she told Lor with a shiver, "it reeks of something foul, but not the dead, that is a different feeling. Knocking over buildings in the center of the city wasn't enough damage, it had to throw that foul energy around, causing the fires so busily finishing off the city. There is nothing I know of to save the city, this is beyound firebreaks and healings, even supposing I had the Essence left to make any sort of difference."

They would have a better life next turn, she told herself, and truthfully she wasn't the most compassionate of people, but it would take someone more hardhearted than she to pass the horrid scene by with out swooping in to help while waiting for the others to catch up. She sent people in the direction her companions would be coming from, while she stomped out paths through the flames so trapped people could help each other out. Jumping or flying to rescue those too enclosed by flame or damaged buildings to get out on their own. She'd cast the second hour if necessary, even a third, glad her hearthstones gave her back almost enough each hour to supply the Essence motes for the next extention of the God-forged Champion of War spell.

The golden Orichalcum armor glowed with her Anima Banner, the Warstrider's wings seeming to become part of the Iconic Snowy Owl's wings trailing color behind it as she swiftly swooped from one desperate cry for help to the next.

OOC: Per phone call, sucess on perception roll (guess I'm the only one
:P ) compined with a high view of city. I added the people with out calling to bother the ST, lol I actually have a PC with more than one dot in Compassion; I thought it only fair she did the rescue bit. Hope thats ok, Sherwood.

Copper's Mom, I left it open whether Lor went along with Frost or did something else on her own.

She'd leave when the others decide to do so (She'd tell them what she saw/found out when the rest of the group got there)

Towards the edge of town, Rufus took a moment to focus upon the natural flows of Essence. You can see what once was a beautiful network of lay lines to help focus the ambient power into useful Manses and Demenses is now a chaotic display of broken glass. Some lines of energy are still intact, however, and you can see that the designers of the island tapped into similar principles used in the defense grid on the Blessed Isle. Multiple Manses linked together, sharing power to operate massive defense systems. While old, the system is obviously still working. You do notice a series of Essence flows that converge farther inland; perhaps a control Manse or artifact.

Looking around, the approaching Exalts also start to pick out details in from the flames and rubble. A once beautiful city now broken like a child's toy. A path of shattered buildings and streets can be seen zig-zagging through the area, as if something very large pushed its way from one side of town to the other, with the flames rising up on either side. Shapes can be seen wandering about inside the rubble and flames.

You also notice that the ambient tempurature dropping fairly rapidly. The group is not horribly bothered by it thanks to your various artifacts, but anyone else caught outside without similar protection are in a sad state.
Ghost looked at Kittie and then at Kentaru and said, "Looks like the last party I went to. So boss what's the plan? Looks like there might be a few casualties. Come on Kittie, let's go see if we can help them." Turning to Kentaru, "We will try and help the injured and if necessary, bury the survivors." He grinned and took off running, Kittie following. Reaching the outskirts of the city, they ran from one wreckage of a building to the next, eventually finding what appeared to be a once elegant Manse, that while smoking, was not yet engulfed in flames yet, and began to methodically check it out. Anything of value that was small enough to conceal was "confiscated" and held to prevent some unscrupulous scoundrel from stealing it.

Kittie was not thrilled about getting dirty and sooty and kept up a steady stream of cursing interlaced with "Well this vacation is a bust, let's take what we can get and go home. Who cares about what caused this crap." She rolled a body over and after a quick frisk for valuables, checked to see if there was a pulse. She shrugged and moved to the next body.

Ghost was keeping close to her, so he could make sure nothing attacked her, his weapons ready just in case. He wished he had something to direct him to the good stuff. He glanced at Kittie and said, "Hey cheer up girl, look at the fun we are having." And ducked when she threw a rock at him.
For Ghost and Kitty;

While the city is filled with wonderous artifacts, most of them are either too large to try and fit into a pocket, or completely integrated into other systems to provide basic necessities to the town, such as fresh flowing water using the vegitative technologies developed by the Dragon Kings. Or, street tiles and sidewalks that are charmed to never get dirty, don't get slippery with snow, and repell all forms of weed plant life trying to break in. There are crystal bulbs that light up the city in the evening that all run off a Essence feed from one of the many Manses on the island. Mechanical servants can be seen poking out of the rubble here or there, but they are typically bound to their owners and do not 'sell' well. Inside the houses, the things you find are impressive, but not to the scale you are now acustiomed to as Exalted. Wall sized crystal displays to show off the latest game of interest. Finely crafted childrens toys. A education terminal for I AM, that is strangely dark, for some reason. Basically, the residents of this isle are well paid mortials, with the rare God-Blooded or Dragon-Blooded serving the needs of the Celestial Exlats in their need to unwind from the pressures of the Deliberative. You find some money, but not much, since I AM works well as a money tracking system across Creation.

As our two miscreants are out 'looking' for survivors, the stumble across a horrifying scene. There are people trapped in that burning building, still walking around and crying out for help! "Mommie, it burns...." "I'm soo cold." "Help us, someone!" You can watch them burn as they walk around as if in a daze, hardly aware that they were on fire as they stand. Pieces of flesh turning black and dropping off with a sickly plop where it breaks open and continues to burn, spreaking a trail of black greasy oil that trails fire across the room to make the flames spread farther. To make this worse, you can hear similar cries from dozens possibly hundreds of survivors that continue to suffer for so long after the attack is long over.


If you want to try to resist helping these peole right now in some way to ease their pain, I need a Valor roll from both of you. If you voluntarily decide to help, make a Willpower roll.
Kentaru gathers up a half dozen wounded and directs them to the closest building that still has some roof. It looks like it was some sort of flower market. A few quick shoves and there are now tables for the worst casualties to be laid down on. Over his shoulder, he quicky starts giving orders of getting bandages and splints, clean water, and a fire started, and with a final poke, he tells someone to call for help from that I AM terminal. "Use any code you want, it just doesn't matter anymore." A few more come in, some carrying others unable to walk when a quiet voice in the background makes Kentaru stop cold. "What was that? What did you say?"

"Um, I said that the I AM terminal is broken, I think. It's all dark and quiet."

Ken takes a quick look at the device, trying to hide his growing fears. With a quick smile, he pulls out his bracelet. "Good thing I keep this around, ay?" However, this device is also strangely quiet and dark. None of its features appear to be working.
Sherwood said:
For Ghost and Kitty;
If you want to try to resist helping these people right now in some way to ease their pain, I need a Valor roll from both of you. If you voluntarily decide to help, make a Willpower roll.
Ghost Valor Roll 7 and 9

Kittie Valor roll 10 and 3

Kittie sighed, "Ghost this sucks, these twits have little to nothing to take." She angrily threw a rock threw the I AM screen, watching it shatter. “Well let’s go find the rest of the schmucks and see if we can get off this gods forsaken rock.†Ghost shrugged, “OK, works for me.†He picked up a toy and looked at it and stuffed it in a pocket. He pointed at the burning people, “Looks like these crispy critters are done for, not sure we can save them, even if we tried.â€

They walked through the town, occasionally able to help lift some rubble off someone if they were out in the open or not on fire, but ignoring the burning buildings and those inside. Up ahead they saw the Warstrider breaking buildings open to free those inside. Kittie laughed, “Oh that’s nice, I want one of those, that looks like fun. Can you imagine the loot we could get? Awesome.†She saw a bucket and picked it up and eventually saw a leaking pipe, she filled the bucket and threw it on the next burning person she passed, watching to see if it worked, (I presume it didn‘t since it is a magical fire of some sort). She wrinkled up her nose and tossed the bucket away and walked on with Ghost.

Getting close to where the Warstrider was breaking walls down and stopped at a safe distance, they watched for a little bit, Ghost yelled at Frost, “Hey you come across any way to get off this island?

Killing Frost turns to face the pair, the Warstrider strength holding up a section of stair railing, as the residents of the building helped each other out, "No I have not found a way off the island, I," she stressed the pronoun, "have been busy helping save the citizens of Arden, why don't you two take a look at the trail of damage and see if you can tell where it came from and which direction it went off in." She noticed a woman with a couple children, none with the coats others had grabbed, she was shivering having wrapped the two children tightly in a blanket. "If you can't do that the why don't you see if there is someplace safe to keep the mortals and others warm until help can arrive."

Frost looked around for Lor, she had lost track of the woman during the last little bit, "I'm not sure where Kentaru and Lor went, does someone still have the airship crew in hand? The pilot might have seen something during the attack that can help us figure out what happened." She dropped the railing with a clank dodging the chunks of building that fell down, looking around for the next group of people, "Do either of you know any countermagic? That should help with the flames..."

Lor had jumped of the warstrider after noticing the flower shop still standing. Looking for any survivers she could find, she found a couple of small children huddling in the snow by a smoldering building. "Where's mommy?" the little girl was crying. "I want mommy!"

"there, there," Lor said gently. "You have to be very brave, now. Let's get you and your brother some place warm and I'll try to find your mom." she herded the two toward the flower shop, knowing in her heart that their mother was probably dead.

Finding the flower shop, she proceded to help with the wounded

Killing Frost turns to face the pair, the Warstrider strength holding up a section of stair railing, as the residents of the building helped each other out, "No I have not found a way off the island, I," she stressed the pronoun, "have been busy helping save the citizens of Arden, why don't you two take a look at the trail of damage and see if you can tell where it came from and which direction it went off in." She noticed a woman with a couple children, none with the coats others had grabbed, she was shivering having wrapped the two children tightly in a blanket. "If you can't do that the why don't you see if there is someplace safe to keep the mortals and others warm until help can arrive."

Frost looked around for Lor, she had lost track of the woman during the last little bit, "I'm not sure where Kentaru and Lor went, does someone still have the airship crew in hand? The pilot might have seen something during the attack that can help us figure out what happened." She dropped the railing with a clank dodging the chunks of building that fell down, looking around for the next group of people, "Do either of you know any countermagic? That should help with the flames..."

Ghost looked at Kittie and nodded, ‘Let’s go see if we can find out where whatever it was went…†Looking up at Frost, Ghost said, “Unfortunately neither of us have any magic so when it comes to that we are way out of our comfort zone. Come on Kittie, let’s go.â€

He reached in his bag and handed a doll to one of the children and the toy he had just picked up a bit ago to the other. Pulling out a folded filmy survival blanket that was the size of a small packet, he handed it to the woman. “This will keep you warm.â€

Turning he followed Kittie who had changed into a dog and was sniffing and trotting through the rubble. Moving as quickly as possible without taking chances, they moved on through the carnage following the path of destruction. It was easy to tell which direction whoever caused this went from the pattern of wreckage.
Kentaru walks up to the small group of survivors that Frost has found. "There is a zone where the weather control is still working, keeping the tempurature much more pleasant than it is here." He gives quick directions to the other Exalts so they can direct the walking wounded to a warmer spot where they can rest and have their injuries tended to.


Just to be clear from Ghost and Kitty, are you going to see where the tracks came from, or where they are going?
Sherwood said:
Kentaru walks up to the small group of survivors that Frost has found. "There is a zone where the weather control is still working, keeping the tempurature much more pleasant than it is here." He gives quick directions to the other Exalts so they can direct the walking wounded to a warmer spot where they can rest and have their injuries tended to.

Just to be clear from Ghost and Kitty, are you going to see where the tracks came from, or where they are going?
Where whoever or whatever went.. No use in seeing where it came from since it no longer is there. Need to go see where the critter(s) went so they don't come back and bite us on the rump... Of course they are going to be stealthy and careful so as not to get clobbered so will get as close as they think safe and then go back and report...
As Lor works her way to the gathering point she is carrying a small child and leading one more. The children seem quite shell-shocked from living through this disaster, grunting out answers in one and two word sentences. As Lor turns the corner, the two children light up and cry "MOMMIE!" and a raggedly dressed woman with long blueish white hair jumps up and nearly knocks the whole group over with a flying hug. Lor is locked in the middle of a tearful reunion of much hugs, kissing and sobbing. Finally, the woman looks up at the Dawn Caste and drops to her knees in front of her. "Noble Exalt, I had feared for my family, thinking that I had lost everything. You have given me the greatest gift a mother could ever hope for. In all ways, I am at your disposal, for this is a blood debt that I will never be able to work off. Your name will forever be in the prayers of my family as we offer our benediction to the Unconquered Sun. I cannot thank you enough." She then lowers her head and places it on the ground at your feet, and the children all follow suit, and as one they begin reciting a prayer of thanksgiving.

Elsewhere, Ghost and Kitty follow the trail of destruction through town. It is fairly easy for you to determine that this thing is walking on four legs and is much larger than most of the dinosaurs that you have seen in holographic pictures from your studies with I AM. The path leads you up into the highlands and you stumble across a unexpected sight. A large silvery-green egg, about fifty feet tall, lays somewhat hidden in the rocks . A cold, prickling feeling nearly overwhelms you, as you feel a dark taint of the Malfians, alien Essence in this world now run by the gods and Exalted. Deep in your heart you know that this is a evil presence, and must be destroyed my any means necessary. At this point you don't know what exactly is inside, but you know to the very core of your soul that it must not be allowed to wander free in this world.
Sherwood said:
As Lor works her way to the gathering point she is carrying a small child and leading one more. The children seem quite shell-shocked from living through this disaster, grunting out answers in one and two word sentences. As Lor turns the corner, the two children light up and cry "MOMMIE!" and a raggedly dressed woman with long blueish white hair jumps up and nearly knocks the whole group over with a flying hug. Lor is locked in the middle of a tearful reunion of much hugs, kissing and sobbing. Finally, the woman looks up at the Dawn Caste and drops to her knees in front of her. "Noble Exalt, I had feared for my family, thinking that I had lost everything. You have given me the greatest gift a mother could ever hope for. In all ways, I am at your disposal, for this is a blood debt that I will never be able to work off. Your name will forever be in the prayers of my family as we offer our benediction to the Unconquered Sun. I cannot thank you enough." She then lowers her head and places it on the ground at your feet, and the children all follow suit, and as one they begin reciting a prayer of thanksgiving.
Elsewhere, Ghost and Kitty follow the trail of destruction through town. It is fairly easy for you to determine that this thing is walking on four legs and is much larger than most of the dinosaurs that you have seen in holographic pictures from your studies with I AM. The path leads you up into the highlands and you stumble across a unexpected sight. A large silvery-green egg, about fifty feet tall, lays somewhat hidden in the rocks . A cold, prickling feeling nearly overwhelms you, as you feel a dark taint of the Malfians, alien Essence in this world now run by the gods and Exalted. Deep in your heart you know that this is a evil presence, and must be destroyed my any means necessary. At this point you don't know what exactly is inside, but you know to the very core of your soul that it must not be allowed to wander free in this world.
Ghost slipped up beside Kittie who was laying on the ground behind a rock, he shook his head and said, “Holy crap!†He peeked around the rock again and then whispered to Kittie, “You need to go back and get the others, we need reinforcements, immediately!†He pointed back the way they had come, “Got get Frost and that machine thing she is wearing and also the others. We need to destroy this thing. I will stay here and keep watch.â€

Ghost watched as Kittie shifted into a messenger pigeon and fly off as fast as her wings could flap. He stayed hidden behind the rock and watched the egg intently.

Kittie flew straight back to where Frost was poking holes in buildings and landed on her shoulder, changing into her human form she shouted, â€We found an egg that was tucked away at the end of the path of destruction. Ghost is keeping an eye on it from a distance, we need to go get everyone and make an omelet out of that thing.â€
Before Kitty reaches the others as they work to free the trapped survivors, the city's civil defense system starts to respond. Men and women slowly start digging through the rubble, bringing first aid supplies, or simply bringing water to the first responders. Order begins to replace chaos.

Kentaru and Frost are approached by a Dragon-Blooded in Jade armor with a faint blue glow of his anima banner and the symbol of an Air aspect on his forehead. His once spotless clothes are now covered in dirt as he moves among the people, offering words of suppport and giving direction and aid to the wounded. Once he reaches you, he bows deeply. "Noble Exalted, I thank you for your aid. The sight of Celestials joining in the search for survivors has given the people here some much needed hope. My name is Ridley, and I serve as the mayor of this town. I will do everything in my power to meet your needs and assist you."

Kentaru takes his hand and gives him a firm handshake. "What can you tell us of what happened here?"

Ridley lets out a deep sigh. "Not much, I'm afraid. I was in my offices when the attack happened. The only thing that I saw was a blinding flash of green light. By the time I had recovered my sight, whatever it was had vanished. I was then focused on rallying my people in efforts to fight the fires and find and treat the injured."

Kentaru nods in sympathy. "We were flying in when the defensive weapons on the coast shot our transport down. If we are going to be able to brind in more aid, those cannons must be stopped. Where is the control system for them?"

Ridley points off to the west. "There is a Solar Manse that runs the defense grid and helps to power most of the infrastructure for the island. It has a hand in nearly everything here from waste management to weather contol. With as cold as it is here now, I'm afraid that it was damaged by whatever caused this havoc. I've sent some of my people to check it out, but I've not heard from them yet."

The conversation is then interrupted by Kitty flying in to tell about the egg that Ghost and her found.
Lor started to lead the small family torwards the shelter, when Kitty flew into view. Not even bothering to change her current form, she screeched out her message about the egg. Lor quickly gave instructions to her charges to hurry to the shelter. "Lead the way, Kitty," as she ran after the bird to find Ghost.

Killing Frost had not found much still capable of living, the last few buildings she had been forced for compassion's sake to finish what the attacker's fires had started. She had resorted to a more desperate, and dangerous, ripping walls out, tearing up floors, this cellar was the first occupied by more than mewing burn victims, those she used the fire lace, fanning it through to sent those lingering living dead things to their rewards in the next turn of the wheel. Not all of them did.

She had an encounter earlier that almost made her regret the Ghost Flower Tea, an angry official upset at watching their charges die horribly, Frost's name fit her, she was not one to use her emotions to decide her life's path, yet she had tears on her face under the Warstrider's mask as she gave the only mercy left those too long unaided. Too many people, too large a city and not enough Exalts, even with the half-bloods, some Dragon Blood on leave, and odd and end others, there were too many mortals dying for no good reason anyone had discovered so far. Killing Frost's icy shell was cracking and the emotion boiling underneath was furious and bloodthirsty.

Someone was going to die in blood and pain, lots of both if she had her way.

She listened carefully to Kitty, ponderously nodding the head of the giant magical Warstrider, "They are gathering the wounded, the noncombatants over that way, there is a flower place with partial heat and protection, they are spreading into the buildings around it, some Dragon blood were on leave the injured are out looking," she had heard more and more gun blasts, for a bit, then fewer and fewer as even the dying grew rarer, "those injured are helping with some sort of defense in case the thing comes back." Mostly to keep the mortals busy and not thinking about darkened I AM terminals and the creeping cold and the missing kith and kin. "Lor is there, and Kentaru, I think, why don't you go tell them, I'll go look for Rufus," he might be casing magic and she didn't trust the Lunar to hold back until he was done.

"What have we here," she muttered, moving a burnt body away from the restaurant's walk in freezer. And pulling the entire thing free of the collapsing building.

Inside the lingering cold of the thawing food had kept the child and his monkey-like pet from more than minor burns. "What's your name,†Frost asked, lifting the boy carefully in one giant hand, making sure she kept the Warstrider’s bulk between him and the rumble of what had probably once been the family business. She wasn’t good at guessing ages, and was assuming gender on the basis of clothing the … too old for a child really, but not yet old enough to be a teen yet. Probably he was old enough to help out in the family restaurant after school, but not quite old enough to let go of the pet? Bio-toy? Someone had felt guilty enough to spend good money purchasing for him.

“Jestral,†the animal keened, bio-toy most likely then, intelligent pets were rare and very expensive, beyond the range of a restaurant owner, more the name was technically gender neutral but in reality was not often used for boys.

“You’re a girl,†Frost stated, earning a glare from the tomboy, “hey don’t give me that look, I was just like you as a kid, into boy stuff, not a nurturing bone in my body. You’ll grow up and figure out one day it doesn’t matter, children are too precious, there is always someone to watch them.†She was holding the kid about chest high as she walked, the big machine eating up distance, talking with out really expecting an answer from a kid old enough to know her parent, mother or father, was probably dead, Frost was lost, with no concept how people raised the little monsters that eventually became reasonable adults.

“Jestral watches,†the monkey thing trilled after a bit when the girl refused to reply. Frost stopped the Warstrider in its tracks, turning back toward the restaurant, knowing even as she did so it was too late; she had let the building collapse when she pulled the walk-in out to the street, thinking the thawing food might coming in handy at the refugee camp if the rescue didn’t arrive quickly.

The tomboy stared up at the emotionless war strider face as Frost hurried back the way they‘d just come, tilting her head at the much more emotional voice from within the gleaming metal. Finally Jestral knocked on the armored chest piece to get Frost’s attention, then shook her head.

“No?†Frost said, then, “No one?†at the tomboy’s nod she sighed with relief, some of them stood a chance then, “They left with their parents when the attack started?†she guessed and got another nod. Frost looked around, they had come more than half way back to the restaurant, “I need to find a companion and give him an important message, I’m going to have to take you along, you and your friend-.â€

“Trixie,†Jestral said without thinking, then slapped her hand over her mouth and glared at the Warstrider’s face.

“- and Trixie,†Frost went on without reacting to the possibility the girl was opening up a little, “are going to have to come with me. You ever flown before? I can’t bring you inside the ‘Strider in case I need to fight,†Frost cupped her hand to her chest, the kid safely protected from the wind inside, since she was searching for a human sized target in the chaotic mess of the city, she didn’t go very fast, so Jestral was able to hang her head out and enjoy flying. The fun would end soon enough, let her enjoy it while she could, Frost thought.

Frost did tell the tomboy what Rufus looked like, two, possibly three, sets of eyes were better than one, even if her range was much better than theirs, she tried to recall if she had seen Rufus since she had arrived in the city, circling and in the process encountering the others after Kitty talked to them.


err well while I was doing long post (and interrupted by nurse on top of it) got other posts slipped in, lol.

Sherwood can I ask you if you might please edit your post so Kitty and Frost talk first, then rest can happen and I added a bit at end of my post to connect back up (with or without Rufus) if thats ok with you, otherwise I will have to trash/rewrite a big chunk of my post.

on another note anyone heard from Nate recently?

Kittie had warned Frost about the egg and then changing to her pigeon form again, and flew away, looking back she saw Frost rip out the freezer. Seeing Lor she flew down and changing enough to where she would speak told Lor about the egg and then flew on till she saw Kentaru and the others.

Flying down, she changed to her human form as she landed and skidded to a stop and began pointing and yelling, “We found the culprit, a big silver green sphere up in the rocks, follow me, it’s back in THAT direction, I am going back there, Ghost is watching it. COME ON!! Don’t just stand there with your teeth in your mouth!!†She started walking back the way she had come, trying to decide what form to take to travel in.

Ghost stayed still for some time and then began to slowly work his way around the egg thing. He kept just in eye sight of it, not wanting to get too close since he had NO idea what it was and not wanting to chance any defenses it might have. He slowly circled it and then stopped back at his original starting spot. Pulling out some water in a flask he took a sip, and then pulled some candy out and began to nibble on it. He looked the way Kittie had gone and sighed. He hoped she would return soon.
anyone seen Nate?

without him I'll post after the rest of group leaves makeshift base and heads for 'egg' unless someone needs me earlier. or are they already headed that way? I know kitty and lor are gung-ho, but not sure if kentaru is headed off with them or any of the npcs.

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