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Realistic or Modern Summer. (No longer accepting!)

"Eighteen," He answered, "I know, I'm so old." He sat up, and looked around the room. "Hey, do you want to go for a walk?" He asked, Beck had a hard time sitting still. He always had to be doing something and so he often fidgeted. He cracked his knuckles, and looked over at Antonio, waiting for an answer.

Jordan sighed to himself, he sat up and jumped off his bed. I might as well do something other than laying down, maybe I'll visit Matthew. He walked out his room and down the stairs. He went to Matthews room and knocked, hoping it's the right door

Rosalie woke up, she wiped her sleepy eyes then tried to concentrate, where was she?

"Room... people...right, I know now" she whispered to herself not really awake yet.

The girl coughed a little, feeling her mouth dry.

"Milk... milk will help" she then walked to the bathroom, to fix her appearance and brush her long hair.

Still half asleep Rosalie walked to the kitchen, opened the fridge, took milk out and put it on a stove to make it warm.

She sat, her head on the table

"Shouldn't sleep all day" the girl yawned as she scolded herself.
Antonio smiled, "A walk sounds good, plus, I'm sure some new people arrived while we were up here talking so we should meet them." Antonio got up, adjusting how the shirt was tucked into his jeans before putting his hat back on. "Let's go!"

"Cool." Beck slid off the bed, and slipped on his boots. He made his way do the door and opened it, stepping back to let Antonio go first. Sticking his hand in his pocket.

Claira slid out of bed, rubbing her knuckles against her dark pink nose. She ventured out beyond her room, after unearthing one of her books from her suitcase. Making her way to the lowest level of the building, humming OMG by Usher, Claira took a seat in the lounge area, slipped on her reading glasses and began to read peacefully.
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"I'm gonna introduce myself then. Youre welcome to tag along." Mikal said as he rose from his bed and skulked to the door. He lingered in the doorway and looked to Jordan, " Wanna come?" @Doop
Rosalie slept again.


On the table.

She started to smell something burning.

What is going on....

She opened her eyes wide in shock.

My milk!

Rosalie quickly stood up, running to the stove, without anything she grabbed the hot milk, burning her hand as well. Hissing in pain she took it under the cold water, trying to calm the little fire she just started.

Oh no... why always me? - The girl asked herself with tear in her eyes.

We, now she was fully awake.

The milk was everywhere on the hot stove, so after cooling the boiling milk she started to clean the counter and everything else.

Great Rosalie, just great.

Her hand was red and burned, but she didn't mind it too much into cleaning before anyone could see the mess.

She opened the window to let out the smoke.
"U-under control!" She shouted back when Claira entered the kitchen.

She was opening the second window when the girl appeared.

"I'm s-sorry! I burned the milk" She explained, looking down in shame, bitting her trembling lip.

@Rock And Roll Boy
Claira immediately got the cold tap on and held Rosalie's burnt hand directly under it but not too high. After a minute, Claira turned off the tap. "There we go". Taking off her glasses, Claira's body relaxed a little. "Is that better, Rosalie"? Claira's voice was exploding with care, yet it sounded composed.

@Rosalie Woodland

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"Yes, thank you" Rosalie answered truly, she looked at her and smilled warmly.

"I'm always like this..." she added "Always forget about something, do something wrong, hurt myself..." she listed, looking down at her hand.

"So probably really soon I will do something again" the girl said "But hopefully it will be only a fall or a trip over my own feet and not a burned house" she joked, trying to calm down.

@Rock And Roll Boy
"Well I'll make sure that doesn't happen..." Claira inhaled, turning away sharply and sneezing twice, rather loudly, again, into her hands. "... when I'mb dot sdeezigg. Sorry".

@Rosalie Woodland
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"Oh, bless you" She said, looking worriedly at the girl, then she reached to her pocket and get out a pack of tissues.

"Here you go!" Rosalie handed it to her smiling.

@Rock And Roll Boy
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"Thadk you. Hayfever, although I'mb sure you already kdew that". Claira didn't hesitate to take the tissue pack and blow her nose into one of the tissues, after getting one out and unfolding it. "That's so much better". She used another tissue to dab at her now red eyes with. "As I was saying, I'll make sure that that won't happen".

@Rosalie Woodland
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"Well, Thank you. I trust you will make sure, because I don't really trust myself with that" she joked again.

"Did you took any medicaments?" Rosalie asked woriedly, she never had hayfever but she knew it was really tiring.

"Maybe I will make you some hot herbs? It always help when you feel bad. Not sure if it works on sneezing..." The girl said looking unsure.

"Or maybe I shouldn't touch anything in the kitchen ever again" she whispered.

@Rock And Roll Boy
"I would love some hot herbs. I will observe and ensure that nothing will go wrong in the process. Hold on... gotta..." She sneezed into her third tissue, trying to muffle it. "Excuse me. Go ahead and make some herbs. And no, I don't take any medicine; it's not very effective on me".

@Rosalie Woodland
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"So I will get them in a second!" She said as she ran through the door and up the stairs to her room.

Rosalie searched her bag and after a few minutes she finally found it.

"Herbs~ Herbs~" She was humming as she walk down the stairs to the kitchen again.

The girl was happy she could help someone.

Especially after what just happened.

"I have some~" She said happily to Claira.

@Rock And Roll Boy
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Claira nodded, her lower face buried into a fistful of tissues. "That's good". Her eyes were leaking allergic tears, her nose looking a lot worse behind her tissue mask.
She stoped smilling and looked woried once again. She hope Claira will be fine quickly.

"T-those are my herbs. I had grown them back home" she explained, while puring water to the kettle.

"I give them much love so I hope they will help you, even just a little" she blushed at the words.

Her garden back home was the only thing she could took care of and her mother wouldn't destroy it immediately. So she really cared for her flowers, veggies, fruits, trees and even herbs.

@Rock And Roll Boy
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"Oh no... I don't know how to help you more. I don't want you to be in pain!" Rosalie cried as she heard the girl.

With shaking hand she filled the mug with herbs and water, aded a small spoon of honey that she found ealier took it and walked back to Claira.

"Should I take it to your room?" Rosalie asked in panic.

@Rock And Roll Boy

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