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Realistic or Modern Summer. (No longer accepting!)

[QUOTE="Isabella Murdock]"Thanks!" Mikal replied as he finished with the stars. His new roommate seemed cool enough, he was just worried about something. " Look...I'm bisexual but i lean towards men...i understand if that makes you uncomfortable and I wouldn't be hurt if you wanted to switch rooms.." He said solemly

"No it's fine don't worry about it." Jordan says calmly as he scratches his chin. He continues to lay on the bed looking up at the roof, "I don't mind it's okay." Jordan looks at Mike smiling.
Jordan though for awhile "Yeah it does count , I've actually wanted to watch it for awhile." He sighed and stretched his arms as his stomach growled. "Do you wanna come down stairs and have something to eat with me ?" He asked with a grin.

@Cookie Dough
"Yeah, it's the standard rainbow one, I have a Pansexual one back home too." He sat down on the edge of his bed, and unzipped his bag, pulling his flag out of it, and draping it over his shoulders. It was nice to talk to someone about this, besides his moms most people he knew were Cis and straight. Plus, his anxiety was calmed down.


Nathaniel Novak

Mood Flustered, Happy

Thoughts He's not asking me on a date, right? PLEASE TELL ME HE IS!

Tag @JaCrispy

Nathaniel blushed at the question, hesitant as he bit his lip. He didn't know how to respond at first, not quite knowing how to react at all. He then looked down at the collar in his hands, before shaking his head and setting it down on the other stuff he'd unpacked. Apparently a few of Saphar's stuff had gotten mixed up into the large bag as well. "Sure, I'd love to," he replied gently, adorable as ever as he ran a hand through his hair, standing up to his full height - short at 5 feet.

Jordan smiled and grabbed the shorter boys hand , dragging him towards the stairs. " What do you want to eat , oh by the way are you allergic to anything?" He asked nearly tripping over his feet. Real smooth Jordan. He thought to himself laughing.

@Cookie Dough

Nathaniel Novak

Mood Flustered, Happy

Thoughts Don't fuck up Novak, or I will stab you. Actually no.. Keep doing you..

Tag @JaCrispy

Nathaniel felt like his face was going to explode from how red it was as he felt Jordan grab his hand, only to get dragged along by the taller male, towards the stairs. At the questions he got confused, almost falling over from struggling to keep up with the long, quick steps Jordan took.
"I-I'm n-not allergic to anything," he stuttered, licking his lips. As they reached the stairs he tugged at the other boy's hand, to make him stop. "Slow down! I can't keep up!" he exclaimed, laughing, his eyes shining as Nathaniel looked up at Jordan.

Jordan gasped as he stopped walking " Oh I'm so sorry, I'll walk slower" be blushed slightly embarrassed. He decided to hug the boy to make up for it. "Do you want a piggyback ride?" He asked pulling away slightly looking down at Nathaniel.

@Cookie Dough

Nathaniel Novak

Mood Excited, Happy

Thoughts Spiderpig, Spiderpig, does whatever a Spiderpig does..

Tag @JaCrispy

Nathaniel laughed at the boy's obvious blush and embarrassment, not used to see others in the situation that he usually found himself in all the time. He was about to speak up when he was enveloped in a hug, which surprised little Nathaniel, making him once again get flustered. He didn't have time to speak up once more as he was offered a piggyback ride. He full on grinned as he laughed, almost jumping up and down.
"Yes, yes, yes!" he exclaimed happily, even clapping his hands adorably.

Jordan looked at the adorable boy and turned around. He bent down slightly so he could get on his back. "Jump up, don't let go I don't want to drop you and ruin that pretty face" he loved making the small boy blush so tried to do exactly that , he isn't that experienced in flirting.

@Cookie Dough

Nathaniel Novak

Mood Excited, Happy

Thoughts Spiderpig, Spiderpig, does whatever a Spiderpig does..

Tag @JaCrispy

Nathaniel blushed once more at Jordan's comment, running a hand through his hair before biting his bottom lip and gently climbing onto the taller boy's back.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to carry me if I'm... too heavy.." he mumbled, wrapping his arms around Jordan's neck, careful as not to strangle him. In reality, this boy was light as a feather, however due to some bullying he received from bullies over the years, he'd been known to be quite self-conscious.

Jordan chuckled at his statement. Heavy far from it . " It's okay, I feel like I'm carrying a feather in my back, I'm also quite strong if I do say so myself" He lifted one arm up and jokingly flexed , his other arm holding his leg . He continued down the stairs carefully.

@Cookie Dough

Nathaniel Novak

Mood Excited, Happy

Thoughts Spiderpig, Spiderpig, does whatever a Spiderpig does..

Tag @JaCrispy

Nathaniel laughed at the joke, blushing as Jordan flexed jokingly. He was actually strong from the looks of it. This pleased Nathaniel, knowing he wouldn't be harming his back or anything. As the two started to descend down the stairs, he clung a bit more tightly, not wanting to fall off. He made sure it wasn't too tight, of course. He buried his face in Jordan's muscular back, his eyes closed as he waited for them to get to the first floor, safe and sound hopefully.

He sighed as he safely made it down the stairs, which he's surprised at. He continued to carry Nathaniel into the kitchen. "Any thoughts on what you want to eat?" He gently placed the boy on the ground

@Cookie Dough
Doop said:
"No it's fine don't worry about it." Jordan says calmly as he scratches his chin. He continues to lay on the bed looking up at the roof, "I don't mind it's okay." Jordan looks at Mike smiling.
"What about you?" Mikal asked as he laid on his bed. He could hear other people shuffling and moving around the house. It made him itch to introduced himself to everyone and make some more friends

Nathaniel Novak

Mood Excited, Happy

Thoughts Spiderpig has been set down.

Tag @JaCrispy

Nathaniel continued to cling to Jordan until he was finally sat down. He brushed his dress shirt lightly, not bothering to adjust the loose tie around his neck, straightening his trenchcoat. "I-I don't know.." he mumbled shyly, looking up at Jordan he blushed lightly, quickly looking away again as he tried to stop himself from being so nervous. He was just a friend, right? Okay, not helping. It's not like he has any more experience with friends than wannabe boyfriends. He had none in both departments. Did you see that? No? I think a few ships didn't sail.

He looked in a couple of the cupboards, he glanced out the corner of his eye and noticed the boy blushing. He smirked slightly 'yay it's working'. He saw some pasta and tomato sauce. He started to take out the food. " luckily I took home.ec so I can cook better than my older brother" he laughed slightly. " He can't even make toast"

@Cookie Dough
"I really don't know what I am to be honest." Jordan looks up at the roof as he shakes his head. "I really just don't know." He says this with a calm voice and he blinks his eyes while he looks at the wall. He stands up from the bed, sitting down on the bed resting his head on the wall. @Isabella Murdock
"Theres nothing wrong with that." Mikal said as he turned to look at Jordan. He was pretty cute after all. "So what do you like to do for fun?" he asked as he grabbed a lighter out of his suitcase and lit a cigarette.

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"I like to skateboard and draw." Jordan said with a smile as he lays back down at the bed. He hears the noises down stairs. "There is a lot of people arriving right now"

@Isabella Murdock
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(@Cookie Dough @JaCrispy )

Matthew slowly opened his eyes and sat up in his bed. With a yawn he wiped his eyes trying to rub away the drowsiness. A strong urge hit him like a punch. "Food~" He whispered. He sniffed the air as if he were a dog. "Food~" He got off his bed and made it downstairs to get something to eat, still in a state of half sleep. "Why didn't I eat anything before?" He mumbled and lazily walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to look for food. He spotted supplies to make a delicious sandwich then got out the ingredients. He didn't notice Nathaniel nor Jordan, until he accidentally bumped into Nathaniel. "My bad, sorry." He laid everything down on the table and got out bread from the cupboards. "On a little date? Nathaniel's face is so red I wouldn't be surprised." He teased and put two slices of bread into the toaster. He laughed a bit. "Hey Jordan don't be so flirtatious. He looks like he's about to explode."
Jordan faked a hurt expression " How dare you insinuate something like that, I am innocent" He then looked at Nathaniel and noticed that he did look really red and held in his laughter. It was cute

@MitoIsMe @Cookie Dough
Rhys said:
"Yeah, it's the standard rainbow one, I have a Pansexual one back home too." He sat down on the edge of his bed, and unzipped his bag, pulling his flag out of it, and draping it over his shoulders. It was nice to talk to someone about this, besides his moms most people he knew were Cis and straight. Plus, his anxiety was calmed down.
Antonio grinned, "Honestly, I'm the kind of person who constantly shouts about how queer I am, I have 2 or 3 of those LGBT pun shirts buried in my bag somewhere..." He looked away for a second, but snapped his head back after a second, "It's about representation you know? I don't want to shove it in your face, but I also want you to know I'm real..."
"Yeah, I get it...." He trailed off into thought, Antonio was cool. Beck was actually comfortable with talking to someone for once, well, not completely. He pulled the flag closer around him as he searched his mind for something to ask Antonio. He didn't want him to feel like he was doing all the work in the conversation. "Um, do you...have, someone....like a significant other, I guess?" The question was innocent, but Beck was curious. Maybe he shouldn't have asked though, and he looked at the other boy sheepishly, chewing on his lip.

"Oh really now? Whatever makes you sleep at night." The toast popped out and Matthew made his sandwich of ham, cheese and lettuce. He put all the ingredients back where they were. "Alright love birds, now that I have some food I won't interrupt your date any longer. Good luck and don't be too loud with your 'fun'." He said jokingly and walked out of the kitchen into his bedroom again.

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