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Realistic or Modern Summer. (No longer accepting!)

(@JaCrispy I didn't get alert so I didn't check, sorry.)

A knock on the door surprised Matthew. 'I wasn't really expecting anyone to actually come.' He walked over and opened the door to see Jordan. A smile spread across his face. "What do you need, lover boy?" He asked. 'Does he need a chat or maybe he just wants to borrow something.'
"I think you should wait a minute because the water is really hot. I don't want you to burn yourself like I did" she said laughting. "But if you'd like, I can just add some cold water and make it ready to drink" she added.

@Rock And Roll Boy
Claira chuckled before coughing harshly into her tissues. "'Scuse me. Can you add some cold water to it, please". Claira held back another sneeze but it just made her eyes water even more, irritating her beyond comprehension.

@Rosalie Woodland
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"Yes, ma'am"? Claira chuckled. "It's like I'm a military boss. Anyway, on a serious note..." Claira carefully sipped the cup of herbs, honey and water down and felt it ease her throat after a few seconds. "This tastes nice, not to mention that my throat feels soothed. Thank you, Rosalie".

@Rosalie Woodland
"A thank you hug? I like hugs". Claira downed the rest of the remedy and binned her tissues, wiping her eyes gently. She her eyes and nose still looked irritated but felt a lot better.

@Rosalie Woodland
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Rose smilled widely and huged Claira tightly.

"My hug will heal you~" she said.

Rosalie was really short so it was a low hug, but she smilled even widely as she felt the warmth of another person, like never before in her life.

@Rock And Roll Boy
"Huggies" Claira cooed, in a baby- goo- goo- voice, hugging her back even tighter. "You're quite a hugger. Hug me for as long as you like; I like huggies too much". Claira loved hugs and cuddles, no matter who it was with. Just no one abnormal.

@Rosalie Woodland

(And I think this is the part where I have to bid a temporary farewell; I have work tomorrow. I'll be on in the morning, in UK time that is).
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Jordan gave a small smile back. "I just wanted someone to hang out with" he walked into his room and sat on his bed.

@MitoIsMe ((it's okay and I fell asleep))
"We're going to be hugging for a reasonable amount of time then, which I don't mind". Claira rested her head on Rosalie's shoulder. She then heard someone speak. "Excuse me a minute, Rosalie". Claira, gently, broke out of the hug and went over to Jack. "Hello there, pleased to make your acquaintance".

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"H-Hey..." Jack blushed.

"Oooooooooohh....." Jenn said with a smirk.

"Sh-shut up!" Jack replied.

"An-anyways..." Jack contiuned.

"What is this place?" Jack questions her.

@Rock And Roll Boy
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"This is where you both will be staying for two months. I'm not sure what rooms you have but, again, it's great to meet you both". Claira shook both of their hands at lightning speed, completely back to her bubbly and hyper self.

"Let me tell you about myself and my dumb twin brother." Jenn said with a giggle.

"I told you to shut up!" Jack replied.

"Anyway, My name is Jennifer and this my twin brother Jackson." Jenn said to Claire.

"Well, Nice to come out of your shell." Jack said to Jenn.

"Don't ask. You owe me fifty bucks." Jenn whispered.

@Rock And Roll Boy

"Room two and three at floor three." Jenn replied.
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"The pleasure is mine. What rooms are you two in"? Claira could tell that they were quite a pair. "Jennifer, may I also ask who was born first? Was it Jackson or you"?
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Matthew shrugged. "Come in. Chill out wherever you want." He left the doorway and walked over to the table then closed his sketchbook. He stacked his art stuff on top of the sketchbook and turned to Jordan. "So what do you want to do or talk about?"

Jordan shrugged and looked around the room. "I'm quite hungry, I haven't ate yet" he thought back to earlier when he basically got rejected. He frowned a little. "I also heard voices while I was waiting for you to answer your door , I think there's new people" he didn't really want to talk to new people right now but maybe Matthew did .

"Erm... shall we find your rooms, Jenn and Jack"? Claira then raised a finger. "Hold on". Snapping to the side, she sneezed into her fifth tissue. "Excuse me". She turned back round.

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"Well, twenty is a large number, so there's bound be lots of people popping up, now and then." He sighed. "I really don't want to keep introducing myself, over and over again. So, I'll wait until everyone arrives then I'll introduce myself to everyone and it'll just be easier that way." He walked over to Jordan with a bright smile. "Then let's go get you something to eat. I just ate, but I don't mind waiting."

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