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Realistic or Modern Summer. (No longer accepting!)

Claira opened her now puffy eyes and blinked at Maya, trying not to sniffle. "Thad will help, thadk you very mbuch". Taking the tissue, she blew her nose as quietly as she could, scrunching the tissue up afterwards. "Thank you for the tissue. Are you new here? I promise that I'm not like this often, the pollen count decided to screw me over today. I'm as hyper as a child on a sugar rush".

@Fallen from Heaven
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"If you ever want to talk or just hang out I don't mind, I would like to be friends with you" he smiled at the boy as he walked into the room setting the bags down ."Do you need help setting up ?" He asked

@Cookie Dough
"I'm not new per say..." Maya shrugs, sitting down on the bed as casually as if they'd known each other for years, "Well, no newer than everybody else, I guess! I've just been taking a backseat for a while. I kept getting under people's feet. Not literally."

She shrugs and smiles. "I'm Maya."

(@Rock And Roll Boy)
"I'm Claira, Maya. Pleased to meet you. I'd offer you a handshake but I think I've sneezed on 'em. Will a hug suffice"? She didn't care if that fact was gross, better safe than sorry. Claira's smile was reappearing, even though her eyes and nose were both pink.

@Fallen from Heaven
Kurt got up from his bed. He looked around and decided to go see if other people are there. While wandering and opening random doors he saw Claira and Maya. He said "Sup?" To them.

@Fallen from Heaven
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"Hehh... hello..." Claira thrust forwards again, failing to sneeze quietly. "Excuse me, sorry". Claira sat up properly, her back hurting. "Come in, make yourself at home" she encouraged, her positive energy returning.
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"Thanks." He whispered, more to himself then to her, and watched her go. Beck turned back to the door, and found himself in the same position as earlier. Open the door, possibly have to meet someone or stand out here, staring at a door. With his free hand, he rubbed the back of his neck, go in, stay out. When he heard people approaching his decision was made, and he grabbed the handle, pushing the door open. He stopped when he noticed two people sitting on one of the beds.

(@WannabePunk @SunsetValley)
Doop said:
Jordan catches the sketchbook in his hands. "Hmm, very interesting and yes I will" Jordan smirks. He flips through every page once in a while his eye would widen when he is looking at the pictures. "You draw very well you should be an artist" Jordan smiles placing the book beside him. "I wish I could draw like that it's awesome." @Isabella Murdock
"Thanks!" Mikal replied as he finished with the stars. His new roommate seemed cool enough, he was just worried about something. " Look...I'm bisexual but i lean towards men...i understand if that makes you uncomfortable and I wouldn't be hurt if you wanted to switch rooms.." He said solemly
"A hug is just fine." Maya said, honestly, "Better than a handshake anyway. Are you going to be okay?"

(@Rock And Roll Boy)

That was when Kurt showed up and she stared at him defiantly. She was pretty sure he was the one that punched that guy in the face. She nodded to him, politely, nonetheless.


(@Rhys )

Antonio turned his head to the door when it opened, noticing it was someone new. He put on the same friendly smile he was using to greet everyone else and waved. "I'm Antonio," he said, introducing himself. He realized that might seem awkward- introducing himself like this, but he mentally shrugged it off, oh well.
"Uh, um...." He was having a hard time saying anything. "I...I'm Beck." He stuck his hand in the pocket of his gray khakis, trying to hide that it was shaking. He looked at Antonio under his light lashes. The boy was shorter than him, cute, he thought to himself, before looking away. His eyes flitted around the room, taking it in. Anything to avoid eye contact with another person.

Antonio waved, "It's nice to meet you Beck! I stay in this room, see I already decorated my side!" He waved towards the pictures on the wall, "and the bed Skye is sitting on is free, she's just my friemd I'm talking to." He then waved a hand to where Skye sat, "...Well, if you were thinking about staying in here..." He added quickly.

Nathaniel Novak

Mood Relaxed, Happy

Thoughts Maybe I'm not the worst to be around?

Tag @Rosalie Woodland @JaCrispy

Nathaniel looked back at Rosalie with a small smile.
"I'd love that," he said gently. He then walked down the hall towards the room. Upon entering, he looked around with awe. "Wow.." he mumbled, before he grinned as he looked over at Jordan. "Really?! That's great!" he exclaimed happily, laughing adorably once more. He set his bag down on the top bunk, before smiling again. It had been a long time since the boy had smiled this much. "I'd really appreciate it, thank you," he replied softly.

Claira hugged her tightly, humming happily. "Mmm, cuddles. Yeah, I'll be fine, especially when hugs are involved". Claira, evidently, loved hugs and cuddles.

@Fallen from Heaven
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Kurt sat on the bed. "My name's Kurt. Nice to meet you two." He took a look at his hand. "Do you know where is the guy that I punched? I want to give an apology."

@Fallen from Heaven @Rock And Roll Boy
Jordan looked at the boy as he smiled cutely "What do you wanna do first ?" He questioned as he slung his arm around his shoulders. He was glad he was making a new friend.

@Cookie Dough
Maya squeaked and hugged Claire back tightly. She slipped an arm around her and settled comfortably against her shoulder. She looked at Kurt, frowning.

"I don't know. I... Don't even know his name. I think you should apologise to Rosalie too, she was upset."

(@Darkhan @Rock And Roll Boy)
"Uh, yeah." He answered, beginning to chew on his lip. He set his bag down on the edge of his bed, careful to stay away from the girl. He hadn't really brought much besides essentials. Beck glanced over at Antonio, he was nice, Beck could befriend him, he needed at least one friend in this house, or did he? Right now, all he wanted was to be home, anxiety free, playing his violin which he hadn't brought. He was too shy to play in a space where people might overhear him. As his thoughts overtook him, his blue gaze stayed on Antonio.

(@WannabePunk is his bed the one closest or farthest from the window?)

Nathaniel Novak

Mood Relaxed, Happy

Thoughts Am I dreaming?

Tag @Rosalie Woodland @JaCrispy

Nathaniel looked up at Jordan, not able to stop smiling as he felt an arm around his shoulders. He couldn't help but to lean slightly into him, looking over at the cat stuck on Rosalie.
"I hope he's not bothering you," he said to her, before returning his attention to Jordan. "Well, the two rolling bags are just filled with clothes and...." he paused, not wanting to finish the sentence. "And the large bag is just books, CD's, DVD's, and other stuff, and the small shoulder bag is Saphar's stuff," he continued. He then blushed. "I-I can open the clothes and everything later, you don't have to do that.. So we can pack up the other two.." he mumbled.

"No, it's perfectly ok!" She said smiling widely but then Rosalie felt dizzy, her head started to hurt so much she closed her eyes.

She turned around to not alarm the boys, the girl quickly calmed herself down and said "I-I will now leave... I need to do something" she explained smilling through her pain.

"But if you need anything, please just ask" she said, then hugged the cat one last time, and quickly walked away to her room.

I forgot. Again. I forgot! - she through.
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Claira's head shot up from Maya's shoulder. She was about to interrogate Kurt but Maya's cuddle soothed her once more and she put her head back on her shoulder. In the cutest voice, she hummed: "Cuddles".

@Fallen from Heaven

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Jordan removed his arm and waved at Rosilie shouting a quick "Bye" he walked over to the bags and started to help unpack. He decided to find out more about the boy. " So what age are you?" He turned slightly because he didn't want to be rude and not look at him while talking.

@Cookie Dough
"Oh damn wait is Rosalie really upset?" He panicked a little. "I should really go apologize to her." He left the room saying. "Goodbye fellas!"
"Oh, what kind CDs and DVDs do you have? Most of my stuff is video games and random art supplies." He said, following the two teens up to the bedroom. "So this is the third floor rooms. Nice place, I haven't looked at any other rooms, accept mine, up until now."
"Fellas?" Maya repeated in a quiet voice, after Kurt left, "That's an odd phrasing." Uncomfortable, she sat up straight and smiled at Claire, "This was nice. It was nice to meet you. But I should probably get back to my room."

(@Rock And Roll Boy)

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