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Realistic or Modern Summer. (No longer accepting!)

Claira pondered around in her room, mainly looking for tissues. Why didn't I pack any? Oh yes, I didn't bother. Oh well, I can survive without... At that moment, she sneezed heavily, her eyes watering. "Ow". She curled up on her bed and buried her head into her pillow, hoping that sleep will come and make her allergies go away.
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Nathaniel Novak

Mood Nervous

Thoughts . . .

Tag @ any one

The little boy sat in the backseat of his car, lost in his own world as he stared out the window. He could hear Georgia and Martin - his adoptive parents - chattering in the front of the car, but didn't pay any mind to them. When he saw a house come into view he squirmed in his seat, not wanting to go, yet knowing it was inevitable. One way or another, he knew he'd be walking into that house. As the car stopped, he licked his lips, before opening his door and getting out. After hugging his parents and seeing them get back in the car and drive off, he turned back around to look at the giant house before him.
"I'm going to die here... I just know it.." he mumbled to himself, before walking up to the front door, reaching up with the hand that didn't help steady the bag on his shoulder, and knocked. His black cat Saphar, tucked into his bag, meowed lightly.

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Matthew decided to stay away from the new people for now and approach them later when he felt comfortable or when other people were done with introductions. A knock at the door surprised him and he walked over to the door. 'Man, don't they know they can just come inside.' He thought to himself and opened the door. "Hello. You're staying here right? Come in." He said and moved to the side so the new person could enter. 'A cat? That's new. Aw and it's so cute too! Wait, you need to at least get to know the person before you smother his cat.' He thought to himself and tried to hold back.

Nathaniel Novak

Mood Nervous

Thoughts Is he going to kill me?

Tag @MitoIsMe

Nathaniel blushed as he tried to keep Saphar in the bag, but as the door opened to reveal a guy, the cat meowed and crawled up to sit on Nathaniel's shoulder. He felt his blush deepened as the other guy spoke, welcoming him in and stepping aside. The little boy nodded slightly to his question, before cautiously walking inside. He gazed around the huge house, his eyes wide in awe. Meanwhile, Saphar decided to leap off of Nathaniel and onto Matthew's shoulder, purring and stroking against the side of his face. The little boy gasped, terrified.
"I-I'm s-so s-sorry!" he exclaimed, scared that the other would hit him, or worse, hurt Saphar.

Rosalie walked down the stairs as she heard a knock at the main doors. When she finally reached the exit she saw a boy, Mathew and... a cat!?

Her eyes shon with excitation, the girl really loved cats and this one was really cute too.

She walked slowly to them, her cheeks red becuase of the excitation.

"H-hello there!" Rosalie greeted.

She wanted to pet the cat so badly, but she know it would be rude to do this without a permission.

@Cookie Dough @MitoIsMe
'The cat is so close... can't handle... kitty cuteness.' "Aaww! He's so cute! Say what's his name? Oh and your name too!" He grabbed the cat hugged it in his arms. Then he lifted the cat to get a good look at him. "He really is cute, you know. You can't apologize for cuteness! Well you can, but you shouldn't!" He exclaimed and set him down gently onto the floor. He averted his attention back to the new person in front of him, trying his best to ignore the cat.

Nathaniel Novak

Mood Nervous

Thoughts Oh shit, are they going to kill Saphar?

Tag @MitoIsMe @Rosalie Woodland

Nathaniel was... overwhelmed. He looked over at the girl that approached them, blushing at how cheerful she was.
"H-Hey.." he mumbled softly and quietly, waving shyly with his free hand. He then turned his gaze back to Saphar and Matthew. He blushed a bright red as he watched his cat get squeezed to death. As soon as Saphar was set down, the little cat ran back to his owner, climbing up his leg and settling on Nathaniel's shoulder again. The boy looked between the girl and Matthew, still blushing. "H-His name is S-Saphar.." he whispered, before running a hand through his hair, adjusting his bag. "I-I'm N-Nathaniel N-N-Novak.." he added quietly.

"Shaphar, that's an interesting name. I'm Matthew, you can call me whatever you want, though." He smiled brightly. "Which room are you staying in? I can help you with your bags, if you want." He asked. 'This guy is pretty nervous. I understand that, but I feel a bit more comfortable now, since I've been here for a bit.' He chuckled. "Your face is really red. Maybe just as red or even redder than Rosalie's. Like two ripe tomatoes."
Jordan sighed as he left his room and jogged down the stairs. He noticed that there was a new boy standing by the door and a cat. Cool I love cats. He thought to himself. He decided to make his presence known. " Hey guys" he said while walking over

@Cookie Dough @MitoIsMe

Nathaniel Novak

Mood Embarrassed, Flustered

Thoughts Is it wrong that I think both of these guys are handsome?

Kill me. Now.

Tag @MitoIsMe @Rosalie Woodland @JaCrispy

Nathaniel was finally calming down from having the attention of these two strangers when yet another boy made his appearance known. He waved shyly to the new guy, before glancing back to Matthew, finding it odd how the boy said he could call him whatever he wanted. He was then asked if he needed help getting his bags to his room, as well as his cat by the girl who he now knew was Rosalie. The third guy was still nameless to him. He then gasped.
"Bags!" he exclaimed, putting his one bag that had been on his shoulder on the ground and running out of the house, where three more bags stood. The poor kid lifted one of the heavy bags, the other two having wheels, but struggled to even lift the bag he was holding. "Whoa!" He almost toppled over as he put the bag on his shoulder, in an attempt to grab one of the other two. Saphar had leaped up to sit on Nathaniel's head, and screeched in shock and fear as he clung to Nathaniel's face. It all looked like a circus.

[ I love how everyone is in love with his cat. ]

Jordan saw the struggle the boy was having so he decided to grab two of them out of his hands "I'll take these for you" he said with a grin.
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Nathaniel Novak

Mood Calm, Relaxed

Thoughts Why do I get the feeling that they like my cat more than they like me?

Tag @MitoIsMe @Rosalie Woodland @JaCrispy

Nathaniel looked up at Jordan with a blush, his eyes slightly wide. He didn't know what to say or what to do, so he only bit his lip and nodded lightly.
"Th-Thanks.." he whispered, flustered but thankful for the help. A small smile itched its way on his face, before it was quickly gone as he looked away, biting his lip again. He looked over at Rosalie and then glanced up at the cat on his head. "Saphar!" he exclaimed, clearly not aware that he'd been perched there for some time now. He then laughed, his laugh melodic and angelic, as he reached up and gently lifted him down, holding him against his chest. The cat licked his cheek and he laughed again, before nodding to her. Nathaniel handed the cat over, and the black creature purred happily, stroking against her cheek. "I think he likes you.." he said softly and quietly, picking up the bag he'd dropped and placing it back on his shoulder. He glanced over at Matthew. "C-Could you h-help me with the l-last one?" he asked gently, still a bit uncomfortable around these new people.

dylan walked downstairs to the first floor with his guitar and notebook in hand. he sat on the couch and started tuning his guitar to a drop D. it took a little but he finally got it and started playing just to make sure. he was so busy playing he didn't notice the people enter the house


@Cookie Dough @Rock And Roll Boy
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Her eyes widen in happiness as the cat touched her rosy cheeks, she stoked him lightly to afraid she may hurt him.

She never had a cat, or dog or any other animals.

Her mother didn't allowed, she said they are filthy little monsters and she never want to see them.

But Rosalie needed a friend, so she always helped little cats and dogs without a home. She couldn't took them to her house, and she could only feed them, hug in a warm blankets to keep them safe and warm.

She petted Saphar looking at the cat lovingly, with warmth in her eyes. The little kitty was so beautiful and soft.

Rosalie then looked at Nathaniel, and smilled warmly, she haven't been so happy in a long time.

"Thank you!" She said truly, hugging the small creature.

Nathaniel Novak

Mood Relaxed, Foolish


Tag @MitoIsMe @Rosalie Woodland @JaCrispy

Nathaniel only nodded to Rosalie, before glancing back up at Jordan.
"Uh..." he mumbled, clueless. He then shook his head and grabbed his phone from his pocket, looking through an email. "Room 1 on the third floor.." He spoke more to himself than anyone, and so he put away his phone and looked up at Jordan. "R-Room 1 on the th-third floor.." he mumbled shyly, before tilting his head lightly. "I'm N-Nathaniel Nov-vak.." he said quietly and gently, shyly reaching his hand out to shake.

He looked at the boy and gently shook his hand " My name is Jordan and that's the room next to mine " he started to walk to the stairs carrying the two bags.

@Cookie Dough
The new kids seemed safe in the hands of Rosalie- and they seemed to like her better too, since she was much quieter and gentler than Maya tended to be. Instead, she went exploring for other members of the house she hadn't met yet.

As Maya was passing one of the rooms, she heard someone sneeze and peeked inside the room.

"Bless you. Allergies, right?"

(@Rock And Roll Boy)
Claira groaned, rolling over onto her back. She kept her eyes closed and her hands over her lower face. "Yeah" was all she said, thrusting forwards as she sneezed loudly again.

@Fallen from Heaven
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Nathaniel Novak

Mood Relaxed, Happy

Thoughts Maybe this place isn't that bad?

Tag @MitoIsMe @Rosalie Woodland @JaCrispy

Nathaniel couldn't help but feel a fluttering in his stomach as they shook hands, and soon pulled his away. He then nodded slightly when he came to know this guy as Jordan. He then grinned adorably, looking genuinely happy as he continued up the steps, making sure not to trip and make a fool of himself.
"Really? That's great! If I don't get along with my roommate then at least I have you....right?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow as he seemed worried. He didn't want to be stuck at this place with no friends whatsoever. Saphar was having quite a good time, meowing every now and then and constantly purring, licking Rosalie's cheek.

"Sucks." Maya dug around in her pocket until she found an old tissue buried in the bottom. She pulled it out and approached the bed, holding it out to Claire. "Here. Does this help? Sorry I don't know much, I don't really get hayfever."

(@Rock And Roll Boy)
"M-my room is on the 2st floor, door no.4 If you need any help" she said quietly, not sure if she should say something at all.

"And we can talk... or if you cat need a playmate..." she said.

"O-of course you don't have to If you don't wan too" she added, blushing "I mean, it would be awesome, yeah!" She was lost in her words, blushing even more out of embarrassment.

@Cookie Dough

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