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Stuck togeather


The Clawed Fauni
You have transferred to a new school. Since your parents live somewhere else, you have to find housing. You find a relatively cheep place that seems nice. What you don't know is that you are now stuck with a girl.

My character

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Name: Lunaria(Ari) Fatehaven

Age: 16

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 120lbs.

Personality: Ari isn't exacly looking forwards to this housing arrangement. She is rough on the edges and tends to try and push people away. She loves singing, but she will never tell anyone. She always sings away from other people and doesn't want her new roomie to find out her secret.

Bio: Revealed in Rp.

Your new apartment has two rooms and one bath. That means sharing. There is a living room with a Tv and consoles and there is a fully equipped kitchen

Just no mature romance things. Anything else is fine. Just finish sentences and if we aren't talking, try to make the posts 3 lines.
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Name: Leon Williams

Age: 16

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 130lbs.

Personality: Leon is outgoing and very friendly, he enjoys to play on his violin or piano as he was taught this from his mother when he was a small child. He is not easily angered, but has a short temper if anyone tries to mess with his friends or family. Leon can easily be embarrassed, and blush, but does not dare to admit it. He's also the type to put his friends in front of himself, but can act selfish at times too.

Bio: Revealed in RP. (No spoilers, sorry!)
I was thinking about it xD Yes, I shall find one. I was about to ask about it in PM, but seems as I do not need to. 

Ari finished shoving the boxes in her room, leaning down on them with a sigh. "It's tough work moving." She though out loud. She placed her hand over her forehead and looked at the ceiling. She hated that summer was coming to a close already. She brushed away the locks of hair in front of her eyes and started unpacking the boxes in her room.
Leon carried a couple of boxes into his new apartment, he was a little late, but the taxi guy had to pick up three persons after him. Of course he would let them off to their destinations first. He let out a sigh, there was no helping it. Leon had asked the man for help, but he was apparently too busy, so he ended up carrying his two boxes up alone. Once he came to his apartment door, it seemed as it was already open. "H- Hello? I would appreciate some help!" Leon called out, hoping someone was there to help him as he could barely see over the two boxes.
Ari opened her door and looked out. She stopped in her tracks. 'Why are you in my room?" She asked. She looked at him, patiently awaiting a response. She didn't want to have to beat him down but if that's what it came to, so be it. She glared at him, her golden eye seeming to pierce though any darkness in the room.
"Your room this is-" Leon lost his footing as he fell down on the floor, his boxes contents spreading about the floor, but most of his clothes was kept inside the box, it seemed as duct tape was not a bad idea after all. Leon looked at the girl, the one to claim that the room was hers. He looked at the number plate again to make sure he had not taken the wrong room, but his key said the same. "Room 309,". "This is my room! You are the one who's in the wrong one!" Leon exclaimed, as he began picking up the stuff that fell out.
"No "Sir", my room is 309. GET OUT!" Ari screamed. She held up her key for proof. Someone needed to get this crazy man out of her house. It was then that she noticed a note on the door. It read.

Ari and Leon.

I forgot to mention that the only rooms left were together. Have fun living together!

Dorm Manager.

"What is the meaning of this!" She yelled.
Leon finished as he put the duct tape tightly on his boxes again, making sure nothing was broken as he stood up, completely ignoring Ari's screaming. He looked at the door, and found the same note that she was shocked over, and frankly. He was just as shocked, and let's not forget to mention awkward. He was sharing room with a girl, had they mistaken him for a girl or something? "See? I told you it was my room...!" Leon said, not entirely happy over the fact he was sharing with a girl. "Now, if you'll excuse me... I'll put my boxes in my room now," Leon said, not expecting the the girl to help him at all, and carried them over to the room which was free.
Ari shut her door and locked it. "Stupid pig." She complained. She continued unpacking, careful to hide her guitar in her closet. She placed her posters on the wall and pulled out her PC. She started hooking it up. "Thank god for tech classes...." She muttered as she began wiring her router and setting up the PC.
"That's one way to start the day... There is a reason why I'm single... Dumb girls, fussing over everything," Leon said to himself followed by a sigh as he began unpacking all of his stuff. His violin was luckily undamaged by the boxes fall, and all of his books, papers and paint was still intact. That was a relief, he placed them all in a small bookshelf that was completely empty and made sure to use his space as he wished, before he began placing some of his clothes inside the closet. I should go and greet the girl properly... first impression and all that fun stuff... He thought, only managing to sigh as it had already been a rough start.
Ari finished and she sighed, laying back. She stared at the ceiling, looking intensely at the smooth surface. She sighed, wondering if she had been to harsh. After all, they were going to live together. She sighed and stood up. She walked out to the living room with her xbox one in hand. She moved the TV stand and started plugging the dang thing in.
Leon finished his setting of the room and walked out to see Ari doing something with the TV. It was great to see they both liked video games at the very least, they were going to live together for a while after all. "Hey, sorry about earlier. It's been a rough day," Leon started as he reached out his hand smiling. "Let's try again. I'm Leon, pleasure to meet you," Leon said as he was hoping it would be accepted just like that.
"Ari." Ari said, shaking his hand. She turned back to the tv. "I'm almost finished with the xbox, but I still have to do the PS4 and the Wii and Wii U." She said, gesturing to the other consoles next to her. She always got consoles for her birthday, seeing as she didn't do much but write and sing and play videogames.
"I'll help you. I might not be a technician, but I know how to plug them properly in," Leon said with a smile as he began plugging in the PS4. He had yet to play on the PS4 as he had already played on the Wii, Wii U and xbox one. "What are you here to study for?" Leon asked, hoping to get to know his roommate a little better, and smooth out their rough start.
"A-ah...." Ari had to think of something quick. She was here for music but she couldn't tell him that. She had even lied to her parents. She wasn't good at anything else really. She tried covering it up by continuing to work on the console, getting the last chords attached to the correct places. She picked up the next one and started working.
"I'm here to study art, mainly drawing and painting. It's really nothing too interesting though," Leon said to Ari as he finshed and began plugging in the Wii U as Ari was already plugging in the Wii. It was great that it seemed their relationship was getting better, since it had gotten a very rough start.
'C-cool." She breathed a sigh of relief as she realized she wouldn't have a problem if she didn't tell him. He would never find out. She finished plugging in the console to see Leon plugging the Wii U wrong. She laughed and switched two of the plugs. "Match up the colors." She said, standing up.
Leon blushed embarrassed at his mistake, but let out a chuckle as it seemed Ari did not mind. It didn't bother him that she chose to not answer his question as it was none of his business anyway. "I- I've never plugged in a Wii U before," Leon excused himself as he stood up, looking at the completely gamer rigged TV station they had now gotten. "Looks great!" Leon said smiling as it seemed they were finally done.
"Yeah." Ari said. She looked at the kitchen and spotted a rice cooker. She nearly jumped out of her seat in joy. She managed to control herself and say halfheartedly "Looks like we have a rice cooker." Truthfully, she loved rice. Rice with butter, rice with sugar, rice with anything! She sighed happily, looking at the kitchen.
"Oh yeah, that's right," Leon made his way over to the fridge, it seemed as it was empty. They were given a scholarship to spend on food, books and other things they might need, and it seemed as food was a part of that. "Hey, we should go to the nearest grocery store and buy some food. The fridge is completely empty," He told Ari, hoping she would tag along so he didn't need to go three floors up alone with heavy grocery bags too.
"Ok, but we split cost." Ari said. She grabbed her keys and walked out the door. She walked down the flight of stairs and out the door. She walked into the supermarket and grabbed a basket. She headed strait for the rice section. She grabbed three large bags of rice and several packages of spaghetti.

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