Street Kids RP- (open)- sign up

Faith Eliza Cord

Four Thousand Club
Street Kids RP- (OPEN NOW)- sign up

This rp will be about teenagers/kids/homeless people in New York City who somehow come across each other. The potentials are endless- they can have superpowers or be ordinary people, come across superheroes or supervillians, form gangs or groups of friends or fight against each other.

Please post a brief bio of your character if you'd like to join.

My character-

Margaret Ann "Legs" Sadovsky, age 17

Height: 5'9

Weight: 117

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Long, brown, tangled, straight

Dresses boyishly, is not comfortable identifying as female.

Class: Half Lycan; received powers this year, but they are uncontrolled

  • Margaret goes by Sheena or Legs, never Margaret. She is 18; her mother Stella was Lycan, though Legs did not know this. Stella, having fled her pack, hid her Lycan tendencies long enough to take up with a human male in order to have his child. When her human father, Abe, discovered this, he was repulsed and threatened, and he killed Stella shortly after Legs was born. Though he dreaded that Legs would become like her mother, Legs showed no tendencies of her half blood status growing up and is unaware of it. Abe, an alcoholic, neglected and occasionally was physically abusive towards his daughter; Legs grew up wild, often in trouble, yet charismatic and charming in her own way. By the age of eleven she was often on the streets as much as in her home; by fifteen she had left home for good and had become practiced in avoiding being apprehended by police for shoplifting or truancy.

    At thirteen Legs befriended Maddy Wirtz and several other girls, forming a gang they called Foxfire, who concentrated on avenging acts of violence created by men. At fifteen Legs was sent to juvie for several months after an auto theft and expulsion from school; in juvie she was raped by guards and learned to dissociate from her feelings and situations of stress. Upon getting out, she changed from her previous distaste of touching men, at least outwardly, and instead began to instruct Foxfire in how to hook with men for money, rapidly becoming more deadened to her feelings. when the gang's attempts at vengeance against others resulted in the death of a man, fifteen-and-a-half-year-old Legs fled. As of this rp she is now 17 and living on the streets.


1. I am only accepting people who are literate rpers. This means that you post a minimum of a paragraph in each post. This means your grammar and spelling should be acceptable with few typos, if any, and that you need to have evidence of a fully developed character. Also, any ooc statements posted must be accompanied with an ic post.


If you choose to leave the rp at some point, do not simply leave people hanging if this is at all possible. Please inform me so I can deal with your character as needed.

3. Swearing and violence are fine by me and in fact probably realistic given the circumstances. Gritty backgrounds as well.

4. As always, ask permission of the player before harming/killing/having a major plot point concerning another character.

5. Although your character may have been sexually abused, there will clearly be no sustained descriptions of this in the rp and there will be no sexual content beyond the standard *kiss, cuddle, hint, slap, whatever, fade to black*


My character

Malevolent Lelani "Violent" Fortunado

Height: 4'11

Weight: 105

Eyes: Hazel with specks of Purple

Hair: Long blonde with black, crinkly, sometimes very tangled

Dresses however she feels. She'll dress girly when wanted, and boyish when wanted.

Class: Witch, she received her powers when she was 15 so shes had time to master them, somewhat. She has an affinity for air and spirit, and can manipulate her molecules to become invisible.

  • Malevolent goes by Violent, though it doesn't matter which one she's called. She is 18. Growing up with a schizophrenic mother, and a drug abusing gambling addicted father, everyone thought Malevolent was a lost cause, but she wanted to prove them wrong, which was her motivation for becoming greatness. Though her father usually spent the money they had on either drugs or gambling, and they lost their house when she was only 10, she never let that get her down. She inherited her witch craft powers from her grandmother though, seemingly having skipped her mother's generation. Her grandmother helped her practice with them, until she died when Violent was sixteen. Ever since then, she's been on a bad streak, which is how she's gotten better with her powers. She used them to get back at everyone whose messed with her. And now, she's got a reputation as a bad ass.

  • Now, though air seems most innocent, it's her deadliest of powers. It's the one power she's completely mastered so far. The reason Violent is in New York? Because she figured it's the best place to start over. After killing her father, and having gotten away with it because she used an affinity to make it look like an accident, she thought she'd need a new start. So, she packed her things, cleared the bank account and trust funds her grandmother set up for her, and headed towards New York. She is currently living in an ordinary apartment and still studying witch craft. She's more of a loner, to keep her true identity a secret.
Name: Siran Mabel Naveen. She always introduces herself as May but her nickname by many is "Lust" because of her appearance.

Age: 17

Height: 5"9

Weight: 115

Race: Shapeshifter (This ranges from animals to even changing hair colour)

History: (Just a warning, her history isn't pretty) Siran was born to a mother suffering from a range of illnesses and was always sick in bed. Her step-father took advantage of this and slowly bit by bit got Siran more used his 'strange' behaviour until she thought that him fingering her was normal. Although she always had that bit of knowledge in her head that it wasn't, even as a young child. At the age of 9 Siran's step-father raped her and afterwards did it on a daily basis, he also began hitting her because of her protests and cries for help. When Siran turned 11 her mother died from the illness, not ever having known what her husband was doing to her daughter. Siran's step-father became even more comfortable with the sexual abuse he was inflicting on Siran and it got much worse. On Siran's 13th birthday she reckoned her step-father got bored with her and he sold her to another man, named Calius. Calius had about six girls aged 13-16 and he used them to roam the streets, robbing and occasionally selling their bodies to other men to make money for the man. He soon discovered Siran's 'talent' and taught her how to change her appearance to steal from the streets or even from people's houses, she became his 'favourite' and told her how special she was. She was fooled into doing anything he said and he often used her on a regular basis. One day at the age of 15 Siran was caught stealing and sent to juvie for a while, assuming Calius would rescue her, when she got out she didn't return to Calius because she had been awoken to his lies and instead made her own way on the streets, tempting men with her lustrous body and good looks.

Personality: Siran is neither quiet nor loud, she is very kind-hearted despite her stealing and lying life-style. She will stand up for what she believes in and stands up for young kids because her innocence and childhood was stolen from her so she wants to let them all have theirs for as long as possible. She voices her opinions freely and is hard to track down if she doesn't want to be found or get something out of her if she doesn't want to tell you. She always tries to keep her promises unless she needs to break them, and despite her up-bringing and her 'way with men' she does want a long-term boyfriend who loves her for who she is and not for her looks. She is seen as the temptress of the group and can use her powers to spy and deceive people.


Great, do Violent and Siren already know Legs when the rp begins, or will they meet her? I am willing to start and leave it open for more to be drawn in if they wish.
Name: Hood. The current body he inhabits was once named Isaac Abrams.

Age: The current form is 19, but 'Hood' has been 'alive' for 25 years.

Sex: Is genderless, though identifies as male and shares the same mannerisms of one of the male gender.

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 173.5 lbs.

Race: Symbiotic parasite that is currently inhabiting a human/lycanthrope hybrid.

History: Hood does not have much of a history of its own, instead sharing the histories and memories of its former and current victims. Emerging from a crack in the Earth twenty five years ago, it instinctively attacked its' first victim and slaughtered her for nourishment. However, as it fed, her thoughts pulled into into its' own and finding a new craving in the memories of others. The more and more it used them, the more it became attached to living and altering the lives of others.

Nearly a year ago to this day, Hood came to the city and took over the body of a homeless half-lycan. It was the first non-human, but it changed just like the rest of them. Lately, Hood has been observing other people like his homeless host, meaning to interact with them after further study.

Personality: Hood's personality is very warped after years of taking over different hosts and mixing their memories with those from before. It is both jumpy and paranoid, yet bestial and cunning. A quick and furious hunter, it sates the host's hunger by feeding on flesh and bone.

Appearance: Hood is usually seen in a tattered hooded sweatshirt that earned it the nickname and various other types of thrown together clothing. The current host is slightly above average height and build and has slicked back brownish hair and yellow eyes. He exhibits a few lycanthrope traits, but those have began to shift due to the takeover of the parasite. More of the host's teeth have elongated and the area under his eyes has began darken over time, even showing a few twisted black lines in the pale flesh.

Hood's true form stretching over a victim: View attachment 1793

(Sorry for the giant image, but the spoiler tags weren't working for me and I didn't want to lose this cool picture.)
Name: Ariana Moon

Age: 15

Height: 5'4

Weight: 103

Gender: Girl

Eyes: Piercing green

Hair: Pink and and rainbow(was poufy but got deflated)

Class: Wiccan by long line of blood relative wiccans

Other: will meet "legs" in rp
Name: Joe "The Magic Hobo"

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 190 lbs

History: Ever since he was a lad, he has always been able to transform things. He even made a puppy out of mud. Not long after discovering this, he discovered that he could also move things with his mind, the beginnings of what would be extremely powerful Psychokinesis. It made him go slightly insane, but he didn't really care. Then he killed his parents when he was 9. It was an accident, he tried to turn them indestructible, but instead turned them into solid steel. Oops... Anyways, he's been living on the streets ever since.

Personality: Quirky, strange, does not know the meaning of "Normal", is a show-off

Appearance: Tall, lanky, constantly wearing a rainbow scarf, and wide brimmed hat with an ace of diamonds tucked into it. Jet black hair, bright neon blue eyes, pale skin.


((Sorry, I can't private message for another four posts. :( Is this acceptable?

If you can find a way to work into Street Kids' date=' you're accepted, however, it may be difficult for hiim to find a place. As of now they've formed a cohesive group and are on a mission together to kill an abusive father to take his home. How would you find a way to work in?[/quote']

Perhaps... no... Maybe...

AHA! He could be stalking them! He could be following them, and hiding from them along the way. Someone could finally notice him. Heck, he could have been present since you attacked that guy that tried to kill Kira, and following you ever since, curious about the Lycan and Shifters. Is that okay?
I'm not sure that would work, what with their heightened sense of smells and does seem as if you read it all, though. Maybe if we keep thinking we can think of something? Or maybe he somehow knows May's father or is connected to one of them? To Kira somehow, maybe? Sheena wouldn't have any boys from her past, not of that age. She avoided males
Why don't you talk to Kira about it and see what you guys come up with? Perhaps May or even Hood's players would have ideas too
I think I like the idea of being a childhood friend better. That would explain the little contact, and how he would know of him, and through him, them. Or, maybe a brother?
( Kira right now has not been active since I have been a bit busy. So she is open for your character to get her attention.)
Kira you mean? You guys hash out how he knows whoever he knows and how he comes in, but I don't think it's a great idea to have him basically pop out and say here I am and I'm coming too. Kira has been disappearing on and off, maybe he meets her during one of those times somewhere?

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