Street Kids RP- (open)- sign up

Name: Pandora Moritz

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 130lbs

Race: ???

Personality: Is an observer but in a rather loud and un-tactful way; asks questions without realizing social norms. Can be often thought as silly at times, but most don’t know all that much about the distant and guarded girl.


Pandora’s life on earth was cut short before it even had a chance to begin. She has hazy and indistinct memories of both her parents, who used to yell a lot, and the way that she died. The girl is unsure of what she did to find herself where she is, although in truth she often sees it in nightmares

The weight of the world on her shoulders, the blood in the kitchen, and the feeling of the air being strangled out of her as she kicks the chair.

Appearance: Has a rather ethereal look to her, like a ghost or spirit. Long black messy hair, strangely amber eyes and tends to dress girlishly. Almost provocatively for her age and slim frame; Pandora is gangly in her structure and likes to hide behind her hair most of the time.

Name: Cain Lyssa

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 170lbs

Race: Fallen Angel

Personality: Rather cold, can be thought of as a trouble maker but he’s just trying to look out for himself. Courageous to the point of being stupid, and more of an act before he thinks type of guy…

History: Cain was just as much of a trouble maker as when he was alive, used to the underage drinking parties and casual sex he had. It got him into a lot more trouble back then, though, as he had a few DUI’s under his belt and public intoxication. It was a sad kind of irony to have him die at the wheel from another drunk driver.

Sent to heaven originally, he was cast out of it for his sins and remains on earth as a fallen angel that was meant more for Hell then heaven.

Appearance: Cain has short sandy brown hair, usually styled in a messy way, almost as if it doesn’t look styled. If often seen wearing leather jackets and jeans, regular sorts of tough guy clothes; his eyes are a dull green and most of his weight is muscle. Has a scar on his collar bone all the way down his chest, and is rather ethereal in presence as well.
Thanks. Now any pointers on how to integrate?

Seems like you guys are still winding down...soooo!

Wait x3?
Why was Jason's SU dug up again

And Kira's


They seem so unrecognizable now that we're 130 pages in.
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AGE: Appears to be about 20 but actually he's 221

RACE: Tremere Vampire


Height: 5"9

Weight: 177 pounds

Hair: White

Eyes: Green

Clan Status: Master Vampire

Personality:Tremere are one of the youngest vampire clans, having just come into existence during the Dark Ages. In the little time since then they made incredible inroads within vampiric society and are arguably the most powerful clan in the modern nights. This was due in no small part to their strict hierarchy, secretive nature, and mastery of Thaumaturgy, the clan's trademark discipline, all of which brought suspicion, fear, and respect from other Cainites. The Warlocks were a pillar of the Camarilla and were one of its main defenders, despite the fact that they existed almost as a subsect. Some even went as far as to consider themselves the evolution of vampirism, citing their extreme versatility of blood magic and lack of a true clan curse. Soto considers himself royalty and claims to be able to trace his bloodline back to Cain, so he carries himself as if the world is his kingdom, in reality he's a middle management self-deluded psychopath, But don't take him for granted Soto is manipulative and charming when he wants to be and can sweet talk his enemies and allies to get his way when he needs to. Soto always dress in the most expensive clothes and drives fast sport cars and likes red-head women thinking their blood is the sweetest.

History and Education: Before Soto was turned he was the 6 year old son of a Shogun that was assassinated by a vampire hired by his rival who slaughtered his entire clan in the span of 12 minutes, Soto was suppose to be given to the vampire as a reward to raise as his slave. Too his surprise the vampire that took him after killing his enter clan and family treated him kind. And on his 21st birthday offered him the choice of eternal life or freedom. Soto picked eternal life and for 64 years worked as his apprentice and helped him carry out his contracts. Soto soon became greedy and after a contract went wrong and his master was seriously hurt Soto took this chance to kill his master and assume his identity and used it to build himself a fortune and reputation, eventually Soto drew the attention of the wrong people and took contracts that were above his head and failed forcing him to flee Japan for his life. Soto soon found himself taking sanctuary with a group of vampires that were hell bent on fighting a war against the Lycan threat soon he found himself getting more and more behind the cause to destroy all lycans and as the vampire army began to rise in power and numbers so did Soto climb the ranks in this army. Now a​Regent over multiple factions of vampires he begins his campaign against the Lycan's on the Eastern United States.
Name: Scathach

Nickname: Scatty, or Shadow

Age: she says she is 2517, though she appears, and normally acts, 17. And her twin says they are closer to 10,000

Gender: Female

Height: 5'3

Weight: 110 lbs

Species: Vampire-ish, though not in the normal sense.

Pet Peeves: Scathach hates getting wet.

Personality: Scatty is, in a word, proud.

Scáthach is strong. She is proud. She doesn't take cr@p from anybody. Get on her bad side, and she will most likely try to kill you. Well, maybe in the old days. She's really worked on her anger issues, and can generally hold a conversation without breaking anything (or anyone). Taking up meditation has done a lot for her, to be honest. Nowadays she does her best to remain as unattached to everything as possible. Solitary training is how she generally spends most of her time. She is strong and ferocious, though has a great maternal instinct that sometimes flares up and overpowers her nearly gleeful love of violence. She never backs down from a fight, and would probably rather provoke one than avoid it. Scathach can become illogically cruel if the mood strikes her, and takes pleasure in playing games with other beings, whether they are physical or mental, if she comes to the conclusion that they can “take it.” She teases, mocks, and riddles with the best of them, oftentimes contradicting herself without a second thought and not regretting it.

However, Scathach is, at her very core, a good being. As much as she loves to fight, she does not believe in killing unnecessarily, whether an animal or a human being. Her personal code of ethics—and her honor as a warrior—forbids her from doing anything blatantly evil, and though she has no problem toying with people, she would never intentionally do anything to harm them physically, mentally, or emotionally, unless they had really pissed her off and she loses her temper, in which case she can’t be completely sure what she’ll do. But this does not stop her from speaking her mind, and telling everybody around her exactly what she thinks about a situation.

Scathach is a hero, on the best of days—she does have an acute sense of right and wrong, and has sworn to protect humans. However, she does love conflict and fighting, and might occasionally “slip up,” causing trouble even if she doesn’t consciously mean to. But, for the most part, she is one of the good-guys.

History: Her grandmother has never seen her to be good enough at anything, and always makes it a point to say as much. Plus, the rest of her family cast her out when she was only a few centuries old, and have never truly forgiven her for siding with the humani. This drives the redhead to continually try to prove herself worthy of her Immortal status, though she has very few people—mortal or otherwise—left to impress. The Shadow is a master tactician, and has marched with and led some of the fiercest armies in history. Though she has been around for over ten thousand years, she is still considered a child by most other Elders—Scathach herself is a member of the New Generation of Elders who fight to protect humans rather than allowing them to fall into darkness and become slaves to the Dark Elders. Her youth makes her almost bitter towards the First Generation, and she dislikes most of them, especially since the majority have decided to ignore the conflict between the humani—humans, rather—and Dark Elders. She, more than anybody should understand that a life is precious, since technically, she is not alive. She would do anything to protect someone she views as innocent, especially if they are human, and does everything she can to make sure they won’t come to harm. Scatty despises the Dark Elders, and is heII-bent on thwarting their plans—it’s just better if she can kick some @ss while she’s at it.

Scatty was born to a set of anonymous, red-haired, immortal parents a few thousand years ago. She has an older brother, and a twin sister named Aoife, whom she hates. Wild magic turned new Elders (or Next Generation) into new creatures--some where unable to feel, like Scathach's Clan, and others were just plain monsters. Scathach and Aoife were trained from a very young age in the art of fighting, and both went on to open their own schools; Scathach’s was located on the Isle of Skye just off the coast of the United Kingdom. She took in and trained a man named Cuchulain, and fell deeply in love with him. However, her sister also loved him, and the two fought one another while he was away at war. This resulted in his death, and Scathach has never forgiven her sister for the tragedy, believing it to be her fault.

Powers, I guess you oculd call it.: Scatty is, in essence, a vampire, though not of the "common" sort. She is from one of many vampire clans, one that does not drink blood in order to survive; she often states that the blood-drinking vampires are the “lowliest of their species.” She only eats vegetables and fruit. Her main source of sustenance, however, is emotions. She feeds off other people’s sensations, sucking them from their bodies so she can feel alive. However, like traditional vampires, she must be invited into an establishment before she can actually enter it. She can go outside and walk around in daylight—without sparkling—but if she stays in the sun for too long, she’ll get sunburned.

As a vampire, Scathach possesses greater speed, strength, agility, longevity, and durability than a human being. Though she is a vegetarian when she eats human food, her main source of sustenance is the emotions of other creatures.

Scathach does not feed often (probably about once a month), and she never drains her prey completely because it is against her personal code.

Gear: Twin short swords, each about fifteen inches long, sheathed on her back.

A pair of nunchaku.

Various throwing knives.

Dagger strapped to her left leg.

Appearence: Scatty appears as a well-built woman, about 5'3" in height. Though she is short, it often feels as if she is looking down on a person when she is speaking with them simply because of her tone of voice. She neither sleeps nor blinks, but can close her eyes and feign unconsciousness if need be. There is a Celtic Spiral tattoo etched into the back of her right shoulder with black ink, a mark of her heritage. She has bright red hair, cut short. Many people think she dyes her cropped locks, but that is not the case—it is completely natural. As natural as a vampire can be, anyway.

She has bright emerald-colored eyes with vertically-slit pupils, much like a cat; at times, they seem too large for the rest of her pixie-like features. The planes of her face are rather angular, sometimes giving her an ethereal look in just the right light. Freckles are peppered across the bridge of her nose and randomly around the rest of her body. She doesn't smile often, but when she wants to make an impression on someone, she grins widely and bares her pointed canines, courtesy of her species. Contrary to what popular culture says, her skin is not cold to the touch; she feels the same as any regular human being, though her muscles might seem a bit firmer. She is skinny, almost unhealthily so, but beneath the abnormally pale skin lies iron-hard bone and muscle toned by thousands of years of physical training.

She is fond of tight, solid-colored tank tops, camouflage or khaki pants, and ankle-high black combat boots. If not wearing any combination of these, she will most likely be clothed in an all-white outfit, generally a dress if she likes it enough and she can move well in it. Some sort of weapon is always found somewhere on her body, whether in plain sight or hidden. She always has a pair of twin short swords sheathed on her back and a dagger strapped to her left thigh. Almost anything around her, including her entire body, can become a weapon, so upsetting her is not advised at all. She also has a twin sister named Aoife; she and Scathach do not get along at all, and it has been centuries since they last spoke. However, they look exactly the same—but if asked about it, Scatty will vehemently deny any resemblance to her at all.

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Could you please mail me if my sign-up is accpeted?
It looks like you've put a lot of thought into this character...technically this sign up is closed but since we do currently have vampires brought into it...can we talk about this some more? For instance, have you read the rp and if so, how much of it? I do want to make sure you know what story you'd be getting into
Ok! and I did browse through the rp, and skim over a few of the most recent pages, but I haven't read it in depth yet.
Thanks a lot Faith Eliza Cord. This looks very interesting, and well developed and advanced. Three things I appreciate in a role after seeing so many created by people just starting out.
Another faction of vampires besides Soto's, I guess she could be like Devin is and be on her own, cause considering Soto is seriously evil I doubt she'll want to be in his group.
True... She proabably will end up on her own, as that's how Scathach's always lived. The fact that she appears more human then some other vampires may help with that. I finally got a history typed up for Scatty. I'll add it into the sign-ups.

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