Street Kids RP- (open)- sign up

Putting these here for Macal because he had them under blogs

Full Name: Kendra McKellan

Alias: Alexandra, Allison

Relatives: Vince McKellan

Group Affiliation: Sanguis Luna

Occupation: Former Sanguis Luna Tracker

Identity: Secret

Marital Status: Widowed

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Race: Lycan


Height: 5ft 6in

Weight: 123 pounds

Hair: Brunette

Eyes: Brown

Bio: Kendra was turned into a lycan by her brother by accident while he was fighting Kendra's abusive husband she was bitten by Vince. She's never blamed him or hated him for turning her and unlike most that sire someone they're relationship is rather reverse most times he's taking orders from her but that could just be the guilt. Vince and Kendra were about to be destroyed by a pack of vampires when they were saved by Christian who convinced the vampires it would be in their best interest to turn the two mutts over to him and he would make sure they would never see then again. Christian kept his promise once Vince and Kendra were safe he came back during the day with his pack and destroyed the entire nest of vampires. No one has gone to such lengths for the brother and sister duo, who swore their lives to serving Christian for as long as they lived.

Skills: Kendra is an excellent tracker she can track a target up to 30 miles even if their scent is a few days old. Kendra has a slim built even in her lycan form, she's the fastest most agile member of Christian's pack. In the years of service with Christian Kendra has mastered many forms of hand to hand fighting, but again due to her built she's not a front line fighter. She's more comfortable attacking from behind or out of the shadows. Kendra loves the bow in fact it's normally her primary weapon again it's because she's not a great fighter so this weapon allows her to silently take on enemies at a long distance.

Kendra is a decent gadget person, she's highly intelligent and can figure out complex equipment. She's the only member of the pack to have a pilot's license and is qualified on both jets and helicopters.

When Christian needs a low key operation such as tailing or gathering information he will always send Kendra and her brother

Name: Miyako Takahashi

Age: 21

Height: 5ft 8in

Weight: 124lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Lycan Form: Miyako transforms into a dark gray wolf with dark black patches around her eyes.

Physical Description/Picture: Miyako is taller than average and has long black hair that falls to her bottom and is blessed with a curvaceous build. She is vigilant and moves with purpose.

She carries an assortment Ninjutsu weapons as well as a Tanto knife and on occasion a Ninja-to.

She uses an experimental Type 77 Gauss Sniper lance.

Her light-wieght Suit has additional defensive plating on the arms and has a built in Tasers in the armored plates on the back of her hands.

History: Miyako was just a child when the lycans attacked her home in Tokyo. Despite her family’s wealth and power they were not spared the death and destruction wrought by the lycans on Japan. Hidden by her parent as the lycans attacked her family’s mansion; she watched as her family was ripped apart by the lycans; she was rescued by Christian and his pack that was sent in to cleanse the city of the radical lycans and while still splattered in the blood of her slain family she was whisked off to her to rome which became a refuge for the armed forces desperately trying to turn the renegade lycan horde that was ravishing Toyko. Her family owed its power and prestige to their legacy as one of the three surviving original Ninja clans; the Mayonaka no Chi (Blood of Midnight). Embracing her family heritage she was trained to hunt and kill the Lycans that had slain her family. The Ninja clan has decided to turn Miyako and combine its efforts with Christian's pack with permission of the Syndicate; although the clan undoubtedly has other clandestine goals in addition to the stated goal of cleansing Japan of the renegade lycan's presence. Christian's pack was banished for a failing to follow orders on a mission in Eastern Europe and was sent to the US, this was considered a demotion and in a way it's the syndicate's way of keeping him out of sight of the big wigs. Miyako was given the choice to return to Japan with her clan and abandon Christian, she refused and left her clan who has now placed and order to kill on her head.

Area of Expertise: Miyako is trained in the classic arts of Ninjutsu being a master of Ninja Jūhakkei, the eighteen disciplines. She is currently serving as the units Sniper. Her Ninjutsu skills letting her find the perfect snipers perch for her shots and then vanishing afterwards.

Motivation/Goals: Avenge her family, to destroy the Lycans that ruined her life, and restore her honor.

Motto: Silent, Unseen, Deadly

Currently both Christian and Miyako have not chosen a mate at least not recently but rumors have been circling that Christian and her have something going on, Christian confines in a select few in fact she's the only one he's been known to confine in, most believe this is why Miyako is the front runner for his mate
Ophelia (Black Lilly) Cruor


human stats:

Sex: Female Age: 27(appears to be 19) Height: 5'9 Weight: 160 fit

wolf stats:

a smaller, agile wolf with a black coat and piercing blue eyes


It's hard to know what's at this girls core, her actions and persona always seem to change depending on what she wants or needs, the perfect little shifter that doesn't need to change shape to change form. If one may be be able to peak beneath the mask, they perhaps would question her sanity, but that's objectionable, is it not?


She was born into Sanguis Luna, and raised in their ways since both parents believed so strongly in their beliefs, their daughter not so much. Being sent away was a godsend to her, a new field to play and attempt to master, following in the footsteps of Christian but of course.

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As of now, Street Kids has the following characters:

Sheena, May, Kira, Jason, Hood- MAIN GROUP

Newcomers: Devin, Rhys, Caroline

Villains: Witch, Demon, Calius, Caroline's father (potentially), Christian, Kendra, Vince, Miyako

That is plenty of characters. More than enough.

So as of now, if you would like to join, then you will need to take over the characters of Kendra, Vince, or Miyako rather than create a new one, or you will have to ask me and pitch your idea at me as to what your new character would be, but I probably will not approve it because we are so crowded.

If you are taking over Kendra, Vince, or Miyako, please ask both me and Macal and have us both approve it, since Macal currently controls them, and I am the host of the rp.
Alright, well I think I probably just won't join. You guys are really too far in the story for me to catch up. D: But if you ever start another roleplay like this one, keep me posted! :3
I'd be interested in having an entirely separate street kids rp with different characters, sure. I actually did a LOT of research on homeless teens this year so I like being able to put it to use in characters
Keep me posted too Faith xD

I'd like to do another street kids RP with other characters too. But you'd have to change the title slightly or else I might get confuzzled :D
Name: Alex Wolf

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Height: 5'8

Weight: 6 and a half stone

Race: Shadow Born

History: When Alex was born his mother died from giving birth to him and his father had already passed away, Alex was sent to an orphanage where he grew up being bullied by the older children, they would laugh at him and mock him. Until one day Alex discovered he wasn't a "Normal" Child and that he could step into the shadows and become completely invisible. His life had change from then on as he had got a lot more stronger and with the shadows on his side he could no longer be bullied he could simply step into the shadows and attack them from the safety of them. aged 12 he decided he should run away as he thought he could survive a lot more easily knowing his "Special" Talent.

Personality: Is fond of other people he thinks most people are out to get him and hurt him due to this he is very shy and isn't used to feminine girls and is much more nervous around them and around other boys he wont trust them very easily and is always on guard when they are around

Appearance: Dark Slick Black hair cover his Brown eyes. His face is slightly tanned. His skin is quiet smooth. His legs have several Black hairs on them which are covered by his Blue and slightly ripped jeans. His chest is covered by a Black t-shirt and Black hoodie and he normally has the hood up.

This particular rp is no longer open, sorry. When I put up my other sign up, for a totally separate rp, you may post your sign up there.
[QUOTE="Faith Eliza Cord]This particular rp is no longer open, sorry. When I put up my other sign up, for a totally separate rp, you may post your sign up there.

May I ask when will you be making a "Street kids 2" As I really wanted to be involved in this rp :D
Soon as I can work out kinks. I was hoping for an interactive discussion in this thread. For instance, there seems to be a LOT of interest, which would mean a lot of characters. How can the rp be realistic and not too crowded then? I think that it would not be realistic for so many to form a family. Could there then be a group of street kids who are "good" and a group that is "bad," or a group with "powers" and one who is "normal?" It would be simply unbelievable to have fifteen kids all living together, for instance. Or perhaps there could be several groups who live separately, but in the same street area, who may interact occasionally? Or would some be interested in playing villains/non street kids?

Here is my concern. I want to ensure that if I do this, the quality will be as good as that of my original Street Kids. There are already nine people who want to sign up. No way could nine or more kids all live together realistically and ensure good quality.

If I do this, people must live separately in small groups. they cannot all live together. Some may live in a shelter, some may live in an abandoned building or home, some may move day to day, some may even live alone. They may all know each other since they live in the same general area and cross each other, may party together, buy drugs from each other, panhandle together, or whatever else, but they may not all live together. Which means people need to have conversations about who lives with/travels with who.

I think it would be unrealistic for groups larger than five or so to live together.
[QUOTE="Faith Eliza Cord]Soon as I can work out kinks. I was hoping for an interactive discussion in this thread. For instance, there seems to be a LOT of interest, which would mean a lot of characters. How can the rp be realistic and not too crowded then? I think that it would not be realistic for so many to form a family. Could there then be a group of street kids who are "good" and a group that is "bad," or a group with "powers" and one who is "normal?" It would be simply unbelievable to have fifteen kids all living together, for instance. Or perhaps there could be several groups who live separately, but in the same street area, who may interact occasionally? Or would some be interested in playing villains/non street kids?
Here is my concern. I want to ensure that if I do this, the quality will be as good as that of my original Street Kids. There are already nine people who want to sign up. No way could nine or more kids all live together realistically and ensure good quality.

If I do this, people must live separately in small groups. they cannot all live together. Some may live in a shelter, some may live in an abandoned building or home, some may move day to day, some may even live alone. They may all know each other since they live in the same general area and cross each other, may party together, buy drugs from each other, panhandle together, or whatever else, but they may not all live together. Which means people need to have conversations about who lives with/travels with who.

I think it would be unrealistic for groups larger than five or so to live together.

That seems like a quite good idea and once you get the first couple street kid closes apps to them and open apps open to like police and shop security maybe. And with the groups part I think you should have as you said the Ones with powers group up and the non-power kids and then you can have like the one or two evil people Or something, Im not very good with ideas :D
Also I think you should start it and just see how it goes if you get a lot of people close the apps and then when at least 5 other people want to join say yes but they cant join the original group and have to make their own group
[QUOTE="Faith Eliza Cord]I will start it when I have been able to think of all rules and a basic premise, and when my own characters are created

Okay, Ill just have to be patient for once :D
Street Kids, due to the loss of two characters/roleplayers, is now open, but I am looking for very thoughtful characterizations
Name: Ana Prowell

Age: 14

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 98lbs

Race: Witch

History: Ana was born into unusual circumstances, but certain issues prevented anyone from finding out until much later in Ana's life. Ana's mother, Mariel was a witch and a most powerful one. She practiced dark magic as a teen, but changed her ways once she got older and became more mature and realize that she was hurting people. She eventually got a good job, married and had Ana's older sister Kelsey and then a few years later Ana herself. What Mariel had forgotten when she was a teen, was that she had summoned a dark, malicious spirit with the promise that if it helped her have a successful life she would give it the life of her children. When Kelsey was 7 and Ana 3, the spirit came back for what it was promised. Mariel was afraid it would take both children, but it only asked for Kelsey who showed more promise than Ana who, at the time, was barely considered a witch. In exchange for protecting her children, Mariel gave her life instead. She thought this would protect them and it did - for a while.

Unsatisfied with just Mariel, it watched the young girls. Kelsey grew into her powers, but without a teacher, she ended up misusing it. When she was 15 and Ana 11, she accidentally cursed her younger sister after a fight. Ana had always felt unappriecated. Their father never got over the death of his wife and he hated his children, especially Kelsey, when they showed magic, saying that it was a blight on the family line. He mainly worked, leaving them with babysitters all the time. Ana felt like she was simply her sister's shadow as well. Although Ana showed promise in school and had more friends, she felt jealous of her sister's natural gift in magic and wished she could do more with the small amount she had. The curse made it so that anyone Ana touched, would turn sick and if she did it for too long, they would die. Kelsey tried to reverse it but not before Ana inflicted several and accidentally killed their father.

The ever patience spirit came to the girls after the funeral and offered to reverse it for the life of Kelsey. Although Ana begged her not to, Kelsey did it. Instead of it being reverse, he only made it so that she could inflict them through her bare hands. Then he told her, that he would leave her alone as she did not interest him. Ana, afraid for the life of everyone, fled her home. She has been barely scraping by, afraid to be around people, but starting to put something of a life together as she plans on leaving the country, though her plans may be changed.

Personality: Ana is a shy girl at first, but can be aggressive and in your face as well. She has a short fuse and can be set off pretty easily, although she tends to feel guilty about it afterwards. She can be seen as cold and distant as well, but she just feels it's better for no one to get close to her. She is rather lonely, but had a sort of peace with the fact. She is smart as well and normally can get herself out of situations. She also tends to be sarcastic.

Yeah, but a couple questions;

Do we have to be super natural beings?

what are your limitations on these beings? and uh.

Name: Jason Ryles

Nickname: None. Once called "Bluejay," but that was a long time ago.

Gender: Male, obviously

Age: 13

Appearance: Jason is of average height and a bit on the gangly side. He has black eyes, wears his brown hair neither long or short and always seems to be wearing crumpled or old clothes; he doesn't care much about his looks. He always has a little notebook and pen at his side.

Personality: Although Jason might be awkward around strangers, when you get to know him it's hard to shut him up. He is a generally cheerful and straightforward person, except concerning his notebook; he will never allow anyone to read it. He's fairly intelligent and does well in school. On the downside, he's not athletic at all. He can run pretty fast. That's about it.

History: Jason didn't really run away, or get abandoned, or anything. Both his parents are alive, he thinks. Both of them don't care. They were both street rats, and thieves, but they tried to pull together a life when Jason was born, renting an apartment and enrolling him in school. It worked, too; for many years he lived a fairly normal life. Then things fell apart: his parents drifted away, bills seemed to expand exponentially, drugs seemed to get involved and Jason found himself wandering the streets more often than not. Inheriting his parent's "wanderlust," as they called it, he decided to leave. He said goodbye one day, and his parents- in an "I don't even care anymore" fashion- watched him leave

Kira Carter, age 18

Height: 4'9

Weight: 120

Eyes: Green

Hair: Long, Blond, straight

Class: Shape shifter.

(Now deceased)

She was a normal human till her parents were murdered by her own uncle. She never knew why but she's been running and hidding. After a while on the streets she started to notice her own body shifting into animals. She was surprised she found life a bit easier. So far she's used her shape shifting ability to get away. Now she has been getting a bit careless. After wondering around so much her tired body is not shifting to well. She almost shifted infront of another person. She doesn't talk to much and often makes herself look like a Dog or cat to get free food. So far she's been able to keep her dirty clothes from getting torn from her shifting.
Monique Joanna Vallerez, "Momo", Age: 17

Height: 4"10


Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Medium black hair, wavy.

Dress: Usually wear Cargo pants and combat boots with crimson red tank top and black cropped jacket.

Class: Pyrokenetic, Monique tapped into powers when she was extrenely angry one night and flames startes appear in her hand. Sometimes, the fire blows out of control based on her emotions. She has to be very careful with he feelings.

Moniqur comes from a loving family but school was torture for her. People consantly made fun off her and guys always took advantge of her. She began to get the feeling of killing people. She ran away so she wouldnt hurt her family members.

Monique is cynical, easiily irritated, contentious and stubborn. She always carries any object that can be uses as a weapon. Moniqur loves to fight.


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