Street Kids RP- (open)- sign up

Okay. Kira stashes the guns somewhere, perhaps where she used to go as a child, he meets her there, something along those lines? Or did she already hide the guns? I'm confused, thirty seven pages of posts has my mind befoggled.
Hmm kira could go back seeing as she forgot something, then meets him there. OH I know the hand gun hidden under her clothes! She could have forgotten that!
Hmmm, is it too late to join? If not, can I have two characters?
"Estrella Williams"

19 Female

5'7; 115 lbs

Eyes: dark brown

Hair: golden; styled short with a long braided tail (down her torso)

Class: angel (currently assigned as observer. Given human emotions)

History: she had never known how to fit in with the world for as long as she recalls. Its almost as if everytime she opens her mouth, someone either gets offended or ridicules her. She has long ago stopped trying to glorify humans and just stopped talking. She had met one that related to her, his name was Chris. They had loved each other, despite Chris' inevitable time he spent on his music. He also seemed keen to staying out all night than coming home to her. She soon came to realize that Chris had been in an affair with The Streets, which ultimately led to his death. He was all she had left. She ran off to New York City and changed her name, carrying Chris' surname. Ironically, now she is accompanied by The Streets.


Similar to this, but eyes and hairstyle are as I described.
The Streets, pretty much. I'm making her bio now I don't know yet how she would fit, but The Streets will probably have something to do withit.

--- Merged Double Post ---

The Streets

Born thousand of years ago, when the first roads/paths were paved; "female"

As tall as you imagine her; her weight will correspond.

Hair: typically black

Eyes: unknown; has glowing dollar signs as pupils

Class: deity/essence; metaphor personified as a beautiful woman

History/info: She's nowhere, but everywhere. She is only seen by those who either believe in her, or whoever she will consume next. She will make your dreams come true, yet she's the last person you will ever want to meet. Those who become involved with her will become involved with, and will eventually answer to The Game, her husband. A temptress like no other, The Streets possesses an uncanny knack for seduction and betrayal. She's an equal opportunity heartbreaker and exudes an allure irresistible regardless of race, background, gender, even age. She tattoos the names of her murdered lovers on her breasts. Chris is her most recent victim, but her favorite is Michael Young History, who had resurrected as The Cool.

I really like the idea behind The she is not really a person? More like a demon or mythical personification? You're accepted, but I'd like to know how you see yourself working them into the story. How much of it have you read?
I'm gonna get onto reading the rp, but as for now, estrella and the streets are gonna have a dialogue
Name: Devin

e: 20

Height: 6"3

Weight: 170 lbs

Race: Only a few know of it, but he is Lycan

Devin had your average Lycan childhood, raised by both parents who were also Lycans. At the age of 15 both parents were killed in a fight that got out of control with some other Lycans. Devin then made his own way and joined Calius men when he turned 16. A few months later Siran showed up and he was - being the only 'supernatural' guard - issued to be her 'guard' because of her own supernatural powers. They became lovers after about a year and when Siran got taken to Jail and never came back, he left Calius's command and looked after himself until he got a job at Henry's.

Personality: Devin is a very jokey guy, but has an extremely intense side when it comes to May. He often jokes in fights unless the other person is threatening May, then he gets serious and damn dangerous. He has a deep love for May, and hopes one day she can love him back. He still believes she does love him, but won't admit it. He can often be seen with a smile or smirk on his face.


Name: Rhys Grieves

Age: 17

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 107 lbs

Race: Merman, human currently

History: Rhys was born in the sea. For about nine years of his young life, he only knew the water of his people. He knew something about humans and like many of the other young mermaids/mermen, Rhys was curious. Sometime he and others would sneak a peek at them on boats. Or even go near a beach. It was around this time that somehow Rhys found himself separated from his friends. A supposed witch asked if she could have his tail. Rhys, knowing if he lost his tail he would be human, said no. The witch instead took it from him.

Suddenly human, Rhys managed to make his way onto the shore. For two years, he lived on the street looking for the witch who stole his tail. Rhys was taken in at one point, but eventually ran away knowing he had to keep looking. Rhys longs for the sea and will stop at nothing to return home.

Personality: Rhys is a quiet boy and doesn't really like talking all that much. He is kind, but only to those he thinks deverse it and will act rude to people he does not either know or doesn't like. Rhys tends to have a morbid view and will laugh when in a bad situation. Rhys has a pessimistic view about the future, but deep down just wants to return home. Rhys refuses to talk about his past and will lash out if questioned too much.

Appearance: hair boy/jory103/black-emo-boy-hair-cut.jpg?o=94
Name: The Witch though previously known as Elizabeth Browstone

Age: Over 200

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 135 lbs

Race: Witch

History: Elizabeth was born over two hundred years ago. She lived a simple, average life although she was always interested in the occult and magic. Elizabeth would study and learn all she could of the practice but something one day went wrong or at least to other people. Elizabeth became a full witch at the age of 21. After this she summoned a demon. He made a pact with Elizabeth that she would be able to live forever as long as every ten years she would have to take the power of a creature whether something non-human or someone with powers. Since then Elizabeth had tricked kids and teens into believing her taking from them, leaving them powerless. Not all she took from hated her but most did and some would die or go mad from becoming a normal human.

Elizabeth eventually gave up her "human" name and is now none only as the Witch. She has last taken from Rhys and plans to take him down because he is searching for her so adamantly. The Witch knows he can take back his power if he kills her and she will not allow to let this happen. What happens to the other powers....well no one is sure. The Witch is also not able to use the powers to their full potential and they get more weak the longer it has been since she has taken them.

Personality: The Witch is a uncaring woman, only looking out for herself. She is usually charming and honey-tongued to those she is tricking and stealing from. The Witch is harsh when dealing with others and has little patience for mistakes.

Name: Caroline Danson/ Maddie Brinkerman

Gender: female

Age: 13

Personality: Quiet, intelligent, guarded, traumatized but does not realize it, very naive and clueless, very much protective of and devoted to her "father" while antagonistic towards authority

Bio: Caroline was born Madeline "Maddie" Brinkerman; however, she was kidnapped when she was eight years old by a man who kept her for five years, Lewis Danson. Lewis convinced Maddie that she was actually his daughter Caroline, and that she had been kidnapped by the people she had thought to be her true parents. Maddie grew to believe him, and as they moved constantly, evading the police, she grew to love him as well and be brainwashed by everything he fed her. Only a few weeks ago, Maddie and Lewis were discovered by the police, and Maddie was taken back to her true parents- who she now believed had kidnapped her. Lewis is in prison awaiting trial.

Just recently Maddie, who only calls herself Caroline, decided to run away, meaning to make her way to Lewis and try to break him out of prison to be with him again. Knowing very little about survival and the ways of the world, she is a prime candidate for any number of nasty scenes.

Appearance: Long brown hair, hazel eyes, appears solemn usually, 5'3, 100 pounds, very slight figure, appears younger than her actual age

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FULL NAME: Christian Ryese, Prince Ryese

AGE: Appears to be about 23 but actually he's 113

RACE: Lycan

Human Stats:

Height: 6"4

Weight: 184 pounds

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue with flecks of gold

Pack Status: Alpha

Wolf Stats:

Height: about 6"1 on all fours

Weight: 200 pounds

Hair: Pure white

Eyes: Bright blue with gold rings

Personality: Christian is cold and calculated, he has the ultimate poker face and even when he's in the middle of a fit of rage he will never show it in public. Christian is well educated, the syndicate invested in an ivory league education. Christian is the type of person that smiles sweetly while wining and dining you meanwhile your entire family is being destroyed.

History and Education: Christian was forced to not only go to school but to serve in a secret lycan army, trained to fight not only other lycans but vampires, witches and other dark creatures. He's trained in firearms, blades and hand to hand combat. Like most lycans his age he's most dangerous in his lycan form and despite his rank in the Syndicate he's still an alpha and leads his own pack.

Bio: Christian was upper management in a Lycan Synicate known as Sanguis Luna (Latin For Blood Moon) they mostly operate in Southern Europe and Asia. Christian was on the fast track to being one of the top operators until a job went sideways and he failed to protect an asset, unlike the Eastern European Organization that would have put him down Sanguis Luna does not put down pure bloods, if only to preserve their own legacy, instead Christian and a handful of his original pack that was allowed to live was shipped to New York, in exile Christian has now forced to work his way back into into the good graces of his superiors, or so he wants them to believe. Actually Christian is secretly rebuilding his pack so he can return and eliminate his superiors.

Christian has a direct link to Sheena's mother one that will be revealed eventually, needless to say he's back in her life to bring her into the fold by any means.

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Hey, this looks like a fun roleplay and I'm wondering if I could join somehow. :3 Macal Cord, would it be possible to make a female pure blood lycan charie who was once part of Christian's pack but was separated when Sanguis Luna shipped the last of Christian's pack to New York. ^^ I thought it would be a good way to fit my charie into the story since you mentioned in Christian's bio that he was trying to get his pack back together. Please let me know what you think and if that could work.
You would have to post a sign up for my approval and also talk with both Macal and me about it, this is a pretty closely knit group here
Oh, ok. ^^; Don't worry about it then, I don't want to interrupt anything. I was just wondering.

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