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Fantasy The Packs of Elements


Boink Bean



Ignis territory ; Feeling concerned

His mighty paws slowly pace the edge of the territory, the gusts of wind blowing up blossoms and pollen into his face and fur. He grunts softly, it was spring in their land. The land would be warmer, and easier to cope with. More prey would be around the wolves would stop having to scrap over every inch of territory. He flicks his ears slightly, slowly approaching a ridge. Peering over the edge, he spots two figures in the distance. The figures walk on two feet, and they are dragging a wolf behind them. A wolf carcass. Asamir shakes his head slowly, the figures were not in his territory, so he could not stop them from dragging the young dead wolf. Sighing, he continues to walk along the border, scenting now and then to make sure the boarder is strong and prominent to avoid any accidental strays.

The muscular lead fighter slowly approaches his camp, where many of his packmates would still be sleeping soundly. He pushes through the underbrush, some thorns clinging to his fur. Without giving the clearing a glance, he strolls toward the newly stocked kill pile, picking out a fat rabbit. He carries the creature by its fluffy tail, before sitting in the shadows to enjoy his breakfast, watching the sun rise over the trees in the distance.



Terra territory ; Feeling frantic

Sitting in the shadows rested the beautiful she-wolf, her beautiful emerald eyes shimmering against the darkness around her. Her eyes complimented her various grey colored pelt and black ears. She watched as the pack slowly wakes up, curling her tail around her dainty paws. She wasn't often acknowledged due to her less vibrant attitude, yet she was always the sweetest toward those who did notice her.

Quietly, she stands up and slips out of the camp. Her dainty paws carry her quickly toward the boarder between Terra and Ventus territories. She slides over fallen trees, and goes around boulders. The terrain was always rocky, a tad bit more dangerous than average wolf pack territories. She emerges from the trees slowly, she was usually a little more cautious, especially since the humans began showing themselves.

The beautiful she-wolf approaches the fast-paced river with gentle steps, before sitting beside it. She sighs softly, and looks at her reflection in the water. Silver fist avoid her shadow, some young fish are oblivious while the others go around the dark silhouette. She kneels down, and begins to lap up the icy liquid, her ears perked forward to listen for any danger when she feels her body shift. She opens her eyes, confused. Suddenly, she looks toward the ground. The usual frozen river side is thawed, and the ground isn't stable. It gives way below her and the she-wolf tumbles into the fast paced river, where the current quickly swallows her under before she can yelp.



Ventus territory ; feeling bored

Lazily the guard rolls onto his back, stretching out his hind legs despite the growls of another packmate below him. He rolls his crystal blue eyes, and sighs. Watching the roof of the sleeping den, nothing interesting at all. He can hear the dripping of water just outside the den from the thawed snow dripping off the trees, and the birds chirping gleefully, as if they couldn't wait to return to the land. Faust sits up, his fur tangled with bits of moss and twigs that had gotten into his nest. He shakes his fur out, allowing some moss to fall onto a few wolves around him who were still steadily sleeping. He sits down, and begins to pull and lick the twigs and moss from his beautiful icy pelt, not wanting to exit the warmth of the den just yet.



Umbra territory ; feeling sleepy

She was sprinting, running as quickly as her dainty paws could carry her. Her beautiful pelt bouncing like silky with every powerful stride. She can hear the howls, the barks. The dogs never gave up, once their caught your scent it was either you or them.. Yet these dogs were owned by hunters and it didn't take long for hunters to appear once the dogs did. She pants heavily, feeling the hot breath of the hunter dogs behind her. Scythe shuts her eyes tightly, and the shadows around them wrap around two dogs, their screams and squeals burning through the air. Scythe runs faster, listening to the painful cries of the hunter dogs die down. Two more dogs follow her, despite her running as fast as possible. She leaps over a fallen tree, and is suddenly filled with pain. A trap closes around her paw, and she screeches in shock and pain. She squirms and pulls yet the trap doesn't give way. The dog claw under the fallen tree, pulling themselves through. They snap and nip at her from behind. cornering her against the tree. She bares her ivory fangs, growling loudly. She snaps her jaws and finds her fangs sinking into the side of one of the dog's skulls. The dog snaps at her back and pulls away, blood dripping from the bite to his head that had tore through his ears. The dogs bark and howl at her. She shuts her silver eyes tightly, and is about to unleash the darkness around her on these hunting dogs, when suddenly she feels the cold metal against her chest. She opens her beautiful eyes, and finds herself looking up the barrel of a hunter's rifle. She is about to howl when the man pulls the trigger.

Scythe lunges awake, nearly jumping straight into another sleeping wolf's nest. She pants heavily, looking around as if she expected to find herself in Sky Pack. She sighs heavily, and allows the fur along her spine to rest back in its natural position. Slowing her rapid breathing, she shakily gets to her paws, attempting to tell herself that it was just a dream and nothing more.

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Ajax had been walking near the border between Terra and Ventus. He had been restless, and couldn't sleep. He had been walking near the river, since he was thirsty, where he saw Ibera fall into the water. He gasped and quickly jumped into the water, searching frantically for Ibera. He caught sight of her and began swimming towards her, though it was hard because the current was strong, and he was so small. He ignored the coldness of the water and continued swimming. @Scarlet Fox
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The Ignis apprentice was sleeping soundly. That was until his brother woke him. He yelped and tackled Blaize to the ground. Blaize licked his brothers face and Beau moved away from him. His mother and father, Belle and Brayden, woke up and walked over to the duo. They greeted each other and Beau stretched his legs. He decided that a walk around the campwould be what he needed. He said bye to his family and ventured off around the camp.

The Ignis apprentice was sleeping soundly. That was until his brother woke him. He yelped and tackled Blaize to the ground. Blaize licked his brothers face and Beau moved away from him. His mother and father, Belle and Brayden, woke up and walked over to the duo. They greeted each other and Beau stretched his legs. He decided that a walk around the campwould be what he needed. He said bye to his family and ventured off around the camp.


His piercing crimson eyes slowly looked up from the plump rabbit carcass between his mighty paws. He licked his bloody maw, savoring the sweet flavor of his prey. He watches as Beau steps out of the sleeping den to travel around camp. Asamir lowers his head again to take a mouthful of the sweet rabbit flesh once more, tearing it free with his beautiful ivory fangs that were tinted with the fresh blood. Chewing the meat slowly, before swallowing it, still silently watching Beau.



She felt herself pushed toward the surface, she flailed her legs, coughing and gasping for air. The frigid water chilling her bones as she frantically attempted to get to shore. She spots Ajax out of the corner of her eyes, "Ajax-" before she can finish her sentence she is swept under the water once more, the liquid flooding her mouth and lungs. She kicks and flails frantically, desperate for air as she struggles not to choke om the water already in her throat and lungs. her movements becoming slower, less desperate as she becomes exhausted.


Ajax gasped and swam underneath the water. He saw Iberia down there and gently grabbed the scruff of her neck in his jaws. He swam back to the surface, paddling towards land. It was hard for him to do because of the strength of the current, and he was so small. @Scarlet Fox

Beau walked around the camp for a while before he saw a mouse scurrying across the ground. He caught it in his paws before cooking it with his fire powers and eating it whole. He saw Asamir watching him. He ran over to his mentor happily. Asamir was bigger than him with rank size and personality. He looked up to him with admiration even though he could get a little envious once and a while.

Isaac smile as he walk around his pack. Hiding his face upon his silver mask the little pups were afraid show a little fun. Isaac grin and look at them "dear little pups ... its not like u have not seen something like me before" he laugh as his statement and speed behide the pup witch they flee in fright. Isaac laugh and walk to the forest to find something to hunt.

Fachtna smoothly wakes up and twist round, before she lies down.

After a pleasant time this way, she resolves to exit the den and emits a weak howl approaching Faust, which was cutely sitting at the entrance.

It is very cold outside, it is even snowing with a violent wind, but Fachtna is used to this extreme weather and loves walking by the flakes in the face, as much as sleeping in the den - and she does love it a lot.

She now goes checking the Ventus territory nonesuch faun.

Isaac walk around the forest as he saw a rabit and chase it as he ate it nd blood splattering in his mask as he grim and walk deepee into the forest. He somehow feel trolling those lil pus would be nice as he enjoy seeing their fright. He laugh and hunt for another prey. To exited to meet his day

@can someone interact with my lonely wolf? -evil grin-

Fachtna wents to the frontier with the Terra pack, where a drop delimitates the limit between the windy hill and the more fruitful plain. Then she keeps walking in the snow and sees an imposing black wolf with a bloody mask, which seems to roll happily around the dead trees, alone, far away, down the hill.

"A stupid wolf which plays with anything" she thinks, and go walking in a different direction, thinking she would enter an other territory to know more kinds of herbs.

Seeing a deer eating some grass is quit fun to watch but killing it is more of an entertaining prize. He stood up as watch as he leap the grass and grab the deer's neck bitting its flesh apart as the deer made a run he just atood there waiting for the deer's final end. It took 2m before the deer die and Isaac grin and walk back. While walking he saw a wolf waiting on a territory she doesnt belong "wat a lost soul" he thought as he look at her "maybe a little game would make a trat for this" he said as he laugh.

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