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Realistic or Modern Strangest Place in the West: OOC

Yet even beside such temptations as alcohol and women, were lined a barbers, convenience store, small-time bank, dressmakers, and grocers. Any shop that provided importance, even if a few were scattered a street back with the blacksmiths.

Were convenience stores a thing back then? I know they had general stores, which kind of had everything but grocery, but I thought convenience stores didn't pop up until after gasoline was a thing.
Were convenience stores a thing back then? I know they had general stores, which kind of had everything but grocery, but I thought convenience stores didn't pop up until after gasoline was a thing.
That's the word I was looking for, I meant General oop xD Thanks though!
What would be the fanciest place in this town? I get that it's kinda out in the middle of nowhere.
A hotel perhaps? Not that it'd be used much, but the only bar in town is the saloon. Maybe a small tea room?
I guess I was asking because I want Miss Nock to have just arrived in town. I think it would be fun if she had to stay at the saloon for a few nights.
I guess I was asking because I want Miss Nock to have just arrived in town. I think it would be fun if she had to stay at the saloon for a few nights.

Up to idalie idalie whether there is a proper hotel or not.
If there's not a hotel, Midge would accept boarders, but she'll gouge customers for everything she can get to take them in.
If there is a hotel, Midge will only accept boarders who 1) are really convincing, 2) pay her a lot of money, and 3) can't get a room at the hotel for one reason or another.

Hope that helps you decide. =)
Up to idalie idalie whether there is a proper hotel or not.
If there's not a hotel, Midge would accept boarders, but she'll gouge customers for everything she can get to take them in.
If there is a hotel, Midge will only accept boarders who 1) are really convincing, 2) pay her a lot of money, and 3) can't get a room at the hotel for one reason or another.

Hope that helps you decide. =)
Considering where the town is, and the lack of tourism I'd say no hotel Bethari Bethari
Yep! I can read it now. =) It was just the font size for me. I have really bad eyes, and I couldn't read the small print. The color is ok!
oh! i thought you meant it was messed up or something, ill just keep it to regular colour/size from now on, bbcode is too much hassle anyway!
oh! i thought you meant it was messed up or something, ill just keep it to regular colour/size from now on, bbcode is too much hassle anyway!

Oh, woops. I should have clarified from the start. No, the code seemed okay. Just the font size was tiny is all.
Gosh, I don't know what to write next. I hate to write post after post about someone's grooming habits. :xFrolleyes:

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