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Realistic or Modern Strangest Place in the West: OOC

OOp! Sorry guys, been a busy week. I've got back to school, and been catching up with homework.

Also Bethari Bethari Did Hattie bump into Jericho and Silas? ^^
That was what I understood from her description. I wondered if there might have been some jumping the gun there, since those two should still be in the sheriff's office.
Ach, it's alright. They need something to do, I'll write up a transition post to the point they got bumped into. As you might realise, our fella in the Sheriff's office is gonna become big and ugly come nightfall.
Alrighty, I'll get on that reply as soon as I have dinner
I managed to crash and burn, catching a cold and temperature.
Just a heads-up so everyone kind of knows when to expect me, I only post during the days, never over evenings or weekends, so my schedule may be a bit... backwards... of some of you.
Nah mate. They're just gonna be really scruffy shoes :D. He's just that guy thay takes everything seriously ;D:P

Lol, I wasn't sure if Doc was more this:
Or this:
Sir Monsieur Sir Monsieur Basically, there's a saloon (where most characters hang out and/or work), a sheriff, and a doctor. The sheriff woke up this morning with a very sick young man on his door step. Even Doc's not sure why he looks so pale. Later, an old miner is trying to relax after a long day's work when suddenly he becomes violently ill. Doc is trying to figure out why he keeps vomiting.

There are some other small things, too. Midge, the proprietor of the saloon, may or may not be in a serious relationship with Spurbeck. The bartender works hard to make a living and dreams of his sweetheart. Lizzy, a showgirl, has had her heart broken too many times to count. My character, Henrietta, is new in town.

I think that's everything.
Ok sorry everyone this post is taking a little more time then I thought it would It might be a little longer then I thought it was going to be.
Sorry for taking such a long time between replies. I'm whipping up a response right now.


Guess what? I got a surprise for everyone!
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