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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) - The Start Of Something New

Ryan Kylieth

Ryan lowered his extended hand ”O-Oh… I see… haha…” he slowly muttered, his previous joy and passion behind smithing now replaced with an awkward stance.

Ryan didn’t seem to be the only one affected by this, Aileen voiced her own disagreement with the decision made by her father. Two things stood out to Ryan: She thought he was cute, and more notably ”Wait, this isn’t the first time this happens?” he asked the girl, wondering how many ended up accidentally applying for marriage somehow… Or was he the first to be involved into this family issue.

Elvario Elvario
Amanda Steelhaven

As Amanda returned to the town square, she barely managed to catch the tail end of Ethel's grand declaration of a battle in the plaza. As the woman issued her orders to the strange man from before, Amanda concluded that the well-armoured woman must have been a guard of high standing within the community. Given she was going to battle someone it didn't take a genius to asses that it likely stemmed from some authoritative or honour-based issue. Either of which Amanda viewed as a hassle, an unavoidable one at that. Amanda did not envy whomever it was the guard was to battle, be it the baroness or her knight.

Moving to stand aside the Baroness, Amanda waited patiently for her to finish whispering to Aria and likewise for Aria to finish responding before speaking up herself. "I've got some plans in mind in relation to the wall, keep and barracks. I believe restoring the walls should be the primary focus but I stand ready and waiting for your command Baroness. As for compensation." Pausing for a moment Amanda turned to the woman with an almost terrifyingly sweet smile "I ask you to judge my work fairly. Should it meet or exceed your expectation then I ask you to pay me for those schematics by granting me an official capacity as an advisor. Specifically, I ask that you consider me for the positions of both architectural and economical advisor. For now at least.".

Looking to Ethel, Amanda's smile returned to normal "I'll have you your schematics by next week and once granted capacity I'll hire those workers in the area that have shown promise and set to work immediately on the project of your choice."

Shaking her head Amanda was quick to add without a hint of reluctance "Oh, and of course, should I fail to produce schematics of favourable design. You may have the hands used to draft those failures."

Turning back to Aria, Amanda would add "She has the loyalty of her men. I'm sure you're incredibly skilled but remember. To these people, she is a hero and you are but an outsider with a fancy title. Approach this with great care or you'll open yourself to a lot of trouble in the future.". Sighing softly Amanda bowed her head "Apologies, I overspoke. It's a bad habit of mine."
RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall.
Mentions: Retili conman2163 conman2163

Regula Caelia

Retili had been able to leave as intend, with the older man making no move to follow after him. It's why Regula frowned upon hearing Retili's words. Was it Retili's odd appearance that made people distrust him? Or were people around here generally less trusting? Either way, she'd have to find a way to work around it. “That's unfortunate.” She clicked her tongue. “We'll have to figure out a proof of office.. Let's put it on the list of things to get figured out.” That said, she resisted the urge to go meet him herself. “I'll leave him be for now.” She wanted it to be clear that she was the one summoning him and not the other way around. Going to meet him now might only give off the impression she was under his command instead. They'd probably run into each-other eventually, after which they'd be able to get things cleared up.

She cheered up a bit at the return of Amanda, as the latter was clearly still eager to talk about her plans. It was always good to have such highly motivated folk around. That said, she had to think about the proposed deal for a little. “For now, I'm willing to make you a general advisor if those schematics prove useful. However, I'd like to see who else gathers here and where everyone's talents lie before deciding on what specific subjects I'd like to put everyone in charge of.” She then thought for a second, debating her options. “Until then, I'm afraid all I'll offer you is food and shelter. I'll have to get a better grasp on the current status of our economy first. Considering you're vying for the position of economics advisor, I'm sure you understand.” Promising wages before knowing how much she had to spent would be a pretty bad idea. Even though Amanda hadn't asked for them directly, a decent wage was normally tied to a decent position, so Regula figured she'd burst bubbles before they could grow too large. That said, Regula was curious. “By the way, where have you been?” For a moment, Regula figured Amanda had left altogether a few hours prior, after all.

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX


“Well, yes, but no?” Aileen replied. “Look, my dad's been trying to find a successor to this place ever since he lost his hand.” An affirmative “Hm.” came from the big guy.

“He also seems to believe that I should marry that successor, for some reason.” Another “Hm!” could be heard.

“So he's been asking people to forge him all sorts of stuff, yet everyone else failed miserably thus far. I didn't expect someone would actually succeed, so I just played along with it and...” a disapproving “Hmpf.” interrupted her.

“Oh, come on dad, you can't really expect him to marry me, right? I mean...” Before she could finish her sentence, the big guy picked up the shield Ryan made and showed it to Aileen. She was a bit surprised at first, but her eyes lit up a little in no-time. “Oh, wow, that's really well-made. How'd you combine the silver and mithril like that?” Her impression of the shield had gotten her off-topic in no-time.

Aria looked away with embarrassment as Ethel cheered and announced to the world this grand achievement she’ procured. It was difficult to understand why a guardswoman would have such a sudden quarrel. Was this how she welcomed everyone? Perhaps, that’s why this town had become so run down? It was all speculation for the moment.

This was beginning to feel a lot like when she was first titled Champion of Light, suddenly exposed to everyone’s attention. Crossing her arms the sword maiden began, “I don’t believe you leave me much of a choice. But if it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’ll get Ethel.” Aria tilted her head a bit, “However, what are your terms should you win?”

When the guard mentioned the place and time of the duel, Aria nodded, “Very well.”

After the guard would provide any further details Aria would make her way lightly towards Regula who was appearing a bit anxious, standing by her side Regula leaned in to whisper, “Noted, m’lady. It’s a suspicion in my mind as well.” It was a continuing curiosity as to why Ethel was being so challenging, however, she was beginning to come to the conclusion that she had just taken some kind of bait. It was too late now. However, the thrill of a duel with a worthy opponent began to burn brightly within the maiden. Even should the odds be fixed against her.

She suddenly noticed Amanda speaking to her, she straightened up a bit upon hearing her words. Nodding in agreement. “Yes. That makes sense. The irony to be my villages household name hero, and confront another villages protector.” She smiled only a bit before putting a hand over her mouth. “I welcome this challenge.”

“Oh. I don’t believe we’ve met, Aria Barlow at your service. Hm. I do believe the ‘fancy’ title you refer to is that of [Marshall]. I couldn’t help but overhear your expertise in [warfare]. It’d be a pleasure to know your thoughts on the topic.” She bowed her head briefly.
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Ryan Kylieth

”…Yes, but no?”
Ryan repeated, puzzled. Aileen proceeded to explained that her father was looking for a successor to the smithy, which was understandable… But he also had the desire for the successor to wed Aileen. He tried to get someone to achieve a convincing outcome in his tests, but everyone failed, and Aileen played along for that reason.

Clearly neither was happy with the other’s take on this situation. To try and solve the issue, Aileen’s father showed her Ryan’s latest work. Her reaction struck him quite deep. It always made him happy to see a pleased costumer. But a fellow blacksmith amazed by his work… No… it wasn’t that… What is this…

”H-Huh?” Ryan exclaimed, as he was snapped back into reality by Aileen’s question taken slightly aback by it. ”Copper” he nonchalantly answered… Until he remembered that he was dealing with smiths ”O-Oh!… I… The silver-copper alloy is a very popular choice for jewelry because of its properties… But I discovered that the alloy meshes very well with mithril thanks to the bond the two make with copper. Very sturdy, and prime enchantment material. It also makes it very easy to shape, that’s why I only needed a simple mold to cast it. And with the proper enchantment, it can be very sturdy… Simple stuff!” he provided with visible joy. That’s until he realized he may coming off as a bit arrogant ”I mean! Uuuuh… or maybe I’ve lucked out while testing it… haha…” he nervously finalized, while scratching the back of his head.

Trying to move the conversation on, Ryan cleared his throat and tried switching topics turning his attention from the shield, to the blacksmith ”Anyway… About being your successor, I… Am flattered, and given that I was planning on moving into this town regardless… Nothing prevents me from accepting, if you are still willing to accept me… That said…” He glanced at Aileen and blushed slightly, which he tried to hide, rather poorly, by turning his head back to her father ”I can’t accept your daughter’s hand… It belongs… It… It belongs to…” it was clear this was a difficult topic for Ryan to handle ”itbelongstowhoeverwinsherheart!” he stammered. After a few seconds of no sounds coming off of him save for his heart beating out of control. A second passed, then another, and a few more after. He broke his silence with a deep breath ”I am not trying to be rude… Those are just my thoughts” he concluded, hoping to not look like a fool too much after such a mess of a speech.

Elvario Elvario
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Amanda Steelhaven

Amanda listened carefully to what the Baroness had to say, nodding along silently as the woman spoke and justified her decisions. General advisor, it was a far shot from what Amanda was looking for in the long run but in terms of right now it was exactly what she had set out to achieve. Highballing was standard practice, becoming an advisor at all was really what Amanda needed right now. A promise of a job and the ear of the Baroness. It was the perfect reward should she succeed. Highballing the Baroness would also serve to show the baroness just what exactly Amanda was aiming for. From this point on subconsciously the Baroness was bound to at least consider Amanda for those positions mentioned. And that consideration alone was worth more than any compensation her schematics could draw in at market value.

"Very well, I shall prepare the schematics for you and should they prove useful I will take up your job offer of general advisor." Turning to face the keep Amanda would continue "My wage can be discussed at a later date, for now, food and shelter are agreeable. However, I would also ask that you grant me temporary use of an office within the keep, I'll need a quiet space in which to produce the schematics after all.".

Having been asked where she had been up until now Amanda tilted her head to the side and confusion quickly washed over her face "Where was I? Didn't you tell me to go and speak with the townsfolk? I went to see a farmer called Gwenith just out of town. We had tea and I asked her a few questions. I gathered some useful information and got some insight into the current social and economic situation. I also learned of some serious risk factors that require my immediate and not-so-immediate considerations. Oh, and I learned that I won't have to travel far for some good tea. Which in turn means I also discovered a possible cash crop... Anyway, the farming thing can wait.". Coughing softly to clear her throat "Ahem! The main point is, the soil and earth need a lot of work before we can consider expanding the settlement in size. Stone is buried deep and in high concentrations and so foundation and preparatory work will be slow. Bandits and wildlife are a topic of concern and of course drainage and by extension sewerage and illness will also be of great concern if left unaddressed for too long." Straightening up Amanda exclaimed rather suddenly "Oh! And there's a very real risk of a refugee crisis striking the town! That will need careful consideration and political manoeuvring. I'll explain in more detail later but for now, let me work toward getting those schematics done first. Then once I'm an advisor I can, well, advise you". Laughing softly at her own joke Amanda turned toward Aria who had addressed her.

Bowing her head in response to the woman's own gesture, Amanda introduced herself with a smile "It's a pleasure to meet you, Marshall Barlow. My name is Amanda Steelhaven, I'm a lowborn of no major note, please address me as you so wish." Straightening her posture Amanda tilted her head ever so slightly and forced a pleasant smile, very clearly lying as she continued, her left-hand thumb rubbing at her pointer finger as if to only make it that much more obvious "Warfare, oh my. Surely you must jest. What would a lowborn such as myself know of warfare and tactics? I'm but a farmer's daughter. I was merely curious earlier about something I once read, I misspoke. Pike and shot... it was... eh heh was it something of note? I just thought it sounded cool."
RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong Amanda Uasal Uasal


For a second, it was clear Ethel hadn't even considered setting any terms on winning or losing. However, after a short silence, she triumphantly verbalised what she'd come up with. “Muahaha! Terms, thou asketh? If thou shalt win, I shalth respect thee for thy prowess and obey thy commandments. Should thy lose, thou shalt be mine noble steed!” She called it out with pride, pointing her finger at Aria provocatively. For all intends and purposes, she did not explain what she meant by that.

Regula Caelia

Regula had been listening in silence, mostly just nodding along with Amanda. There was a tad bit of an issue... “I'll have to inspect the keep and see if I have enough rooms in good condition. If not, I'll see if I can make an arrangement with the local innkeeper for the time being.” That said, Regula lightly chuckled at the reply to her question where Amanda had been. “I didn't expect you leave the town in an attempt to meet the townsfolk, but I'm glad you succeeded.”

She visibly flared up a bit at the mention of bandits and wildlife being an issue, her hand brushing over to her gun and her wings spreading out a bit further. She barely even tried to hide the fact that she was always ready to test out her newly made weapons in the field. The only part she replied to, however, was the refugee crisis. “I doubt it'll become a big issue. Assuming you talk about what happened in Yemaya, most people will have simply returned to where they came from before moving in after rumours about Michael. Others will have left the country altogether due to their cult and the Order being disbanded. It never hurts to have some idea ready, just in case, so if you have plans, feel free to share them, but I wouldn't make it your main concern. Besides, the scale of these events also mean it's something that Count Sadek himself is likely already working on. I'd like to make sure we won't accidentally get ourselves mixed up in his business. I am, however, wondering if we'll start to see refugees from The See or the East Empire, when the war between them heats up again or when those bugs keep spreading even further. That is probably also a concern at a larger scale and later date, so let's try to work with the here and now first.”

There was one point that struck Regula in a bad way, however, something she passively picked up on while Amanda was talking with Aria. Having read Amanda's titles, she knew the girl was lying. It's why she'd sound the most stern thus far. “You've made a good impression thus far, so I'll attribute what you just said to an attempt at merely being humble. However, I'd like for you to keep in mind that my advisory board has no roam for those that lie to me or to those that are closest to me.” She then softened up a bit. “If there's a reason you think you can't be open about yourself, you're free to tell me. I've seen and heard a lot of crazy and otherworldly things, so I doubt you'll be able to surprise me. If we want to make things work out well, the least we can do is trust each-other, right?”

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX


Back in the forge, Aileen eagerly listened to Ryan's explanation. Taking the shield over from her father, she'd walk over to Ryan to stand next to him and hold it in front of him, pointing at some of the runes. She didn't even notice she'd ended up standing shoulder-to-shoulder with him in order to point them out. “So these runes. Are those enchantments? I've always wanted to try my hand at making those, but I never really understood them...”

“Hmpf.” A dissatisfied grunt was all Ryan got in reply to his entire speech. The smith was clearly not happy with the fact that Ryan refused his offer, or at least part of it.

When Ryan started speaking again, Aileen suddenly realised how close she was standing to him and took a few steps back. A light blush adorned her cheeks. “He's right, you can't just make me part of your inheritance along with this forge! I barely even know him!” The again... “Although, I guess I wouldn't mind it if he'd try winning my heart...” she mumbled under her breath as her cheeks darkened to a deeper shade of red.
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

Retili had gone quiet for several minutes as events unfolded around them. The symbol of office was pretty simple. He would have some seals made for Regula later on that would bear the emblem of her house and a set of rings that signified the office of her people. Or a badge of some kind. It would really just be whatever Regula wanted. His goal here was to become indispensable to Regula. He wouldn't presume what she wanted her badge of office to be. He crossed his arms as he watched Regula firmly put one of the newcomers in her place. He was surprised that she was so willing to hire on advisors so quickly, but he supposed that the woman showed enough merit to be brought in. He wasn't any great expert on economic matters, but he did have some training with the military ones and courtly etiquette expected of a noble. He would be able to quickly sort out whether or not she knew her stuff in regards to the military. He spoke up after Regula finished. "My lady, if you would not mind we could have a simple seal for wax made up and some badges or rings to prove the office. The rarer the material the better of course to help prevent anyone from trying to replicate it. I suppose some sort of magical signature could be set up as well if there was a skilled enough artificer."
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan was too focused on the topic of the shield to display his awkwardness when Aileen got close to him "Well, yes. You're basically etching instructions for the mithril's mana flow to follow. With the right tools and some practice, it is not a hard thing to learn... Though it is hard to master. Regardless, since I'm moving into this town, I could show you the basics!" Ryan said enthusiastically. It was nice to have someone show so much interest in his work.

Back to more pressing matters though... His comment on Aileen's hand was apparently not only making him self-conscious. The girl in question showed her more pure side, when she shied away from him. Ryan took notice of this, to the point of hearing her quietly spoken words. Ryan was no expert on the subject by a long shot, but he was able to pick on the (not even close to) subtle hints pointing at Aileen having some interest in him... What to do about it invaded Ryan's head. Since he has no previous experience other than what he read on books and some advice from his father. Ryan could almost hear him saying "Don Kylieth didn't raise a coward!" as he landed his eyes back on Aileen again. With a nervous tone, but a friendly smile, Ryan extended his hand to her "Then... allow me to try". Deviating his eyes from her face for a moment, focusing on the shield and the nice exchange they just had. Calming a bit from that, he continued "I'm Ryan Kylieth. It's a pleasure to meet you, Aileen." Ryan really wasn't sure on how to woo ladies, but properly introducing oneself sounded like a solid start.

Elvario Elvario

The bit about being respected prompted a nod from Aria, but the consequences of the loss would be quite the opposite and downright humiliating. Aria held herself from flinching, and gasped. "N-noble.. steed?" She repeated, any anxiety deeply buried in her emotionless features, as she rubbed her back, surely with armor Ethel would be incredibly heavy. "Very well, I accept these terms Ethel."

Aria's gaze panned towards Regula, who was mentioning the events in Yemaya, part of her wished she'd kept him close but what was done was now a fact, and the consequences felt throughout the land. The bit about the See and the East Empire stung much more deeply. Her hand moved towards her thigh as flashbacks of great and incredible flames invaded her mind. Should news eventually reach Caelia Territory, which she was certain it would, she hoped to find the freedom to attempt to correct where she had previously failed.

A shallow sigh emitted from Aria however, snapping her back to reality.

Aria blinked a bit curiously as Regula called Amanda out on the lie regarding warfare. Perhaps she was too forward in mentioning things that were overheard. It wasn't exactly all that big of a deal though. However she was a little curious however, "Pike and shot aren't usually topics I've heard about outside of a prefecture or around military strategists. Hm. Perhaps I assumed too much." Aria would bring a pondering finger to her chin, "Would have been interesting to know your approach on how to best cavalry in open battle with foot-soldiers, even though most of my training so far has suggested, retreat to be the best option."

Aria kind of liked this Amanda, she seemed a little quirky, and well spoken. Perhaps even a little humble in conversation, which was kind of a rare thing.
Amanda Steelhaven

Amanda nodded along to what the Baroness had to say, relieved somewhat by the fact Regula seemed to have already given some consideration toward the risk of a refugee crisis. However, one thing the Baroness seemed to be unaware of was the possibility that those refugees already dispersed could very well end up moving to Stonewall once word of its revival reached a suitable level. But Amanda wasn't going to bring that up right now, no that was an issue for a later date and as the Baroness had said already, it wasn't a primary focus for Amanda right now. "Of course, I'll endeavour to keep my eyes solely on the projects most necessary to the town's revival and restoration for the time being.".

With those details out of the way, Amanda was quick to find herself on the receiving end of a stern talking to. Body rigid and eyes avoiding the Baroness', Amanda's discomfort was very clear. She had been caught in her own lie and although it didn't take much to catch her out on it, the Baroness had very much caught Amanda by surprise. A bead of sweat formed upon her twitching brow Amanda stuttered to herself a few times before bowing to the two women "I'm sorry. I just thought it would come across as rude for a civilian such as myself to speak on warfare despite not knowing the first thing about wielding a blade or taking another's life first-hand. I had hoped to avoid such a topic so as to save myself any animus. Instead, it would appear I slighted you instead.".

Raising her head Amanda chuckled awkwardly to herself "I agree, trusting one another is very important. I will endeavour to speak truthfully going forward, unless, of course, I am told otherwise. I actually quite despise lying."

Taking a deep breath Amanda would move a hand to her chest, closing her eyes for a few seconds to regain her composure. Though her smile remained uneasy, her body at least seemed to have relaxed somewhat, no longer resembling a stiff board. "I'm afraid the story behind my tactical know-how is no great tale. I was simply born with a natural skill in the subject. I tend to pick up on matters relating to warfare, economics and architecture incredibly quickly. That's all there is to it, though please do not take my words as boastful. I do not like to talk of my skills in such a light. I still have much room for growth".

With Aria posing a question, Amanda's smile returned at least somewhat. The woman was still weary to answer on the subject but at this point, she figured there was no way around it "Well, a sudden and open retreat is actually the worst option one could take. Oh ah!" Waving her hands and going bright red Amanda stuttered "I! EH! Wait! I didn't mean to offend! I! AH!". Resigning herself to utter defeat the woman stared down at her shoes, hiding her face. Gripping her skirt tight with both hands. "Cavalry comes in many forms and each form is well suited to different objectives. However, given the region, I would assume you refer to cavalry of the charging type. Lightly armoured and excelling in flanking manovours with lances."

Pausing for a moment Amanda struggled to continue, a lump forming in her throat, but she pushed on "Light cavalry like those mentioned are incredibly fast, in the open they will run your men down the second their formation breaks. To flee or retreat, well it would be akin to a death sentence unless you can make use of the terrain." Pausing again Amanda, refused to look up "The best way for foot soldiers to deal with cavalry is to maintain a close and dense formation. A phalanx would be ideal. The cavalry will be moving at incredible speeds, use that against them, plant your pikes in the ground at an angle and produce a rudimentary spiked wall. The momentum of the cavalry will do the rest.".

Adding finally to the end "Ranged weapons such as javelins, longbows and crossbows are also effective solutions but are less reliable. Light cavalry aim for the weak points in a formation, they will almost always flank, keep this in mind and you should be able to counter them effectively. Oh and camels... never mind, that wouldn't apply here."

Releasing her skirt Amanda, turned away from the woman and fiddled with her fingers "Was that a satisfactory answer?"
RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163
Pierre Rothel - - > Rosalia Caelia|| Elvario Elvario

"For those I love, I will sacrifice." - Kyle Hockenberry
{A Tank's Story: Prologue - Boxed Finality of Love & Sacrifice}

Internally, Pierre grimaced slightly at Rosalia's confusion at the discovery of his sister from another mister#1 close friend/Ally. He himself had also been surprised initially at Regula's newfound status, alongside Count Light's unfortunate death at the hands of predatory political opponents beforehand of his calling. Aside from that, his attention came back as Rosalia briefly retreated back into her home, before returning back out with what he assumed to be the letter that Regula sent to inform her of the situation. This was confirmed upon the mentioning of her forgetful neighbor's poor handling of mail.

"It is all fine, Mrs. Caelia. I once remember my old home having such poor mail management to the point that sometimes it'd have to be picked up on the other side of the settlement. An hour to and from the pickup point if I recall correctly.." He replied kindly with a nod of his Barrel, and placed a hand of his onto a set of treads to rest on as this interaction went further.

It was nice to at least be reminded of something from his original home, walking to those pickup points as a kid were especially mesmerizing during the fall and spring seasons. Damp trails, warm air, and the rays of the morning sun poking through trees and the alleyways of buildings lining the streets of France. Good times, they were.

Upon her request to have some more time given to absorb the information of her daughter's textual announcement, Pierre gave another nod accompanied by a hum of comforting approval. "Take as much time as you need, Mrs. Caelia. I am also aware this is a lot to take in such a brief period." Some words of reassurance would most likely help bring her spirits up as well.

"I have a lot of faith in your daughter's ability to lead, and see a bright future heading her way alongside the allies and bonds she has gained. I have reason to assume you've met one Aria Barlow?

She and Regula have come a long way in their intertwined journey." Subconsciously, Pierre was saying all this as though he were a proud father seeing his children accomplish many things. Only except he didn't raise them.

Then the request to gather Regula's tools from the forge came about, in which Pierre accepted dutifully.. Only for him to realize he was gonna have to deal with this gods damned series of tight turns again.

(Many, many tight corners and impatient pedestrians later..)

He had arrived at the forge and picked up all that was needed. But had also requested for some paper and a writing utensil for something he needed to do en route.. Something he himself felt as though he were about to sacrifice something for the safety of his dear ones..

'..This is gonna be harder to write out than I thought...' Pierre let out a soft, yet heartbreakingly solemn sigh for what was to come next.. For now, he needed to get back to Rosalia, and do this favor for his friend who he sees as family.

Along the route back to Rosalia's residence, Pierre had taken a small detour in an area with wider ground to do what he needed to with the paper. So far, the strokes of the writing tool on the paper drowned out all other sounds around him, as though it were just him, and this paper resting on his hull..

'...What will they think about this..?'

He had also taken this time to think. Not about the past life, but moreso about the events occurring throughout his time in this.. peculiar, world. All those he has met, made bonds, connections, and even interactions with in this lifetime.

He saw it coming, that most of this session of self reflection and remembrance consisted of his time spent with the 2 people he had grown the most fond of:

Aria, and Regula. Sisters from other misters 1 & 2.

It was also the memories with them that hurt the most, for what his duty entailed to in these next moments.

His mind trailed back to Aria's family.. More specifically Marcus' invitation.. He knew damn well his intents were far from bright, and given Pierre's rejection..

He could only fear that Marcus's politeness and understanding was a façade. A ploy where he would notify the father.. Leading to a new threat looming over his dear ones..

'..Chances are I have a target painted on my back by the Barlows.. Regula's status puts enough pressure on her. And Aria's the target of her family desiring her to follow their path.. Them potentially targeting me would.. I can't let them bear that burden..!'

The thought was as painful as inhaling chlorine gas in the trenches.. Having to leave your friends to protect them from something that could strike at any moment felt as close as it was as being a deserter.. But he was doing this for good. For the better.. For their health, safety, and success.

"..You're doing this to protect your friends, Pierre.. Don't ever think otherwise.." He quietly said to himself, writing the last letters of his note before folding it neatly. Looking to a nearby window with its blinds closed, he saw the reflection and focused on the pendant that rested beneath his turret.. The Croix de Guerre.. He stared for a good while, before a hand shakily went to it, gently took it off, and pinned it to the note.

"*shaky sigh* U-Un mémo.. à ceux qui.. nous sont chers." He whispered..


It took a little longer than he thought to get back to Rosalia's house, but again, he blamed the tight roads around these parts. Stopping before her door, he made his presence known.

"I apologize for taking a little longer than I should have. I ran into slow foot traffic on the way back, but I've acquired her forging gear. Are you ready to depart?" He politely asked.

"O-one more thing.." Before he forgot, he started a request.

"..W-when we arrive at stonewall.. I must depart quickly to the Riverside. I have a letter written that I'd like for you to deliver to Regula, Mrs. Caelia.. But I must request that you do not speak of my whereabouts to them no matter how much the press for answers.. It's to protect them, and that is all I must say."

When they were ready, Pierre would depart to Stonewall, with Rosalia as his passenger. When they'd arrive, he would gently hand her the letter, alongside dropping off the Forge tools to the nearest guard.. And depart again.. To the Riversides.

"..Adieu.. Mes amies.."


{-The Letter-}

To My Dearest Friends. Whom I Vision as Family,

Greetings, Regula, Aria, and anyone else who I've happened to meet and have come across this letter.

How have you been? I certainly hope that you are doing quite well on this day. Nice weather, warm air, and hopefully so a good day to be had.

I acknowledge that this medium of contact, especially by one such as myself, is unusual in it's own regard due to my status as a Construct, but it was a necessary measure in my message.

If you have
received this, it means that I have successfully carried out my duty in the safe delivery of Mrs. Rosalia Caelia, and alongside the delivery of Regula's forge gear from Rossle's Forge. Despite the rather crowded streets and narrow alleys, I've come out and pushed through.

Aside from that, I have a confession that I wish to make.

Following my journey to safely bring Mrs. Caelia, I've come to the realization that Your position as Baroness has placed you in a significant level of risk, potential dangers, and other factors. I praise your quick thinking to bring your mother to safety.

Following this realization, I am aware that there will be many who will try to oppose your barony. Political figures, royals, other barons, etc.

Back when Aria was being treated for her leg injuries, I was brought into a conversation with her brother, Marcus Barlow, which ended off in me rejecting a suspicious invitation to come to the Barlow residence to 'See what I was capable of.' As he vocalized.

I had thought that it was simply left at that, but I was wrong. Dread loomed over me, but for different reasons than you may think.

This dread I was feeling, It was not in concern of my own safety, but yours due to association. The risk of having a likely target placed on my back and being within vicinity of my dear ones would put them in a danger mainly targeted at myself.

I cannot simply live if others and loved ones were to get hurt by a threat directed to me.

As such, I sadly and apologetically have no choice but to inform the readers of this letter that, as of now,

This very letter may be the last you will hear from me from here on out.

I would like for you to know that this is for the sake of protection. Not for me, but you, my dear ones. With a high probability target aiming at my body to fuel war, I find the risk too heavy to remain where I am.

I must ask of you not to search for me, I wish not for my presence to place a higher threat on your life from someone else, and I cannot live with myself if it were to be the cause of death brought upon you, Aria, or anyone else in Stonewall.

I am nearing the end of this letter, so this is what I will say.


I cannot thank you enough for the time we've spent working alongside eachother. Our journeys, talks and interactions overall have brightened my life in more ways than one. It saddens me greatly that those times have come to an end as of now, but do not let it falter your path to royalty. I will always be cheering you on and wishing for the best.


My dear friend, comrade.. I cannot express enough how sorry I am for what you have gone through lately, with the loss of your original legs.. If I had been there when it happened, I would've gone out of my way to prevent you from feeling the pain that you did in those moments. I must confess that I have been
perceiving you as family lately, a dear sister, as you may see it.

Eitherway, within the letter is my
medal obtained from my time serving my army.. I wish to pass it on to you, not only for you to know that in spirit I'll always be supporting your goal to peace, but for
remembrance, of the moments we've shared.

You two have been the brightest beacons of light in my time spent in your company. And I will always cherish the memories we've shared beyond the grave. Make the world a better place in your own ways.

And please, go and be the best people you can be.

With unfaltering love, regards of the absolute best, and Farewells,

Pierre Rothel.
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong | Amanda Uasal Uasal | Retili conman2163 conman2163

Regula Caelia

Regula nodded at Retili's suggestion. “That would help. Although I'd also like to have different ones for different levels of authority. I'm more than willing to give people from all walks of life a chance to prove themselves, but I'd rather limit any actual power to those that have already proven themselves multiple times over. Do you think you'd be able to procure such a set of identifiers? I personally have no preference for whether they be rings, seals or amulets or anything alike.”

She then turned to Amanda. “That's good to hear.” She replied to the girl's apology and flashed her a smile. Truth be told, Regula was not entirely sure what to think about her 'new' explanation. That said, she didn't have anything proving this to be a lie as well, so she chose to believe it. “You can be as boastful as you want, for as long as you can back-up whatever you boast about. I'll be looking forwards to seeing those skills of yours in action.”

Truthfully, Regula didn't pay too much attention to Aria and Amanda's talk on war tactics. She knew she'd need to learn a bit more about them at some point, but now that she'd managed to craft gear strong enough to be a one-woman army, the need for it was a bit lessened. Besides, she'd also entrust Aria with giving her the right council on warfare when needed.

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX


“L.l-.. likewise.” Aileen stuttered at the introduction upon shaking Ryan's hand. After all, his sudden resolution had rather shaken her and she felt like her cheeks were an apple shade of red by now. “I'm Aileen... just Aileen. No last name.” She said, feeling a bit ashamed about being so much of a peasant that they'd never even had a surname registered somewhere. Still, perhaps... Aileen Kylieth? As her blush was deepening to shades of red that surpassed the human vision range, her dad took out a key and handed it to Ryan. “Spare key.” He stated, then pointed towards the stairs where Aileen had come down from. “Third room left.” It seemed like Ryan had found himself a place to stay.

Mentions: Pierre Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo

Rosalia had been delightful to chat more with Pierre whilst loading him up with belongings that she wished to bring over. Stories about Regula as a child were the predominant topic. Especially how much of a tomboy Regula had been. “You know, mister Rothel, I'm glad Regula met a man like you. I'd have never known Constructs could be such gentleman and good friends.” She'd happily state along the way.

As for his request, she'd tilt her head in confusion. “Oh, are you sure? I bet Regula and Aria would be delighted to see you again! They talked about you a fair bit, you know? It'd probably hurt them if you left without even coming to greet them.” Sadly enough, she wasn't able to convince him. “Alright dear, I'll give them the letter. You must promise to visit soon though!” She'd yell after him, after unloading everything and seeing him 'walk' off towards the Riversides.


Whilst Sherwood was gathering other guards, Ethel was hyping everyone up for 'the battle of a lifetime' between her and 'the mithril-legged fiend'. Amanda was eventually given a room at the inn to work on her sketches and plans, as the keep had too little functional capacity. Ryan would be given a list of orders by the blacksmith, finally learning the old man's name was Gobán due to it being written on most requests. Working together with Aileen, he'd been given an excellent chance to start working on his other goal. Pierre vanished a quickly as he arrived, with Rosalia walking in and immediately running over to give Regula (and later Aria) a firm and heartfelt hug, handing over the letter for them to read later.

The End
Keep in mind that these are only suggestions. Don't add things until mods (hopefully) approve them in a grading post.


[Self-Sacrificing] - character has proven to put the interests of their friends or allies above their own. They will not easily be shaken by things testing to their loyalty.

[Ethel's Rival] – character became a rival to the Stonewall (Caelia Barony - Capital Town) NPC Ethel.

[Ambitious] – character has many plans in the works and is ready to work on them with a level of motivation that won't easily be tempered by set-backs.

[Lovestruck] – character has been hit by Cupid's arrow. Days are nicer when they are near their love interest, yet colder without them.

[Firm] – character is able to state their words in a strict and firm manner, making them more likely to be remembered.

Narrator Bonus Rewards:

[Acrobatics F] (7 points) Learned by making all the tight corners in Ryken.

[Performance [Acting] F] (7 points) Learned by successfully playing along with Ethel's manner of thinking and speaking.
[Warfare F => E] (7 points) Learned from debating Warfare with Amanda.
Stonewall Keep Room (Barony Asset) – One of the few remaining functional rooms in Stonewall's Keep.

[Agriculture E] (14 points) – Knowledge gained from discussing her plans for crop rotations with the local farmer, Gwenith).
[Engineering F] (7 points) – Knowledge gained from discussing her plans for farming machinery with the local farmer, Gwenith).
[Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F] (7 points) – Obtained by studying and talking about Stonewall in Caelia Barony
Stonewall Inn Room (Barony Asset) – A room in Stonewall's Inn, equipped with some materials to work on drawing schematics.

[Precision B => A] & [Artisan C => B [Blacksmith] (14 points) Learned from crafting a masterwork in the form of the shield.
[Seduction F] (7 points) Learned by successfully charming Aileen short after first meeting her.
[Stonewall Forge Key] (Barony Asset) – A key to the forge in Stonewall, along with a room to sleep in. Obtained from the current smith, who intends to see if Ryan is worthy of taking over the forge and win his daughter's hand in marriage).

[Intimidation F] (7 points) Naturally obtained from being guarded by a large amount of minions and by being [Firm] where needed.
Stonewall Inn Room (Barony Asset) – A room in Stonewall's Inn, equipped with some materials to work on his duties as a Scribe.

The Cecilia Barony is starting is reconstruction and with the establishment of the new capital of Stonewall. However, some of the local residents haven't taken kindly to the new Baronesses' new advisors. A few rivalries have begun and that is something the locals will not forget about any time soon. With the advisors mingling in with the local residents there has been some trust earned.

There are rumors around the barony that the countess places those she knows in high positions. People who are seeing high status for one reason or another are more likely to approach the Baroness in an attempt to get on her good side. With the arrival of Regula's mother there has been talk about the validity of the new Baroness' heritage though these are only whispers for the moment.


27 Points
Acquired optional title [Connected] - Character has a web of friends that are willing to support their endeavors. They will find it easier to gather support from those around them.

18 Points
Acquired optional title [Self-Sacrificing] - character has proven to put the interests of their friends or allies above their own. They will not easily be shaken by things testing to their loyalty.
Acquired stat - Precision D (Add 7 points to points spent and earned)

18 Points
Acquired optional title[Ambitious] – character has many plans in the works and is ready to work on them with a level of motivation that won't easily be tempered by set-backs.
Acquired Skill[Agriculture E] (14 points) – Knowledge gained from discussing her plans for crop rotations with the local farmer, Gwenith. Also add 14 points to points earned and spent).
Acquired skill[Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F] (7 points) – Obtained by studying and talking about Stonewall in Caelia Barony (Also add 7 points to points earned and spent)
Acquired Asset Stonewall Inn Room (Barony Asset) – A room in Stonewall's Inn, equipped with some materials to work on drawing schematics.
Acquired skill [Engineering F] (7 points) – Knowledge gained from discussing her plans for farming machinery with the local farmer, Gwenith. Also add 7 points to points earned and spent)

18 Points
Acquired Asset [Stonewall Forge Key] (Barony Asset) – A key to the forge in Stonewall, along with a room to sleep in. Obtained from the current smith, who intends to see if Ryan is worthy of taking over the forge and win his daughter's hand in marriage).
Acquired Optional title: [Lovestruck] – character has been hit by Cupid's arrow. Days are nicer when they are near their love interest, yet colder without them.
Acquired Skill [Precision B => A] & [Artisan C => B [Blacksmith] (add 14 points to points earned and spent) Learned from crafting a masterwork in the form of the shield.
Acquired Skill [Seduction F] (add 7 points to earned and spent) Learned by successfully charming Aileen short after first meeting her.

18 Points
Acquired Asset Stonewall Inn Room (Barony Asset) – A room in Stonewall's Inn, equipped with some materials to work on his duties as a Scribe.
Acquired optional Title [Firm] – character is able to state their words in a strict and firm manner, making them more likely to be remembered.

18 Points
Acquired Optional Title [Ethel's Rival] – character became a rival to the Stonewall (Caelia Barony - Capital Town) NPC Ethel.
Acquired Asset Stonewall Keep Room (Barony Asset) – One of the few remaining functional rooms in Stonewall's Keep.
acquired skill [Performance [Acting] F] (Add 7 points to earned and spent) Learned by successfully playing along with Ethel's manner of thinking and speaking.
Acquired Skill [Warfare F => E] (add 7 points to points earned and spent) Learned from debating Warfare with Amanda.

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