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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) - The Start Of Something New

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall.

Regula Caelia
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong

It was difficult for Regula not to be surprised by the kind of girl that Aria dragged in. That only surprise only grew and turned into actual shock when Ethel started speaking.


“Yes, it is I, the great Ethel, keeper of the Stonewall and guardian of life!” Ethel looked at Regula for a while, her eyes getting stuck on the wings. “Thou carrieth the wings of heavens, yet thou art grounded. Art thou a fallen angel, or art thou a deceiver?” She brazenly asked.

It made Regula raise an eyebrow and look at Aria. Just what in the world had Aria dragged in here? Wait, Aria didn't knock this girl on the head before bringing her over, right? Either way, she had to reply something, right? “Ehm, no. I'm just a regular Aerial. The wings are fairly new, so I'll have to get used to them for a bit. That's all. Anyhow, as you probably already know, I'm Baroness Regula Caelia, it's nice to meet you, miss Ethel.” She decided to try and remain polite in her introduction, hoping to make a good enough first impression.

Ethel nodded. “Very well then, thy name shalt be kept in the vaults of mine mind.” She then turned back to Aria. “However, thy metal-footed fiend hast betrayed thou name!” She suddenly stated, pointing an accusatory finger at Aria. Considering she didn't clarify it was merely a simple misspeaking, Regula could only give Aria a puzzling look.


Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX

As Ryan entered the forge, he'd spot various things on display. Some basic plate-mail, shields, swords, a spear and a war-axe. More interesting was a weird chest with some sort of bronze skull on it, being of very dubious taste, a small toy construct made out of metal, a basket with scrolls next to a small table with designs and the fact that this forge used a rather high-end method of billowing out the smoke for this world's era.

As he called out for someone, it'd almost feel like the ground started to shake a bit when a very large man walked in.


The man's missing hand was easily the first thing to stand out, after his size at least. He looked at Ryan and spoke exactly one word. “What?” He left it to Ryan to interpret the rest of his question.


Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal

As Amanda approach the man in the distance, he started to look a bit nervous. In fact, up until she waved at him, it looked like he might make a run for it. He didn't answer her question though, he just leaned to look past her, at the gate. If she were to follow his gaze, he'd be looking at Ethel in particular. Otherwise he just stayed awkwardly silent.

However... Amanda would spot the roof of a small farmhouse in the distance. It'd be a few minutes of walking from here, but if she was looking for a farmer, that might be the place to start. It was perhaps not the biggest farm, but it was definetly the closest.



Tavern in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Mentions: Retili conman2163 conman2163

Retili entered the surprisingly spacious tavern, although it was mostly empty at the moment. Upon looking around, he'd find a woman working to clean the tables. As he approached her, she looked up in surprise.


“Well hello there~” She said, leaning down to speak with Retili closer to his eye-level. “It's been ages since we had a halfling visit...” She stopped mid-sentence as she got to observe Retili's features a bit more. “Ah, you're not a halfling though, are you?” Only then did she realise he'd asked a question.

“You'll probably want to look for Aldwin then, but why don't you order up a drink first instead? Tell me a bit about what a fellow like you is doing in such a backwater place as Stonewall~ We've got some great brews brought in just this morning!” She said, gesturing him towards one of the tables.

Meanwhile, back in Ryken...

Mentions: Pierre Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo


Rosalia was surprised from the get-go. Madam Caelia? Why did he refer to her by her mother's name? Did Regula somehow try to joke about her name by telling Pierre the wrong one? That didn't feel like something Regula would do. Things got more odd when he referred to her daughter as Baroness Regula Caelia. “Wait, hold up, hold up...” She said, clearly panicking a little. “You're saying Regula is a baroness? Why wouldn't she have...”

She stopped mid-sentence, as she suddenly realised something. “Hold on for just a moment. I've got to check something.” She said, as she hurried back inside. A bit later, she returned with a letter. “I'm so sorry, it's... our downstairs neighbour, she's rather forgetful. Sometimes she picks up the mail meant for us and just keeps it in her room. I normally make sure to check every once in a while, but I hadn't done so for a bit and well... I only read the letter now, so it's a bit... much. Could you? Just, give me a moment, please?”

She was clearly having some trouble keeping up with the sudden developments. That's when something clicked. “Why don't you go get some of Regula's old tools from Rossle's forge? I'm sure she forgot to mention them, but will be happy if they're brought over. If you return afterwards, I'll be sure to be more prepared.” She was clearly trying to buy some time to think things through. (Should Pierre chose to go do so, you're free to say he was able to find Rossle's forge and ask for Regula's tools without issue and return a bit later so that it doesn't need its own separate scene.)
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan found a couple of peculiar items as he looked around the smithy, and the forge itself was quite something. He'd pry more, but it was clear this smithy was not abandoned, and he didn't want to cause a bad first impression with someone he'd likely work with a lot in the future.

Speaking of, when he called out for someone, he felt a slight rumble of the floor. He believed it was a small earthquake for a moment, until he saw the person bordering on being deemed a giant walked into the room. He was certainly a man of few words, using just one to address Ryan. Despite not feeling all that much hostility from the man, the young smith still felt intimidated.

Not wanting to run the man's patience dry, Ryan thought for a second, then spoke "Good day, sir. I'm a smith who came to your town as per the new baroness' request. I hope we can get along well." Internally, Ryan was crossing all of his fingers in hopes to not upset the towering man that he assumed was the local blacksmith.

Elvario Elvario
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

"Halfling no, Zentail yes though. I doubt you've seen much of my kind around here." The Zentail replied smoothly at her comments. Retili's eyes narrowed as he saw the blatant attempt at a sale, but then he considered. The woman had offered the information freely, and there were worse things he could do to ingratiate himself with the locals. He shrugged and had a seat. His many troops also found their way inside the tavern (Making sure to carefully stack their weapons beside the door. No need to have guns and pikes inside a bar after all.). Soon the bar had at least sixteen separate guests all in separate conversations. The former scribe turned advisor figured that he would be paying for their drinks too. "I'll have an ale, whatever you recommend. The cheap stuff for the rest of them though." Retili wasn't a pinch-purse by any means. However there were fifteen of them and he wasn't going to get them top of the line drinks for free. Besides they still had things to do that day. "I'm here as an advisor to the new Baroness. That's actually why I need to find Aldwin. She'd like to meet with him."
Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX


“Hm.” That was all the reply Ryan got, at least for a while. However, after glossing over Ryan, the large blacksmith pointed towards some raw metal ores and to the forge with his single hand. “Show me.” He said, leaving it to Ryan to interpret the rest of his statement once more. There were various ores there, iron, copper, silver, gold and even a bit of mithril and orichalcum. Most of them hadn't been refined yet though. Surprisingly enough, not all the tools there were made for large one-handed blacksmiths. Perhaps there was someone else that worked here? Either way, it'd hugely help Ryan to find the tools he needed and was able to use. It'd be up to him what he would work on, if anything at all, as well as how he'd tackle it.


Tavern in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Mentions: Retili conman2163 conman2163


A very quiet afternoon went towards a rush hour with the arrival of a single guest and the large amount of soldiers he brought in. “I'll be honest sir, I haven't even heard of that name before~ I'm assuming you're from somewhere relatively hidden away in the See, then?” He looked like some sort of Fae, at least, from what she could tell. She laughed at his order with a knowing smile. “One Stonewall's Special and a keg of pale ale, coming right up!” She said, before leaving and returning with a single mug of dark-looking beer (a strong beer with hints of caramel and hazelnut) and (after a few back and forwards) a small keg filling up fifteen glasses with pale, cheap looking booze. “Ah, an advisor, that explains. Much better than a sudden Fae invasion~” She joked, eyeing the large amount of soldiers. “Anyhow, Aldwin should probably at the general store. He likes to make sure there aren't any shortages for some reason... On the topic of shortages, are you guys going to be regulars? I'll have to stock up in that case. Of course returning customers will get discounts~”
Amanda Steelhaven

Having received the silent treatment from the man she had approached, Amanda was seemingly left to find the farm on her lonesome. Having no idea who the man was or why he was so interested in the town guard Amanda decided it best not to pry, after all had the man been up to no good it wasn't as though Amanda could do anything to stop him. No, she'd leave that to the professionals. With her mind set on that notion and her conscience clear Amanda set off toward the gate.

From the gate, it wasn't too hard to find a small farm, after all, farms typically stayed within sight and toward the walls for safety. It took Amanda a good few minutes to reach her target though and while she hadn't expected much from what she had seen from the gate, the closer she got the more underwhelming the farm became. In fact, it seemed more like a self-sufficient homestead than a farm. Even her village sported a larger farm than this! Taking a moment to inspect the area from the roadway Amanda moved toward the door. It couldn't possibly have been the main farm in the area. But they might know where she could find it. Besides getting friendly with the farmers of this land would be more than beneficial in the long run.

Knocking on the door politely Amanda awaited an answer from within.

Elvario Elvario
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan stood somewhat awkwardly in silence with the one-armed giant silently sizing him up, as if trying to figure him out. He was preparing himself to ask a few things, but thankfully that wasn't needed. It appeared as if the smith wanted him to craft something. Ryan nodded and answered "Very well". Taking his poncho off and rolling up his sleeves, he approached the forge to inspecting it from up close. He nodded to himself "I left my tools at the inn, so I'll borrow these for now" he said in an excited tone. He truly was a different person while doing what he likes.

He inspected the ores, carefully inspecting the ones he grabbed, until he picked relatively small pieces of iron ore that seemed just the right size for his idea. He put his gloves on and with the bloomery already ignited with charcoal previously by Ryan himself, he started smelting the ore. blowing air into the bloomery from below, while continuing to feed the device charcoal and ore. Which ended up with the iron bloom being hammered to remove impurities, reheated, then hammered some more. This continued until just a wrought iron piece remained. He repeated this process two more times, but a trained eye would notice that he worked the last two pieces of iron differently in the bloomery.

After treating three pieces of iron into something useable, Ryan went to the forge, and got it up and running, loaded with charcoal. Once it was at an acceptable temperature, Ryan placed the two latter pieces of iron to sandwich the first one and carefully set them in the forge, with small metal pieces holding them together, where he heated them until they reached a desirable color. Then, he would carefully pull them out and hammer away, taking the securing metal while at it, going back to the forge once the metal got too cold to shape. Once again, he would repeat the process a few times, folding the metal unto itself once it got thin enough, before actually giving it proper shape. While doing that, he made a holding ring at the end of the handle, using a chisel to make it, while also avoiding damage on the anvil by putting some scrap metal on top of the anvil before chiseling. Ryan would then leave the knife he forged heat up yet again, running from the forge and setting the knife into the cooling oil barrel.

Ryan pulled the knife out of the oil and blew on it to see clearly. He quickly checked for curves, dents or any outstanding imperfection "Yes!" he celebrated, seeing as it was a pretty well done job. After one final round at the forge, Ryan set the metal to cool down naturally on the anvil. Ryan wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and while it finished cooling, he put everything In place and cleaned up the area. By the time he left the place as it was, except with a smaller coal reserve, he took the now room temperature knife, and sharpened the blade on both sides and polished the holding ring. Ryan stood up, and showed the large man his finished work "A damascus steel throwing knife... Is it what you expected?" He curiously awaited for a reaction to his work.

Elvario Elvario
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Aria would wince again at the guards introduction. The sword maiden was beginning to understand why there weren’t any others on duty. Feeling the need to intervene Aria attempted to ease up the situation, “W-why do you keep saying that. Guardian of life. Is that some kind of title given to you?” The guard seemed to ignore Aria and went on to compare the baroness between bad or worse. She gasped softly. Exchanging glances with Regula whom was obviously baffled, and completely within reason.

Aria relaxed a bit when Regula decided to keep things more cordial, although she could have instantly reprimanded the guard for being so bold. That was perhaps, why Regula believed in her cause so much. She wanted to see someone rule, within reason of sound judgement. At least she assumed.

The moment wouldn’t last however, when Ethel’s gaze rested back upon Aria, sending an assusing finger towards her to which Aria resisted to roll her eyes, so instead she’d sigh. Closing her eyes, she’d address the woman. “I’m not a fiend. And.. i am.. not met- “ She couldn’t deny the fact that her legs were of mithril, she’d stutter, but then decided to take another approach “..i mean.. i’m your superior! So start acting like it soldier! You stand before Baroness Caelia and this behavior isn’t fitting of her guard, especially in her presence!.” She’d point an accusatory finger right back at her, “You’d do well to know your place.”

Admittedly, it wasn’t what she wanted to do, but Aria just couldn’t handle the humiliation. Perhaps, being called metal-footed struck a nerve, or her hearts artery. Attempting to regain her sense of self was proving difficult. But wasn’t it a sort of trial by fire? Could she rise above the fact that she was roughly half magically enchanted and manipulated metallic material than flesh and blood. It then dawned on her yet another small realization. The fact that she could feel. It wasn’t something that she usually brought attention to, but as she stood there staring at this youth, demanding respect it suddenly dawned on her. Aria's eyes softened, “Don't.. call me.. metal footed.” She stated as if speaking to a child. “Got it?"
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Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong


Ethel puffed her chest out in pride upon the mention of it being a title given to her. “Indeed! Thou shalt tremble before my might!” She glossed, clearly very proud of the title, yet abstaining from giving any further information regarding it. “Hast thou superiority over me and mine truly been established?” Ethel glared at Aria upon asking it, then looked at Regula, seemingly for confirmation.

Regula Caelia

The latter put Regula in a tough spot. She wanted to keep her promise to Aria, but if the guard wasn't going to respect Aria, that would be an issue. Yet she couldn't really put this guard in charge of Aria instead either, for multiple obvious reasons. That's when she figured she'd have to put Aria up to the challenge. Otherwise she doubted there would be any lasting relation between Aria and Ethel, other than perhaps a negative one. “That is correct, she is to be the new captain of guards. She'll prove to you that she's worthy of such a title soon enough.” That was the best Regula could do for Aria, giving her a chance to prove herself. She hoped Aria would be able to come up with something that'd satisfy this self-called guardian of life.

Ethel was silent for a bit, probably thinking things through. “I shalt give thou an opportunity to prove thou worth, mithril-legged fiend!” At least she didn't call Aria metal-footed? “However, before that, I shalt summon one of mine!” She said with a fair bit of theatre, then she just yelled. “THOU HAST BEEN CALLED TO COMETH FORTH!!”


After she did so, the person that'd be lingering at the gate hesitantly approached. He was clearly ver nervous about everyone around. He looked only at Ethel when he finally opened his mouth. There were some odd pauses in his speech and it was clear that he focussed solely on Ethel. “Nothing. To. Report.”


Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX


“Hmmm.” The smith grumbled, upon seeing the results of Ryans work. He'd then hold his hand out for Ryan to hand over the knife, upon which he'd check its weight, balance, sturdiness, sharpness and general shape. “Almost.” He replied. Almost what? Almost good enough? Almost perfect? Almost wrong? He didn't say. Instead, he nodded towards the forge again. “One more.” Apparently he wasn't satisfied just yet.


Small Farm Just Outside Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Farm.
Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal

Instead of someone arriving from inside the house, she'd see someone walking up the path from outside after waiting for a bit.


The woman was carrying a large sickle and dragged along a bundle of wheat. She'd clearly just returned from harvesting some of it, likely for personal use, as observed by the size of this place. (There were more fields surrounding the city, but most seemed to be smaller-sized and used by the residents for mostly personal use, like these ones).

“Oh? It's been a long time since I've had visitors. Who might you be then, lass?” She asked, as she go closer. Oddly enough, she was a little on guard, as if suspecting Amanda to be here for nefarious purposes.
Amanda Steelhaven

Amanda turned to face the woman with a gentle smile, her eyes wandering to the scythe and small bundle of wheat thereafter. With a curious hum Amanda returned her gaze to the woman and moved herself away from the door frame so as to not block the woman's entry should she seek it. Standing aside Amanda Introduced herself, offering her hand forward to shake "My name Is Amanda Steelhaven. Sorry for intruding, I was hoping to ask you a few questions. I'm from a village not too far from here in the next dutchy over, I've come to be of assistance to the new Baroness here. Might I ask your name?"

Tilting her head to the left ever so slightly and offering a soft chuckle Amanda's features softened "Well, as much help as a lowborn like myself can be I suppose. Anyway. I was hoping you might be able to tell me a little about the town's farmland and those that work it. My father was a farmer back home you see and I know just how important community is among those who till the earth. I want to ensure that a particular plan I have in mind has the approval of the town's farmers before I bring it to her. Since it would directly affect them I feel it's only right to ask their opinions, your opinion."

Returning her hand to her side Amanda added "Though again, I do apologise for tuning up unannounced"
Elvario Elvario
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan sighed, saddened that the large blacksmith didn't give his knife an approving note. That said, he wouldn't be discouraged so easily. So he took off his poncho and rolled his sleeves up once more "Very well". He decided to make one more than what the blacksmith requested.

The processes were pretty much the same as before, with the result being similar looking knives, barring the damascus pattern. When the last one fully cooled down, he presented the knives to the large man "I made one harder and the other more flexible, though not to a great extent" the man did say 'almost', after all.

Elvario Elvario
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

"Not from the See, a bit further north then all that. Up in the Republic. There are some mountains there that my tribe lives in. Dangerous place though." Retili wasn't quite sure why he was sharing so much with the barkeep. Perhaps it was the homey look to the tavern and the warm smile. Traveled as he was, it wasn't often he found a place as inviting as this. The Zentail took a deep draft of the beer, enjoying the cold brew from the cellar. He enjoyed the hints of caramel and hazelnut underlaying the bitter taste of alcohol. It was a deeply satisfying drink for a day such as this. He found himself being sucked into the obvious sales pitch. "I think we will be regularly visiting. At least I will, this is an excellent Ale." The rest of the Zentail seemed a little more testing with their drinks. They had the tale tell looks of first time drinkers about them, faces scrunched up at the bitter brew. Retili shrugged and returned to his drink. He didn't take long to down the brew. "How much do I owe you for the lot?" He would pay her the asked amount and wave goodbye, stepping out the tavern door to take a look around for the general store. Once he located it he stepped inside. If he could immediately spot someone he thought was the elder he would greet them, otherwise he'd ask the shopkeep for their whereabouts.

As Aria was looking at Ethel, she almost expected her to be completely hysterical. When she wasn’t however, Aria slightly flinched, her eyes a bit confused at the words that came out of her mouth. Upon seeking confirmation, Aria also looked at Regula who seemed to be pondering things. She expected her response, then looked back at Ethel. Gasping under her breath when referred to as ‘mithril-legged’. Aria sighed again, leaning her head to the side a bit with slight annoyance. “Very well. I suppose that’s my title for the time being.” She said with a compromising tone, shrugging at Regula. Then the ‘greath Ethel’ summoned the one standing by the gate. This one seemed a bit, odd.

His posture was strange, nervous, anxious. Aria wondered what this man was about, at first glance he appeared to be some kind of scout. Perhaps a volunteer under Ethels service. She’d inquire however, “Ethel? Who is this man?” Aria asked, looking at the man. He didn’t seem like a guard, he certainly wasn’t dressed the part. But His words gave way to speculation. “Greetings, I am Marshall Aria Barlow, pleased to make your acquantaince.”

Upon noticing the man wouldn’t do much as to even look at her, Aria turned to look at Regula with a slight shrug, gesturing at the man, and expressing her confusion.
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong


“Indeed, thou art the mithril-legged fiend!” Ethel decided to rub it in a bit more. Considering Aria let that one slide, she clearly felt more competent about her own power over Aria. “Thou hast naught worry about me and mine, but if thou must known, his name areth Sherwood, explorer of the edges of our civilisation!” She said, almost making it sound as spectacular and awesome as her own title, yet equally confusing.


Sherwood, meanwhile, did not reply to Aria. He just gave her some nervous glances and then looked at Ethel, as if begging her to be allowed to leave again.

Regula Caelia

Regula was put in a tough spot. She'd hoped for Aria to show some back-bone or figure something out to win over a bit more respect, but without that being done, she'd have to start worrying her own fragile authority was going to be at risk as well. Then again, if she interfered now, she'd probably make Aria seem a lot less competent as a Marshall and needing her aid. In the end, she felt like her best move, for now, was to just look stern and hope Aria would catch on.


Tavern in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Mentions: Retili conman2163 conman2163


“You're not talking about the Paize mountains, are you? I heard that place even has giants in it. You'd have to be suicidal to dare live there.” That concern was quickly forgotten about when she heard she'd have new regulars. “Great~ I'll make sure to stock up more from now on~” His own beer would almost cost as much as the entire keg of it for his men, but overall prices weren't scandalously high or surprisingly low. Complete mid-tier.

General Store The Twice Flipped Coin
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – General Store “The Twice Flipped Coin”.
Mentions: Retili conman2163 conman2163

As Retili made it into in the general store, he'd spot two people.


One was an older man who was looking through a list of goods.


The other stood behind the counter and immediately called out when Retili walked in. “Hello and welcome The Twice Flipped Coin, how can I help you?” If she was in any way surprised at Retili's appearance, she was an absolute master at hiding it, as her deadpan gaze didn't change in the slightest.

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX


“Yes.” The smith replied, after expecting the differences between the knives. Was that a satisfied grin he displayed for the shortest of seconds there? Either way, he soon nodded. “Defensive next.” He said, pointing at the forge again. It was assumable he wanted to see if Ryan had more up his sleeve than making throwing knives. He left it up to Ryan to figure out just what exactly he wanted to see with 'defensive' though.

Small Farm Just Outside Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Farm.
Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal


“Oh?” The woman seemed genuinly surprised by the sudden questionnaire. “I'm Gwenith. Nice to meet you, Amanda.” She was clearly more relaxed after that, especially when further explained her purpose here. “No problem, no problem. Why don't we go inside?” She said, putting her sickle and wheat away in house's add-on before opening the door and gesturing Amanda to come in side. “Care for some tea?” She'd ask, after letting Amanda in. The house was fairly small, yet cosy. Nothing too much stood out from a normal house, except for one thing. There was a surprising variety of seeds, bulbs, branches and other plant-materials here. A few of it was dried, yet most of it as relatively fresh. After making tea and pouring herself (and if she wanted, Amanda) a cup of some herbal tea, she sat down and gestured to a chair across from her. “Well then, ask away.”
Amanda Steelhaven

Entering the home Amanda's eyes were very quickly drawn to the dried plants and materials that Gwenith had accumulated within her homestead. There was an extensive collection of seeds and bulbs and though Amanda couldn't tell one from the other she could tell it was an impressive collection given the size of the farm outside. Once the tea had been poured though, Amanda quickly sat down in the chair Gwenith had suggested. Taking her own cup of tea in hand Amanda sipped at it, her eyes going wide in surprise as she did so.

The tea was crude and clearly homemade but it had a subtle and gentle tone that relaxed the mind almost immediately. Sure it was earthy but all things considered, the tea was far better than she had expected. "Oh wow! This tea, it's so calming. Did you make it yourself Gwenith? Could I purchase some from you?". Shaking her head Amanda, let out a soft sigh "sorry, I got off topic there".

Reaching into her pocket Amanda produced her notebook and flipped through to an empty page, readying a piece of charcoal in her other hand with which to scribble. "Okay, first would you mind telling me the current structure of the town's farmland? You know like, who owns what and which farms produce for commercial means as opposed to personal use. Oh and also, most importantly which farms are key to the town's current food supply".
Elvario Elvario
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

Retili chuckled a bit at the clear concern in her voice and face. It was a rare laugh from the typically quiet Zentail. He waved goodbye after he paid. The twice flipped coin, an odd name for a general store to be sure, was a cozy affair out front. The room he found himself in had a number of things stacked up around it and pushed into corners. One might even call it a bit disorganized and cluttered. The advisor didn't think that many of the stores customers likely spent a lot of time on the inside however. Regulars probably already had a list of supplies that they handed over to the clerk when they came in. Retili gazed at the two occupants of the room. He thought it rather likely the older man was the village elder, but the clerk had addressed him first so he replied to them first. "Hello, I am looking for a man by the name of Aldwin? I was told he would likely be here looking over the stock."
Small Farm Just Outside Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Farm.
Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal


“Thanks. It's been tough to get my hands on tea leaves, so I've been trying to figure out which herbs can brew a decent tea instead. I'm still working on growing them in bigger batches though, so I'm afraid you'll have to drop by if you want another cup.” She replied with a bit of a smile. Having one's work appreciated was always nice, after all.

Her face soured a bit at the topic of the questions that followed. “If you really want to understand all that, you should probably understand the mess we're in first. You were from around here, weren't you? Then you know about Yemaya.” Yemaya was a city in the (former) Thorne Barony (now Caelia), with almost 10.000 citizens. The city had fallen to a dark magic called the Fell Blight, during which many citizens died. However, the adventurer Michael had used some type of ritual to resurrect people, only to start a cult and firmly shake the county's governing structure to its core, until it even became its own country for a while. Those that remained weren't able to keep the status of a country and instead sought reunification with Ryken, a process in which Regula had managed to lay claim to a barony whilst count Sadek took over the county.

“Although the blue miracle originally led to many people moving in and trying to cultivate new land and start new settlements, the sudden prosecution of some cult members and the fact that lord Light died whilst Michael got excommunicated made many people move on again. Now, not a lot of people want to stick around in Yemaya, as they fear the absence of the blue knight might return the Fell Blight, or they left due to associating with the cultists or losing faith after the disbanding of the Order, or they feared they'll still be disadvantaged for following Leilosis. Whatever the reasons are, it's sufficient to say the cities' population is back at a much lower point.” She paused a bit to drink some tea after all that, before she picked back up.

“As a result, the population has changed so often in such a short time that many farmlands were expanded too quickly and now lie abandoned. With some prominent farmers leaving as well, we've currently got most people owning smaller plots of land trying to be self-sufficient or trying to restructure what remains.” She gestured towards all the seeds that lined the walls of her house. “We don't have the best soil around Stonewall, so I'm trying to figure out what grows best here, to not have to rely on agriculture from around Yemaya.”

General Store The Twice Flipped Coin
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – General Store “The Twice Flipped Coin”.
Mentions: Retili conman2163 conman2163


The elder looked up at the mention of his name. “That would be me.” He looked down on Retili with a bit of scepticism in his eyes, for some reason or other.
“What business do you have with me?”
Amanda Steelhaven

Sipping on her tea quietly after listening carefully to everything Gwenith had to say, Amanda began scribbling down notes in her book. It was true she had heard of the happenings in Yemaya, who in Ryke hadn't. It wasn't every day a giant hand descended from the heavens nor was it every day a cult left a bustling town in ruins. The loss of life and political upheaval that was left in the wake of the fell blight was the talk of the entire nation. However, that being said Amanda hadn't quite considered just how severe the effects had been on the area. Her little village was nice and out of the way, there was no need for her to consider it, that was until now.

Continuing to sip at her tea, Amanda's smile wavered for but a moment. This information gave rise to a serious dilemma. One she would need to better prepare for once the town of stonewall was back on its feet. One she'd need to make the Baroness aware of once the time was right. But that would need to come later. The problem you ask? Mass migration as well as association. But those two things were issues for the future Amanda, right now there were too many internal issues to worry about and they'd need to be handled as soon as possible and as effectively as possible if these two later issues were to be resolved favourably.

Continuing to scribble Amanda looked to Gwenith again, her smile returning "I see. Yemaya, of course. With their river access, it's no wonder they had such a grip on stonewalls agricultural sector. Without proper reform, there would have been no way to keep up with their production levels."

Finishing with her notes, Amanda flipped back a few pages to a design she had done previously for her own village "I admire your spirit Gwenith. Just looking at all these seeds I can tell how determined you are to restore this town and the land itself.". Passing the notebook to Gwenith, Amanda continued. Her finger pressed to the page firmly, eyes lit with a determination of her own "These here are the first step toward fixing your issue of bad soil."

Tapping at the plough Amanda continued "This here is a horse-drawn plough with a few improvements. I'm sure you've seen them before or at least heard of them. If not it's just a bigger and more powerful scythe, it will turn and split the earth to let the deeper soils up to replace the surface level. It also gives you a trench in which to sow your seeds.". Moving her finger to the second Amanda began to grin to herself, eyes sparkling "This though, this is the real money maker. The seed drill. Once the soil has been revitalised and we have the money to spend on improvement, this baby is going to cut the workload in half. It will plough and seed all at once!" Letting out a soft sigh Amanda added, "though it's just a sketch and idea for now, I don't have the money or skill to make one yet."

Taking a sip of her tea to allow Gwenith the chance to better examine the pages, Amanda would then swap to another page. This time one with a diagram.

"As for what it is I plan to do. Well, this is just a sneak peek between friends." Laughing softly to herself and not wanting to overwhelm Gwenith with information Amanda let her examine the diagram herself "If you want I can explain it to you. Though I will warn you, it's quite boring. Just know this plan right here makes use of four large fields to produce meat, wool, barley, and wheat every year. That is without any need for fallow periods all while maintaining and improving soil health. Impressive right? With this Stonewall could corner the wheat and beef markets in a few short years! And we'll have enough produce to ensure everyone is well-fed and clothed throughout the winter seasons. This is what I plan to propose to the Baroness, well in part"
Elvario Elvario

Ryan Kylieth

Ryan took a deep breath, and nodded "Understood". While his arms were starting to feel the pain of all the heavy duty work, his job was doing this exact type of works, so he was able to push through in busy days. If he could then, he can now, he thought to himself.

This time, after refining some copper ore, he dug around in the pile of ores, picking a piece of silver already prepared and a chunk of mithril ore. After a while he had the three metals prepared, he readied a mold for a simple round shield. He then heated the metals in a crucible letting them fully turn into liquids. With a steady hand, he poured most of the liquid onto a mold, leaving the rest to be used to seal two straps of leather as enarms right after the metal was tempered and had settled. Ryan then rounded out the edges to make them even.

He polished the silver to a nice shine. Were it to be flat, it would be a great mirror. As a last step, Ryan decided to take advantage of the mithril he added onto the alloy. using the smallest chisel he could find, he etched runes onto the shield's surface. It was done. He stood before the large man yet again "Here, a mithril-silver shield with a reflection enchantment. Odd material choice, I know, but it would greatly benefit someone who can handle the full weight of a metal shield instead of the usual wooden ones... Besides, I take it you want to see how well I work metals, so there's also that" he clarified.


Elvario Elvario
Small Farm Just Outside Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Farm.
Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal


Gwenith looked at the first sketches, but shook her head. “Did you happen to spot the stones outside the house? I didn't just line them up for aesthetic purposes. That's the size of rocks we're dealing with in the soil here. Machines like those will break if they're hitting such big rocks, whilst smaller rocks might get stuck between the machinery or dull the blades. Unless we find some with rock-lifting magic or something, a lot of these heavier rocks will need to be dug up and removed manually.” Besides, she couldn't help laugh when Amanda mixed up a hoe and a scythe. Nobody tilted the soil with a scythe, after all. Probably just a case of misspeaking though.

As for the other machine, she wasn't sure what to think of it. “We'll need a pretty talented tinkerer if we want such a machine to be made. I doubt any of the artisans around would know how to start, let alone how to finish.” She herself could get the gist of the function it'd have, but that was about it.“Seeding normally takes the least amount of time, but I'm assuming this machine will also drop the seeds more precisely in those trenches, rather than just throw them around?”

As she looked at the other sketch, she seemed a little hesitant. “Hmmm...” She clicked her tongue. “It might work, but I can see a two major issues. If the weather is bad, entire fields can be swept away by wind, rain or mudslides. That'd break the cycle, right? Also, having large amount of cattle in a barony like this one is dangerous. It'll attract monsters and wolves living in desolate border regions to come try and snack on our livestock. It's the reason most major ranchers try to stick closer to the capital, where it's safer.”

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX


The smith was impressed. Not only was this fine blacksmithing work, there were also enchantments involved. That said, words only meant so much, so the large smith picked up a pair of tongs and jabbed them at the shield. With a loud CLUNK the tongs got reflected (although the sudden force might send Ryan stumbling depending on how quickly he could brace himself), which drew out a satisfied. “Good.”

The large blacksmith turned around and called out. “AILEEN!” His voice echoed through the smithy. After a bit, a younger girl walked in.


“Yes dad, what is it? Oh, do we have a new customer?”

The large smith shook his head. Then he pointed at Ryan. “Your future husband.” Those three words were the most he'd spoken thus far. Wait, what were those three words again? Your future husband? Indeed. Ryan had proven himself worthy of marrying his daughter and taking over the smithy. After all, what other reason could Ryan have had for walking in here and going along with all these tasks?
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

Retili didn't get any further engagement from the shopkeep but he didn't really need it as it turned out. The man in the shop quickly identified himself as the town leader, and the Advisor bowed his head respectfully in greeting. "I am Retili Loxinofican, Advisor to Baron Regula Caelia. We have heard that you have been running the town in the absence of outside leadership and she would like to meet with you. If you can be spared I believe she wishes to meet with you in a more immediate capacity." He looked meaningfully at the man. He hoped to avoid confusion and just bring the man along quickly as could be arranged.

Aria being passive in this position was proving to be a complicated endeavor for the newly appointed Marshall. It was now that she wished she would have stayed a bit longer for troop training. Surely there wasn’t much to it, however, this would be her first time attempting this in the field.

Aria sighed, but this time a peculiar thought invaded her otherwise serene mind. Ignoring her continuing offenses, she thought to try a different approach. Clearing her throat, she began, “Hadn’t thou but a moment ago, suggested a challenge?” Starting towards the opening at the middle of the town square, she glanced back. “Now be thy time to prove thine strength against this.. “fiend” surely, it’s an opportunity of a lifetime.”

Turning around, “Well? What say thee?”

Aria opened her stance but wouldn’t draw her weapon, her eyes were cold, and her words, although not accustomed to Ethels way of speaking came a bit more naturally to her than she anticipated.
Amanda Steelhaven

Amanda was quick to finish her tea while Gwenith spoke on the topic of rocks and the danger they posed to her plans. Being this close to a hill and mountain area the rocks laying in the soil had already been something Amanda had considered, both in terms of this plan and in relation to the foundations required for other constructs. Indeed it seemed rocks and the lack of a river were her current bain and neither issue had an easy solution. That being said Amanda didn't see why it constituted a laugh at her expense, pouting in response. "I'm well aware of the rocks in the soil, well at least that they're there. The type of rock and the size of them though is something I'd be happily educated on. I don't expect this plan to go off without a hitch, one cannot bring about a revolution such as this without proper planning and effort. On paper, everything seems far easier than in reality, I still have a lot to think about in terms of preparing the land, zoning the appropriate areas and finding people to work the land on favourable terms for all those involved. Right now though I just need feedback and advice from someone more well-versed in the craft of agriculture."

With the topic shifting to the seed drill Amanda was more than happy to comment on it, folding her arms across her chest as she thought up a suitable response "Well the seed drill actually seeds the field in precise rows allowing for an easier harvest. Of course, you could do so by hand, which will be the reality for quite some time but think of it this way. In a single pass, you'll have both ploughed and seeded the area, you won't need to pass it again after ploughing to sow your seeds. Of course, you could have one person plough and another follow behind and sow by hand but then you've only increased the number of labourers to save time. In this case, you might as well just pass twice in order to save money on wages anyway. With the seed drill that's not the case as one person can do the work of two." Pausing for a second Amanda returned her hands to the table and folded them neatly "But as you said a skilled tinkerer, blacksmith, woodworker and engineer will all be needed to produce such a tool. Not only that but it will be expensive. The seed drill is a project for a much later date. In actual fact the drawing you see is just a sketch from memory, I have no idea how to actually go about designing it. So really its a dream of sorts"

Moving finally onto the main subject, that being the rotation diagram Amanda took careful note of what Gwenith had to say on the matter. Taking her notebook back Amanda returned to the notes she had previously taken and began scribbling again. Nodding along with everything Gwenith had to say. Mumbling away to herself as she scribbled Amanda spoke in a hushed tone unaware she was speaking at all, a bad habit of hers. "Drainage, I thought that would be an issue alright but I hadn't considered the wolves of the desolate land in my simulations... The wind... hmm. If I zone near the wall and take considerations when designing the repair structure... this is quite bothersome." Looking up at Gwenith with a smile, Amanda returned her notebook to her pocket and moved to stand. Pushing her chair in neatly "Gwenith, It's been a pleasure. You've helped me more than you could know. I'll be sure to return the favour at a later date.".

Moving toward the door Amanda would stop to wave at the woman before leaving "I do hope once I've researched my plan some more I could return to you for consultation once again. Oh and for tea, of course, if you don't mind. Alas, I have some work to do, I'll need to see the walls next. But it was an absolute pleasure speaking with you, I enjoyed every moment!"
Elvario Elvario
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan smiled as his shield was received with good eyes, but once the large man took the tongs he braced himself. As he clearly saw coming the tongs being hit against the silver. While satisfied with the effectiveness of his enchantment, he was more glad he was able to not stumble backwards from the impact and look like a fool. Though Ryan did twitch where he stood when the man shouted for an 'Aileen' with a force that matched his frame.

After a silent pause, a girl showed up to answer the call. Aileen, the giant's daughter, took him for a customer. Ryan would have corrected her, but the man stepped in faster. Clearing the confusion, Ryan stepped forward and offered a hand to Aileen "Good day, I'm Ryan Kyl-..." something suddenly clicked in Ryan's head, freezing him in place. Did this man say what he thought he did? Not new blacksmith? Future... husband?

Ryan slowly turned his head towards the towering blacksmith "I think I misheard you, sir. What was that?" he said, so panicked that his voice had gone full circle and sounded calm. He glanced at Aileen as he waited for an answer, but that caused thoughts related to what he misheard to grow within him, so his head went back to the man almost immediately.

Elvario Elvario
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong


A small smile formed across Ethel's lips, which quickly turned into a broad one and then turned into laughter. “Muahahah! Fiend, thou hast accepted thy fate! Thy strength shalt be tested against the great Ethel! Our battle shalth be legendary!”

She turned to Sherwood. “Thou shalt go forth and gathereth all! Anyone shalth bare witness to our battle! Our battle shalth be held at the plaza, just before the last light of the day shalt fall, so that all may see mine strength against the mithril-legged fiend!”

Ethel was definitely making this into a big thing almost instantly, as if she'd been awaiting for Aria to finally go along with this. Had this been the brat's plan all along? It was tough to say for sure, but Ethel was clearly very excited.

Regula Caelia

Regula sighed, upon hearing this. “I guess we now have a chance to meet and greet all the townsfolk at once, if they're going to show up to watch this battle.” Yeah, things definitely could have gone worse. She then leaned in and whispered to Aria. “Just make sure not to underestimate her, as that confidence has to come from somewhere.” Odd as Ethel was, Regula had a feeling the girl has at least a few tricks up her sleeve.

General Store The Twice Flipped Coin
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – General Store “The Twice Flipped Coin”.
Mentions: Retili conman2163 conman2163


Aldwin squinted his eyes, observing Retili more carefully after those statements. “Do you have anything to prove those words with? No offence, but you wouldn't be the first spy or conman trying to claim such a position.”

“Also, if you're an advisor to the baroness, might I ask what specific topic you advise her on?” He added, after a moment of silence.

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX


Without missing a beat, the large smith repeated his earlier statement in another set of three words. “You, her, marry.”


Luckily enough for Ryan, he wasn't the only one taken aback. “Wait, hold up old man! I told you already, I'm not just going to marry the first person able to keep up with your ridiculous requests! I mean, he looks cute and all, but I barely know a thing about him!” She protested to her dad, which just got her a “Hmph.” in reply.

Small Farm Just Outside Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Farm.
Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal


Considering the situation of rocky ground didn't seem to really hit through, Gwenith decided to try to clarify the scale. “Let me put it like this. The amount of bigger rocks in the soil here would normally cause a dozen Constructs or Beast slaves if this was east of the border to be set to work solely to dig and drag them out before people would even consider to use one of those machines to get rid of what rocks remain. That's why folk tend to have smaller plots of land as those are easier to clear.”

She still wasn't entirely convinced by the seed drill, but decided to leave that topic be. After all, it was becoming clear that Amanda was thinking about things on a much, much bigger scale.

“Simulations?” Gwenith repeated the odd choice of words. “Not just wolves, monsters and criminals as well. The more valuable the things you build or produce, the higher the risk that someone will come to steal, plunder or ruin it.” She repeated, wanting to make sure that part was stressed.

When Amanda mentioned returning the favour, Gwenith suddenly remembered something. “You mentioned you were close with the new Baroness right? If you want to pay me back, ask her to come visit sometime. Having friends in high places could be useful for my research.” She said, just before waving Amanda goodbye and getting back to her work.
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

Retili cocked his head to the side at the odd request. A confused and annoyed look flashed across his face at the request. His tone reflected it. "I'm sorry, but I don't seem to remember asking for any money or such. In fact, I haven't even asked for any information. You say you offer no insult but as my request has been reasonable I can't help but be offended." He was still polite in his words but the tone was not that of a pleased Zentail. "I will simply restate my request. The Baroness Regula Caelia wishes to meet with you immediately in the town square. Whether you believe that I am her advisor or not is largely irrelevant as she herself can prove both my claim and position. If you do not wish to meet with her so be it. I am certain she will be less then pleased that she has to come fetch you herself when I was asked to do so, but she is a gracious woman so perhaps you will be forgiven. Good day." Retili did not wait for a response and turned on his heel and went back out the door. At a brisk pace he left and returned to where Regula still was. He bowed in greeting. "Lady Caelia, I spoke to the local elder but he was... skeptical at best. He intimated that I was possibly a conman2163 or spy." He bowed his head once again in apology. "I apologize my lady, but it seems you will have to go meet him in person. I know that was not your desire but I did not have any definitive proof of my office to show." He straightened once again and looked over the guard captain Ethel, raising a singular eyebrow. His own pike and riflemen had taken back up their positions as an honor guard for Caelia.

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