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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) – Baroness, Take Flight!


“I.. i’m sorry, Rosalia would be baroness Regulas mother..” Aria would look down as she continued speaking, pulling words she hadn’t really expressed before to anyone. “..kind, would surely be an understatement miss Amanda. I'm certain you'll meet her soon. Rosalia is truly one like no other.” Aria wasn’t much for showing any of the softer emotions expressed by people, as much as she wanted to hide behind the betrayals of her life, and the ill encounters with her so called 'real' family, the sword maiden found herself opening up to this woman.

A series of memories and thoughts that came into her mind like visions were suddenly interrupted by the scrolls that were suddenly placed in her hands. Aria gasped as her gloved hands came out infront of her, catching the hastily given parchments and holding them close. She observed a bit confused at the advisor in between the scrolls loosely covering her sight.

What Amanda said next would ring so true to Aria, she’d almost think she was describing her as she nearly dropped the scrolls due to the surprise, “Are you really-“ She began as she arranged the scrolls to better hold them. “..I mean.. i am also of commoner upgringing, just west of here is a town named Highgrove village. I..” She looked away with a slight shrug. “..well, truthfully, i used to be a bartender.” Giving back the scrolls, she continued, a bit hesitant as the conversation was clearly now delving out of the professional realm of conversation, “If i may speak freely.. i too desire a better life and a future for the commoner, its why i decided to embark upon this seemingly infinite journey, however before it became known that lady Regula would be baroness it appeared we were making progress only to lose any advantage we gained shortly after.”

The familiar sound of training and rigurous expenditure of energy could be heard as they somehow luckily had found the others. Perhaps it was intuition. Yet as they approached, Amanda asked Aria out on a dinner date. However Aria wouldn’t see it as that, considering her favorite topic was brought up, it would effectively disguise the request as a simple excuse to discuss tactical matters. “Dinner? Hmm. Yes, of course miss Amanda, I'd like that." Her eyes would light up as a smile softly formed upon her lips, "So, you do know about tactical matters." Part of her wanted to inquire about why she attempted to keep it a secret before.

When they finally arrived with the others, Aria quickly regained her stern and disciplined composure. Standing next to Regula she began, “M’lady, i apolagize for our delay, miss Amanda as you so wished it.” Aria bowed her head quickly, “We seem to have-“ Aria would suddenly notice Rosalia, taking a step back with near disbelief, but only briefly. It was then that the marshal struggled to calculate just how much of her disciplined demeanor she’d forsake. Especially around so many other important figures, then Ethel came into sight and she was suddenly in quite the predicament.

“R-Rosalia..” she said as she came closer, “..you’re here! I mean, of course. I’m.. happy you’re here.” Aria’s orbs would flicker towards the others around, before nodding, “You are most welcomed.”

Uasal Uasal Elvario Elvario
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Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | Aria RavenSong RavenSong | Amanda Uasal Uasal | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Micah DuckPrince DuckPrince


Rosalia simply smiled mischievously at Ryan's embarrassment. It'd be great teasing him, that much was clear. “Oh, dear, I'm sure you know it. Don't worry though, I'm an expert, so if you ever need advice, you're free to ask~” She said, deciding to have a little mercy on the kid. After all, he called her Rosalia. Such good behaviour should be rewarded. Lady Caelia just made her feel old. She didn't know how her daughter got used to it so quickly.

As for the smaller Fae, his words worked like a charm. The bits of persuasion thrown in there made her back off from her offer without thinking much about it. However, she did have something else to say. “Alright dear, but don't forget to take a break every now and then, okay?” She knew Retili was an adult, but when his size was so much smaller than hers, she couldn't help but want to give him some 'motherly' advice at times. At least she was conscious enough to ensure she'd brought it in a fairly non-patronizing manner and more as friendly advice.

As for Aria, however... Rosalia had already been there for the entire week, but let's figure something out. Rosalia was happy to see her again as well. “Oh, come here dear.” She said, bringing Aria in for a hug. “There you go, much better. It's great seeing you again as well.”

Regula Caelia

Regula, meanwhile, was about to gather up the guards and start debating their plans when the others started showing up in rapid succession. Aria bringing in Amanda, Teuihua showing up, likely to talk with the guards and … “Excuse me, I don't think we've gotten acquainted yet.” She spoke up to Micah, a bit curious as to why the elf had been following Tue into the training grounds.

However, she got distracted when she noticed something. For a second, she wondered what to do. Then she made up her mind, stepping up to Amanda to stand face to face with the girl. Just close enough to breach her zone of comfort. She'd give the girl a piercing look, a bit of disappointment in her eyes. Before she spoke up though, she went on to go as far as to use [Appraisal B] on Amanda and the disappointment made room for confusion. Then, after some more deliberation, she'd chosen her words. “You know, for a second there I wondered if I made a mistake. You vanished for almost a week and when you show up again, you look like haven't slept or eaten properly for the entire time. It made me wonder if I've put too many expectations on you... Yet I can also see that you've improved and that you've already managed to learn a lot more on the topics you told me you'd work on.” She smiled. “Yes, I think I made the right call.”

Then the smile vanished and she gave Amanda a firm and strict look. “However! I can't have my people look like they're barely getting any sleep and food! Others will start to think I'm not able to care for those working for me, or that I'm some sort of tyrant. If you don't promise me that you'll take better care of yourself from now on, I'll have to assign someone to check up on you.” She spoke with [Leadership C] to leave little room for debate. To top it off, however, she leaned in even closer than she'd already been to whisper. “Besides, you've got great looks and admirable ambition. I'd hate to see you wear either of those out so quickly, especially when my own expectations might've led you to do so. So please, don't neglect yourself, alright?” That part was spoken with [Persuasion C] and a fair hint of genuine concern. As she was leaning in close enough, she used [Healing B (Reinvigorate)] on Amanda with her [Guardian Cloak]. “There, that should give you enough energy for the journey. Don't expect me to do this commonly though, as I'd rather have you stay healthy naturally."

Ezekiel Hayward

As soon as Regula finished up talking to Amanda, Ezekiel stepped up. “Lady Caelia, Marshall. Was there anything you needed from us?” He said, looking from one to the other and back again.

“Yes, we were planning to have a tour through the barony. I'd like for Amanda to inspect other places to see if it'll give her new ideas. Besides, I've got a feeling she'll be able to put her first ideas on agriculture to the test in the villages. I'd also like for Retili to work on the census, inspect the conditions of our roads, and to find workers for future projects. I've learned that Ryan was asked to visit the villages as well, so he'll be travelling along. I was also planning to ask Teuihua to come along, so that we can use his strength to help out in the villages and to allow him to learn a bit more about the barony as well.” She surmised some of the plan's main goals. “As for me and Aria, we'll be travelling by flight, which should give us an even better overview of the area. I'm planning for us to leave for Sootspire first. However, I'd wish for one or two of you to join the group on the ground. Both as guides and for safety.”

The guard captain nodded. “Then, if you don't mind. I'd like to task Sherwood with this mission. He really needs to learn to communicate with those he's not familiar with, but his scouting talents are unmatched. With him around, you're assured not to run into an trouble without knowing it way ahead of time.”


Sherwoord himself, upon hearing it, was clearly looking uncomfortable at the thought of having to do this mission solo, but he gave a hesitant nod. He'd seen most of these people for a week now, so they weren't total strangers... perhaps he'd manage? Then again, there was one total stranger, whom he looked at with a share fair of suspicion.

Upon following Sherwood's gaze, Regula suddenly recalled the unfamiliar Elf (Micah). “Oh my, I'm sorry. I completely forgot you for a second there. What business do you have with the guards?”

Whilst Regula was trying to get things on the road, someone else had recovered enough from her beating to get up and come forth.


“You!” She called out to Teuihua. “Thou metal presence hath blessed this town, but I hath nought believeth in thy goodness! I shalt reveal thy true colours!”

She turned to Aria. “Marshall, please, wouldst thou alloweth me to accompany thine expedition as well, so that me and mine might keep an eye on this metal-constructed fiend!”

Yep. Ethel had found herself a new target in the form of Teuihua. It'd be up to Aria whether she'd go with Hayward's plan of letting this be Sherwood's solo mission or if she'd allow Ethel to join as well. Alternatively, she could even demand captain Hayward himself to join them. The captain, however, seemed to a bit off. He was fumbling with something in his pocket and he didn't seem to be able or willing to look at Aria for long, averting his gaze more often than not.
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Micah.png Micah Ambrose
A wave of relief washed over the elf when the lumbering construct turned out to be kind enough to show him the way. "Thank you, had I tried to find it myself, I'd probably be floundering on the streets for over an hour." He sighed a little. The elf noticeably quieted down as they approached a group at the Training Grounds. After spending such nice, quiet time at the stables and avoiding the hubbub of the tavern, it now made the group somewhat.. overwhelming on Micah's senses.

Giving a brief quirk of his eyebrows at the woman, more than seemingly in charge(Regula), addressed him, he didn't speak immediately. It was clear his words would fall on deaf ears had he tried to speak up while her attention was split between several other people. Once her attention was actually on the elf, he offered a small polite smile. "It's alright. I'm Micah.. I started work at Madam Hestia's stable a few days ago and she asked me to deliver a few things to her relatives in the villages while I exercise her horse." He explained as concisely but least vaguely as he could. "She suggested I ask the guards if I could tag along on their rounds for safety." He added after a moment of thought for any other details that might help not make him seem as suspicious. Of course, Micah knew he very much seemed suspicious to anyone with a healthy caution towards strangers.

"If it isn't too much trouble. I would completely understand if taking a complete stranger is too risky for safety reasons.." Micah murmured as a hand reached up to fidget with one of his dangling ear piercings. There was a faint level of anxiousness in his words and body language, being suspected simply for being a stranger never felt good and the smaller lady clad in armor(Ethel) being so quick to judge the construct that was kind enough to help Micah, made the elf simply more uncomfortable with being on the spot. Ah.. he wished to be back with the horses in his care.. "If I'm bothering, I can get out of your hair and return to the stables..." He tried. Maybe they'll just shoo him away.

Mentions: Regula Elvario Elvario | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM-1.png
Elvario Elvario DuckPrince DuckPrince
On their way, Teuihua would have nodded to confirm that he was listening to Micah and understood. It wasn't any problem for the golem. The golem continued to stay on standby listening to what everyone had to say. Teu was used to this sort of thing anyway, he expected he'd be spoken too when he was needed. It seemed that there were a lot of moving parts that played variables. His interest was piqued when he heard Regula mention him however.

He also listened in to what Micah had to say in response, when he realized that he hadn't exactly asked him. Micah expressed himself in an innocent enough way which put Teuihua at ease for the time being that he hadn't made a mistake in helping him along, after all he was a bit of an outsider. Teuihua thought he may need to be more cautious moving forward, but he didn't exactly have the means to discern who belonged there and who didn't, he had just assumed that Micah was was there for the right reasons which he had been thankfully.

Teuihua then rotated his head towards Ethel, curiously. She had a way of speaking that reminded him more of like how outsider civilizations did in his time. Being called a fiend wasn't anything terribly new to the golem, there had been plenty of people who were suspicious of constructs, and of course armed hostiles didn't usually have very kind things to say to those like Teuihua, usually involving the fact that he was a construct. As a result Teuihua nodded towards towards her. Once there was a gap enough in the conversations,

Teuihua finally spoke, "I understand your concern, and even I can admit that I am oddity, how many or if there are any more of my kind left I am uncertain. "

"I will do my utmost ability to serve where you need me along side whoever you see fit."
Teuihua then continued after looking back towards Regula and those of delegation importance, effectively saying that he had no issue with extra eyes on him and would do his best. Of course it helped that he wasn't planning on doing anything nefarious, but the reaction was reasonable and not an ounce of offense was shown by the golem.
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1677029084113.pngAmanda Steelhaven

Truth be told, Amanda had heard a rumour among the guards one night that suggested Aria to be of commoner origin [Area Knowledge F], though it wasn't until she heard the woman say so herself that Amanda believed such. It was honestly quite surprising, Aria carried herself with such nobility and confidence. Elegance and finesse. Had someone suggested the marshal the daughter of some noble house, frankly Amanda would have had a far easier time believing it. "Oh? Highgrove? That's a lot closer than I expected. We, my father that is, bought our work-horse in Highgrove. I haven't been myself but my father told me he quite enjoyed the trip. Perhaps I should visit sometime. It might be a good opportunity to establish a trade route."

At the mention of how Amanda did in fact know about warfare and tactics, the woman could only chuckle to herself awkwardly. "Ahh... well I suppose I do... yeh. I just didn't want to be rude. I mean... who am I to offer warfare advice to A hero and a champion? [Area Knowledge F]. Don't you think it is a bit strange? I guess knowing we're similar, that is both commoners, I feel a little more at ease.". Blushing a little Amanda finished by saying "But thank you, I do look forward to our dinner together. I'm going to hold you to it."

Turning into the training ground Amanda was quick to spot the woman Aria had previously been talking about, the Baroness' mother - Rosalia. Wanting to introduce herself to the woman Amanda thought it best to wait for Aria to finish talking but was snatched away by the Baroness while she did so. Taken completely by surprise, especially by the sudden breach of personal space, Amanda dropped her scrolls and flinched. Jamming her eyes shut tight as Regula appraised her titles once again. It wasn't until she finally heard the woman speak that she dared open them again. The thought of losing her hands ran wild in her mind.

Fortunately, though, that didn't seem to be the topic of conversation. No instead, well instead it seemed Regula was concerned about Amanda's current health. Eyes widened at the sudden praise as well as the Baroness' seemingly uncanny insight into her study throughout the week. Actually, the whole situation had Amanda on the edge. Surprise turned to fear, fear to embarrassment and embarrassment to curiosity and confusion. And all that in just a matter of seconds. The baroness was one terrifying amazing woman. The most terrifying amazing part? Well, it seemed she wasn't done yet!

Leaning in even closer the Baroness suddenly started to simultaneously chastise and praise Amanda. Whispering sweet nothings into her ear while pulling her under some sort of magical cloak. A magical cloak that very quickly removed the bags from under her eyes and energised the sleep-deprived woman. Having come back to her senses and with her mind now working at full speed and ability Amanda immediately blushed a deep red given the situation and moved back to stand a reasonable distance from the Baroness. Moving to her knee to gather her scrolls. "I apologise for causing you concern m'lady! I'll endeavour to take better care of myself. I tend to get lost in my work when focused... I can't promise you any more than an attempt. I apologise."

However before Amanda could comment on the flattering comments she had been given, or even rebuke them, The baroness was already whisked into another conversation. This time with a rather dashing man. Someone of importance given the conversation. However, what struck Amanda most was the Baroness' words and specifically the words spoken about Amanda herself! "M'lady! You haven't even looked at my drawings!? Are you sure you're ok with me spreading a design you haven't even had the chance to glance over? What if I made a mistake? What of our deal? I don't even work for you yet! This task! It's... well M'Lady... I appreciate it but are you really sure?".

Hearing a heavy footstep nearby Amanda slowly turned her head to the side and immediately took notice of the giant golem. Snapping her focus back to Regula while awaiting a response, Amanda blinked a few times. She had to have been hallucinating. RIGHT!? Was this whole thing a fever dream? Immediate approval of a plan without review, a giant golem and a dinner date with Aria? It had to be. The magical cape gave it away.

RavenSong RavenSong TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario
Ryan Kylieth

"I..." Ryan tried to hide behind more excuses... But his mind betrayed him. Glimpses of recent events flashed before him. Working the smithy with Aileen, sharing a smile whenever their eyes met, unintentionally awkward moments when they accidentally touched hands, setting down that discomfort with a laugh, and so on. "...Thank you, Rosalia. I'll... keep that in mind." was his final answer. Although he was flustered, his red face being a clean indicator of it, he pushed through and didn't run away with the help of his [Introverted Charisma F]. He was here already, and none of his companions seemed like the teasing type... Or so he hoped.

Elvario Elvario
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Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX DuckPrince DuckPrince TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Uasal Uasal

The Fae underneath the cowl smiled congenially at Regula's mother. Like many fae the Zentail were exceptionally long lived, though not entirely immortal. Retili was at an age that most humans would have been considered to be a child, though he was older than most middle aged humans. Retili took the treatment in stride whereas an older Zentail might have taken offense. He didn't exactly appreciate it, but he was smart enough to recognize that it was merely a maternal concern and not an insult. "Thank you for your concern Lady Rosalia. I will be diligent in taking breaks." As he finished speaking and Rosalia's attention turned elsewhere Retili listened quietly to some of the other conversations and soaked all of the information in. He intervened in the conversation between the new elf and Lady Caelia. "Lady Caelia, if I may it would be useful to have an extra hand around. If nothing else they could assist me with my own census. Riding a horse will not take up all of their time surely."

Aria would hug Rosalia in return, nodding a bit sheepishly before turning to the commotion as everyone seemed to be appearing for preparations. It was then that Regula brought Micah’s presence to attention, she simply glanced and made a note to better acquant herself with this elf.

The following conversation between Regula and Amanda was a bit of an eye opener for the sword maiden, she had never really seen Regula stern yet she had a way of mixing it with kindness which felt like a good balance for a baroness. Regula already seemed wonderfully comfortable in her role, however, one thing still remained. The reason for todays meeting. And it remained secret.

“Hmm.” Aria said tilting her head a bit as a wondering finger came to her chin. “Didn’t know a healing could work that way.” She remarked upon sight of the use of the cloak. An instrument that likely saved her life at least once before.

Aria didn’t have much to comment on Retillis’ request, other than it was Regula’s call, and the elf too of course. Something about Retilli made her feel that much mroe confident about building a successful barony.

When the Captain then inquired upon their mission, Aria simply looked ahead as she closed her eyes dutifully. Essentially letting Regula make that order. Perhaps it was the strange magic he possesed, and she would definately not fall for that again. It wouldnt last long however, as her attention was pulled to the many comments being made, everytime she lokced gazes with the captain he would look away, and was beginning to make her feel strange again. It wasn’t his gaze. It was.. something else?

Her gaze would light up once again however as a familiar voice entered the area, she looked over to look upon her ‘rival’ opponent and third in command. Ethel. It had appeared Teuihua and her had a swift bonding. But before she could process the speculation, Aria was addressed by title before the guard made a request. She couldn’t help but smile a bit with a nod. “Very well Ethel, you may come, but please no heavy armor i’m not so sure how much weight a leaf could take. Understood?” She stole a glance at the captain, and once again, the same result, her hawk eyes had immediately noticed his hands fidgeting at something in his pocket . Aria would struggle to find the words but finally turned to Regula. “M’lady, p-perhaps the captain could accompany Sherwood. The scout still seems to be adjusting to our presence, i-i mean.. look at him..” She pointed at the scout, “.. as you can see he’s not quite comfortable with the idea of traversing alone.” Her eyes were beginning to betray her but she’d keep perfect posture, whatever devilry this man wielded, was indeed formidabble. She cleared her throat as her voice regained composure. After that, she waited until any final preparatons and planning were made, before suggesting to the baroness. “Shall we depart m’lady?”
Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
Time: 09:00 Weather: Clear skies.

Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | Aria RavenSong RavenSong | Amanda Uasal Uasal | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Micah DuckPrince DuckPrince

Regula Caelia

Regula only realised she'd gotten a bit lost in her enthusiasm when Amanda pointed it out. “Ah, of course, the drawings! It'd be rude of me not to look at them, but I'll be honest, you'll probably have to explain them to me. Why don't we go over them together in Sootspire? For now, I'll trust in the progress I've seen you make. Besides, don't misunderstand, I do mean 'test' when I say putting your ideas to the test. I'll be stricter when it comes to evaluating results of our first smaller-scale experiments.”

However, there was one thing that she did not like at all. Amanda was refusing a command of hers. It's why she was quick to come up with a task. However, whom to put on it? Retili, being a man, might not be ideal. Same for Teuihua, although that one was also not suitable due to size-related issues. It seemed like she'd have to rely on Aria's valuable time. “Well, if you can't promise more than an attempt, there's only one thing I can do. Trust, but verify.” She had a bit of a sly grin on her face. “Aria, I've got a special task for you. Ensure that Amanda here doesn't wear herself out too much by periodically checking up on her, force her to eat and sleep if necessary. I can't have someone waste their talents away by overextending themselves like she might do again.”


Rosalia, in the meantime, smiled at Ryan's reply. “Alright dear, make sure to remember it.” She said, being perhaps a little over-eager to get involved in Ryan's love affairs. Then again, she did have the know-how to back up her statements.

Retili's reply, in the meantime, would just be met with a genuine smile.

Finally, Aria's hug ended up lasting however long Aria wanted to, as Rosalia could feel there was a need for extended hugging time. When the latter let go, however, Rosalia replied. “Before I forget, remember you're always welcome to come talk to me, Aria. Any time, any place. I'll give you the same mother-based privileges as Regula, so don't be shy to use them, alright~” Notable, Rosalia had not once even considered calling her anything other than 'dear' or 'Aria' instead of 'Marshall', although she didn't expect Aria to mind.

With that, Rosalia bid the others goodbye and went off. Oddly enough, she headed for the direction of Hestia's tavern, rather than the keep. Then again, she'd been found in all places through-out town helping folk with whatever and then some, so it wasn't too surprising.

Regula Caelia

That left for Regula to address the uninvited guest. Considering Regula wasn't too familiar with the concept of 'privacy' when it came to using her [Appraisal B] on people, she walked up to come very close to Micah and read his titles. “Hmm... Just Elf and... Offworlder?” She mumbled aloud, the last word being loud enough to be picked up on by anyone paying attention. “I'm not sure who you are or where you came from, but I'd like to think madam Hestia has a good eye for people and wouldn't allow criminals to work for her. If Retili is willing to vouch for you on top of that, I see no qualms about having you join our expedition.” Then again, she did wonder why he didn't seem to have any titles related to horses, riding or animal handling. Was he really a stable-hand, or was he just pretending to be one? Or was he simply very bad at his job? Anyway, she figured she'd give him the benefit of doubt. “So please, forgive the suspicion of my guards. They're merely overly cautious.”

As for Teuihua, she was happy to hear the gentle giant reaffirm his loyalty. “You're almost too good to be true, you know that? She said with a genuine smile in his direction. “We've had more lumber than we can manage here, ever since you've been helping bring it in. Perhaps you'd be willing to pull a full cart of it to Sootspire? Only someone with your strength could easily take care of such a delivery.” That was probably the most useful thing Teuihua could add along the journey, other than the safety of being a warning against criminals who'd think twice to mess with a group having such a giant warrior along. “Ah, come to think of it, if we're bringing a cart, I'm sure Ryan would appreciate it if you brought along his goods from Gobán as well.” She figured, wanting to help out a fellow blacksmith.

There was, however, one thing that shocked Regula. Was Aria asking Ethel along with her own group? On the leaf? Did she forget what they'd been plotting already? That was painful. “I'm sorry, but I don't want to risk being held-up during our flight. Ethel, if the Marshall allows you to come, I'll allow it, but only by travelling with the group going by foot.” She was quick to state her opinion, before her plans would be ruined. Ethel was the last person she'd wish to witness her hopeless flight attempts.

Ezekiel Hayward

The captain was surprised when Aria suddenly suggested him to come along as well. So surprised in fact, that his fumbling hands dropped a letter that he'd been fumbling around with in his pocket. A hint of panic was displayed when he moved like lightning to pick it up and put it back in his pocket, his face somehow being both pale and reddened by what occurred. “I'm... y-yes.. ma'am.” He replied, clearly acting suspicious. “His solo mission can be another, yes. Yes.” The captain spoke, not sounding convinced of himself. “Besides, Ethel needs some supervision as well, so it's natural I'd join.”

Having regained his composure a bit, he turned to Sven. “I'll leave the militia in charge of guarding the town, during our absence.”


“Yes, sir.” Sven nodded. He didn't really seem to care about much of what was going on, oddly enough.


Sherwood, meanwhile, was looking like he was trying to sink into the floor from how awkward the social situation was starting to feel to him.


Ethel, finally, was oblivious. “I thank thee, marshall! I shalt not disappoint thee!” She said, upon being allowed to join the group. She then turned back to Teuihua. “I shalt keepeth mine eye on thee!” She declared, now that she was in on the whole expedition.

From there, it was just a matter of gathering horses (for those with Riding skill), a cart with goods/lumber and hitting the road.

Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
Time: 10:00 Weather: Clear skies.

The group (Retili, Amanda, Micah, Teuihua) was soon on their way towards Sootspire. Sherwood had taken the lead, scouting ahead in the distance. Captain Hayward was leading the main group. Ethel was closing it, keeping a close eye on Teuihua near constantly and almost tripping a few times as a result. With there being very little to sight-see in their surroundings, they were free to chat amongst themselves. Maybe get to know each-other a bit better, discuss their various duties or even just have some small talk.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.

Back at the training grounds, Regula was looking increasingly excited to leave, yet she'd kept waiting a bit longer with Aria. After all, it'd be shady if the others saw her leave by foot, rather than by flight. The official excuse was that she simply wished to deal with some other things first. However, now that the others had gotten enough of a head-start, Regula couldn't contain her excitement about something any longer. Her eyes were filled with an almost child-like glee.

“Hey Aria, we need to make our way out of town right? Before we can even attempt flying in private. We need to get a bit further south, rather than north like the others. Right? So... How about it?” She pointed at her boots. Then at Aria's legs. “My boots against your legs. I've been wanting to go all-out against you in a race ever since I enchanted your legs with speed and jumping, so how about it? Want to give it a go? Actually, I want to do this too badly~ We ARE racing, Baroness' command!” She spoke with [Leadership C] and a broad smile.

Then she got into a starting position. “Three. Two. One. Go!” She said, immediately using her [Boots of Swiftness] with [Power of Hermes B] to jump across not just the Town's walls, but also across the entire keep itself, with great ease (jumping B) and then immediately set off at an insane 289 km/h (fast B) sprint heading loosely towards Yemaya. Aria would be able to keep up with her, possessing the same skills, perhaps even able to go ever so slightly faster due to the legs being more naturally part of her speed than Regula's boots were part of hers.
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Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX DuckPrince DuckPrince TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Uasal Uasal

Retili walked in silence as he had a thousand times before, the leather satchel slung at his side a constant companion in the years that had passed him. As he walked he withdrew a canteen of water and drank from it while occasionally munching on what looked to be a twisted orange herb root that had been dried out and cut into sections like jerky. It was one of the few things in the world Retili could actually eat. It was also likely the first time some of the party had ever seen him eat. If Regula or the Marshall had been there, they might have noted that he had never actually eaten a meal aside from those herbs while they had eaten together. Retili was not so rude as to not eat with the Baroness when invited to do so after all. The flavor was an earthy mint, with a subtle lingering heat that was only emphasized by the cool touch of water. After a bit he apparently finished his meal as he put the cap back onto his canteen and carried onwards. As he continued he turned his head to speak to the elf who had just joined the party. "So, where would you be from then? I would like to know a bit about you if you'll be working with me today."
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Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163 DuckPrince DuckPrince Uasal Uasal Rev IX Rev IX

What everyone had to say seemed typical enough to the golem, even with the oddity of the one who he had guided title's he didn't feel like he was in any sort of place to give his opinion on it, particularly when it hadn't been asked. As long as he didn't pose a threat to anyone there and was there for the reasons he said he was Teuihua was content with Micah being there, since it sounded like he was there to help people too, a common goal.

Teuihua was very pleased to hear Regula's reaction to him. He simply tried his best to do what he thought was right, and helping this area establish itself and protect it if need be felt like just action for Teuihua to partake in. Teuihua's head rotated back, before giving Regula a nod of confirmation as he listened to what she thought he could do to help. "I can certainly pull a lumber cart to Sootspire. I believe I can also carry Ryan's goods from Gobán in addition. I would be happy to be of assistance." It sounded straight forward enough to the golem, the last sentence taking on a positive intonation once more.

The golem's head did rotate a bit once more when he noticed the letter that was dropped, but again it wasn't any of his business to ask about it. He could tell that there was something flustering about it however. It wasn't a feeling that had changed since his time Teuihua observed.

Teuihua then turned to Ethel and gave her a nod that he understood what she was saying.
As they started on the move Teuihua was presumably lugging the cart behind him with the payload so to speak. For Teuihua it was all very natural and didn't require too much effort on his part thanks to his SuperStrength E and [Large] title. Teuihua noticed that Ethel was watching him like she said he would, but he did not engage her on the topic, since to him she was just doing what she said she was going to. Even then he did think that there were better things she could be doing with her time than looking at him, after all was he that interesting? The golem thought to himself.

As for small talk the golem decided to listen for the time being rather than try to start up conversations, it still wasn't something he was used to doing too much of unless required. He rarely was spoken too outside of receiving orders or giving them back where he came from as he moved along the ground. If anything interesting came up or someone spoke to him naturally he'd reply or react accordingly, focused on executing the task at hand well for now.
Micah.png Micah Ambrose
Once granted permission and being made aware some others would need horses, Micah took those individuals to the stable with him where he picked up the tasked objects from Hestia and got the horses ready and on the road [Riding F - Actively in use during journey on horseback]. Micah kept relatively quiet, especially after the mortifying experience of having one of his titles read aloud that he didn't speak of before..

The elf definitely couldn't help but feel as if he was being put on the spot, once again making him appear a bit more awkward as he mulled over how to either lie or explain as vaguely as he could. Luckily Laverne, Hestia's chunky horse, was keeping him preoccupied enough to ease his mood. "This may be just a feeling, but I believe whatever answer I could give to that question would do very little to absolve me of everyone's suspicion of me.." He said sincerely, looking down at the fellow Fae walking along. "If it's of any help, where I come from has no affect on my current situation.. all I wish to do is settle down and raise horses.. perhaps grow some crops." He said. All of his words were sincere. Micah's home world was far behind him now, he had no desire to return anyway. Absently, as the elf spoke, he would reach forward to pat the horse's neck in praise for not spooking at loud noises around them.

Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163 TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Uasal Uasal Rev IX Rev IX
Retili Loxinofican
DuckPrince DuckPrince

Retili's look, though shrouded in the cowl of his cloak, turned steely and piercing as he studied the elf. Ominous yellow eyes swept over the Elf and just a hint of an angry black scar on pale skin could be seen under the hood. ([Insight F] [Perception F] [Empathy E]) He studied him closer and tried to discern any hostile intent or falsehoods. The Elf wasn't lying but Retili could sense that he wasn't the whole truth. The elf's body language spoke of anxiety and nervousness. His reporter senses were tingling, he could practically smell a scoop. "If you aren't completely honest with us, it could be difficult for us to trust you. You are apparently a stranger in my lady's lands, and secrets do not make a good guest, even if Hestia is employing you." [Persuasion E]. The Zentail did not cease his gaze as he watched the other Fae. He was perhaps being a bit harsh but he wanted to know whatever this he-elf was hiding. If it brought unexpected danger or trouble to the barony it would be an issue.
Micah.png Micah Ambrose
Retili's insistence earned a mild, disgruntled sigh from the elf. "The miss you answer to.. you heard her, didn't you?" He assumed, even with how close she had encroached into his personal space, the miss wasn't particularly quiet with her words. "I'm not from this world. I simply woke up near the Barony and made my way there. Hestia found me hiding with the horses and considering I hadn't been trampled to death, took pity on me and allowed me to work as a stable hand." He explained. "And before you ask, no. I will not say more about where I come from. That is something dead to me I wish not to speak of ever again." He said, voice firm and resolute in that decision. He would not share his previous life that he happily left behind. It was but a horrid memory now he did not wish to dwell on anymore. "Is that a satisfactory answer, ..Mr. Retili?" He asked, having recalled Regula mentioning the Fae's name.

conman2163 conman2163
Retili Loxinofican
DuckPrince DuckPrince Elvario Elvario

"Not from this world?" The Zentail said in a surprised tone. He did not allow the shocked expression to cross his face even as memories of his own world flashed across his mind. The last lingering one was of his wife holding his hand as he passed into the beyond. "I will not pry further. Your answers are satisfactory. I will warn you that I must relay what I have been told to the Baroness. She may have further questions for you." With that he turned his attention back to the road, removing a small notepad and charcoal pencil to begin taking notes on the state of the roads and drainage ditches [Perception F]. He didn't know much about architecture but he figured he'd be able to make a good guess at what was damaged or out of place and send someone with more experience through after to assess it.
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1677195947874.pngAmanda Steelhaven

Amanda wasn't all too happy with the fact the Baroness still saw crop rotation as a 'smaller-scale experiment'. Forcing in an industrial revolution was no small-scale task at all! The effect such a revolution could have on the Barony was not to be underestimated! Better agriculture led to more food, better quality foods at that! Better food meant healthier subjects, healthier subjects meant happier subjects. Happier subjects meant higher tax and higher tax meant improved spending allowance for public projects! Not to mention the industrial effect it would have, better practices meant fewer deaths and would also allow for cash crop production! The economy would benefit hugely! And with an improved... well a less crumbling economy and all the rest combined loyalty and trust would very quickly ballon allowing for more radical reforms across all sectors with public approval! There was nothing small about it! Plus! Had she any idea how stubborn and stuck in their ways farmers were!? This was a huge undertaking! Rebuilding the wall was childs-play compared to this 'small experiment!'.

With her cheeks puffing and her arms crossed Amanda thought all this to herself but was soon torn from her train of thought when Regula assigned Aria to check up on Amanda from time to time. To ensure she wasn't too tunnel-visioned on any particular task. "I'm not a child..." Amanda puffed under her breath. To be assigned a babysitter was not ideal, not ideal at all. However, the fact it was to be Aria actually made it somewhat tolerable. Why was that? It was probably due to her also being a commoner, that had to be it.

With the Baroness, speaking to an elf nearby Amanda couldn't help but overhear 'Offworlder' mentioned. How strange. Watching Regula getting up close and personal with the elf too, she finally realised what was going on. Regula was using Appraisal to inspect titles! How had she missed such an obvious action up until now? [Insight f] That was how she picked up on Amanda's studying! It all made sense now! Perhaps knowing this could be used to her advantage in the future.​

[Riding F] Having acquired a horse from the stables, Amanda rode alongside the rest of the group, securing her drawings in a satchel. For the most part, she spent the journey taking in the sights, not that there was much to see. Rocks, trees and long expansive plains as far as the eye could see. A beautiful and tranquil passage yet oddly empty with very little to see or do. With Retili and the elf speaking amongst themselves, Amanda quietly and carefully listened in.

Though to be fair it didn't take the elf long to crack under pressure. It seemed Retili had also been interested in the 'offworlder' title and how it came to be acquired. As expected [Inteligence B) the title had been acquired much like her own {Isekai}. The elf, it seemed, had also been a reincarnation of sorts. Though any chance of acquiring more information quickly drifted away when the two mutually agreed to drop the topic. A shame really, given Amanda had no particular reason to bring it up herself, lest she risk exposing her own origins.

Nevertheless, she had other things to be worrying about! The first was figuring out a way to convince farmers to follow her plan. The second was ensuring the had the means to do so. And thirdly, ensuring once all the prior conditions were met, they continued to operate as expected without deviation or regression. What a headache. Leadership was not one of Amanda's strong suits, perhaps Regula could give her some pointers in the future. But for now, she was on her own. While moving to massage her temple at the thought of such, she noticed something strange.

[Insight f] Retili, he was... was he trying to inspect the road? What was he writing? Watching the man for a few seconds, curiosity building Amanda decided to just ask. "Retili, is it? Might I ask what it is you're doing? Are you perhaps... well it looks like you're at least trying to appraise the road."

At this stage, Amanda would have already a fairly good grasp of the road condition as well as what may be affecting it negatively. {Architecture Expert}

conman2163 conman2163 DuckPrince DuckPrince TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Rev IX Rev IX RavenSong RavenSong Elvario Elvario
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan dropped a quick "Thank you, Mister Teuihua" before hitting the road. As the metallic giant picked the heavy tools for working metal, and the various requests he needed to deliver. As for the actual trip, it was being a tad underwhelming. Not that Ryan expected much, but it was still nice enough that there were no bandits, monsters, or anything of the sort. His boredom shifted into relaxation, that is until he remembered Aileen's letter, and even worse, his exchange with Gobán earlier.

His face took on a light shade of pink. Just what was he going to do when he met her? No, that was a dangerous path of thoughts he'd rather not tread now. It was still too early for that. He needed a distraction, and there was nothing that would do the trick. Practicing his gunslinging tricks he grew up practicing would probably be seen in a hostile light, so he had to settle with drumming the grip rhythmically with his fingers. That's the best he had at the moment, and he wasn't about to ask the group for advice. It was already hard enough to not sound like a nervous wreck, and that was without the subject being considered.

Unsure of what led him to this, Ryan reached under his cloak, from where he pulled out a neatly folded parchment. Aileen's letter. While making his heart beat faster, reading it managed to ease his mind. The gentle intention of such a letter that clearly took effort, made his heart aflutter...

Aria had nodded at Rosalia before bowing her head a bit with respect, noticing that everyone else was pre occupied with their own interactions. “I.. you’re much too kind m- Rosalia. Perhaps when i catch up on all the paperwork and reports.” She couldnt help but smile warmly at Rosalia whom she had grown to consider her the closest thing to a mother.


Aria had been listening to Regula as she crossed her arms, but when Regula brought up a special task the marshal stood up straight with attention. “I’m ready, and at your service, baroness.” Stepping closer so as to not miss any details. Her rigid frame faltered however, as she gasped with disbelief at Regula’s assignment. “My lady? Hmm. Very well.” She nodded stealing a glance at Amanda who seemed just as surprised, or perhaps upset. Aria would resist a shrug, instead giving her a slightly confused look. However, perhaps in Aria’s heart of hearts, this was actually quite a delightful fate. Of course, she wanted to spend more time with what would be the equuvialent of a warfare collegue. The thought of forcing her to eat and sleep was unusual, however, it wasn’t an entirely odd request considering she’d just woken her up from under a desk.

“I’ll do what i can m’lady.” She said bowing.

As to the suggestion to bring Ethel along, Aria had felt a bit guilty for being irresponsible and allowing her pride get in the way of her better judgment. In a way she felt like she owed Ethel this gesture. Once again making a rash decision, Aria sighed, as she touched her temple while shaking her head. Feelings we’re very disorienting things.

“I.. Ethel..” Aria stuttered, “..i realize you’ve taken to Teuihua, and i know i’ve agreed to bring you along, but perhaps you’d better join the others. If we finish early, i’ll be sure to pick you up and bring you along.”

She closed her eyes sighing yet again. Then started after Regula, looking back once, a bit remorseful.

Once everyone had left, it was just Regula and Aria still in the training grounds. The sword maiden placed a dutiful hand on her hip as she listened to Regula, nodding in agreement about direction, but not before she flinched. “What?” She protested. “I dont think th-“ Then made in an official command! Aria hesitated, she felt like a freak to be able to run so fast. She felt it wasn’t human, but against her fractured self esteem she’d thought to indugle the baronness with a race. “Hmm. Fine. Any ter-“ Her eyes widened as her friend began to countdown, she’d place the sword belt across her chest, effectively moving her sword to her back before getting down low into a take off position.

When the final call was made, she too jumped, front flipping mid air with her arms out and extended. The world suddenly was upside down, then her legs hummed as the enchantments took effect. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she’d nearly break the wind barrier with the immense velocity and speed she’d launch herself forward with. She’d glance at Regula who was keeping up right next to her. Surely this wouldn’t bring any attention, considering they were likely making big gusts as the air they broke filled in their wake shaking and ruslting any wildlife.
Retili Loxinofican
Uasal Uasal Elvario Elvario

Retili was deep in thought, so deep that he almost tripped and landed flat on his face as he was momentarily distracted by Amanda trying to talk to him. He recovered smoothly and turned his head to her. His tone one of realization. "Ah, I forget that you have a good grasp of architecture. I was examining the roads for any damage. My experience is limited however, so perhaps you could assist me." He passed over the notepad and pencil. "Make a note of any damages you see, we can send work crews through after to fix the roads where needed. We're a small barony so it isn't like we can pay to have the roads cobbled, but at least we can make sure what we have isn't awful."
Road to Sootspire
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road to Sootspire
Time: 11:00 Weather: Clear skies.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | Amanda Uasal Uasal | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Micah DuckPrince DuckPrince

They'd been travelling for about an hour. There were a few things regarding the road conditions that stood out. A few large boulders had rolled onto it after breaking lose from nearby hill formations (although they were no match for Teuihua) and at some places, the dirt and gravel had started to erode due to rain. It wasn't too bad, but if this were to become a major road or trade-route, it might want to see some upgrades first. In particular the rocks rolling onto the road might lead to some back-ups, should this road ever become more commonly traversed, whilst gravel and sand washing away might end up toppling carriages and carts whenever two of them needed to pass each-other from opposite directions and wouldn't be able to stick to the middle of the road. Whilst both Retili and Amanda were able to spot the damage, Amanda was the one with the skills to come up with better ways to fix it.

Micah would find that, although he had a Riding F skill, he had to put some effort in. After all, it was clear that Laverne was wondering why she suddenly had to walk so far out of town and that she wasn't the most eager to leave the good and lazy life back in Hestia's stable. Perhaps he'd be able to use some other talents to make the horse go along a bit more willingly, as it was going to be a long journey of struggling to keep her moving steadily otherwise.

Ezekiel Hayward

Ezekiel, despite having his back towards Retili and Teuihua riding (he'd also gotten a horse) in front of them, was eagerly listening in on the conversation between Retili and Micah. After Retili mentioned delaying the information, he couldn't abstain from chiming in on it. “With all due respect, sir Retili, could it be that the baroness is the same as him? She's different from what I'm used to for nobility, but in a good way. I've heard rumours she wasn't even raised as a noble, but struggling to get by working as a blacksmith in the lesser parts of Ryken, yet she doesn't seem to be letting the power go to her head like so many others would. The Marshall as well. I've rarely seen someone so graceful, so elegant, so strong and still so good-hearted, loyal and kind. Surely, they must also be from another world as well, right?” He only realised how troublesome or revealing his words might be when he'd already spoken them. It made him want to spur on his horse and gallop away, but instead he did his best to try to 'play it cool' for now.


Meanwhile, Ethel had cooked up a new flawless master-plan. “Blacksmith, thou shalt be mine witness!” She suddenly declared to Ryan. “Thou must aid me in mine attempth to seeketh out thy construct's secrets! Thou shalt uncover his metals and thou shalt reveal to me his innards! Then, I shalt becometh able to showeth thee and thine of the construct's foul mechanisms!” Was she... asking Ryan to tear apart Teuihua? Yes. She was. Whilst they were both walking very, very close to him. Perhaps her words would've sounded a bit more threatening if they didn't have an undertone of almost child-like curiosity to them.


As they were walking on, suddenly, Sherwood appeared in front of them. How the man managed to stay unnoticed in the open was unclear, but here he was. He ignored everyone as much as he could, other than the captain. “Sir. Stranger ahead. A shepherd with flock. Haven't seen her before.” He reported. Although it was impossible for the scout to recognise every single person in the barony, it was also improbably that he'd not know the shepherds he'd likely encounter on this scouting journeys.

Ezekiel waited a bit with replying, seemingly wondering about something. Or perhaps waiting for some input from others?

Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Sidepath in the direction of Sootspire
Time: 11:00 Weather: Clear skies.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong

It had almost been adorable to see Amanda's puffed up cheeks upon getting a babysitter, but such were the consequences of her own action, so Regula had only smiled it away. She'd grown more fond of that one, for sure, but was also interested in seeing where things would go when Amanda's efforts were put into actual practise.

That said, she'd gotten a different type of practise first. Although Aria had objected first, she'd eventually joined Regula in their run. Truthfully, Regula had debated on whether or not to do this. Was it bragging to the entire Barony in case they'd got caught? Or just showing off power and showing that folks shouldn't mess with them? At the end, she'd forsaken such thoughts to simply follow her desire to do this with Aria. There were only two reasons for her to want to do so. Now that they'd found a small side-path, branching off from the road to Yemaya in the direction of Sootspire, they'd found the perfectly quiet place to slow down.

Catching her breath, Regula had a very broad smile on her face. “That was amazing!” She laughed. “Did you feel the wind blowing around us? It was like everything went by as if it were just a blur!” She then went on to check up on Aria's legs from up close. “I'm so glad the enchantments work fully as intended.” She spoke whilst she was tracing her finger across the runes she'd engraved into the legs. “Please, don't ever seem so hesitant to use them again! After all, these legs are what got me my precious knight back, even stronger than ever before~ We should run at our fullest more often! Let's show the whole barony what my boots and your legs are capable off!”

As her enthusiasm faded a little whilst she was getting her breathing in check, however, she got a bit more serious. “Hey, I know I'm asking you to use things that reminds you of what we've been through. Your legs, the leaf... but please, please just know that you're still you. You're still you and you're amazing, alright? Don't forget that.” She sounded almost pleading, as she said those words to Aria, although part of that was also spoken to herself. After all, whilst she'd been hiding it deeper, she too, had some traumatic memories that were keeping her down at times.

There was one more thing that Regula wanted to make clear. “Aria, before I forget, could you please just call me Regula for now? I don't mind if you call me m'lady or something with others around, but now that it's just the two of us, I'd really appreciate it.” After all, what Regula was going to need most of all right now was a friend, not a knight. She was shaking a little at the prospect of what she'd got planned for herself. “What I've tried before, was using the jumping on my boots to its fullest, then trying to spread my wings while at the top of my jump and trying to fly or glide back down. I ended up falling down each time. I figured that, from a more stable position atop the leaf, I might be able more casually and stably spread my wings.”

Considering the size of the leaf, it'd only fit one person at a time. (I checked, it'd otherwise not comply with the results of latest capacity debate on the discord server). It meant that Aria would have to loan it to Regula for a bit, whilst staying on the ground herself. The latter, of course, meant that she wouldn't be able to intervene either, should things not go as intended...
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Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163 DuckPrince DuckPrince Rev IX Rev IX Uasal Uasal

Teuihua diligently moved any heavy obstacle that may have appeared on their path as they came up as he continued to listen to what the people in his party had to say. It was good to hear that Retili was serious about his task in keeping track of the conditions of the land. It made him feel better knowing that Regula seemed to have people who were intent on actually doing their jobs to assist the greater good of everyone there. Regardless Teuihua also took note of Ryan who almost seemed to react a similar way as the Ezekial had been earlier. A commonality was the messages they were presumably carrying. The golem was curious once again. While he usually tried to stay reserved unless it became more of a serious looking issue he perhaps wasn't going to ask for the time being, plus Ryan seemed to go at ease as he read. But these two incidents were on the golem's mind nevertheless.

Ezekiel's talk intrigued the golem this talk of other worlds was quite fascinating too, from what Micah revealed. That certainly helped explain why he had seemed out of place earlier. "Well I suppose if i can go into stasis for so many years and still function, and with so much magic in this world.. perhaps its probable there are more beings from other worlds among us." he spoke to no one in particular, simply commenting on the fact that, that was good enough reason for him. As long as these other worlders meant well Teuihua was undisturbed.

His head rotated towards Amanda for a time when she asked Retili what he was doing, the question perhaps alluding to some input she wanted to make.

Teuihua rotated his head towards Ethel after hearing what she had to say. It was a bit unsettling for the golem but he figured that if he was going to received the aforementioned maintenance or possibilities for upgrade he had been told he'd get for working here he would just have to trust some of these humans.

"I suppose it has been many years since I've received a proper looking into.." It was actually probably about time for one sooner or later. Not denying Ethel or confirming he was okay with her looking inside of him as truthfully he didn't know if Regula or whoever else who might be looking into him would be okay with it, so his voice remained fairly neutral on the subject. For now he kept walking along with the task at hand.
Ryan Kylieth

As Ryan happily admired the letter, an up and coming warrior scared him back into his senses. He let out a panicked "Eh! Whoa!" as he fumbled the letter. Once he managed to catch it, he tried to keep his cool [Focus E] [Steady Hands E], and turned to Ethel as he neatly folded it back and stored it into an inner pocket underneath his cloak. "Ethel..." He sighed "Just because I can work metals and enchant them if the metal is mithril, doesn't mean I can pick apart a construct... Let alone without consent"

Teuihua made a subtle comment that might lead Ethel to push the subject. So Ryan tried to prevent it "You can show me how your inner mechanisms work, and I'll see what I can do, Mister Teuihua." Now as for Ethel "That is not why I came with you all today, however. I was tasked to do something else." Ryan said, knowing there was a task he had to attend to and might not be considered work, but they didn't know that. He was hoping that his knowledge in mechanisms [Engineering E] would be sufficient to properly assist the construct.

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Amanda Steelhaven

So he was trying to appraise the road, but why Ratili? Amanda was certain that as an advisor to the Baroness, he must have been a competent individual. That much she never even doubted but when it came to appraising roads? Well, Amanda was quite perplexed as to why he had been given such a task. Unlike the Baroness, Amanda wasn't going to use appraisal on her coworker but from how he spoke and examined the road at least. Well, it looked as though he had little to no experience in carrying out such tasks. So it begged the question, why Ratili? With a gentle sigh following as a response to his words Amanda shook her head from side to side. "I suppose I'll have to..."

Reaching for her satchel Amanda produced a general map of the barony she had sketched up herself. Tossing the item to Retili she then turned her attention to the road ahead, speaking to him while manoeuvring her horse to a halt. "I might as well teach you while I do so. Seeing as you've already made quite a few fundamental mistakes". Hopping down from the creature, Amanda offered it a petting before taking its reigns in hand and kneeling by the roadside. With her free hand then she began to pick at the packed dirt until eventually some gave way and allowed her a better look at the makeup. That being mostly sand and compact dirt with gravel mixed in. "Look at the map I gave you. The Barony right now has one town and two villages. That is the town of Stonewall and the villages of both Soothspire and Kirkwall."

Moving back to her feet Amanda was quick to remount her horse and make off back toward the group, now having seen what she needed to. "Putting Yemaya aside for now. These three locations are the Barony's main areas of development. Now, take a look at the map, can you tell me what makes both Sootspire and Kirkwall so important? That is, at face value and going off of the map alone what are the two main things that make those villages so very important?". At this point, some might believe Amanda to have changed the topic completely from road inspection to something different altogether but that was not the case. And time would reveal such.
conman2163 conman2163
Retili Loxinofican
Uasal Uasal Elvario Elvario

The Zentail was not exactly pleased that the woman who was employed by his Baroness treated his request so... reluctantly. If she had knowledge and time he wasn't certain why she would sigh when asked to deal with something right within her skill set. The Zentail bit back a comment about it though and carried on walking. The map that she tossed Retili and he unfurled was not one he had seen before, and he had gone over all the records in the town which included maps. He folded the paper carefully and tucked it away in his satchel. Retili was regretful that he seemed to have given Amanda the wrong impression. He was certain whatever he had said to her had led her to the conclusion that he wanted to be taught about the roads. That was really not the case. In any other case he might have indulged her and joined in on the lesson, but he wanted to go through some of the documents he had in depth before he reached the village. The only reason he had been assessing the roads was because he felt it would be good data for his report for the baroness. He also didn't appreciate being spoken to from atop a horse. He already had to look up to maintain an appropriate level of eye contact during conversations as was, adding an extra four feet to the issue meant he would have to crane his neck back. It was different when he had spoken to the elf, then he had initiated the conversation. He held up a hand to stop Amanda. "With respect advisor, I am employed with the Baroness for another reason then knowledge of architecture. I was simply making notes within my capability and not attempting to replace a trained professional. If you are capable of assessing the roads I am happy to let you do so, but if you are doing so I must prepare to carry out some other work within the villages. I have a few documents to go through while we walk and while I am certain you are an excellent teacher, I must prioritize my other work over it unfortunately." His tone was polite and he was simply trying to indicate that he didn't have an interest in architecture.
Amanda Steelhaven

Having caught back up with the group Amanda was caught off guard when Ratili raised a hand to halt her speech. Though after hearing him speak all the woman could do was puff up her cheeks and pout. So he was simply shifting the work with no interest in the process itself thereafter. How disappointing. Amanda had quite literally just been chastised by the Baroness for working too hard and ordered to be more careful with her workload. Now not even half a day later she found herself taking on yet another important task. A task that wasn't even her own to begin with. "Very well, I'll handle it. But I must ask you return my map to me. It's an important tool of mine and I don't remember telling you, that you could keep it.".

Extending her hand down toward the man so as to receive the map should he return, Amanda continued "Oh and I'm no advisor. The Baroness has yet to officially employ me. Right now I'm just Amanda Steelhaven, a concerned citizen of the realm." Chuckling to herself Amanda managed to make herself smile "Actually, ha, that has a good ring to it.". With Sherwood returning though Amanda was quick to return her focus forward.

{Agriculture Expert} [Area Knowledge F] {Warfare Expert}
His words to the captain were concerning. A shepherd with a flock out in the open like this was very strange. Gwenith had stated the area was often subject to wolves and as such very few made attempts at raising live stock. If that was true and even still Sherwood didn't recognize the woman as one of those select few... then just what was goin on? Could the woman really be a shepherd directing a stray flock? Or was this something more sinister, a robbery or indeed even a set up for such.

Looking to Ratili, Amanda offered the man a smile "Mr. Retili, you can trust me with the appraisal of the roads. And with all due respect, I wish you the best with those other tasks you mentioned. Perhaps we could share a drink later. I have little knowledge on how to properly conduct myself before those with titles, so please excuse me for any rudeness. We can continue our discussion later and of course, I'll incur the expenses of the first round. But for now I believe your attention is needed further forward".

Returning her focus to the Captain, Amanda decided to play the fool. The Baroness and Aria might have appreciated her advice but the Captain was possible another story altogether. Besides, the way he spoke of Aria, for some reason it annoyed Amanda. Which was strange given she agreed with everything said. "Oh, I was unaware sheep were being raised so far from the town walls..."
Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163 RavenSong RavenSong


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