[Stars of Sinnoh] OOC Thread

lol Nice

I started drafting a post at school but then fell asleep because I had a headache. So I'm going to reply to something then I'll be back on this thread to reply lol
@Folkus & @amybri18

Johanna, Top Coordinator!
You're still a complete noob in the art of battling Pokemon. You better find someone to give you some more hands on learning. Dawn happens to have a connection to a very impressive Pokemon trainer and top coordinater. Her mom. Johanna was once a Grand Festival Contest Champion, and somehow Dawn suggested you learn from her. Though she wasn't mainly a battle type, perhaps you can learn a thing or two from her.

Courses of Actions:

  • Go to twinleaf town with Dawn.
  • Meet Johanna and her Glameow.
  • Ask if you could learn anything from her.
  • End up being coached.


  • Experience.
  • Learn a TM or HM move of your choice.
  • Ribbon Case (Required to Collect Ribbons).
  • Badge Case (Required to collect badges).


Barry, the rookie trainer!
If you decide to go to Twinleaf Town, you will meet Barry, who doesn't have a Pokemon yet. He wants to get a Pokemon, but he can't go to Sandgem without, well... A Pokemon. Since you, Phoebe, know how to make pokeballs of apricorn, you offered to make some for him.

Course of Action:

  • Stumble into Barry.
  • Barry mentions catchimg a Pokemon.
  • Offer to make him a pokeball.
  • Find some apricorns.
  • Make a pokeball.


  • Your Price.

And so finally... Stone comes out.

An update to my character as well, if anyone would like to know. Idk. :/
Quick question concerning Alexis; since her father is a former gym leader and her older sister is a former coordinator (mentioned about that, right?) Is it alright if she already have a badge case and a ribbon case? That just kinda come into mind seeing as her family is naturally trained trainers--
NyuNeon said:
Seriously, if anyone wants to ask something from me, go ahead and ask. :3
NyuNeon said:
Personal Mission(s)

Dewey and Phoebe gets approached by Dawn, goes to Twinleaf Town, meet Johanna, get coached and rewarded, and Phoebe gets *prize* from helping Barry by making a Pokeball for him. This is the summary, yes?
Yeah most likely going to do that tomorrow. Kept thinking it then getting busy lol
Pretty much. Neither of you don't have to go. Or only one of you could go as well, instead of going with each other. Phoebe can make balls, and sell them, but she will decide the price of her work. Whether it'd be cash or something.

I was thinking of making you guys battle, but eh. You can decide whenever if you want to do that or not, to be honest.
@Folkus lets battle!


NyuNeon said:
@Folkus & @amybri18
Johanna, Top Coordinator!You're still a complete noob in the art of battling Pokemon. You better find someone to give you some more hands on learning. Dawn happens to have a connection to a very impressive Pokemon trainer and top coordinater. Her mom. Johanna was once a Grand Festival Contest Champion, and somehow Dawn suggested you learn from her. Though she wasn't mainly a battle type, perhaps you can learn a thing or two from her.

Courses of Actions:

  • Go to twinleaf town with Dawn.
  • Meet Johanna and her Glameow.
  • Ask if you could learn anything from her.
  • End up being coached.


  • Experience.
  • Learn a TM or HM move of your choice.
  • Ribbon Case (Required to Collect Ribbons).
  • Badge Case (Required to collect badges).


Barry, the rookie trainer!If you decide to go to Twinleaf Town, you will meet Barry, who doesn't have a Pokemon yet. He wants to get a Pokemon, but he can't go to Sandgem without, well... A Pokemon. Since you, Phoebe, know how to make pokeballs of apricorn, you offered to make some for him.

Course of Action:

  • Stumble into Barry.
  • Barry mentions catchimg a Pokemon.
  • Offer to make him a pokeball.
  • Find some apricorns.
  • Make a pokeball.


  • Your Price.
Ok :)
@RevolverOshawott As long as you know the basics of grammar, or it's not hard to read, you're fine. Most of the post rate from casual to detailed.
Sorry for not posting yesterday-- didn't feel well u.u I'll try and have two replies up today for Eli and Alexis (because I want to have at least one reply everyday hehe)
@juuchanisu you don't have to post everyday xD the most you can stretch it is two weeks.


Update. ;3

Chapter II is up. Check Main Post.

New Mechanics are up. Check out overview.

Missions though, are currently being detailed. I would appreciate it if people would notify me, so I can give you the details regular missions entails.

Happy Friday.


Currency system

Currency System is based off Pokemon Games.


Using japanese currency, because it's much, much easier.

Everyone starts off with a minimum of ¥1000

Depending on your history, you may have excess pokemon dollars, but you will never start off by having less than ¥1000 dollars.

You may gain pokemon dollars by completing missions, winning gym battles, winning contests, winning battle contests, etc.

You cannot gain dollars by winning from regular training battles. Pokemon battling is considered somewhat like sport. Would an amateur normally win money from winning a tennis match?

Mission System

There are three type of missions.

1.) Regular Missions. You'll often find these in optional actions.

You know the required actions. You either don't know the rewards or you do, depending.

2.) Personal Mission. Missions that is made personally for you. I will message you about it OOC.

3.) Chance Mission. Missions that are typically unlisted and hidden. They have greater or random rewards. I will PM you about it.

If you know the reward, please Roleplay it. I have to formally recognize it for you afterwards, and what exactly the reward can do.

Want to do missions? Do a lot of crap, do a lot of unrequired crap.

Reputation System

The reputation system measures how much fame you have. From defeating galactic grunts to modeling for firms, you'll find that you'll have access to exclusive actions, such as challenging the elite four and their champion.

You start from 0 and you need a 100 points in order to become champion.

You can gain reputation by completing certain actions.

You can also lose reputation by doing certain actions.

The GM shall inform you IC how much you gained/lost.

Contest Battle System

Unlike regular training battles, contest battles seem to be more professional, more commercial. You can actually gain money and prizes from this, but you also have to pay to participate most of the time. You are required to have Pokemon trainer Liscenses, pay the fees, and formal attire.

In order to win a contest battle, you will be implementing the dice function. The standard roll a 1d20 and get a 10 or above. Please tell me OOC if you plan to do a Contest Battle in order to give you the roll requirements.

Utilizing certain hold items may increase your chances of winning, such as gemstones. Gemstones add an additional 3 to your roll. So with a gem, you would have to roll a 1d20+3.

Gym Battle System

This one works a bit differently. You are required to challenge the gym leader. You may decide yourself if you win or you lose. You can still get a chance at a badge either way.

You are rewarded a gym badge and a chance to learn a certain move. Sometimes even money.

Ribbon Contest System

Using both the ideas of both the Contest Battles and Gym Battles.

You need a Contest Pass, formal wear (for you and your choice of Pokemon), and payment fee. There is also optional accessories to be worn that boost your appearance up. Beware though! Accessories are a make or break if you randomly add them together.

You will be judged in three areas.

Appeal Stage: Overall appearance. They will also ask you some random questions, like they are interviewing you. Use the standard 1d20 roll with additional appearance points.

Performance Stage: where you show off your Pokemon skills, such as Aipom doing a star tornado.

Battle Stage: make sure your showy. Or you can just grab your way there by rolling a 1d20 and additional power points.

The judges are determined by the GM. The prizes are organize by grand prize, 2nd place prize, 3rd prize, and recognition prize.

If you have five ribbons, you have the chance to participate in the Grand Festival, against the top coordinators. However, these ribbons act like tickets and are eventually a null.
Dunno. After my first post today someone idiot named Jacob posted a little while later in red bold letters screaming we all needed to get a life. I looked into it and I think he was going through all the fandom rps. I went to his profile and reported him, but before I did that all his posts were gone and after I finished the report, his profile was gone

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