[Stars of Sinnoh] OOC Thread

Yeah, that's what I was going for. I hope to develop her a bit eventually, but she'll still hold onto her trademark traits. I'm not sure about befriending everybody, but we'll see what happens. xD

I'm a little confused about how the roleplaying works here, though. It seems like a lot of having my character interact with NPC's that I write from the perspectives of, and just a bit of my character interacting with other users characters. Unless I'm wrong, but that's the gist of what I think I've been seeing. xD
The basic goal is to complete the requirements. A lot of people though just spends there time doing optional actions. As long as it's canon, you can write and interact with any NPCs. Otherwise people here just go with the flow.

Since your still new here, I suggest looking at Chapter I, in the settings tab. It still applies to you at the moment.
Okiedokie, I suppose the best way to get the hang of it is to go ahead and give it a go.

And sure thing. I feel a little behind on things. Oh well, Fletcher can eventually just catch up and wreck everyone. ... Not literally, but yeah. xD
No seriously take your time. Time is seriously skewed up in this place and I don't think anyone is really reaching Jubilife anytime soon.

As the GM, I happen to very slow and tie up the loose ends with Percival. I'm still in Sandgem, so you can always bump with me at a route or something.
@LeSoraAmari Kai is approved. But I did a real dope in my part. Beldum can pretty much achieve only about 4-5ish moves, which provides a real handicap. Unfortunately, you'll have to get rid of that move set and adapt to the moves that Beldum can possibly do. You can always change your move set once your Pokemon evolves, and other special occurances, so I am afraid you'll have a few moves short. I'm deeply sorry that I did not consider this fact earlier.

Anyway, Mossdeep, huh? I know someone else who lives in Mossdeep. And loves dem' Beldums. -wiggle eyebrows-

Edit: I must apologize for the delay as well. I had to attend to extracurricular activities for my school's tennis team. (painting posters and such) so I was not here the whole day.
Stalker-chan has been approved~
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It's okay, I've actually given him moves that he would be able to learn via TM or from the move tutor, I had to google it because I got quite stuck with it, but that's alright. Anyway I will go change that up now :)

And I know right! But Beldums are cute, very cute. I like them. They even float too~ @NyuNeon
Apologies. But thank you for that. You also eventually get TMs and HMs taught by another trainer or coach. Otherwise it's just a null move.

There's also the issue with the fact that Beldum does not accept any sort of TMs and HMs. I think the best course of action is to have your Pokemon evolve if you want a bigger move set. @LeSoraAmari

Yea, a vulpix is cool.

Anyway, I would like to ask everyone this question. What is your goal atm? Like what item would you like to get? A metal coat? An everstone? What?

Otherwise it was going to be Fennekin xD

I wanted to post what I had before something scary could happen and I lost everything. So I'll do their bios tomorrow I think. I should have time then.

Hm...I'm thinking for Kasumi to get all the Coordinator stuff lol
Well, we'd have to capture them somehow. Like Kasumi only has four poekballs left lol

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