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Realistic or Modern Stardom Academy (Open & Always Accepting)


She watched this exchange with a worried look on her face, not sure what exactly to say or do. She held up her hands in a small surrender.

"Hang on...don't...can't we just...?" Alaska said, unsure of how to solve the situation.

She closed her eyes, rushing forwards. She looped her left arm around Reina's arm and the other around Jason's. Despite her small appearence, she was quote strong. She locked her arms and hurried through the door, bringing the two with her. She made it inside, red faced and embarrassed, she slackened her arms so they could remove them.

"Sorry..." she said quietly.
"It's fine. At least the matter was resolved-" Reina immediately stopped when she saw other students approaching the doors as they began to close. Out of instinct, she quickly moved and pushed the door open for them. Quiet words of thanks and welcomes passed between Reina and the incoming students. When there were no more students, the girl glanced outside in all directions to make sure that no one else was coming in before stepping back inside the auditorium and moving back to where the others were.

"Sorry, force of habit," Reina told them.
"Yeah. Reina's right, no need to- Aw come on, really? You had to go and hold the door. I don't get to keep my gentleman title now, so you might as well put me in a dress and call me Sue." Jason said. He was pretty upset about Reina going back to open the door, being his competitive self, but it was clear he was still joking when he mentioned the part about being called Sue.
"It's fine, Sue," Reina responded, walking up to Jason and patting his shoulder in a comforting manner. It was hard to tell that she was joking with her impassive face and vacant voice. She contemplated on taking the joke further, but stopped when she thought about how uncomfortable it might make him and everyone else.

"Why don't we go find ourselves some seats?" She walked on ahead of the group, looking for a good spot where she could actually see the stage.
Jason looked at her with fake shock, "Did Reina actually make a joke? Or are my ears deceiving me?" He grinned, and followed after her, hoping Alaska would tag along as well. All the while, he strummed his Ukulele lightheartedly. "My name is Sue, how are you? Would ya like some o' my buffalo stew?" He sang lightly, his grin broadening at the joke.
"We will find that dress for you. 'Cause fashion is not in your avenue," Reina continued the lyrics in monotone as she walked ahead, matching the rhyme and syllables, but clearly not the notes. She slowed to a stop in the middle of the rows as she noticed enough empty seats for all of them. Reina turned back to the others and gestured towards the row, a silent way of asking if the seating was alright with them.

She followed behind the two, getting caught by some people going the opposite direction.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry," she said to the people pushing by her.

She tried to keep her eyes on Reina and Jason, but out of habit, she looked down. When her eyes flicked back up, she couldn't see Jason or Reina in the crowd. She hugged herself, spinning in a circle.
"Nice one!" Jason beamed at Reina's response. Sure, she lacked the right pitches, but it rhymed and that was all that mattered. "Whoo! Empty seats!" He cheered, when she found seats for them. However, turning his head, he noticed that they had lost Alaska. "Oh Fudge." He muttered. "You save our seats, I'll go get her." He told Reina before handing her his Ukukele and marching into the crowd.

"Alaska! Alaska! Over hear!" Jason called, just barely catching sight of the almost white haired girl.

She could barely hear Jason over the din, but she caught sight of his bobbing red hair. She started to head towards him, still apologizing to all the people she passed. She made it over to him and exhaled, not knowing she was holding in a breath.
Reina moved to the middle of the row and sat down, gently placing Jason's ukulele across her lap. She made sure to put some of her items into the empty seats around her, like her shoes, as a clear sign to other students that the seats were taken.
Lyric watched all of this commotion with a bemused expression

I Really didn't think sitting down would take this long, and yet here we are

He moved down the auditorium, and took a seat near Reina and the others
"Come on, let's sit down before you get whisked away again." Jason chuckled, taking Alaska gently by the hand and pulling her towards the empty seats, to make sure she wouldn't get swooped up in the crowd again. He let go of Alaska when they made it to the seats Reina saved for them and took a seat next to her, holding his hand out to recieve his instrument.
Reina handed Jason back his ukulele and reached over the seats to retrieve her items.

"So how long do you think the orientation is going to be?" Reina asked the group.
"At most, thirty minutes. The wouldn't want to bore us to death." He replied, strumming his Uke casually and looking up at the stage. "I'm just ready to get my classes. Heck, I haven't even had time to find my dorm." Jason stated.
"Well, hopefully the orientation isn't boring in the beginning as well," Reina mused. Finding nothing else to do as she waited, Reina pulled out her phone and began to do her own thing.

She accepted his hand with a blush and when she was successfully led to the chairs, she sat down and folded her hands in her lap. She listened to the two talk, but her mind was elsewhere, her hand still a little warm. Her feet tapped absentmindedly, a tune that was homemade. Her index finger tapped in an echo to her feet. She bit her lip, lacing her eyebrows, her mind in another galaxy.
PendingFate said:
Jaycee had seated herself for the orientation shortly after she had arrived. She figured it would be easier than trying to navigate the crowded school where there was no traffic flow. She had pulled out a section of sheet music her her violin and was mentally going over it when someone asked if she could sit with her. She looked up and smiled at said person. "Sure go right ahead, seats are pretty open right now I suppose." She looked back at the section, finishing off her read over before putting folding it and putting it back in the violin case where the rest of her music was stored. "Im Jaycee by the way. What's your name?" She asked with a friendly smile.
" thank you my name is Samantha James. I came here to become an actor. Like my father before me." Says Samantha nervously . Samantha shakes a little has she goes to sit down in her chair.
((I do apologize if I cut anyone off but I'm gonna draw off orientation here and will skip to the next morning. Anyone who missed orientation can just act as if they were there the whole time. Again, sorry if I cut you off. Days will probs last a lot longer from now on.))

The large clock rang 5:00 PM as a young woman dressed in a blouse with tie and dress pants walked into the room. Click click click went her heels across the wood floor as she stepped up to the mic.

"Ahem. Before we close off our orientation I'd like to give a warm welcome to our new students, and a welcome back to our older students who were here last year. My name is Ms. Monroe, and I am the headmistress here. It is great to have you here at our precious school, and I hope you enjoy your stay here!" She went on talking about the school's education, history, etc.

"And that concludes this year's orientation! Classes start tomorrow! I'll see you then!
Samantha in her dorm room sleeping. When suddenly her alarm goes off. " ahhh! Damn thing scared me again." Says Samantha as she jumps from the alarm.

Jaycee and Samantha talked a little before orientation started and then after which they parted ways and Jaycee headed to her dorm. She decided she should go to sleep early so she wasn't tired for classes the next day.

The next morning she woke up to her alarm going off, much to her annoyance. She was not a morning person, have had been and probably never would be. She got up, showered and then got dresses. She pulled a pop tart out of one of her drawers and then grabbed her gym bag, backpack, and violin case. The violin case was more of a habitual thing than a necessity. She realized shortly after that she was still rather early. Note to self set alarm for later time. So she opened up her violin case and began playing a

. It was one of the first songs she had actually started to learn other than the basic songs everyone learns when the first start playing any instruments.
Nagisa woke up a minute before her alarm went off. She doesn't know how that happens but she always does. She was just so excited! She could finally start her debut, and even took an advanced piano class this year! She didn't even have trouble getting out of bed, putting on her normal outfit, and heading to the central area of her dorm sector!

((@Shippo do you think Samantha and Nagisa could share a dorm?))


"Grrr!" Satoshi grunted, throwing his alarm clock on the ground. This was his third year here, so he was already used to the place, contrary to his sister, who thought everything in this place was magic, even the vending machines! Well, he even said to himself he would stop his slacker rep this year so he walked up, threw on the clothes he was wearing yesterday and walked out towards the dining hall.
(That what I was thinking)

Samantha walks out to the dorm common room after getting dress. "Good morning nagisa" says Samantha quietly stepping next to her.

" how did you sleep" Samantha says rubbing her eyes.
"Morning Samantha!" Nagisa said cheerfully. "Actually I barely slept at all last night, what about you?"
Lyric woke in their dorm, quietly and without incident, And turned to shut off their alarm, before it could interrupt a nice, calm morning. It seems like on mornings like these, when everyones excited, It's far easier to wake up before ones own alarm. Lyric got dressed, and with eyes watery from sleep, stepped out to the common room
"I slept ok till the alarm went off. It scared me to death" says Samantha as she yawns. " I have acting classes and free period and lunch. What about you?."

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