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Realistic or Modern Stardom Academy (Open & Always Accepting)


Alaska followed behind Jason, hoping that he was not about to start dancing through the school again. She kept her eyes on his red hair as she walked, not wanting to accidentally make eye contact with anyone else and suffer through the terror of human interaction.
Jason spun around to face the people he would now call his friends, walking backwards down the hallway of the school, "So. Guys. What do you all plan to do when we graduate this place? You know, even if some of us think we don't have any talents. I plan to follow in my dad's footsteps and pursue my solo career." He looked at each of them, trying to strike up a conversation.
Reina looked around the campus as the group made their way to the auditorium for orientation. Hearing Jason's question, she chose to stay silent as she had already answered a similar question before.

"I don't know..." Alaska said.

She chose to ignore the first part as she really had no idea what her talent was. She looked at her feet, watching them cross the floor and echo. Her arms were crossed in front of her, hands on elbows, and she was lost in her thoughts. She spaced and stumbled into Jason, her feet lacing into each other. Her eyes widened and then closed as she saw the impending ground.
A slight frown crossed Jason's lips once more, everyone seemed so quiet and dull. His pace was steady as he walked backwards, yet he was taken aback when Alaska stumbled into him. Quickly planting his feet in the ground so he wouldn't fall, Jason held out his arms and caught Alaska so that she wouldn't collide with the floor. Not again, he wouldn't allow her to fall again. He made sure that she was firmly planted back on the ground before looking at her with mild concern, "You alright?"

"I-I'm so sorry!" she said, trembling from the sudden adrenaline.

She turned scarlet, partially from embarassment, and hugged herself tight. She scolded herself for being so clumsy in her head, which made her feel worse about the whole situation. She bit her lip, hard. The sudden rush of pain sprung wetness in her eyes, but she blinked that away. She removed her canine from her lip when blood sprung out.
"No! No! It's fine! Are you okay?" He repeated, putting a hand on her shoulder in concern. That's when he noticed the blood in her mouth, "Oh my God.. You are really getting into bad situations lately, huh?" Jason chuckled dryly. "Should we get you to the nurse?"
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She brought a finger to her lip, dabbing at the blood.

"No, it's okay..." she wiped her mouth.

She noticed his hand on her shoulder, and blushed a deep crimson. The red bloomed over her cheeks and then, it seemed, into her eyes. She looked into his eyes.

"Thank you," Alaska said.
"No problem." He smiled. Noticing the blush cross her face, he returned his hand to it's position on his Ukulele. "I mean it's the least I could do since my Jedi powers made you pass out earlier." Jason joked slightly, strumming his instrument once again. As he continued down the hall his smile faded into a look of confusion, and he awkwardly put a hand on the back of his neck. They had come to a crossroads in the halls, and he didn't know which way lead to the auditorium.

"Um.. So.. I have no clue which way to go. Anyone gotta coin to flip?"

She shrugged, but checked her pockets. There wasn't anything besides a school ID, in which Alaska looked caught off guard by the photo.

"I don't have anything...I'm sorry."
Reina pulled out her phone and opened a map of the school. A small frown made its way to her lips when she analyzed the image.

"We were going the right way at first, but made a wrong turn," she said, lifting her phone so that the others can see the map as well. "We were supposed to make a left earlier." With those words, Reina turned back around and began to retrace their steps, looking down at her map then back up to make certain that she was following the right way to the auditorium.
"Pfft. I totally knew that. I was just waiting to see if you guys knew that." He said sheepishly, following after Reina. Jason was pretty embarrassed that he had screwed up along the way, but he did his best to play it off coolly. He continued to strum his uke, as the silence throughout the group prevailed.
"It's fine, everyone makes mistakes a good number of times in their lives," Reina said to Jason, trying to make him feel better over his screw up. Though by her nervous smile, she felt like she didn't use the right words.

Alaska followed the two, a small smile blooming at the corners of her mouth as she watched the two. She silently walked behind them, enjoying the company of her new friends.

-Friends...are they my friends? I didn't ask them, and they didn't say yes...-

Alaska puzzled over this in her head.
Jaycee had seated herself for the orientation shortly after she had arrived. She figured it would be easier than trying to navigate the crowded school where there was no traffic flow. She had pulled out a section of sheet music her her violin and was mentally going over it when someone asked if she could sit with her. She looked up and smiled at said person. "Sure go right ahead, seats are pretty open right now I suppose." She looked back at the section, finishing off her read over before putting folding it and putting it back in the violin case where the rest of her music was stored. "Im Jaycee by the way. What's your name?" She asked with a friendly smile.
Reina glanced at Jason for a brief moment, then back ahead. Though she may have looked and acted distant and emotionless overall during the majority of her time with the group, Reina was the opposite on the inside. At the moment, her mind was whirring, stuck between wanting to say something to keep away the silence and too embarrassed to say anything because the silence had lasted too long, all the while constantly scolding herself for being the cause of the silence.

"Ah, here we are," the girl calmly announced to the group as she saw a large pair of double doors with the sign Auditorium plastered on top. She began to walk a little faster ahead of the group and towards the doors. Reina grabbed one of the handles and pulled one of the sides open, opening the door wide to allow the others to enter before her.
Jason looked down at his black high-top converse as he walked, thinking about his new friends. They didn't seem to have a lot of spunk or fire to them, but that was okay. Hopefully he would be able to help the girls break out of their shells. After all, it's hard to be shy at a school filled with energetic people.

When Reina opened the door, Jason immediately took it from her, "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't hold the door? Go on in." He smiled softly. It was clear that he wasn't planning on moving anytime soon.
Reina just blankly stared at Jason and lightly gestured for him to go through the opened door, propping her foot in front of the door as a holder. She made it clear that if he wasn't going to move, she could just wait.
Reina leaned her head back to look at Jason, his hand above her head, then back at Jason. Wordlessly, she reached up with her free hand and began to gently tug his hand off the door all while looking straight at him.

"It's fine, just get on in there," she said with that same blank look and tone.
He tightened his grip on the door. "I'm not moving until you get in there." He stated, more serious. "If you don't get in there, missy, I will have to go all evil Jedi sith on you. And it won't be pretty." Jason joked once more.
Reina blinked up at him and pulled her hand away from Jason's, thinking of another way to try and get him in the auditorium. She gripped the handle with both of her hands and lifted her free foot, reaching it behind Jason's legs, and began to lightly kick him in behind his knee and inward.

"Get in there, boy," she muttered with a small pout, looking down at where she was hitting.
"Hey! Cut it out!" Jason snapped, stumbling forward and letting go of the door. He pretended to walk inside, but ended up planting himself against the door and leaning backwards so that the door would stay open.

"We can either walk in together or hold the door together. Pick one." He said, casually.
"Well, if we're going to be holding the door, why don't you go and hold the other one open?" Reina asked. She took a quick peek at her hands on the handle, a quick thought passing through her mind. When Jason leaned back against the door, Reina thought about quickly pulling the door back to let him stumble and then slam the door against his back to force him inside. However, she figured that it wouldn't do her any good to harm someone she wasn't close to and also damage school property on her first day. Maybe she'll do it when she can call him a good friend and is sure that the door wouldn't break or crack from the force. But for right now, no.

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