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Realistic or Modern Stardom Academy (Open & Always Accepting)

'It seems like my life here will be rather hectic,' Reina inwardly mused as she looked away from the group to glance around the area in thought. The prestigious academy looked serene enough, but by being inside its walls for not even an hour, Reina could start to see the excitement building up. And she may have unknowingly joined in on it.

'So much for the quiet, background life,' the youngster thought wistfully, a tired sigh escaping her lips.


Alaska sighed. She had managed to overcome her fear of people for the moment; but the other girl was right, this was going to be a sitcom at best. Just the thought made Alaska look back down at the floor and turn pink. She wished she was back in the library amung the books.

She shook her head, her bangs sliding back over her eye again.
"Oh yeah. We've got us a sitcom alright. I'll write us up a theme song and everything." Jason chuckled. "So what to do before orientation starts...? I've got it, I'll use the force to knock another one of you over!" He joked, but still turned to Reina and waved his hand, pretending to believe that the force was real.

Alaska feigned a smile at the joke, but continued to look at the ground, lost in her own thoughts.

-What if they make me perform something? What will I do? I don't even know why or how I got accepted...-
Reina was brought out of her thoughts as she saw Jason's hand wave in front of her eyes. Because she wasn't paying attention, she just stared at him in confusion and lightly waved back instead.
"This is the part where you drop to the ground." He whispered to Reina, obviously joking, but just in case she didn't realize this, he added, "Kidding." Jason turned back to Alaska and his smile faded just a tiny bit, "Hey. Are you sure you're alright? You look kinda... up in outer space." He asked, waving his hand down in her field of vision. To him, it looked like she was in a trance or something, and he didn't like the awkward silence coming from the rest of the group.

Alaska snapped her head back up, looking at Jason. She blushed, smiling awkwardly.

"I'm fine...I'm just worried about orientation," she said, biting her lip and looking sideways.

"Do you know if they will make us perform...?" She said, blushing a bit deeper.
"Ah, sorry about that," Reina apologized, bowing her head slightly in his direction. Hearing Alaska's question, Reina began to think over the information pamphlet the school had provided.

"Probably not during orientation. It might take too long with all the new students," Reina guessed.
"I completely doubt it. There's so many of us students here that we don't have time for all of us to perform something." He reassured her. Apparently both he and Reina had the same thoughts about the orientation. "So don't worry. Keep your chin up." He smiled, putting a hand on Alaska's shoulder for a brief second before dropping it to his side.
Samantha walks into the orientation room and walks up to a group of students talking. " hey can I sit here" Samantha said pointing to the chair next to them.

@Cece Meep

Alaska squeaked, almost passing out again again at the sudden human touch. She stiffened, then relaxed again when the hand left her shoulder. A warm spot burned where Jason had just removed his hand. Alaska just nodded and, now very embarrassed, turned straight violet. She resumed looking at the ground, hands behind her back as they shook. She blinked a couple times, a few nervous tears starting to form. Alaska hoped her bangs covered her eyes.
Jason's eyes widened slightly as she seemed to go back into her shell even more. He backed away a bit, and simply resorted to strumming his ukulele again. The ukulele player hated seeing people frown, especially if he caused it. She looked awkward and upset, and he wanted to lighten her mood. The only thing Jason knew to do at that time was to play his Uke, so that's exactly what he did. He started strumming quietly, with a melancholy tone, but slowly quickened the pace and made things more light hearted. Even though he couldn't dance, Jason even did a little jig while strumming, trying to get a laugh out of the girl.

She looked up for a moment, and smiled, not so red anymore, minus a tint in her cheeks. When Jason started to dance around she couldn't help but let out a small chime of laughter. She quickly stopped and blushed burghandy.

Even though, this time she did not advert her gaze to the ground, and her shoulders slumped a bit, in a relaxed quality.
A small, barely noticeable smile formed on Reina's face as she looked between Jason and Alaska. She was glad that he could cheer her up, even if just slightly. If it was just her, then Reina knows she would have just stood there silently without doing anything, only leaving when it got awkward and uncomfortable enough.
"That's what I like to hear!" He said because he heard Alaska laugh, ending his small song with a final loud strum and jazz hands. "And that song is going to be the theme song for our sitcom." He looked between the two girls, as well as the guy that was still lingering around. "Now all we need is a title. Ideas, anyone?" Jason was still joking, but he seemed pretty serious.
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"No.. I mean, if you want. But I can't act, so... it'll probably be a bust." He shrugged, "I guess I'm not very good at joking either, ay?" Jason played a few chords absentmindedly.
"No, no, it's not that," Reina quickly amended with a shake of her head, worried that she had dampened the boy's high spirits.

"I'm just not good at getting jokes. I'm sorry if I've saddened or offended you in any way because of it," she spoke sincerely with a small frown, bowing in apology.
"Ah, no problem, Reina. Not much can sadden me. How else am I supposed to play upbeat music if I was sad all the time?" He smiled softly, looking between the two girls. "We might as well head over to the auditorium. So we can get their before the orientation starts, right?"
"I'll probably follow you two, This campus is a bit large for my taste" Lyric said casually, as if and because, it was a statement that meant essentially nothing, And at the same time, lyric was glad, glad no-one got offended or hurt throughout all of that nonsense

"Okay," Alaska said, crossing her arms.

She waited for a que from the other two, mainly because she had no idea where the orientation room was, and because this was the closest thing she has ever had to friends.
"I suppose I'll lead the way. I caught sight of the auditorium as I danced around the school looking for staff members. I can probably get you guys there. Hopefully." Jason smiled, strumming his Uke and beginning to walk into the school with a spring in his step.

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