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Realistic or Modern Stardom Academy (Open & Always Accepting)

"Heh.. I probably accidentally used the force on her. Guess that's why I'm a Jedi in training." Jason joked back, referencing the Star Wars Saga. He gave a glare to the girl, automatically not liking her attitude, "Maybe she just fainted in my glorious presence, ay? Unlike yours. And to think, I tried to serenade you back there." He definitely recognized her from the window. His attention was drawn away from the two bystanders and to Reina. "Sure thing, I'll make sure everyone gets their tales outta here."

He turned to face the small crowd, "Alright everyone, back away. The lady needs privacy. Go to your rooms. Do some dancing in another part of this school. Bask in your own glory someone else- that goes for you Queen lady. Come on, go! Go! Go!" Jason strummed his Uke forcefully as if to tell them to back off. Slowly the crowd dispersed.


Aster stood her ground, watching the scene play out. It was common for people to ignore her, so if the girl did wake up, it would be likely that she wouldn't notice Aster.
Reina just let out a soft sigh and turned her full attention back to the girl in case something else happened.

'What an unusual day it's been. I wonder if my school life here will be as hectic as today has been or if today's just an exceptional first day. And the orientation hasn't even started yet, has it?' she thought to herself.


Ricchan folded her arms and glared back at the ukulele boy. "Glorious presence? Hmph. I'm much more glorious than you. And you could only wish you could serenade me," she spat out. The icing on the cake was the sweet innocent smile she beamed afterwards, before heading off with the rest of the crowd. Pfft, annoying. She noticed a room, empty. It looked like more of a rock room, with electric guitars and things hung up, but she decided to go in anyway. It was empty, right? Ricchan took out a sketchbook and drew little things, humming a pop tune. "Tsukema tsukeru..."

"I would have, but you're ego's already big enough." He retorted, "Later princess!" And with that, he turned back to Reina and the girl. "What's her name? Does she have an ID? Any chance of her waking up soon?" Jason would have continued with questions if it weren't for the ambulance that finally showed up on the scene. Medics pulled out a stretcher and prepared to load the girl onto it.
Reina stood up and stepped back to allow the medics to do their jobs.

"I don't know who she is, either a new student like us or a student that's been here for a while. And I'm not sure about her waking up anytime soon after so long. A faint spell usually lasts between less than a minute to two. She most likely gave herself a concussion and that's why she's still out," Reina answered his questions to the best of her abilities.
"Do you plan to major in acting and doctoring or something? Or maybe you could be in a drama about hospitals. You just seem very experienced." He watched as the medics checked out the girl to see if she was alright. Maybe they wouldn't take her to the hospital and just leave her in the nurses office.

(I feel like we shouldn't have them drag the character away without consent from the roleplayer.)
"About half of my family is in the medical business, both my mom and older sister are nurses. Whenever they come home, they would always talk about what happened at their workplaces during their shifts over dinner and the rest of us would listen," Reina answered.

(Yeah, you're right.)
Lyric just sort of... Stood around, taking it all in i don't know what i was anticipating from a school of stars and the arts... but it really should've beenexactly this. "Hey jason, You really handled that situation well. could say you uhh. Uked up all the problems we were having"

"Ehh?" "Ehh?"
"Dang. Remind me to come to you if I get in an accident. That must be cool having the family in the medical field. My dad just plays music in bars. Nothing interesting about that." Jason said to Reina, his joyful attitude kicking back in. He turned to the boy with a wide grin, "Clever. I do enjoy a good pun." He strummed his Ukulele a few times playfully, before looking at the stretcher before them. "Maybe we should go and let the doctors do their thing." He offered.


With a sigh, Aster turned around and walked back to her room. Upon entering, she pulled out her guitar once more and began to strum, trying her hardest to comprehend the cords and whatnot.

(I introduced my second character. He met Reina, he waved at a girl who forgot how to breathe and became unconcious. Aster pretty much chilled in her room the whole time and came out for a bit, but now she's back in her room.)

Alaska came to with a start, eyes snapping open. Her vision settled on each individual person around her, and she immediately turned bright red. She sat up, almost knocking heads with a girl right in front of her. She waved her hands in front of her, a surrender type of motion, and lowered her gaze.

"I-I'm sorry if I caused any alarm...I am, uh- F-fine!" Alaska stammered, still waving her hands and looking down.
She tried to get out of the stretcher, but stumbled a bit. She regained her balance and declined her head a bit, her face impossibly red.

"Thank you, very much,"
"SHE LIVES!"! Jason cheered, playfully, raising his hands (and Ukulele) into the air. "See, I didn't kill her!" He turned around to face the others, even though he knew that they didn't blame him for knocking her unconscious. One of the staff members near by thanks the ambulance, payed them for their quick visit, and they left the school almost immediately. "Feels like we're in a real live soap opera.. and I don't even act." Jason strummed his instrument once more cheerfully.

Alaska jumped when Jason cheered, her shoulders bent, hunched as if she were to crumble into a little ball at any moment.

-Why am I so afraid of people? I wish I was as carefree as that, and probably talented.-

She let out a small smile, folding her hands together and standing still.
The boy with the ukulele gave a small frown when he noticed that his cheer caused the girl to hunch up. He stopped strumming and looked down at her apologetically, "Sorry. I guess shouting isn't really helping the situation. Are you sure you're okay? You just kind of collapsed." Jason was speaking more calmly and quietly, and he had muted his instrument entirely. It was evident that he cared a lot about people, even complete strangers.

"Me? Oh, I-I'm okay, just not very good around people, I guess..."

Alaska white-knuckled her hands, not looking at the boy or the girl that was still standing there. She cringed a bit at her own voice, noting the difference of her fading accent, to the others.

-I'm so different...-
"Must be hard to come to a school of performance when you're shy, ay? Takes some real guts." Jason said playfully and sincerely. He wasn't bothered by the either of the two girls' accents, as he had a mild one of his own. It wasn't much, but since he was from French Canada there was a slight difference in his voice compared to other American's. "What's you're name, miss?"
"Don't worry, Jason, I'll help you to the best of my abilities if the need arises," she nodded in his direction, a small smile on her lips. Hearing the pun, Reina's head tilted to the side in the slightest, not understanding what the other man was trying to get across. Still, she kept quiet about her confusion. When the girl woke up, Reina immediately turned her attention to her.

"I'm glad you're okay, miss," Reina spoke sincerely, giving a small bow of her head in the girl's direction. "If you don't mind me asking, do you feel any pain in any part of your body?"

"No, no! I'm fine! And it isn't necessary at all to call me miss! My name is Alaska, it's nice to meet you," Alaska bent her head down in a formal greeting.

She was turning a slightly normal color, becoming more comfortable with the two. She straightened just a bit, even giving a small smile.

"To be honest, I don't have a performing major. I'm not very good with instruments or acting. I think my acceptence letter is a flaw..." Alaska shut her mouth, realizing she was talking too much.
"Ay, I call almost every lady miss. It's only polite." He shrugged, giving a warm smile once more. "Well, Alaska. My name's Jason. And I'm glad to officially meet you without having you collapse to the ground." Jason joked slightly. He listened to every word that she said, which was honestly one of his best traits.. listening. "A flaw? Can't be. What about dancing? That's one of the majors. You any good at that?" Jason resumed strumming his Ukulele, continuing the original song that he played.

"It's very nice to meet you, Jason. Unfortunately, I have two left feet when it comes to dancing, I mean you saw me just now..." Alaska gestured to the spot where she had just been laying.

Her face was now a completely normal color, and she wasn't looking at the ground. Her eyes were now looking at Jason as he talked.

(I am going to sleep, goodnight!l
"You and me both." He replied with a small chuckle, "I can't dance to save my life." After strumming his Ukulele a few more times, Jason ran a hand through his thick mess of red hair and gave a small sigh. "So when's this whole orientation thing 'sposed to happen?" He looked down at his wrist where a watch sat, it was barely even time for it to start, "Geeze. Thirty more minutes. Feels like I've been here for an hour."
As Samantha packs her stuff. Samantha takes out her camera and takes a picture of the stage.


"That looks great " says Samantha to herself. Samantha then walks out to the hallway joining others around her. Samantha still wearing her camera around her neck.
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"So, This is already shaping up to be a pretty interesting year." Lyric mused, partially to himself, partially to the room at large,

"We've got Princess girl over There, Ukelele jedi here, and a shy girl going into performance, Honestly sounds a bit like a sitcom eh?"
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Nothing had ever been more difficult for Luna than to leave Paris behind for this new school. She had worked hard to get there and get accepted, but she didn't know that getting used to these new surroundings would leave such a toll on her. Being always prepared as she was, she had moved in a few days before the rest of the new first year students. She had not really met anyone except for a couple girls in her dorm, but she had chosen a single room since she wasn't too enticed about having a roommate after being an only child her entire life. This didn't mean she wasn't social or friendly, she just didn't really know how to form new friends since she had never gone through so much change her entire life. She had been changing as a person a lot lately and now the rest of her life was too. Of course she was grateful and looking forward at what was to come, but this was all going to take some getting used to.

So this lead her to what would always stay consistent in her life. Dancing. She didn't have class until later in the day since her early one was cancelled, so she decided to let loose and focus on her way of meditating, which was to run some old ballet routines in the main Dance Studio. She strived for perfection and had been praised for almost getting there but also needing more to actually achieve such a state. That was why she worked so hard whenever she could. She had not brought any music or her phone with her from her dorm so she instead had to use what was there already, which only seemed to be some hip hop and some dubstep. Choosing the hip hop since she at least knew it, she began to dance in a strange rhythm and pace. Her thin body was in a black leotard and her long pink hair was pulled up in a high ponytail as she twirled and danced ballet to this new all new twist.


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