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Realistic or Modern Stardom Academy (Open & Always Accepting)

"Is that so?" Reina asked, unaware of the joke. Though her face looked indifferent and her voice matched her expression, free of her usual accent, Reina was panicking on the inside. She didn't think he would notice her from so far away and she especially didn't think that a student would try to make money like a street entertainer while inside such a prestigious school. It left her surprised and unprepared. Still, the girl acted on instinct and kept her cool. Reina calmly pulled out her wallet from her pocket and only found a single bill inside. It wasn't much, but she hoped that the man would be satisfied with it.

"I'm sorry, but this is the only cash I have right now," she apologized to the man, Jason as he had said, bowing her head slightly as she placed a $5 bill into his open palm.


Ricchan saw the ukulele boy catch her stare at him through the glass window, and quickly walked off. She started skipping again, and only stopped when she realized she'd gotten herself even more lost. Where are the maps? Ricchan retraced her steps and went back outside. There were a lot of people there. Apparently, all as talented as her. Maybe even more. "Nah..." she said to herself as she went outside. But perhaps she'd give them the opportunity to talk to her. Keep your enemies close! Potential rivals in the fame industry, everyone here was one. Ricchan, head held high and her mind even higher in the clouds, walked through the crowd of people, waiting to see if anyone would approach her.

Jason was a little bit taken aback when she placed five dollars into his hands. In fact, he immediately extended the cash back out to her. "I was only kidding. No need to give me anything, miss." He gave a small smile and strummed a few chords on his uke. "So what brings you to the academy? I don't see an instrument.. So I'm guessing it has something to do with dancing? Acting maybe?" He said, trying to strike up some small talk.

She twirled a stray strand of platinum blonde hair, teeth arching over her lip. Alaska was curled into a window seat in the library, holding an advanced human genetics book, eyes drinking in each page as she in humanly flipped through the pages. She wasn't really reading, simply scanning the pages to soak up any spare time. She closed the book with an inward sigh and a puff of dust. The back corner of the schools library was barely occupied by other people, which Alaska preferred.

Alaska lived at the school. As soon as she was accepted, she didn't leave. She merely hid in the crevices and corners when winter or spring break rolled around.
She didn't have a specific major, she didn't even know why she was accepted. Alaska assumed it was a mistake, a letter lost in the mail, a computer error. She wasn't talented like the other students. Alaska brought her knees to her chin, entwining her arms, and leaning against the window pane.

An exhale fogged the window, and Alaska smudged it with a slender finger.
"Oh, I'm sorry about that," Reina took the bill back and put it in her wallet. She felt like an idiot now, felt like crying at the blow to her already-low self esteem. Still, she hid it well and kept her cool.

"My name is Reina and I came to this academy to learn more about acting," she answered. Her eyes trailed down and to the side. She wasn't sure how to continue the conversation, but she was grateful to Jason for at least trying to speak with her.

Alaska trailed her finger down the spines of a row of books, rubbing her dusty finger against her thumb. Her hair, in a pony tail, bobbed, wisping against the small hairs on the back of her neck. Her bomber jacket was wrapped around the crook of her elbow.

The sun illuminated her hair, making it seem almost white. Alaska flicked her bangs out of her eye, they settled on covering her right one. She continued to slowly walk down the shelves, reading book titles. Her eyes, well, her left eye, a dull green, tracked each section as she slowly idled.

She settled her hand on an old favorite of hers, Silkey. She pulled it out and admired the worn binding.

"Such a strong main character..."

Alaska caught herself saying in her dying irish accent. She jumped, scaring even herself. She replaced the book and clutched the bomber jacket to her.

"What am I doing here...?" She whispered into the leather.
A small chuckle escaped Jason's lips, "No need to apologize. It's my fault for joking around." He listened to her explain why she was here and his smile just widened. "Acting, eh? Like Shakespeare? Broadway? Tv dramas?" With each question he would strum his Ukulele, not on purpose, but more out of habit. "I gotta hand it to ya, acting is a real talent. I can't get away with a simple lie, much less actual acting." Jason was trying to be friendly, because he couldn't go another two years being friendless.
"I...I prefer stage acting really. I want to join a theater troupe as opposed to getting into Broadway," Reina answered, a bit of her accent slipping through her words. She had never been questioned like this by someone who honestly wanted to know. The girl was silent for a moment, watching his hands strum the ukulele.

"And being able to play the ukulele like that is real talent too," she quickly complimented with honesty. She didn't want there to be an awkward silence between them.
"Stage acting.. Nice. That takes guts. I'm guessing that means you aren't as shy as you seem if you can get on stage and perform." He grinned even more. Jason took note of her Philippine accent, but didn't comment on it, as it would seem kind of rude. When she mentioned his Uke, Jason shrugged, taking his instrument by the neck and propping the body on his shoulders. "Aw, me? Naw. The Ukulele isn't really a talent, more of a passion I guess. I don't do it because I'm good at it, rather it's because I like playing it."

"Reina, was it? What genre of acting do you prefer? Comedy? Sci-fi? All that good stuff?" He asked again. The key to making friends was learning about their interests, not to mention that it made great small talk.
Samantha in the practice stage room. Samantha practice lines from different roles."O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name.

Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love

And I'll no longer be a Capulet." Says Samantha
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"Well, I think that you're really good at your passion," Reina quickly amended. She listened to Jason's questions with rapt attention, her mind whirring to find good words to string together an acceptable answer.

"I prefer musical theater, though I really do any genre that I'm required to do," she answered. "And what about you and your ukulele? What sort of songs do you play?" Reina asked with a little hesitancy, wanting to know and to keep the conversation going.

Alaska wondered into the hallway, bomber jacket back on her shoulders. Her mind raced as she strolled between sunbeams streaming in from the window. Her ankle-boots echoed as she walked, a sound that seemed too loud for her.

She turned down an adjacent hallway and froze, a boy with a Ukulele and another girl were talking. Alaska's face turned beet red and she looked down, throwing a shadow over her eyes. She kept on walking forwards, shaking a little. Human interaction was scary to her.
"Thanks." He smiled. Jason listened to her speak and when she mentioned musical theatre he perked up even more. "Music and acting.. I like it." When she asked him about the songs he played, Jason strummed his Uke in thought. "I play... Anything, really. I like everything that's fast paced and energetic. And acoustic songs. I've signed up as a pop star here, but I'll play any song out there." He couldn't help but ramble on a bit, all the while strumming the original tune he played upon entering the school. He looked around a bit, and caught sight of a girl different than the blonde or Reina. 'Well I must be attracting all the ladies.' He thought to himself jokingly. Jason, not even knowing if the new person would see him, waved in her direction welcomingly.

Alaska caught sight of the wave and froze as if attacked. She inhaled deeply and raised her hand shakily in a returning wave. Her mind raced in 19 different directions, but she was very afraid. Her body shook even more, and she wasn't exactly sure what color her face was.

She then realized, she had forgotten to breathe. Alaska collapsed onto the floor, forgetting how to take another inhale.
"Oh.. Oh my God..." Jason spoke, covering his mouth in disbelief. The girl had just passed out on the floor right in front of him and Reina. "Did I do that? I mean, I've always heard that looks could kill, but I'm pretty sure that was a figure of speech." He didn't mean to joke, but it was one of his nervous habits, as well as playing his instrument. Jason looked over to Reina in terror. "What should we do? Call the cops? Is she alive?" He wasn't good under pressure, and from the looks of it, it seemed as if the stranger had just died of a heart attack.
"That's good, you're not limiting yourself to just one genre," Reina nodded. She began to lightly tap her foot to the tempo of Jason's ukulele, humming simple notes to compliment his song. Seeing him wave, Reina turned around and caught sight of a woman.

"Something's not right," Reina murmured in concern as she carefully watched the woman. She gasped in shock when the woman fell to the floor. Immediately, Reina ran to her, skidding along the floor and down to her knees when she reached her.

"Miss, miss can you hear me? You need to breath!" Reina worriedly called out to her, grasping the woman's shoulders and moving her body to lay flat on her back.

"Call an ambulance and get some of the staff here!" she called out to Jason, before returning all her attention to the woman. Reina'Reina remaind calm, her mind going over her first aid courses. She placed her hands over the woman's chest and began to pump in a steady rhythm.
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"Yeah, yeah. Okay. Ambulance." Jason pulled out his phone and immediately dialed 911. After explaining what happened to the operator, he hung up and ran to get some of the staff's attention. Setting his Ukulele down next to Reina he bolted through the campus shouting and making as much noise as he could to get staff's attention. Finally a staff member took note of him, so he told them what happened. The staff would then call the school nurse and the three of them rushed back to the unconscious girl.

"Any luck? Is she breathing?" Jason questioned, looking in concern down at the girls.


Ricchan's eyes widened as she noticed something drop to the ground. Or, someone. Student? 'Falling unconscious at my presence' is what she would usually say. But it seemed she was unconscious for real, so she decided to shut her mouth. Ricchan had no idea what to do, but at least that ukulele boy and the girl were doing something about it. She felt a little useless, but... "She'll be fine, right?" she assured herself. That probably sounded very vain and mean. She didn't know what else to do. Ricchan sat beneath a tree, spying on them, as she hummed another song again.

Lyric thought today would be a pretty simple day. Go in, get accepted, Find books, maybe locate the classrooms and facilities, and DON'T have to deal with any shenanigans. Unfortunately, Shenanigans are exactly what happened, within seconds of Lyric exiting the registry office. They almost immediately heard a racket of noise, a bit of screaming, and the sound of... CPR? Probably CPR. and so lyric jogged, somehow managing to look lazy doing it, On over to the scene taking place. Speaking to no-one in particular, and more to the crowd as a whole, "So what happened with her?"


Ricchan noticed a boy walk in, a little surprised at the little scene going on. Well, she couldn't tell. Is anyone going to answer him? Well, it was part of a superstar's job to answer to her fans, right? "If you must know, peasant,she fell over unconscious. I have no idea why," she said. Peasant? It didn't amke sense, considering how poor she was... Ricchan shook her head and grinned. No autographs, please!

A look of worry crossed Jason's face as he noticed more people approach other than the staff or the ambulance. He turned to the boy asking about what happened, "I dunno. All I did was wave and she dropped flat to the floor." He said, obviously stressed. Reina wasn't replying to his question, and more people were crowding around. Off in the distance, he heard the faint wailing of sirens. The hospital would be there soon. All they could do was wait. Jason picked up his Uke and strummed a fast paced arrangement of chords, not to cheer people up, but because he was nervous.


In her room, Aster heard the shouting of others, as well as sirens coming near. Either there was a full on murder happening, or someone was hurt. She put down her guitar and decided to go check it out. Finally, Aster had made it to the source of the commotion, where she saw a girl on the ground unconscious, as well as four other's looking around. "Is that girl alive?"
Did she just call me a peasent? I guess everyones got quirks. maybe that's what makes her relatable to fans...

Lyric bowed deeply in a somewhat mocking stance "Oh thank you, my gracious lady, truly your kind words are the reason for the sun to set, and the moon to rise" Lyric turned to the boy then, and said with a chuckle "Well has your hand ever knocked anyone out before? You might get that checked out, eh?"
Reina moved a hand above the girl's mouth and wrapped her other hand around the girl's wrist. She quietly let out a breath of relief when she felt the girl's breath and pulse.

"She's good for now, but it's best to get her to the hospital for a further analysis. Especially considering how she just collapsed on the floor, she could have given herself a bruise or concussion." Reina lifted her head for the first time and looked around. A small frown formed on her lips as she could see a crowd of students surrounding the poor girl.

"Jason, could you get rid of the crowd here? If she does wake up and see all of these people, she might faint again," Reina requested of him.


Ricchan growled at his mocking answer. "It's not gracious lady. It's 'Superstar'. I'll accept gracious lady from a fan like you, though," she answered. It wasn't as good as a come back as the boy's, but it was fine. Ricchan noticed the ukulele boy talk to the boy, and clicked her fingers remembering him from the person she saw through the window before. "Did you know that knocking out your fans won't get you any higher on the social ladder?" she smirked to the new boy.


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