The arrival at the Steadfast did not take long. Kylo would have preferred a longer trip, not that it would have helped. He stepped out of the ship as it docked, seeing Pryde with a host of stormtroopers aligned in the hangar.
“Commander Ren, Herald,” the General greeted, “welcome to the Steadfast. We have prepared quarters as your effects were sent ahead,” Kylo twitched. Snoke already had this planned no matter their report. “and we will set a course for Kijimi immediately, unless there are any stops that need to be made before our arrival?”
“None,” Kylo ground out. He didn't enjoy the presence of so many, “we should discuss the plan for Kijimi in privacy,” his eyes darted across the faceless masks too rapidly.
If Pryde noticed, he didn't speak to it, “Of course. There is much to go over with that plan. You may follow me to a conference room,” he invited, and Kylo gave another curt nod, following, and ignoring the troopers who only followed them with their eyes.
He hated this ship already.
Mari was becoming a bit more wary of people who moved in and out of her life. The time apart from Poe kept her from running to him with the easy trust of Milo. She stayed near the dog, hand in it's fur, uncertain at all the new people.
She still smiled Poe addressed her, though, the warmth easily overcoming the caution. “Hi….”
Neria easily stepped forward and set a hand at Mari’s back, pushing her forward as she stepped forward, “And now it's time the headed out to let us handle the boring politics of it all.”
“But, Poe–”
“He's Princess Organa’s moral support. Princess,” she nodded politely. Mari seemed startled to learn she was in the presence of a princess, and her brows knit together in confusion.
“I don't see a crown….” or a pretty dress, or anything soft.
Neria stifled a laugh as Beta offered her hand and Mari accepted. “That princess wears combat boots over a crown. But she does have pretty ones, I'll show you some pictures on the train!” Beta encouraged to get the kids out. Neria struggled to keep her face composed.
Pandion and Omega were blessedly silent.
“Commander Ren, Herald,” the General greeted, “welcome to the Steadfast. We have prepared quarters as your effects were sent ahead,” Kylo twitched. Snoke already had this planned no matter their report. “and we will set a course for Kijimi immediately, unless there are any stops that need to be made before our arrival?”
“None,” Kylo ground out. He didn't enjoy the presence of so many, “we should discuss the plan for Kijimi in privacy,” his eyes darted across the faceless masks too rapidly.
If Pryde noticed, he didn't speak to it, “Of course. There is much to go over with that plan. You may follow me to a conference room,” he invited, and Kylo gave another curt nod, following, and ignoring the troopers who only followed them with their eyes.
He hated this ship already.
Mari was becoming a bit more wary of people who moved in and out of her life. The time apart from Poe kept her from running to him with the easy trust of Milo. She stayed near the dog, hand in it's fur, uncertain at all the new people.
She still smiled Poe addressed her, though, the warmth easily overcoming the caution. “Hi….”
Neria easily stepped forward and set a hand at Mari’s back, pushing her forward as she stepped forward, “And now it's time the headed out to let us handle the boring politics of it all.”
“But, Poe–”
“He's Princess Organa’s moral support. Princess,” she nodded politely. Mari seemed startled to learn she was in the presence of a princess, and her brows knit together in confusion.
“I don't see a crown….” or a pretty dress, or anything soft.
Neria stifled a laugh as Beta offered her hand and Mari accepted. “That princess wears combat boots over a crown. But she does have pretty ones, I'll show you some pictures on the train!” Beta encouraged to get the kids out. Neria struggled to keep her face composed.
Pandion and Omega were blessedly silent.