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Fandom Star Wars: Chaos and Order [Closed]

The arrival at the Steadfast did not take long. Kylo would have preferred a longer trip, not that it would have helped. He stepped out of the ship as it docked, seeing Pryde with a host of stormtroopers aligned in the hangar.

“Commander Ren, Herald,” the General greeted, “welcome to the Steadfast. We have prepared quarters as your effects were sent ahead,” Kylo twitched. Snoke already had this planned no matter their report. “and we will set a course for Kijimi immediately, unless there are any stops that need to be made before our arrival?”

“None,” Kylo ground out. He didn't enjoy the presence of so many, “we should discuss the plan for Kijimi in privacy,” his eyes darted across the faceless masks too rapidly.

If Pryde noticed, he didn't speak to it, “Of course. There is much to go over with that plan. You may follow me to a conference room,” he invited, and Kylo gave another curt nod, following, and ignoring the troopers who only followed them with their eyes.

He hated this ship already.


Mari was becoming a bit more wary of people who moved in and out of her life. The time apart from Poe kept her from running to him with the easy trust of Milo. She stayed near the dog, hand in it's fur, uncertain at all the new people.

She still smiled Poe addressed her, though, the warmth easily overcoming the caution. “Hi….”

Neria easily stepped forward and set a hand at Mari’s back, pushing her forward as she stepped forward, “And now it's time the headed out to let us handle the boring politics of it all.”

“But, Poe–”

“He's Princess Organa’s moral support. Princess,” she nodded politely. Mari seemed startled to learn she was in the presence of a princess, and her brows knit together in confusion.

“I don't see a crown….” or a pretty dress, or anything soft.

Neria stifled a laugh as Beta offered her hand and Mari accepted. “That princess wears combat boots over a crown. But she does have pretty ones, I'll show you some pictures on the train!” Beta encouraged to get the kids out. Neria struggled to keep her face composed.

Pandion and Omega were blessedly silent.
Verena first laid her eyes on the stormtroopers, then on the General who greeted them, General Pryde with a damn swagger stick. What was even the purpose of them?

She was polite and greeted the man. She likewise had similar thoughts as Kylo, that Snoke had planned on sending them on this mission regardless of how their previous one turned out. That annoyed her, but there was nothing she could say.

One never makes a complaint to Snoke.

And she wouldn’t complain about immediately going straight into business, even if her desire for sleep and food were great. She refused to ask for those few things before Kylo did, since they’ve both been without sleep or a meal for the same amount of time.

Verena followed them to a more private area. As they walked down the corridor, she wondered at how much better Pryde would be for this mission over Kylo. No doubt his temper was far more calm than Kylo’s, and no one reached his position without being a great negotiator. Pity.


Poe stifled his smile at Mari’s innocent question, and even Leia looked amused at the little girl. Oh how often a young child asked about her crown! Or lack thereof.

Milo hardly cared about the princess, not when he was sad to already leave Poe’s side. With some complaining, he let go of Poe and followed his sister and Beta out the conference room.

Both Poe and Leia’s gaze followed the children until they exited the conference room. To see kids at all was surprising to Leia, and not so much for Poe, though seeing them in the conference room was a pleasant surprise.

He knew they needed to discuss a far more important matter, but as Leia took a seat, he looked over to Neria. “How…are they doing?” From living with their mother in a desolate desert village, to being taken in by an Imperial and flying to all sorts of planets. They had to be overwhelmed and exhausted. Did they even have time to mourn their mother?
The conference room was empty except for the three of them, “Has the Supreme Leader left explaining the mission to me?” Pryde asked, his polite way of wondering if they knew what the hell was going on. Based on Kylo Ren, Pryde had his doubts, and the Herald was too quiet for him to be certain she understood anything, either.

“We’re going to Kijimi to deal with criminals and make alliances,” which sounded horrible.

Pryde nodded, keeping his face smooth of any condescension. Kylo was indeed no Vader, nor was he the Emperor that Pryde had served in his youth. Snoke was close to that, but still, not quite. It was better than the alternatives, though.

“Zeva Bliss has agreed to meet with the Order. We can be assured she has no sympathies for the Resistance, considering her family has a history of selling Jedi into slavery. Zeva herself created a summit of rivals, and executed them all,” Pryde tilted his chin up a bit, “she is driven by power and greed, both of which we can satisfy until she is no longer useful.”

“How do we know this summit isn’t a trap?”

“We don’t,” Pryde said simply, “But if it is, we eliminate Zeva and appoint a puppet. Her daughter, Zorii, is unfortunately not a good choice, but we have files on others within the Spice Runners who would be useful if Zeva proves insufficient. You will both have time to go over those files before our arrival.”


‘Maybe you should call and find out, Dameron.’ Neria opted not to point out the obvious as she walked back, not sitting quite yet, as she stopped where her datapad rested. “Well enough, Commander,” formality. She wondered how long until he snapped under it.

She wouldn’t tell him about the tears or the overwhelming. They did the overwhelming themselves; they wanted to see everything, but then inevitably one, or the other, would realize they were seeing it without their mother, their friends, their village, and they would break down. It was still a rollercoaster for them.

There was stability on the Exigency. “They have a few tutors now,” she’d picked them up at Eriadu, since the kids wouldn’t stay there. School would come with them, then. They weren’t escaping. “And they have a routine when we aren’t leaving the destroyer,” which was more often than not, but on days like today, how could she refuse them the chance to see another world? “You don’t need to worry about them.”

And, that wasn’t why they were there, either, “I trust you have had time to review the documents sent over. Before we begin, did you want anything to eat or drink?” Neria fully intended to order herself something. Why go to Gatalenta and not indulge in every tea imaginable? It was foolish!
“I believe he has,” Verena agreed with Pryde. Snoke it seemed had left a lot of detail out, even though it was planned before the failure of their last mission. Why wouldn’t he also leave out high ranking officers from his plans?

Verena would have phrased what they knew better than Kylo did though. He must be too used to wanting to be the first to be heard.

She smirked when she heard of Zeva’s history from Pryde. A ruthless one who would easily be controlled, even if she wouldn’t think of it that way, by easily tossing her a few more credits. “And if she does betray us, we’ll make sure she and the rest of those Spice Runners know what will happen if you even think about betraying the First Order.”

Oh if this Zeva did end up leading them into a trap, Verena would have a fun time separating her head from her shoulders.

“But if she does have enough power to order a summit of her rivals, regardless of what she intended the outcome to be, then she does hold some level of influence or respect within those circles.” And then they could find even more criminal, so-called ‘allies’, to do some dirty work for them.


Hearing Neria refer to Poe as Commander tugged at him in a way he did not anticipate. While he hated the formality, even if it was under a formal setting, the usage of his title…sparked something inside him.

He didn’t have to think about it long, as he was distracted by Neria briefly discussing the children’s wellbeing. He nodded when she relayed him the information, in general pleased, but a certain melancholy settled over him. “I still will.”

Of course he’ll worry. He always does.

Leia had glanced over to Poe with a pensive look on her face, but upon mention of the documents, she refocused back on her. “Yes, I have reviewed the documents in full several times.” With meticulous attention to every detail.

The mention of something to drink brought a soft smile to Leia. “I will have their Gatalentan tea.” She turned to look at Poe. “Have you ever had it?” He furrowed his brows and shook his head. He never really sought out tea. “You must try it, just once while we’re here.”

Poe shrugged with a smile. “Alright, I’ll have some too.” Why not?
“Indeed,” Pryde nodded his agreement with Verena’s last statement, “and it is the Order’s hope to use those connections, and make them our own. Part Zeva, without her realizing it, from the other criminal organizations and make them loyal to us, not Zeva.” A bit of a task, but not impossible, as they would all be working together.

It would only become obvious if Zeva tried to order them to do something against the Order, or not signed off on by the Order. “With such a network, we will be in a better position to remove troublesome politicians from power, and bring others to heel, without needing to expend our own resources.”

Kylo folded his arms over his chest, “Politicians like the Old Imperials?”

“Regrettably, no,” Pryde understood why the question was posed too well. “We have operatives working on dismantling Adelaide Tagge’s powerbase; the Tagge family is a large one, her authority as matriarch could be called into question by someone less…inclined to pick the losing side.”

The family had some notoriously cautious members – Adelaide, curiously, considered one of them. It would just take someone who thought Adelaide was being reckless by not picking the Order to send things into a tailspin. “That is not a matter to concern yourselves with. It is being dealt with,” Pryde assured, “and having these allies, will still make dealing with other problems, easier. The criminal network is a capable one that the Order has not utilized to its fullest in the past.”

Kylo’s nose wrinkled, “The Order shouldn’t be dealing with criminals beyond executing them.”

Pryde fought to keep a straight face. He knew these things were needed even in times of peace. Kylo was…clearly an idealist. “I agree,” he lied, “and in the future, the Order will handle those criminals who are not reformed by service to the Order.” He looked to Verena, “Are there questions about the specifics of this particular mission, or shall I give you both time to go over the files in peace?”


Gatalenta tea. Not exactly creative, but not a bad choice. Gatalenta was famed for many teas, so of course, it had a blend named after itself. Neria only nodded before pressing a button on her datapad to ring the front. “This is Lawry,” the man greeted.

“Hello Lawry, this is Governor Tarkin,” Neria answered. The situation on the whole felt more political to her, so she dropped Imperatrix, “I need to have a kettle of Gatalenta tea brought up, along with a pitcher of moogan tea,” Omega obviously perked just a bit at that, “another kettle of deychin, a variety of creams and sweeteners, and a dozen buttersweet puffs.” Neria requested.

“To your room or to the conference room?”

“Conference room, thank you, with five cups,” with a brief parting, the line died, and Neria took her seat at last, “It’ll be here shortly, but while we wait to be interrupted, enlighten me as to what needs further discussion regarding the terms.”

Leia had, notably, not added any of her own other than the Alliance. Neria was hardly going to push for anything more, but she anticipated Leia to want more out of the alliance than was outlined in the document. Karan had been intentionally vague in what they gave, while being very particular about what Leia gave – or really, gave up.

No more political future. No supporting the Jedi in the future, in any way other than supporting her brother as a sister might – no public statements about the Jedi, nothing. And complete disarmament, of course, though that was clearly to the New Republic, who Neria was still fighting to wrangle together.

But she was trying, damn it!
Verena cocked her head at Pryde, wondering if she just caught him in a casual lie to Kylo. Granted, it was a lie she could understand. She was of the mind that criminals could be bargained with, at least temporarily, to further grow their own network across the galaxy.

And if the criminals got too greedy? Then she wouldn’t hesitate to execute them.

Verena had a certain politician in mind when they were briefly mentioned, even if it weren't for them to deal with the more troublesome ones, like that damn Tarkin. “If you could include dismantling the last of the Tarkin family from any source of power, that would be a wonderful addition.”

But she wouldn’t add any more for Pryde. He wouldn’t get to know right then why she wanted that Tarkin taken care of.

For now, she wouldn’t think too hard of the upcoming mission, or any particulars she wanted to go over. She just wanted to sleep, and grab something filling to eat. Pryde didn’t need to know that. He didn’t need to know that she felt like she would collapse there in the conference room before him and Kylo.

“I will need time to go over the files, and then I will let you know of any further questions.” Translation: she would sleep then spend five seconds skimming the files right before leaving her quarters for the mission. “Now, do you mind reminding me where the quarters are?”


A touch of a smile was on Leia’s face with the mention of the buttersweet puffs, as she recalled an old friend, Senator Ransolm Casterfo, gifting her a box of the delectable treats a few years ago.

Their friendship had been rocky shortly after that, but they still remained in contact.

At least Poe could occupy his mouth with buttersweet puffs instead of interrupting with the first irritated thoughts that passed through his head.

“My main thought, as well as the thoughts of a few of my most trusted commanders, were dwelling around the subject of disarmament after the end of the First Order, and if the Imperials were planning to follow suit or not.” Really, it was only fair she asked that, and if they planned on turning over their weapons and ships to the New Republic as well.
Pryde snorted at the demand about Neria Tarkin. He understood well why she was wanted dead, even if he didn’t know Verena’s personal vendetta. He knew that Neria had joined the fight, and led the attack on Starkiller Base. “I assure you, plans are in the work to deal with Imperatix Tarkin,” perhaps she would not acknowledge a single one of their titles, but Pryde had no reason to stoop so low.

She was an Imperatrix.

And she’d earned it. By every god in the galaxy, she’d earned everything. And she’d earned everything that was coming to her for it, as well. “The dismantling of the Tagge family is part of a larger plan to deal with the Imperatrix.”

“Why not just assassinate her?”

‘I suggest you try.’ Pryde managed not to glower or snark. Instead, he said, “Should the opportunity arise, it will be taken. We do not believe she will go into hiding any time soon, unlike the Resistance.”

But it was not their concern, and he was happy to turn the topic over to what actually concerned them. “There are two stormtroopers outside this conference room who can lead you to your rooms. The files are already there on data files you can add to your datapads to review at your leisure. Unless there is anything else?”

Kylo shook his head, “No.”


Neria arched a brow at Leia’s question, and she spread her arms over the table in front of her and leaned into them, “No,” that was the simple answer, and perhaps she could have left it there, to see who would explode first.

Poe, or Leia?

It would be Poe, though. His little laugh proved it.

Even so, she let it stretch just a few seconds, amusing herself with the way Dameron’s face contorted in anger, the way his jaw clenched. It’d be fun to tease that out again, but she refrained from trying to push him further, as she answered, “Per the agreement between Jova Tarkin and Mon Mothma, the Outland Region Security Force was confirmed as an extension of the New Republic, and is allowed to maintain a defensive military presence to deal with the pirates that plague the Outer Rim, particularly in the areas that were once a part of the Occlusion Zone, in order to prevent that occurring again. It is not my place to surrender any armaments when they are used to protect the people of the Outer Rim.”

She allowed a touch of a smirk, “It is hardly my fault I happen to be the Imperatrix of the Outland Region Security Force, or that I am better at military spending and development than predecessors have been. You’ll recall I frequently voted for the New Republic to follow suit and increase their military budget, but instead we built…statues.”

To Bail Organa.
Verena wanted to hear that more was being done to take care of Neria Tarkin, but she also knew that was her own personal vendetta speaking. If something was currently being done to dismantle Tagge and her network, then she could wait out the long game. “Good.”

She wanted to make a comment on Kylo’s question. Of how she fought Neria, and neither one of them ended up dead. Verena should’ve been able to kill Neria, and yet she failed.

A twinge of pain reminded her of the wound in her side, and she doubted that some First Order assassin could do the job any better.

Her jaw twitched at the memory of the fight, but she showed no other emotion with the mention of an assassination.

Verena stood up from her chair. “I have nothing more to add.” More than likely she will reach out later, after she had a chance to rest and read over the files, but for now? “Thank you, General Pryde. I’m sure I will reach out before we reach Kijimi.”

With nothing more to say, she turned and left the conference room, noting that Kylo followed suit. She didn’t know if he was…still in his thoughts from earlier, so she would leave him alone. Verena had her own shit to deal with.

The stormtroopers were outside the conference room, as Pyrde said they would. “I’m ready to be shown to my quarters.” One of them nodded and set off down the corridor, Verena right behind him.


Leia, ever the politician and raised royal, would have never shown her true emotions on her face in light of Neria’s answer. She remained calm and collected with every unexpected answer thrown her way, including the current one.

Poe very much wore his heart on his sleeve, not shying away from showing his incredulity and anger, even though he did try and bite it back some. But from the twitch of his jaw and the burst of laughter, it was clear what he thought of Neria’s answer.

Leia, however, listened, and realized that having the Outland Region Security Force was a good thing for the New Republic. The Outer Rim was always a tough region to maintain some law and order, and before the Hosnian attack, the New Republic’s military would’ve been stretched thin without the inclusion of the weapons and ships of the Imperial families.

Poe was slowly realizing the same thing, but he still didn’t like the imbalance. It didn’t feel right, but he was always wanting fairness, wasn't he?

Leia did agree that the New Republic should’ve put their funding to better use than to build statues, several of which to her father. While it was nice to be able to see him, in a way, they knew of the rising threat of the First Order for years now. That was far more important than statues to long gone senators.

Because of all this, Leia sighed as a smile graced her lips. “You are quite correct.” Poe didn’t like that admission. “You foresaw the New Republic needing a larger military budget, which I agreed with back then.” A measure she voted for as well. How much of that even mattered now, with the Hosnian system gone, just like her homeworld?

“And now you are able to benefit from having that foresight that so many others lacked.” And having the resources to fund those weapons and ships of hers.
Kylo Ren followed Verena out, and as she spoke to the Stormtrooper, he just gave the remaining one a look. He didn’t need to speak, even without the mask. The Stormtrooper nodded, and set off after Verena.

Apparently, they were in the same area.

“These will be your quarters,” the Stormtrooper offered, although that was obvious enough when Kylo stepped forward and the door opened, already having his information. He didn’t toss any gratitude back, just stepped in and let the door shut behind him.

Pryde hadn’t lied; the data was there, but Kylo couldn’t focus on it. Anger, embarrassment, and exhaustion, were a hell of a drug. He passed out not long after arriving, even though that wasn’t his intent, and he woke hours later, disoriented and hungry.

Naturally, his first instinct was to search for his mask, but when he went through his closet, and drawers, he found none. Then, he remembered.

Snoke, apparently, hadn’t sent any to the Steadfast.

He’d intended it from the start.

Kylo seethed at that realization but used his datapad to order food be sent to his room, before taking the data Pryde provided and downloading it to the same datapad to start reading the information on Kijimi and this ‘Bliss’ woman they were supposed to work with.

Every detail made him dislike this more.

‘This is who we work with. This is how we show the galaxy we’re the correct people to side with. This….’

It didn’t feel right at all, and he remembered Verena’s doubts after Hosnian Prime. He was curious what her actual feelings were about this situation, and before his food arrived, he stepped out of his room to head towards hers, recalling where the Stormtrooper had led her. He pressed the comm by her door.


Neria wasn’t surprised by Leia’s eventual acceptance of her answer. It was possible that Leia forgot that the army Neria had was a part of the New Republic. In many ways, Neria preferred that. She wanted people to see it as her personal army.

Odds were, she could use it that way, if she really wanted to.

She wouldn’t mention that, and smirked at Poe’s obvious distaste, but didn’t address it, “War is never a benefit, Princess,” Neria said, “no matter how much the warmongers I deal with want to believe it is,” Neria didn’t consider herself a warmonger, even if plenty would disagree. She only wanted this war, because it had obviously been inevitable.

The New Republic’s reluctance to act led to this.

Neria didn’t need her enemy to strike first to justify action.

There was the interruption of the buzz of food and tea, and Neria let them in, allowing the delicacies ordered to be spread about the table, the puffs going in the center. Neria poured herself hot water, and steeped her tea, but waited for the staff to leave, “Was that your only concern in the terms, Princess Organa? This is going to be a rather short meeting if that is all – not that I’m opposed. I always preferred efficiency. Purple prose is only fun when I’m writing it.”

There, her gaze did at last shift to Poe, “Or did you have any demands, Commander? I presume the Princess didn’t bring you here to try and soften me up.” He was probably there as Leia’s witness, and Neria knew that.

Still, she couldn’t help but tease and see if she could pull some inane demand from him in his seething anger at how unfair it all was.

Karan shot her an annoyed look for it, but said nothing. Pandion stuff his mouth with a puff to keep silent at the obvious baiting.
It was of no surprise that Verena and Kylo were staying in quarters near one another. More convenient to keep two guests near one another.

Easier for them to keep eyes on us both.

She frowned at Kylo’s abrupt exit, but not surprised. Not with the events of earlier, and his continued reaction to their encounter with Snoke. Unlike Kylo, she gave a nod to the Stormtrooper that showed her the way before silently stepping into her temporary quarters.

Verena didn’t even look around at what of hers was brought there. She saw the bed, took off her boots, and crawled under the blankets before passing out for several hours.

She woke up right before Kylo buzzed her comm. She was a little disoriented, confused at first as to where she was, before she remembered the assignment. The Steadfast.

The Force pulsated from the other side of the entrance to her quarters. Kylo. With a low groan, Verena moved off her bed, smoothed down her hair so it didn’t look like she just woke up, and walked over to the door to open it up, indeed revealing Kylo.

She moved to the side to motion Kylo into her quarters. “Something you want to talk about?” No doubt the subject of conversation shouldn’t be left in the corridor.


Oh, Poe did want to say something. He remained silent, eyes focused on Neria as the staff came in with the teas and delectables, and they remained on her as the staff left.

Leia, meanwhile, reached for the familiar tea, although being fully aware of the thoughts racing in Poe’s head. One look from her caused Poe to remain further silent. He reached for a puff and took a bite to help him remain further silent.

Some people benefitted from war, such as those who make weapons and ships. They never cared who won, as long as people were still buying their supplies. Leia never wanted war, but even she could agree that sometimes it was warranted, like now, against the First Order.

Leia sipped on her tea, mildly amused by the expressions she could see flickering across Poe’s face as he chewed on the puff. “In question of my concerns for the gritty details of the terms, that is indeed all I have, but for the sake of efficiency, we can discuss the plan for reclaiming your Carrion Spike and dagger, if you wish.”
Kylo waited, impatiently, but he waited, until Verena opened the door. He stepped in as she allowed room, glancing briefly at the quarters, but not expecting it to say much. Neither of them had moved into these rooms, and he doubted she spent any time unpacking. He certainly hadn’t.

“Yes,” he said, stepping away from the door to let it close behind them. He looked around before turning back towards Verena. “This…mission does not feel proper. It isn’t something the First Order should be doing.”

He knew it happened in the Republic.

They weren’t trying to be the Republic! They were trying to show they were better. “Dealing alongside criminals, helping criminals gain standing – none of this is good for the galaxy,” Kylo said, “certainly, you agree?”

They’d spoken, briefly, after Hosnian. He’d been too on edge to truly express himself, but now, knocked down by Snoke, and given such a miserable task as this – no, he needed to make sure he wasn’t the only one seeing the hypocrisy, seeing how stupid this idea was, if they wanted to show the galaxy they were the better option.

This wasn’t the way.


Leia didn’t allow Poe to answer, which was amusing enough for Neria to disregard it and not prod Dameron further for a response. Apparently, he was there for Leia’s amusement, as much as her own. So, she nodded to the important point.

The Carrion Spike and her dagger.

“Yes. Let’s. My main problem is tracking Terex. Unfortunately, he’s just as familiar with Imperial technology, and stealth technology, as I am. Possibly, more, which makes him near impossible to track. It’s been my understanding—”

“Tilt left, Imperatrix.”

Neria did just as much, tilting her body somewhat left, along with her head. She meant to continue speaking, but the shot that broke glass, and hit the wall behind her was enough to silence her, even if her expression didn’t show shock. Pandion rose abruptly from his seat as Neria let out a sigh.

For the briefest moment, there was the flicker of absolute exhaustion.

It was gone just as quickly.

“Find them. Kill them.” The direction was spoken to Omega, who gave a cursory bow, “Princess Organa, I believe we need to change locations,” Neria rose from her chair as Omega exited the room ahead of them, not at all concerned at the possibility of a second shot. Pandion looked significantly more concerned, as did Karan, hastily gathering his things and moving to put the door between him and the window.
Eyes following Kylo as he entered and looked around her room, Verena raised an eyebrow at what he confessed. That he felt like they shouldn’t be dealing with these criminals. She could certainly understand where he was coming from, and why he felt those thoughts, but she could also be a bit more pragmatic than him and see the potential of the criminals.

“Of course I agree,” she answered easily. It was the truth. “But I also think that we can use them to our benefit. Getting to know them and knowing their resources and allies would certainly make it easier to destroy them in the long run, don’t you think?” She walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge, leaning back on her hands.

“We can talk to them, play nice, and let them do some of the dirty work for us. Once they’ve done their job and are no longer of any use to us?” She shrugged. “We can kill them then and rid the galaxy of those criminals.”

Then perhaps the galaxy could see that any criminals, no matter how much they tried to redeem themselves by helping the First Order, would not be tolerated.

“I’m not thrilled with the idea of working with them either, but I think we can also use this to our advantage.”


Leia frowned as she sensed something wrong. She didn’t know what it was…but something was off, and she hated that she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was going on.

Her silent questions were soon answered by a curious request from Omega, followed by the sound of shattering glass and a shot hitting the wall behind her. Both Leia and Poe rose immediately, with Poe pulling out his blaster.

“I quite agree with you,” Leia said to Neria. “Perhaps one without windows?” Although Omega was the one sent ahead to find the attempted assassin and kill them, Poe left the room next, blaster in hand. His eyes scanned up and down the corridor, and when there was no evidence for any other immediate threats, he turned back to those in the conference room.

“I suppose there’s a way to this new location that doesn’t involve passing by windows?” Poe sounded calm on the outside, but his heart pounded from adrenaline as he worried for Neria.
Kylo’s nose wrinkled in distaste and he scowled at Verena easily agreeing to work with the criminals, as if using them, and discarding them, made it all right. “We have just destroyed the Republic,” Kylo started, insisting, “at this point, we should have no need for using criminals.”

And yet, they were.

“If we are to be taken as the legitimate successors, we should start to act like it,” did he know what that looked like? No, not at all, but he knew it didn’t involve using criminals! Although, did it involve using actual politicians, who forsook the First Order? No, somehow that also didn’t seem right.

He didn’t know what was right.

Not in any sense of the word.

“And just—discarding them—if they actually serve us, if they actually do redeem themselves….” His fists clenched, grasping at nothing he could comprehend, other than the wrongness of everything around him. “None of this looks good.”

Looks. As if looks mattered, when that was the vanity and flaw of the Republic! They looked good, but they didn’t do good. He brought both hands to his face, scratching nails through his scalp in hopeless frustration. Well, nails of one hand. The sensation from the other caused him to drop it back to his side; the false hand didn't feel right, “After destroying the Hosnian System, I thought we’d be—better than this!" He threw that false hand out, open.

That was a victory! They should be…more than this.


There weren’t any conference rooms without windows. Hells, there weren’t any rooms without windows, for that matter, and Neria inclined her head in subtle apology, “You know Gatalenta better than I, Princess. I believe you understand how high a request you’re making to ask for a room without windows. We’d have to adjourn to one of our ships, which I am not opposed to. I was going to redirect to a room on the other side, although the skyfaring room may also work. It only has a window on the ceiling.” Because of course it did.

Fucking Gatalenta.

With the door shut, and the walls and doors between them, she didn’t look frightened, although Karan was checking down the hallway, to the glaring windows at either end.

“Omega won’t let them get that far.”

“You presume there aren’t other assassins,” Pandion hissed.

“There hasn’t been a second yet.” Neria lifted one shoulder in a casual shrug. “I thought you’d be used to this by now, Pandion,” she joked, earning only a glare from her rather unwilling assistant, who was not used to having his life under threat daily. After all, Neria had to act invincible. She had to act like it wasn’t rattling her, or exhausting her.

She’d promised to be a target, and oh, the Order was making good on hunting her down. Armitage couldn’t really afford to have her start talking about what she gave him, though. He had reason to be merciless.

So did the rest, given their knowledge of it – but so far, no sign of the Force sensitives. Perhaps they were afraid.
Verena tilted her head, listening and considering Kylo’s words. What they were facing was…complex, to say the least, as it seemed that Kylo was ready to lose his mind over the upcoming mission.

She straightened up and stood from the bed. Walking closer to Kylo, she gently grasped the wrist he held outstretched, lowering it between them, but not letting go yet. “I think we’ve come to realize that we’ve been lied to, deceived, where it concerns the bigger goals of the First Order.” Hosnian was clear on that.

“And one day, we can fix the mistakes they’re currently making and make the First Order something to be proud of.” Her eyes shined with the thoughts and possibilities of what she can transform the First Order into without Snoke, and his diehard loyalists, around.

“What do you think we should do about these criminals?” Verena asked. “I’m open to different possibilities if they do redeem themselves.” She couldn’t shit her eyes away from Kylo’s. So expressive, so lost. This had to be the reason he wanted the mask: his eyes showed too much emotion.

She found herself wanting to stare into them.

“I think we need to realize that the First Order is in desperate need of leadership overhaul. The wrong people are in charge, and that needs to change.”


Leia lightly chuckled, nodding her head in agreement at Neria. “Foolish of me, I know, but I can still hope.” Any room with windows would be a danger right now. What if there were more than one assassin, like Pandion suggested?

“Can anyone look into this skyfaring room from a nearby building?” Poe asked. He didn’t get a good look at the surroundings before they came into the building, his mind far away at the time. Now he was far too into the present.

“The skyfaring room will be safe, as it’s higher up than any nearby building,” Leia answered, her mind mapping out the surrounding area from her memories.

“Maybe that would be best instead of risking another attempt by going outside to head to a ship,” Poe suggested. He still remained on high alert, constantly scanning the area for any sign of another attack. “And there hasn’t been a second yet until one day there is,” he directed that at Neria.

One day, an assassination attempt may be successful.

He hated the feeling in his stomach at the thought of Neria killed.
Kylo flinched as Verena took his wrist. It may not be his real one, but it still channeled real sensation back to him. He curled his fingers into his hair as he lifted it from his face to watch her, to listen to her, as she tried to make it all better. He swallowed.

He hadn’t realized he’d been deceived regarding the larger goals of the Order. He presumed those were still in place, they were just going about it in a horrible fashion, but perhaps…perhaps the goals really weren’t what he’d been told all along.

He held her gaze as she spoke of a future without those lies. Where they were in control.

Did they have the same ideals, though?

She was willing to hear him about the criminals. “They’re not going to be given a true chance this way,” but that wasn’t the question. If the criminals redeemed themselves, “but they should be given a chance. And if they do change their ways, then they should be allowed to have a life. The Republic has turned many to criminal activity, and we are trying to fix that. To improve their lives. If they can find that improvement with us, then that’s proof we’re on the right track.”

Proof the Republic was flawed.

“But any who forsake the chance should be destroyed.”

Nevermind the hypocrisy, that those who couldn’t thrive, or wouldn’t thrive, under his Order had to be dealt with violently. They’d have a chance. An honest chance. They would choose to squander it.

He didn’t pull his hand away, but relaxed it, closed it around Verena’s without a thought.


Leia held all the poise of someone who’d had assassins after her, but no one else did. Of course, Karan didn’t get out much, and Pandion was never important enough to assassinate. He was likely grateful for that, now. For all his cool, cavalier attitude in the air, Dameron was clearly uncomfortable with this situation.

Was he worried about Leia? No, the last statement was clearly to her, and she scoffed, amused, as she mimed a finger gun at her own head, “The day can’t come soon enough,” fired, and let it drop, “but since it hasn’t yet, let’s adjourn to the skyfaring room to debate how we’re going to get back the things Terex has stolen from me.”

She led the way. The skyfaring room was central to the building, and easy to get to, thankfully, even if they did have to go up a few floors. There was at least an elevator that didn’t overlook the planet on its ascension, although cramming five people into an elevator still wasn’t ideal.

“So, Dameron, your first time facing an assassination attempt? Don’t worry, by the fifth one, it starts to become just another Tuesday.” Unfortunately. She’d lost count a long time ago.

“It’s Thursday,” Karan noted dryly, looking at his datapad as the elevator ascended upwards.
Verena was quite surprised that Kylo didn’t pull away from her touch. Improvements already, it seemed.

She gave him her attention as he spoke his thoughts and beliefs on what to do with the criminals in the future, under a hypothetical First Order run by them. Would it be a co-rule? Or would one of them kill the other to ensure that there was only one ruler? She had no immediate plans to kill Kylo, but she would if he moved to attack first.

“I can see that you’re not always volatile and quick to react without thinking first,” she joked with a smile. He actually spoke sense on a matter he had clearly been thinking about before. Meanwhile, Verena had never really given much thought into criminals, except they deserved punishment.

But potential redemption? She could see the why and the benefit.

Her eyes flickered down to where Kylo closed his hand around hers. The leather felt cool against her skin, but the soft touch…the contact without immediate violence was foreign to her. They were essentially holding hands.

When was the last time she did that? Or hugged someone?

Verena swallowed and brought her eyes back up to Kylo. She wouldn’t comment on it. She didn’t know how. “I can agree with you. I admit, I was believing we were simply going to use them for what we needed before discarding them, because criminals are criminals. But…I can definitely see your point. Allow them that chance of redemption first, and see if they’re willing and ready to leave that past behind.”

But that left her with another question. “Should we test this with our upcoming group we’re meeting? I don’t know how the First Order will take to redeeming them, but maybe we can persuade them otherwise.”


Poe let out a strangled noise, though low in volume, when Neria mimicked a gun firing at her head. Of course she would be like that, but that didn’t mean he liked it! At all!

Even Leia gave her a side glance, but said nothing. Maybe all the Tarkins were insane in their own individualistic unique ways. Hers just so happened to not involve blowing up planets with glee.

They followed after Neria, with Leia knowing the way quite well. She and Amilyn spent many afternoons there together, reminiscing and catching up. After the war, if she and Amilyn were still alive, she would have to make sure they met up in the skyfaring room just like old times.

Poe sighed at Neria’s question. “Unfortunately, no.” He gave Leia a pointed look, and she only shrugged. “I’ve witnessed - how many is it now? - three attempts on her already, and no, it doesn’t get easier.” He couldn’t understand such nonchalance reactions to nearly being killed because of who they are. Madness!

The elevator stopped, and the doors opened. “And that’s only just when he’s been with me. There have been far more than that, of course,” Leia stated as if she was talking about the weather as she walked out of the elevator.

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