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Fandom Star Wars: Chaos and Order [Closed]

Verena sighed at the doctor’s insistence of more information. She really didn’t see how Ava needed to know more. Surely they could just look at Kylo and give the best treatment based on what they saw? At least, if she was a good doctor.

“It was a lightsaber,” she offered, before deciding on her shirt. She gave a quick glance to Kylo, who seemed lost in his own world, before she lifted her shirt off.

He had already seen her without a shirt on. And he looked so out of it, she wondered if he would even notice.

Her side looked a little agitated from the earlier fight. The wound had started bleeding again, but nowhere near how it was earlier. Verena frowned at the inconvenience.



Poe was more than delighted with Neria’s promise, and she more than delivered on it. The shower was a delightful prelude, and Poe knew he more than needed one after the long day, and being covered in sweat, oil, and blood.

The main show more than delivered.

As Neria made her salacious promise to him, he vowed to do likewise to Neria, and only hoped he delivered.

He definitely wouldn’t tire on Neria, that he promised himself.

Poe basked in the aftermath, his fingers absentmindedly trailing over Neria’s skin, following along on one of the few minor scars that decorated her back. He wanted to ask about the larger ones, the ones that stuck out more, but he feared it would be too sensitive a topic for right then.

But Neria asked her question first, and Poe glanced down at the necklace she fiddled with. “It was my mother’s wedding ring,” he answered. “My father wanted me to keep it, and I told myself that one day, I would share it with the right person.”
‘A lightsaber?’

Ava could have guessed it, but hearing it was…something else. “The Jedi are back already?” she asked. Some might be frightened at the prospect, but Ava knew better than to fake feelings around Force sensitives. They could sense it. So, although her question held genuine shock, there was no actual fear.


Kylo snapped to attention at that, “No, it was just some….” Whatever he meant to say was cut off by Verena’s movement to shed her shirt again, and his gaze went not only to the wound, but places that were interesting for other reasons.

It was a strange disconnect he felt. Kylo Ren hadn’t been interested in relationships of any romantic or sexual connotations. He hadn’t even been tempted by it, ignorant of it, and focused on other things.

He knew he was seeing something sexual and forbidden, and part of his brain registered it, while another part just felt…empty. Aware he should feel something, and utterly disconnected from the feeling.

But the disconnect was uncomfortable. He didn’t want the connection, and so he quickly looked away, “Is that necessary?”

“It is, yes,” Ava said, “she’s wounded, the material was in the way,” pragmatic as ever, Ava examined it and sighed as she saw. “I’ll have to remove the old stitches and redo this. Sorry,” it couldn’t be helped, and she knelt besides Ava to begin her work.


Neria wasn’t surprised with the answer. After all, it was obvious how dear Poe’s mother was to him. Of course he’d carry her ring. And of course, “Oh, so you’re a romantic slut,” she teased, not at all doubting the romantic part. Or the slut. They hadn’t known each other a full day yet, after all – though it was probably pretty close to twenty four hours.

Stars, how easy it would have been to just let the entire day carry her to sleep. Dameron probably needed it as well, and as hilarious as Leia’s reaction might be to learning her pilot was asleep in Neria’s bed, she didn’t want to deal with it later.

She settled the ring back down on his chest. It obviously wasn’t for her to play with too much. She patted it a couple of times, “I’m sure you’ll find them. Maybe it’s that Stormtrooper who saved you,” she joked, “too much of a coincidence, really. You two were clearly meant to be something to each other.”

Then again, the Stormtrooper seemed worked up over some girl he met.

It didn’t matter much, as she trailed her fingers down from the ring, idle movements.
It seemed that the mere mention of the Jedi snapped Kylo out of his stupor well enough so that he could comment on what the doctor said. But he didn’t even finish his sentence, and Verena looked over to see if he was lost in thought again.

No, he was distracted by her removing her shirt. He questioned it and quickly looked away.

Verena didn’t know how she felt about that.

“If the sight of my skin repulses you that much, just keep looking away until we’re done,” she said dryly, way too exhausted to even get angry. Or respond to the dull pain of Ava working on her stitches again.

Every part of her was just tired at that point.

“And it was just some girl who got lucky with the planet imploding,” she finished Kylo’s earlier sentence.


Poe chuckled, and one hand lowered and gently squeezed her backside. “I’ve definitely been called both things before. I think both at once is a new one.” But he wouldn’t object, not while he laid in bed with someone he’d known a day, and told her the story of the ring he kept.

His fingers trailed back up.

There was another chuckle. “I’m sure I will find that one person too, whether it’s that Stormtrooper or someone completely unexpected.” He doubted it would be Finn, he seemed a little young for Poe. But his mind was open.

“What about you?” he mused. “Do you think you’ll ever find that one? That one you’ll settle down with? Or whatever you consider settling down.” Politicians never truly ‘settled.’ General Organa surely didn’t.
Kylo refused to comment on whether or not he was repulsed. However, he did keep his gaze trained on the wall, rather than on the doctor and Verena. He even avoided looking at the shadows, and grunted when Verena mentioned the luck the girl had. “She’s not a Jedi. But she may become one.”

And that would be dangerous.

She was already so damned powerful in the Force! With training, and fine-tuning, she’d be a threat to them.

“They have the map. They’re going to find…,” he cut himself off from complaining, remembering the other person there. He swallowed hard. “I do not know what Supreme Leader Snoke will do.”

He didn’t know what he would do in this situation. Other than push right on to D’Qar and try to stop this from happening. Was Snoke going to order that? Or did he have some other idea? ‘Better idea.’ His mind denied the possibility of there being a better one.

Once the Resistance reunited with Luke….

‘Why is he hiding?’

It was a question that plagued Kylo still.

“He’ll know how to handle the situation. He’s had years to consider this possibility,” Ava chimed, sounding hopeful, as she got the stitches out and began to redo the work, “he’ll have an idea of how to conquer this threat. We just have to work together to make sure it comes to fruition. No one wants to see the Jedi returned,” that, at least, was certainly Ava’s opinion.

Imperial feelings definitely helped with dislike of the Jedi.


Poe didn’t argue with the conclusion, though he’d likely have found that a hard-won argument if he tried, given the facts stacked against him. She hummed at the squeeze, before rolling her eyes at his inquiry about ‘the one’. As if she bought into such romantic nonsense.

“I’m not the romantic here, Dameron,” she chided, “that’s you. I’m happily cynical, but not…mmm…as pessimistic as that sounds,” she shifted then to sit up, if only to help herself stay awake, “In a galaxy as large as this, I hardly believe there’s only one person who can add substance to another’s life in a positively meaningful way. I believe there’s hundreds. Thousands,” she ran her fingers over his forehead. Through his hair. It wasn’t an impossible dream to find One of the Ones, “So far as finding one of them and settling down? Doubtful.”

Kids, a family – if she’d ever considered it, and it was possible when she had such a thing as a family, the dream was now long gone. People who wanted to be with her, wanted her for her position. They wanted the reputation, the money, the power, everything the name brought – but rarely her. Oh, sure, some would love to have their hands on her, but they didn’t actually want her.

They didn’t actually want to be a Tarkin, either.

“I’m not so jaded to say it’s impossible,” she added, “but I’m sure you’ve heard enough of Leia’s complaints about the sorts who court her. You can imagine the nightmares I deal with,” she joked, “only mine are Imperials, Dameron. Stuffy bastards without an ounce of fun in them who think I’ll be impressed because the Emperor’s nephew’s best friend’s mother’s necklace!”

The fact she’d actually heard someone brag about something similar only made it as depressing as it was hilarious.
The only other option Verena could think of, besides outright destroying the Resistance, was that they captured the girl again, with intentions of bringing her to their side, before the Resistance could corrupt her. Before she could find Luke Skywalker.

But that may be more work than is worth it.

What other choices were there?

She hummed at Ava’s optimism, still sucking on the lollipop. Snoke may know what to do next, but part of that worried her. Would she be punished for her own failure? Or would he see that it was inevitable, given the surprise with the girl?

She could feel the panic building up in her.

“Are we nearly done yet?” At least the dull pain of the stitches distracted her from having a breakdown in front of the doctor and Kylo.


Poe shifted his body to keep his eyes on Neria, though remaining supine on the bed. He hummed and closed his eyes for a few seconds at the fingers brushing through his hair, an ultimate weakness of his.

Her view of love was more cynical than his own…but he could understand to an extent. “But Leia did end up with someone for a long time, who made her happy. Sure, the relationship now is…a bit rocky, but the love is still there.”

He grew up seeing Leia and Han, although the latter disappeared more and more the older he got. And the older Ben…Kylo Ren got. And when their kid turned to Snoke, that put further distance between the two.

But Poe knew Leia still loved Han, and Han still loved Leia.

“But I can see where you’re coming from,” he chuckled. “She has definitely complained enough about those trying to get close to her only for her title and position. You just need to sleep with more romantic sluts who will sweep you off your feet,” she said with a squeeze at her hip.
Ava hummed, “Getting there. Patience,” she encouraged, continuing on with her job as the droids finished with Kylo and left him alone to his silent sulking and lollipop. She knew better than to tease him for it.

Or Verena.

The two were already obviously on edge over what the future held for them.

Soon enough, she had finished patching up Verena, “There. All done! You can dress back up, and please, try not to pull it again. Besides the obvious pain, there is a danger of blood loss that could incapacitate you for far longer,” sure, they’d flood Verena with fluids and do a blood transfusion, but she’d rather not waste such things.

Kylo glanced, but obviously, Verena wasn’t dressed yet. He tried to focus on the wound to see that it was patched up, but at this distance, there wasn’t much he could tell, and he quickly averted his gaze again.

“Snoke may not have us doing anything that involves combat immediately.”

That…was to be seen.

It was the feeling Kylo got, though.


She hummed pleasantly at the squeeze, “I sleep with plenty like you,” Neria chuckled, letting her fingers continue to work around his hair, his ears, trail over his forehead. He seemed to enjoy it, after all. She couldn’t lie to him about how, well, common his type was.

Most flyboys were sluts.

More than a few had a romantic streak attached to it, too.

“All you flyboys want to be anchored down to the ground by someone. It’s adorable,” she teased. “though you’re the first I’ve seen to wear a ring, so, that’s a step above.” Then again, the tradition of passing on a mother’s ring was rather…well, antiquated. “I suppose it may be a cultural thing, though. You’re from Yavin-4, aren’t you?” She didn’t think both of his parents were, though she hadn’t cared that much to research it.

“Is it tradition there, or just…something you decided on? I can’t say I know all that much about Yavin-4’s culture,” or lack thereof, although she wouldn’t say that.
Verena sighed in relief when she was given the okay to put her shirt back on. Hopefully that would be the last time she received stitches. Or, well, for a long time.

Future injuries may be unavoidable.

She hummed in acknowledgement of Ava’s words as she slipped her shirt back on. “Alright, I’m decent again,” she announced for Kylo. Really, he acted like he hadn’t seen bare skin before. Or maybe he hadn’t. She wasn’t terribly experienced in carnal desires, due to her own training and focused on the goal ahead of her.

Verena gave a glance to Ava. “Thanks, again,” she mumbled, not really wanting to give gratitude for something that was her job, but…something about the doctor made her want to give it anyway.

She hated the feeling. It was uncomfortable.


Poe could practically purr as Neria’s fingers continue to move through his hair and over his ears. If she continued for much longer, he may even be ready for another round. “So I’m hearing you like flyboys a lot.” He couldn’t argue with her observation.

Many of the pilots he knew were likewise…slutty.

Poe shifted in the bed so he could better hold Neria and nuzzle into her neck. With her further questioning, he momentarily rested his head on her shoulder. “I am from Yavin 4,” he confirmed. “It’s not a tradition there, it’s just something I decided on, after seeing how in love my own parents were.”

One hand reached up and brushed through the strands of her hair. “I may be like other flyboys and enjoy…love a little too much,” there was a chuckle at that, “but I also see myself settling down one day, and this ring also helps to remind me of that idyllic future and what we’re fighting for.”
Kylo looked back at Verena as she announced she was decent, and then shifted his posture a bit so he was facing forward once more. The droids had finished their work, and he moved to set his hands to his knees, only for his stump to touch it instead. It didn’t hurt – he’d already been numbed – but it was startling and he looked back down at his hand with renewed realization.

Ava was quick to exit with the gratitude, mouthing a ‘you’re welcome’ as she left the area to the place where the droids vanished, to work on getting the prosthetic order made properly so it would be ready for Kylo Ren at the Supremacy by their medbay.

Kylo wasn’t quite sure how to hold himself under the realization of the missing hand right then. He shifted uncomfortably to slouch back against the bench, and let that arm dangle at his side, while he crossed the other one over his chest.

“We’re going to have to tell Snoke about everything.”

Neria’s weapon.


“Including FN-2187. We did not check the Stormtroopers well enough to find those who were Force sensitive. Or else this awakening….” Could it be awakening the Force in those who didn’t have it from infancy? That seemed impossible. But it was more impossible that Snoke didn’t recognize it in their ranks.


“I have a few types,” Neria admitted, “flyboys are one of them.” No point denying that, they were a frequent visitor to her beds, or she to theirs. They weren’t her only type, and she didn’t really see herself settling with one. Most of them came with a temper she had no interest in coddling.

But when they weren’t being brats, they were pleasant. “Hey—” a small protest, but hardly a sincerely one, when Dameron sat up to nuzzle her neck. She bit her lip at the sensation, warm breath and warm skin, as he came that much closer to her. “You’re talking quite a lot about serious relationships and love for a one-night stand, Dameron,” she teased, shivering a bit as his fingers ran through her hair, “was I that good?”

Of course she was.

But she hoped to push him away from the thoughts gently and remind him of what this was. Well, maybe it didn’t need to be just once, but it wasn’t anything serious. Ignoring they might share children. Of a sort. That…situation still needed ironed out.

“My mistake for asking about a ring, I suppose,” she’d level some blame to herself as she let her nails traverse down a back she was already pretty sure bore some of her scratches. She was never too harsh with a first-time partner, so she knew there was likely little, if any, blood.

The ship shifted in that subtle way to let her know they were out of lightspeed and she sighed. Those thoughts of another round were now at least firmly removed from her mind.
Verena looked down at Kylo’s stump, frowning a bit at the sight. It wasn’t pretty, to know that an appendage that used to be firmly attached to you was just…gone. The cybernetics were very advanced, but that knowledge that the hand was just gone couldn’t be a comfortable one.

Oh yes, Snoke.

She sighed. “Yeah, I know.” She wasn’t looking forward to the conversation with Snoke. But maybe the announcement of Neria’s weapon would startle him too much from thinking about punishments.

A wishful thought.

“Do you think it’s too late to stop other Stormtroopers from following FN-2187’s path?” Whether that meant training them, or ending their life, she did not know.


There was a low chuckle as Poe nosed Neria’s neck. “You were certainly amazing.” He couldn’t deny that, when she kept good on her promise of making him forget other names.

He had briefly forgotten his own name.

“But you asked a question, and I answered honestly.” Even if the answer did shift to a more serious subject, but he wasn't about to hold back. He wasn’t that sort of guy.

His lips drifted up to her earlobe, and gently nibbled on it. He felt the shift in the ship as they left lightspeed, but when her nails trailed over his back, he couldn’t care about that. He didn’t want to return to reality just yet.

“Do we just have a few more minutes?” he asked, his fingers brushing through her hair again. Thoughts of another round were certainly on the forefront of his mind.
Kylo didn’t want to discuss the lack of hand.

He’d have to, with Snoke. To confess he’d been…bested…by that scavenger. He’d mention the planet’s destruction as well, but he knew those tremors couldn’t make up for the embarrassing reality.

He’d been defeated.

“There will not be others who follow in that path.” Kylo stated firmly, “if there are, we will simply purge those who were in the same training batch, and hopefully move on to a clone army.” That would be far more effective, even if Armitage didn’t like that. The problem was, they didn’t really have a model to base them on.

Perhaps Phasma would be one good base idea, but it was hard for Kylo to imagine an entire army made up of her. Or made up of any one person. Perhaps a variety would be best, but that wasn’t his problem.

It was Snoke’s problem. Hux’s problem.

‘For now.’

“It’s more concerning that none of us recognized he was Force sensitive until now. That should be noticeable far earlier.”


Neria never could deny that physical affection had a way of mucking with her brain. As cold as she wanted to be, she also wanted to melt and give Poe those few more minutes, as a stifled moan rumbled her throat.

Unfortunately, she was still very aware of where they were. She didn’t need to keep Leia waiting, and she didn’t need Adelaide to come knocking, either. “Trust me, Dameron, I wish we could spend a week here, but we cannot.”

He’d been far more than adequate. Most those she took to bed couldn’t go another round, so she’d learned to drag out that first one delectably. “Afraid you’ll just have to cherish the memory,” she said, putting one hand to his chest to push him back, and reaching her other up to his ear to tug it – and pull him a bit aside so she had room to leave the bed.

She’d certainly enjoy the memory for a bit.

But, she had to prepare for heading down, if only for formalities sake, and see to it that the Resistance escaped D’Qar, now that the Order obviously knew where they were. So, she stretched, letting out a pleased hum, before moving to pick up her discarded clothing, daggers, and dogtags. She wasn’t dressing back in these clothes, but she wasn’t leaving a mess, either.
Verena hummed in agreement. This whole situation was a great reason why they should’ve used a clone army to begin with. Training individuals, even with all their indoctrination since infancy, led to complications.

Individuality and strong personalities could win out. Force sensitives, like the failed trooper, could happen.

It would happen with clone troopers.

“You’re right, it should have,” she easily agreed. “Although I can argue that I hadn’t been near him until Jakku, but still, I should’ve recognized it then.” But she didn’t. They were all focused on, what she’d argue, more important things.

She leaned her head back on the chair and stared up at the ceiling. “If word gets out to the other troopers about FN-2187, there may be disruptions. We can’t have that.” They may get to thinking that they have a chance.


Poe gave Neria a look that he hoped could only be described as a wounded puppy being denied a treat. Because he was! He was being denied blissful ignorance for a little bit longer.

But no, they had to continue life, continue the war.

“Cherish the memory and hope to create more one day,” he said with a cheeky grin, watching Neria as she moved about without clothes on. It was certainly a pleasant sight.

But eventually, Poe moved to join Neria in getting ready. He grabbed his clothes and slipped them back on, including his flight suit. If Leia asked what happened to him, he would say…he took a nap. Yeah. He truly needed sleep anyways, having been up for nearly twenty-four hours.

And food, he realized as his stomach growled.
“That you know of,” Kylo corrected. There was the chance Verena had been near FN-2187 before the incident on Jakku, but that wasn’t too important. The point was, at any point in time they could have been around FN-2187, they didn’t sense anything strange. It wasn’t until he left the Order, and found himself around the Scavenger, that he began to show signs of Force sensitivity.

Could the girl’s presence create it in others? That’d be a unique, valuable skill to have.

“Word won’t,” Kylo stated. He knew they’d lost other Troopers before, including Cardinal. Lies were spread, and those who knew the truth were usually executed. Hux, at least, was usually good at making sure others didn’t know.

Cardinal still lived out there, and his presence hadn’t disrupted things in the Order. FN-2187’s presence wouldn’t, either. After all, they lived in masks. He wouldn’t be in that anymore, and those few who knew his face? Well, if they weren’t already dead, they would be.

Hux wouldn’t allow it to disrupt morality.

The shuttle shifted around.

They’d left lightspeed, and were no doubt, heading into the Supremacy’s hangar.


Neria could only laugh a little at Poe’s pathetic display. Not that she blamed him. She wished to linger, too, but Adelaide would have broken her of the habit if she didn’t remember she had a job, first. She hummed at Dameron’s assumption of making more, but didn’t comment to it.

A little anxiety for Poe, as a treat.

She wasn’t at all surprised he chose to stay in bed a little longer. By the time he moved, she’d put all her clothes she wasn’t wearing into the laundry chute, and dug out one of her olive suits. If she was going to deal with Leia on her terms, she was going to do it right, after all.

She’d never claimed to be a good person.

Just right, more often than she was wrong.

She affixed a brooch to it with the patterning of red, blue, and yellow stones on it in the same number as the Grand Moff pin, but in the design of a serpentine dragon with the stones for scales. Custom, naturally, it was meant to represent the dragon of the Orrineswa river on Eriadu, but the colors said enough for anyone with half a brain cell to know the actual reason she wore it.

All the affixed Imperial attire couldn’t stop her laugh at Poe’s stomach, “I have protein bars if you want one,” she was able to pull one out of the end table near the bed, and held up the chocolately thing for Poe if he wanted it.

The reason it was near the bed didn’t really need explaining at this point. Neria really was very willing to spend days in bed. She just wasn’t allowed the luxury. There were even flavor packets for water in the end table.
Verena hummed in agreement to Kylo. Yes, there was a chance that she may have encountered FN-2187 before, and just didn’t know. That did make her feel worse, but she pushed it aside for now. There were more important things to consider at the moment.

Like as they landed in the hangar of the Supremacy, she considered their upcoming meeting with Supreme Leader Snoke. She was quite surprised that he didn’t immediately call for them, but Verena wouldn’t complain in the least.

She could use the extra time to meditate and maybe get a nap in. She was fucking exhausted.

When the ship landed and they disembarked, Verena bid Kylo farewell and well wishes. It felt a little awkward, with some tension there, and as he obviously was not okay, but she shook it aside as she left for her quarters.

The few officers she talked to on occasion nodded at her as she passed by in the corridors, and she returned the greeting, but Verena was more than happy no one stopped her for any reason. Maybe her face looked as exhausted as she felt.

And so once she reached her quarters, she made sure her datapad was turned up, so that she wouldn’t miss a notification, and passed out on her bed, not even pulling the sheets back first.


Poe was content with watching Neria all day, ignoring responsibility, but the moment she donned that all too familiar uniform with its hideous color, he kicked himself into gear.

That uniform only reminded him of how wrong all this was, and their very different backgrounds and upbringings. And yet for the differences, or because of it, their coupling was all the more enticing. And he wanted more.

Zipping the flight suit up, he looked to the protein bar Neria held up. His stomach rumbled once more, and he groaned as he moved to take it from Neria. “I would prefer an actual meal, but I guess this will suffice until things are done.” Meetings are adjourned. Conversations are held.

He was not looking forward to any of that.

Poe waved at Neria, his mouth full of the chocolatey protein bar, as he walked out of her quarters. Maybe he could figure his way out back to the hangar.


Leia certainly wouldn’t use that as an excuse to not meet up with her.
Kylo was surprised his presence wasn’t immediately demanded in Snoke’s throne room. He was allowed to be seen by the medbay. A replacement arm was offered. His wounds were treated to a greater degree, but that was it. As soon as he was actually fitted with the arm, Snoke’s summons came, while he still had bacta strips on his face.

It would arrive for Verena, as well.

Which was why Kylo found himself glaring at a praetorian in red at the elevator, “What do you mean I cannot enter the elevator? Supreme Leader Snoke has asked for me.”

The praetorian weren’t Force sensitive, but they still acted so unafraid. Kylo couldn’t even feel fear wafting off of the pair standing at the elevator. “You, and the Herald of Lian. You will go together.”

‘Not Hux?’

Perhaps, for once, Snoke had actually separated the Force sensitives from his meeting.

Or maybe Hux died on Starkiller. He decided to pry, “Not General Hux? What, was his success with Starkiller undeserving of an audience with the Supreme Leader?” Kylo snapped, truly hoping to hear that Armitage was dead.

“The Supreme Leader’s commands are not for us to question.”

So he was probably alive, based on that answer, but Kylo didn’t like not having explicit confirmation of it.

He hated the praetorian.


Neria saw the shift in Poe. It was exactly what she wanted, and what she expected. He did need to remember who she was, even if he’d gotten a nice little reprieve from it. Her name wasn’t only Neria, even if that was the only name he’d used, alongside a few choice terms.

She let the protein bar slip from her fingers, and followed him out, prepared to leave once she’d gone to get him the bar. She tapped his shoulder to redirect him, “This way,” she knew the path back to the hangar, and he didn’t need to go wandering in her ship.

She wouldn’t linger at his side, though. She kept ahead, and waved him off to his friends, before continuing on to the hangar with Orrineswa in it.

Adelaide wasn’t there, but Vera was. “Your mom isn’t joining me?” Neria complained.

“Afraid not. She has to stay in touch with Lucius. I’m not joining either,” Vera said, “just here to let you know Senator Sindian was captured. Alive.”

“And she’s being brought here alive?”

“Brought to Eriadu. We didn’t know how long we’re staying here.”

“Delaying my gratification as usual. Adelaide truly hates me.”

“Lucius’s idea.”

“Honestly I should have known that. Never mind, Adelaide is still the best. Now, I need to go talk to Leia,” she sighed at that, “alone and abandoned.”

“Oh stop the dramatics. There will be a party when you get back, and you can drink yourself into a coma.”

“Bless,” Neria laughed, “all right, I’ll be back soon.” Vera gave a brief salute, and Neria was able to step into the Orrineswa, where Omega was already waiting, and—

“Neria!” Mari cried, and the dog barked. “Where were you?” she hurried up to her.


“You’re busy a lot.”

“Yeah,” Neria agreed, “I’ve…got more politicking to do, actually,” she looked up at Beta, who gave a weak, apologetic smile, “buuuut it’s on a neat jungle planet, and I don’t think the people there are going to argue if you want to check it out.”

Beta mouthed ‘weak’ and Neria ignored it. "Come on, I'll show you the cockpit of the ship as we head down to the planet," Neria offered.
A raging tempest.

Violent waves.

An endless chasm that stared back at Verena, beckoning her closer.

A loud series of beeps startled Verena out of the dream. She looked at her datapad and groaned. The nap wasn’t very long, and now she was summoned to meet with Supreme Leader Snoke.

Before leaving, she brushed out her hair and changed her clothes to something more fresh.

Something that didn’t have her blood on it.

Now that she was more put together, Verena headed towards Snoke’s throne room. She forced herself to remain calm and not allow her thoughts to war with one another. It seemed the moment she saw Kylo standing in front of the elevator, those thoughts ceased.

She didn’t bother to think more on what that meant.

The damned helmet was back on. Pity. “Commander Ren,” she called out, referring to him by title in front of others, especially the praetorian. Any behind-the-scenes plotting would be easier if everyone thought they weren’t too close.

The praetorian guard looked from Verena back to Kylo, before they both stood to the side to let the two through to the elevator. “You may now enter.”

Verena gave Kylo a look before proceeding into the elevator.


Poe was grateful for Neria’s direction to the hangar. His eyes lingered on her as she parted, and he was jerked out of his continued daydreams by BB-8’s beeps as he rolled up to Poe. “See? I wasn’t gone for too long!”

The droid let out a series of beeps that could have been loosely translated to ‘It was long enough.’

“I’ll say,” piped up Jessika with a sly grin.

“Okay, okay, I don’t need to hear about this,” groaned Snap. “Leia wants us back now. The base is packing up.”

Poe was grateful for Snap, not wanting the other pilots to tease him about his brief time with Neria. He moved with urgency along with the others, climbing into their respective X-Wing, BB-8 following along, and sped off for D’Qar.

People were running around when the Black Squadron landed. He didn’t see Leia immediately, which given the hurried nature of everyone trying to pack up everything they can save, he would have been more surprised to see her waiting for them.

Poe set off to find Leia, eventually flagging down someone to ask her whereabouts. The control room, of course. He ran, and the control room was just as hurried, with people packing up what computer and scanner tech they could take with them easily. Some things were just too heavy.

“General Organa!” he called out, hurrying in between everyone to get to her.

Leia looked over and gave an exhausted sigh, one that was also filled with relief. “There are you, Poe.” She did not hesitate another second before asking him, “Tell me the truth, do you think we can trust these Imperials?”

Poe was slightly taken aback by the question, almost wondering why she would ask him that, but given who he had been with for the better part of a day, including that better part, he nodded. “When it comes to the First Order? Definitely.”
Kylo stepped onto the elevator as well, once Verena arrived. No words needed to pass between them. It was likely better that they didn’t, although he felt a tension in the elevator as he recalled conversations they’d had after Hosnian Prime.

Snoke couldn’t know about his doubts.

Their doubts.

Kylo stepped forward into the throne room to find it empty of others, save Snoke and the Praetorian. Draped in his golden robe, Snoke was no less intimidating despite Kylo being certain he was all but bound to that throne. His presence in the Force was like a hammer, constantly bashing against anything that probed too close.

“The Commander of the Knights of Ren, and the Herald of Lian,” Snoke brought his hands together in a single clap, “Both devastatingly wounded, by those untrained in the Force.” Snoke snapped.

His attention went right to Kylo. “Your wound. Let me see it.”

Kylo held out his hand, and ungloved it, revealing the metal fingers.


Kylo hesitated.

Then, he removed his helmet, revealing the black strips on his face that served to pull the skin back together, little by little, and hasten the healing. “Lightsaber. By the girl?”

“Yes, Master.”

His attention shifted, “And you? I’ve been hearing some tell of a device that blocks the Force?” he sounded incredulous, “are you so bound to the Force you cannot deal with a single fighter?” the rumor mill had been alive and well, feeding Snoke the information Verena offered on the shuttle full of Stormtroopers.


Neria brought Milo and Mari into the cockpit, taking them down to the Resistance Base that was indeed packing up. ‘This could have been a message. This could have been a call. This could have been….’ So many, many things, that didn’t require her to get out of the ship and go talk to fucking Leia Organa.

But Mari looked excited. “There’s so many people! Are all worlds like this?”

“No,” Neria said, “but most the worlds you see now will be more active than Jakku,” Neria answered as she rose, “Come on, Beta will teach you about climbing trees while I go deal with politics.”

“Will you join us?”

“Heh.” Neria smirked, “Of course. I’m excellent at climbing trees.”

The dog gave a woof of excitement, a soft sound near the exit to the cockpit once the ship had settled, and Neria got up to follow it to the door. As soon as it opened, the dog started to run.

“Stop!” Neria said, with a click of her tongue.

The dog stopped, but looked back, whining. “Lay down,” Neria gestured with a flat palm, and again, the dog went down.

“Ooooo! I didn’t know it knew tricks!” Mari went right over to where the dog was laying.

‘It needs a name.’ Another problem. The dog had learned the tricks from her, and a host of others, who visited the gardens.

The gardens now long gone. Neria ignored the stab of pain, and nodded to Beta to direct her to keep an eye, before speaking lowly to Omega, “Find me Leia,” she wanted in and out of this damn place.

Omega nodded, and started walking.

The Force was a good enough guide to someone like General Organa. It helped that Omega had been present around Leia before, with Neria present, and with Marius, her father, present. He was familiar enough with her signature in the Force to locate her, although they were stopped at the entrance to the command center.

“That’s far enough,” a woman with buns in her hair said, “what are you doing here, Governor Tarkin?”

“Imperatrix Tarkin, thank you,” she corrected. Not that Governor was wrong, however, she felt the need to insist on the military title given the war. “I am here to see Princess Organa.”

General Organa.”

“I don’t acknowledge vigilante military titles, be they First Order or anyone else,” Neria said flatly, “you can deliver a message for me,” that could get her out of this mess.

“That won’t be necessary.”

‘Ah fuck.’ Neria lifted her gaze to see Amilyn Holdo approaching, purple hair now, “Imperatrix. Leia would like to speak to you.”

“Good. Let’s get this over with.” The woman with the buns stepped aside, allowing her and Omega to enter.
From his giant hologram to seeing the man sitting on his throne draped in gold was a stark contrast. The man sitting on the throne almost looked like one Verena could easily best in battle, but she knew better.

It was far from the truth.

She immediately felt shame from his words, how they were both severely wounded by those untrained in the Force. It was the truth…but yet she could see the ‘more’ that lingered beneath the surface.

Snoke may not care though.

Her eyes glimpsed over to Kylo as he was forced to remove his helmet, but she refocused on Snoke when he began to address her. She swallowed. “That is true, Supreme Leader, that Governor Tarkin has a device that blocks the Force. Not only that, she also has technology that cloaks herself. The fight was…something I had never experienced before.”

She was practically blind, but even while blind, she would still have the Force.

Verena had nothing then.


Leia sighed, looking over her people as they hurried as fast as they could, because their lives could very well depend on their speed.

“You had asked me back in my youth, that I would be contemplating forming an alliance with the Imperials and their descendents, I would have thought you had lost it,” Leia chuckled, shaking her head and looking back at Poe.

Poe shrugged, giving her what he hoped was an optimistic smile. “New age, new threat, and that old saying, enemy of my enemy.”

Leia chuckled. She could only agree with that, but whatever she was going to say next died before she could start with the sight of Amilyn Holdo coming towards her with Neria Tarkin, and someone she couldn’t quite place.

“Ah, Imperatrix Tarkin,” she recalled the title the woman preferred, “thank you for agreeing to meet with me under such circumstances.” She gestured to the people in the control room, moving quickly as they could. “I’ll get to the point. I would like to establish an alliance with the Imperials in order to eliminate our common enemy, the First Order.”
Snoke scoffed at the excuse, “Yes, we are aware of Governor Tarkin’s predilection towards trying to disappear,” he sneered, “rather like the blackstalkers. I should train you on those, but I can see they’d savage you.” And they were now only found on Eriadu, thanks to Wilhuff Tarkin preserving them in the Carrion Plateau.

They were an Imperial creation, after all. Wilhuff had been behind many biological crimes against nature like the blackstalkers.

“What is your excuse?” he snapped at Kylo.

“I have none.”

Snoke scoffed. “The mighty Kylo Ren. When I found you…I saw what all masters live to see. Raw, untamed power. And beyond that, something truly special. The potential of your bloodline. A new Vader. Now I fear...I was mistaken.”

Kylo tried not to tremble in anger, but it was there, easy to feel. “You are not mistaken. I have given everything to you!”

“Then why does Han Solo still live?”

Kylo was silent.

“You have too much of your father’s heart in you,” Snoke chastised, “even the attempt has left you in tatters, split you, so that you were bested by a girl who never held a lightsaber.”

Kylo knew it was stupid – and yet, he rose, the anger flaring off of him like a fire.

All for naught.

Snoke reacted before he could say or do anything, lightning striking his chest and flinging him back to the floor.

“Pathetic,” Snoke growled, “you’re no Vader, and your combined failures will make sure Skywalker returns to the galaxy.”


Neria found Leia with Poe Dameron, and a scurrying rabble of rebels. Her eyes followed a few as she couldn’t help the inescapable thought of them all being rats, before her gaze refocused on Leia. She meant to speak first. She meant to tell Leia the terms, but Leia got there first, as Amilyn went to busy herself with clearing the computers of information.

Neria’s gaze narrowed, as she was torn between laughing in Leia’s face, and giving a straight denial.

That sensation of being torn was likely all that kept either reaction at bay, and her impassive expression didn’t so much as twitch. “We have no reason to form an alliance with your organization, Princess Organa,” Neria said, weighing each word carefully.

Reason. That was the key one. Whether or not Leia latched on to it remained to be seen. “I have only come down to let you know the Exigency will remain stationed above until you have moved on. We will not follow. We understand it is better that we lack information as to your activities.” She spoke for the Imperials, not for herself, in the moment.

And she knew some of those bastards would be willing to hear Leia out.

But she’d see how Leia took the initial rejection, her focus never once swaying from her to Poe.

Omega remained the silent guard, but Leia might feel what others couldn’t; the Force he exuded wrapped around Neria. It was no cloak, but it was sensing for any use of the Force against her, and he was prepared to respond. His reason for being there was fairly clear; he could sense what Neria couldn’t see, including Force tricks.
I would like to see you try and fight Tarkin the way I did.

Verena swallowed the shame she felt at Snoke’s chastisement. And how he likewise shamed Kylo. Did you seek me out because you also saw raw, untamed power inside me?

She didn’t have Kylo’s bloodline, as she was reminded yet again, but surely she had something special inside her? A reason he found her and trained her?

Her eyes widened at the chain of events that unfolded in a split second. Kylo rising in anger, Snoke attacking with a lightning strike, Kylo falling onto the floor. There was an initial thought to want to go over to Kylo and make sure he was okay, but she quickly squashed that thought. It was weird. It was uncomfortable to worry about someone else.

It was foreign.

“Please, Supreme Leader,” Verena remained knelt on the floor, not daring to move a muscle unless prompted, “tell me what I can do to right my wrong.”


Poe fought himself internally to not question Neria, quite loudly, as to what she was doing, and why she would reject the offer. Sure he knew some tension existed, but he couldn’t even begin to fathom why she was doing that.

If Neria could read minds, he was sure she would’ve developed a headache with how loud he was yelling on the inside.

Leia lifted her chin, as one might when they’ve realized they’re facing a distinguished foe. Her expression did not waiver, nor did she allow herself to show any disappointment or frustration. She felt none anyways.

She supposed she wasn’t surprised by the rejection. “I’d had hoped that a shared desire to see the end of the First Order, and an end to Snoke, would have been reason enough.”

If that meant destroying her son…well, Leia didn’t quite know what she thought about that. It hurt too much to think.

“What reason would you need in order to reconsider?”
Kylo gradually pulled himself back into a kneeling position, but not without effort. He did not dare beg forgiveness or ask what he could do, like Verena. He was still smarting too much, and the anger was still too powerful, for a word to escape him.

“You will both go forth and secure our allies. We will need plenty when,” no longer ‘if’, “Luke Skywalker returns. We must make sure the Resistance has nowhere to run by securing as many allies as we can. The fear from Starkiller will have impacted many.”

Destroyed or not, people knew it could be rebuilt.

People knew what could happen if they refused.

Although he knew, that show of strength was harder with the Resistance and the Imperials standing against them. With Neria Tarkin on the war path against their allies, and the Resistance’s reputation for tenacity and success.

People needed to feel the sense of urgency. “The fear you can create will gain allies, and in the process, you will explore areas Luke may be hiding. If he does not come out first, then we will find him. We seek a map no longer.”

They would see Luke, between the ally gathering.

“Go. You’ll take the Steadfast to your next destination.” The Supremacy did not need to come into play just yet. The Finalizer and Steadfast would be good enough, while he sent other ships to deal with the Imperial threat. He needed to remove their offensive and turn them to defense like the damned Resistance.


‘You know better than that, Princess.’ Neria had no need to work with the Resistance. She wouldn’t work against them, but the Resistance felt like a hindrance, more than a help. There were benefits to knowing what the Resistance was doing, but it didn’t outweigh needing to plan with the Resistance, and have them sign off on any plans.

They were soft.

But Leia didn’t balk. She asked for a reconsideration. And Neria was never one to turn down negotiation terms. “If you want an alliance, I will need four things from you. The first is simple. The First Order is in possession of two family heirlooms, the Carrion Spike and a dagger. Both are in Terex’s hands, who I understand to be a mutual thorn in our sides. I want assistance in reclaiming them.”


“The second is that you will not return to the New Republic Senate in any role, nor will you make any motion to support the Jedi claiming a seat on the New Republic. Religious organizations have no seat at the Senate, no matter their contributions,” and she knew now that everything had the potential to reignite that. Leia may not hold a formal seat, but she could do quite a bit informally. Neria wanted none of that maneuvering.

“Finally, when this is finished, you will surrender all military equipment to the New Republic, and dismantle your organization. Otherwise, I will make a motion to see that your illegal militia is dealt with.”

Little would come of it. Neria knew it. Leia knew it. But it would be tedious for Leia unto her dying day, Neria would make sure of that.
Verena could still feel the anger radiating from Kylo as he pulled himself back in his previous position. He held anger, and her, frightened. She hoped she held it at bay so that Snoke couldn’t sniff it out, but she doubted it.

She didn’t immediately know what to think of Snoke’s plan for them. Verena knew of her own diplomatic abilities, emphasized by outsiders’ immediate need to fear her. It led to great discussions and deals that benefitted the First Order.

But Kylo? She heard the rumors. She’d seen his short temper first hand. He could potentially become ruinous for them in creating those allies.

Maybe this was her punishment. It would be a great test of her skill and patience.

“I understand, Supreme Leader.” Though honestly? It sounded like it would be a welcomed physical break after the last twenty-four hours.

Before she made any move to ask permission to leave, Verena asked another question. “Who is our first target?”


Leia did not waiver as Neria listed her demands, as ambitious and sweeping they were. She listened, her mind already flipping through ideas or how the demand could cost them greatly.

Poe was not as good at hiding his emotions. He looked wide-eyed at Neria, incredulous that she would even think of asking such hefty demands from Leia. The Terex one would probably be easy to deal with, but the others?

He stepped forward, “You can’t just ask-” but he stopped mid-sentence by a look Leia gave him. It reminded him of being a young boy, and he did something his mother definitely did not approve of.

“I can speak for myself,” she stated firmly.

Oh yeah, Poe definitely felt like he was being chastised by his mother.

The only demand that Leia hesitated on was the last one. That should be a decision with everyone within the Resistance to be able to input on, but after the destruction of the First Order, why would there be a need for a Resistance? That was the hopeful future.

But she knew she would immediately agree to the senate demand. Every day just got harder on her mind and body. She was ready for a damn vacation.

“While more detailed discussions about some of the terms will be needed, I accept them.”

Poe wanted to have a fucking aneurysm.
Kylo was no fan of this ‘diplomacy’ thing, nor being shunted to the Steadfast. Even if he disliked Hux, he knew how to work with Hux. Somewhat. Well enough. He didn’t know the commander of the Steadfast, except by name. Pryde.

An old Imperial, and not just in name. He’d been in the Empire. That probably meant he was intolerable and stuck in his ways. That was Kylo’s experience so far. However, he knew better than to say anything.

The Order did have to have allies.

They had to have a galaxy to rule over.

And, Snoke was still going to allow them to search for Luke.

“Kijimi,” Snoke answered, “Not to deal with the politicians. The true leaders are the criminals of the world. I want them under our thumb.” Snoke didn’t really like criminals, they were disruptive, but they could be useful.

And it wouldn’t matter if Kylo killed a few to get the point across.

Eventually, Snoke would kill them all. But, first, he’d bring them into the fold and let them know where they could devastate and cause harm, to weaken the enemies of the Order. “Do you understand?”

‘No.’ But Kylo didn’t say it.


Neria tilted her head up just a bit as Poe tried to interject. It wouldn’t have ended well for him, but thankfully for his sake, Leia stopped him from doing something foolish. Leia very much could speak for herself, and Neria expected it of her. She’d take no less than Leia’s word.

And Leia gave in.

Neria knew the only thing she’d really asked that was troubling was the Resistance de-arming. It would also be the hardest one for Leia to defend. Neria wasn’t surprised by the response in the least. “Colonel Yularen will begin to work on a draft of the terms. The Alliance won’t be formalized until I have the Carrion Spike and my dagger in my possession, but that won’t stop some work together before then.”

Just not as much.

Ideally, a blessing for both of them, as they navigated what it would look like without the full commitment, and made others warm to the idea. “So if you like, you may keep the secret of where the Resistance is going. Commander Dameron has my contact information, he can provide it to you. I will be arranging at least a quorum in a day or two. Colonel Yularen should have the draft finished ahead of then, you are welcome to meet me on the planet we designate for that quorum to discuss it, or we can meet elsewhere. I intend to remain a very public target for the Order.”

It would take the heat off of the Resistance, but mostly, Neria intended to go on a revenge tour with the Senators who had escaped due to their connections to the Order, and make it clear to the Order, that the Senate still lived.

That she still operated alongside it.

And, in a way, the Resistance would see that, as well. Neria would have to bow to the votes of the Senate when it started to come together.

She figured it gave her at least a week of murder without consequences.
“I understand.”

Kijimi. Another fucking freezing planet.

Verena knew Snoke would be far from amused if she complained about something as trivial as the weather.

When dismissed, she rose and turned to walk back to the elevator. She stopped herself from turning her head to look at Kylo and see how he looked. She stopped herself from wanting to feel out for him, to see how he was coping. Nothing that Snoke would notice.

Once the elevator door closed behind them, Verena could feel herself relax some. Never too much, not while near Snoke, but enough now that the meeting she thought would go far worse was over. “That…wasn’t too bad.” Minus the lightning on Kylo.

But he needed to better control his anger.


Poe needed to walk around to let off a little steam.

Or maybe get into his X-Wing and shoot something.

As it was, he couldn’t just leave Leia’s side like that in front of a senator and potential ally, even if it was Nera. It wouldn’t look good. And there was still the matter of everyone packing up the base. If he left her side, he would need to be joining them in saving what could be saved.

Leia nodded at Neria. For a moment she envisioned herself younger, talking to officers of the Empire that held the same family names as those she mentioned. Yularen she remembered, though the one she knew died a long time ago on the Death Star.

This would take some time to get used to.

“As soon as our evacuation is complete, I will begin to contact those I believe will be able to handle Terex the best.” She gave Poe a glance at that.

Poe wouldn’t love anything more than to be the one to take from Terex.

“You will hear from me very soon.” Poe will be sure to give one another their contact information. “I have nothing else to add for now. If there is nothing else you wish to say now, then we will meet again soon.” But she had other matters to refocus on that were of urgency.
Fury still tore through Kylo as they were given their marching orders. He stood, and walked to pick up his helmet which he’d dropped when he was shocked. “Leave it.” Snoke ordered, and Kylo stiffened, fingers curling into a fist at his side as he drew his hand back from the helmet.

From his protection.

Those wild eyes met Snoke’s gaze, but there was no fear in Snoke at that open hostility. “You’re done playing Vader. It’s time you grew up and stopped being a child in a mask.” Insult, after insult. Not that Kylo didn’t deserve it. He’d failed to kill Han. Failed to protect Starkiller. Failed to get the map.

Failed, over and over, and over again, in the past day.

When it mattered.

He left the helmet where it was and went to the elevator, which closed behind him, and moved back down. He ignored Verena’s statement, staring straight ahead until the elevator stopped, and then stalking immediately by two officers who happened to have paused close to the elevator. One nearly fell over when Kylo stepped between them, heedless of anything in his path, as he moved to get back to the hangar.

They needed to get to the Steadfast after all, and with all the failures pricking at his pride, he didn’t want to linger anywhere. He needed to prove himself. He needed to do better. He needed Snoke to be wrong.


Neria was not surprised to see Leia’s gaze go to Poe, however briefly, for the Terex Attack Squad. She allowed it, as well, but made no comment on the obvious choice. It’d be more interesting to see who else Leia put on the mission. Neria already know she intended to handle it on her side, but she wouldn’t be alone.

She nodded to Leia’s comment of being in touch, “Understood. I will await word,” not that she’d be doing much waiting. She’d be acting as if this wasn’t in the works; she had plenty more important things to get to, namely, her revenge tour.

There were a lot of names on that list, and so little time.

Neria left D’Qar, but not before at least racing Omega and Beta up a tree for the amusement of Mari and Milo. She punched it back to Eriadu to regroup with Karan and get him drafting up the agreement for Leia, as well as to deal with Lance Pandion, and Carise Sindian. It was also a place for her to try and keep Mari and Milo safe, but they insisted on accompanying her, so she made sure they had safe quarters on the Exigency – near the escape pods.

She let Carise see that Pandion had betrayed her in the end, before she executed Senator Sindian on a broadcast on the HoloNet, calling out the names of every other Senator who had ties to the Order – giving the Order her attack plan, in a word.

As for Pandion? She offered him terms. He’d step down as Senator, and join her as an aide. He accepted. He knew better than to argue.

Neria had already cut through Senator Mortan and Erudo Ro-Kiintor when she finally clashed with the First Order above Kuat, targeting Senator Ormes Apolin. It was in the midst of that, when Leia contacted her.

So, needless to say, Neria wrapped it up by cutting through the First Order’s blockade with her stealth tech in Orrineswa, and using stealth to get to where Senator Apolin had holed up, and executing him.

It earned her a few blaster shots from blind troopers who couldn’t see her, but she still crawled back to her ship, and evacuated the Imperials from Kuat with another name off her list.

By then, the Senate was starting to come together, but they were still arguing about where to meet. Neria hadn’t been bold enough to suggest Eriadu, but she saw no reason Corsucant and Spira didn’t work. Not that she was in a rush.

There were still a few names to cross off her list, before she felt like she could finally fall apart.

So it was with a few still-healing injuries from Kuat that Neria Tarkin arrived to meet Princess Organa at Gatalenta, a calm enough world in the Core that Neria figured the odds of an attack by the Order were slim. Karan Yularen followed, along with Omega as guard, and Lance Pandion as aide. Mari and Milo were also allowed to accompany her for a bit, get checked into a hotel, but their day would be with Beta for the most part.

Neria had reserved a conference room in the hotel for this business with Leia.

“But we want you to come!” Mari was protesting. “you keep coming back injured.”

Not that the injuries could be seen right then. Her left arm was well covered by cloth, bacta, and gauze. The sleeve covered the extent of it. “And you keep patching me up. So obviously if I get injured again, I’ll just come back to you,” Neria joked as she took a seat on the table in the conference room, assuming she still had a few minutes before she actually needed to dismiss the kids, and the dog that Neria was pretty sure the kids had named, but she couldn’t remember what she’d heard them calling it to save her life.

Somehow, she’d kept the kids from seeing the bloodier side of her life. The executions, and much else. It helped that Karan was able to put wonderful blocks on their datapads to keep them from seeing some of that.
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Verena heard Snoke’s last demand before they left the chambers, and she casted a quick glance to Kylo in surprise. A maskless Kylo? The officers in the First Order will be beyond shocked.

Naturally, he was beyond pissed. He ignored her, and stalked off in silence when the elevator opened back up, nearly knocking over two officers. Verena rolled her eyes. Great, now she would have to deal with his anger for the duration of the trip to the Steadfast.

And she really wanted to go back to her quarters, have an actual meal, and pack a few things, but it seemed they were meant to go straight to the Steadfast.

The sooner we can get this over, the better, I guess.

Verena was far behind Kylo, but she followed his trail to the hanger. When she entered the shuttle, she was once more surprised, this time by the fact he didn’t take up the position as the pilot.

Not questioning it in the least, she took up that position, and within minutes, they were flying towards the Steadfast. The trip remained silent, with Kylo still stewing in his anger, and Verena was beyond exhausted to try and talk to him and deal with his ire.

Soon enough, she was landing in the hangar of the Steadfast. Verena wouldn’t speak to Kylo as she descended the ship, unless he spoke first.


After Neria left, and after the Resistance had fled D’Qar, Poe and Leia had a serious discussion about what Neria proposed once they were on the ship transporting them to their next destination. What eventually shut Poe up was Leia commenting, “You’re really going to make an old woman justifying her reasons for retiring?”

He still wasn’t happy about the entire situation in the least. He felt Neria was simply asking for too much.

But he didn’t have a say in the matter, especially since Leia’s mind had already been made up.

Despite the tension, Leia asked Poe to accompany her. He was still her second in command, after all, and he knew Neria better than anyone else in the Resistance.

BB-8 had ratted Poe out of exactly how much he knew Neria. Leia was far from amused.

Leia eventually reached out to Neria, and they arranged to meet on Gatalenta, a fact that had amused Holdo. They received instructions on which building and which room they were meeting in, and upon arrival, Poe first laid eyes on Neria, and then he saw the surprising guests in the conference room.

“Poe!” Milo yelled out, and he ran up to the pilot and squeezed him as hard as his tiny arms could manage.

Poe chuckled and hugged Milo back. “I’m so happy to see you again.” He looked up at Mari. “And you too.” The dog was there too.

BB-8 whirled out his question of who they were. He would know if Poe had children!

“General Organa, Beebee, this is Mari and Milo. We…saved them after the First Order’s raid on that village on Jakku.” And now they looked happy and healthy!

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