Verena sighed at the doctor’s insistence of more information. She really didn’t see how Ava needed to know more. Surely they could just look at Kylo and give the best treatment based on what they saw? At least, if she was a good doctor.
“It was a lightsaber,” she offered, before deciding on her shirt. She gave a quick glance to Kylo, who seemed lost in his own world, before she lifted her shirt off.
He had already seen her without a shirt on. And he looked so out of it, she wondered if he would even notice.
Her side looked a little agitated from the earlier fight. The wound had started bleeding again, but nowhere near how it was earlier. Verena frowned at the inconvenience.
Poe was more than delighted with Neria’s promise, and she more than delivered on it. The shower was a delightful prelude, and Poe knew he more than needed one after the long day, and being covered in sweat, oil, and blood.
The main show more than delivered.
As Neria made her salacious promise to him, he vowed to do likewise to Neria, and only hoped he delivered.
He definitely wouldn’t tire on Neria, that he promised himself.
Poe basked in the aftermath, his fingers absentmindedly trailing over Neria’s skin, following along on one of the few minor scars that decorated her back. He wanted to ask about the larger ones, the ones that stuck out more, but he feared it would be too sensitive a topic for right then.
But Neria asked her question first, and Poe glanced down at the necklace she fiddled with. “It was my mother’s wedding ring,” he answered. “My father wanted me to keep it, and I told myself that one day, I would share it with the right person.”
“It was a lightsaber,” she offered, before deciding on her shirt. She gave a quick glance to Kylo, who seemed lost in his own world, before she lifted her shirt off.
He had already seen her without a shirt on. And he looked so out of it, she wondered if he would even notice.
Her side looked a little agitated from the earlier fight. The wound had started bleeding again, but nowhere near how it was earlier. Verena frowned at the inconvenience.
Poe was more than delighted with Neria’s promise, and she more than delivered on it. The shower was a delightful prelude, and Poe knew he more than needed one after the long day, and being covered in sweat, oil, and blood.
The main show more than delivered.
As Neria made her salacious promise to him, he vowed to do likewise to Neria, and only hoped he delivered.
He definitely wouldn’t tire on Neria, that he promised himself.
Poe basked in the aftermath, his fingers absentmindedly trailing over Neria’s skin, following along on one of the few minor scars that decorated her back. He wanted to ask about the larger ones, the ones that stuck out more, but he feared it would be too sensitive a topic for right then.
But Neria asked her question first, and Poe glanced down at the necklace she fiddled with. “It was my mother’s wedding ring,” he answered. “My father wanted me to keep it, and I told myself that one day, I would share it with the right person.”