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Fandom Star Wars: Chaos and Order [Closed]

Kylo was not expecting to see a partially disrobed Verena. For a moment, he froze up, as her movement drew his attention down to her relatively bare torso. “Er—” he meant to turn away and step out, but she was dressed quickly enough, and teasing him over it. His face heated behind the helmet, but he forced his posture to relax, a bit.

He wasn’t that worried about her. He opted not to answer that question.

“The woman has escaped.”

He said, then realized Verena had no idea the full story, so he cut into that quickly, “She’s Force sensitive. I didn’t realize it until after I tried to read her mind,” that was still unusual. He’d pushed through others with the Force before, “she was…capable of pushing me out, though she has no training. This is new to her,” he knew that, from what little he’d gathered from her mind.

She had no experience.

Just instinct.

That was potentially very deadly, with the amount of power she had already at her beck and call. “Snoke wants her taken to him at the Supremacy, but we have to find her,” the Order was searching, obviously, but he didn’t trust them nearly as much as another Force sensitive. They needed her for the map.

And to avoid the Order looking, well…incompetent.


Neria couldn’t help but giggle at the question Poe asked, manic energy driving the reaction, “Oh, he won’t, that’s the beauty of it,” Neria answered, “Arkanis is not only Hux’s home planet, it is the most loyal planet to the Order. General Hux forsaking his planet will be a grand display of what it means to other planets aligned with the Order, and what sort of protection they can expect,” Neria couldn’t help but let another spurt of giggles escape at the utter glee she was going to have in this.

Armitage Hux would never stall his plans for Arkanis, and some of his allies would understand.

Others would not be so forgiving, and the majority, would have their morale shaken.

And if he did dare to intervene for Arkanis? He’d be called spineless. Neria couldn’t see him as clever enough to pull off an act where he came out wholly good, and that was fine by her. She didn’t lose no matter what.

Admiral Motti’s voice came through, “Admiral Motti, General. Was there more to discuss?”

“It’s me,” Neria said, “tell me how Arkanis looks.”

“Ah,” his tone shifted, losing some of its cold edge, “Imperatrix. We have a full blockade. Sindian arrived ahead of us, and she’s been mewling ever since we arrived. No messages have escaped Arkanis since our arrival. She’s hailed us a few times, but I have chosen to ignore her.”

“Fair,” Neria allowed, “I’ll be at Ilum soon,” she said, “I am not going to let General Hux know you’re on the line, but I want all of Arkanis to hear the conversation. Think you can manage?”

“Certainly, Imperatrix,” he said, “but how do you know it’ll be General Hux?”

“Armitage Hux just destroyed multiple planets. He is going to want to gloat to someone, and I know Snoke isn’t stupid enough to be anywhere near the planet destroying weapon, given their reputation, so it will be Hux.”

“Understood,” Lucius Motti said, “My orders beyond listening?”

“As soon as Starkiller is destroyed, or the General fires the weapon, ravage Arkanis. Bring me Sindian alive if you can, but I’ll accept her body, just as well.”
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Verena didn’t notice Kylo’s reaction to her partially undressed state, but if she’d known he froze, and his face heated? She would have been delighted, yet also jealous she still hadn’t seen his face yet.

But he spoke of the woman, and her mood shifted. “What?” she hissed, mindful to keep her voice low to avoid anyone overhearing her. She was about to ask how, before Kylo began to provide more details.

Someone who had untapped abilities with the Force, who managed to push Kylo Ren out. That itself would’ve been impressive with anyone trained in the Force, but for an untrained individual?

Who was this woman?

Verena sighed and took in another deep breath to calm her mind. “Do you regret not getting the droid now?” Maybe not, if they had a Force sensitive with them.

Well, somewhere on Starkiller.

She led them to the exit. “Did you send out a missive for everyone to keep an eye out for her?” She hoped he had, but in his hurry to get there, he may have forgotten.


Poe was mildly surprised by the news. Would Hux forsake his own planet for the First Order, even under an alliance? And Neria’s laughter over it all…well, Poe certainly wasn’t against it at all.

Fucking around with the mastermind behind the superweapon would be beautiful to see.

Another Imperial sounded over the comms. If his parents could see him now…maybe his mother would’ve been able to see the greater picture. His father? Most likely would have a heart attack over his son doing another reckless thing.

He needed to send his father a message, before deploying his X-Wing to attack Starkiller.

In the discussion over the immediate plans, Poe couldn’t help but to admire the resolve Neria held through it. A leader, through and through. “I think I could kiss you right now,” he whispered to her with a mischievous grin, not quite wanting this Motti to overhear him. Or anyone else that may be in the vicinity on the other side.

Kylo wasn’t going to confess his regret aloud, though. He kept his defensive silence instead, and let Verena move to proceed with what they needed to do. Thinking about the droid would get them nowhere, though he did add, “Snoke has ordered the destruction of D’Qar. It won’t matter if the Resistance has the droid. They’ll be destroyed before they can use it."

And he would never get his hands on the information now, except through this scavenger.

He followed her out, disregarding the medbay doctor entirely, as he tried to feel through the Force. The woman’s signature in it wasn’t loud, and unfortunately, too many other things got in the way. He hadn’t felt Verena, either, until he was much closer. He just assumed she might be at the medbay, or they’d know where she went.

“Yes, I’ve sent a missive. We have the hangars on lockdown. No one will leave.” He didn’t know how much that may soon irritate General Hux, as none would be able to go up and deal with an aerial threat immediately.

“I’m sure the hangars are the first place she’d go, but I don’t know which one.” She didn’t know where she was, so Rey wouldn’t know, either. She didn’t know the quickest way to the closest hangar.

She might end up on the other side of the goddamn base before she found a hangar!


There was no backlash from Poe about potential innocents on Arkanis. Quite the opposite, he was fully energized by the commentary, giddy enough to make a foolish statement.

Well, perhaps that was debatable.

He’d either reconsider his words in the future, or remember them very well, when Neria let a wry grin come to her lips before turned to face Dameron, reached for his chin, and leaned in to kiss him on the lips. It was meant to be quick, chaste, and she’d accept a miss if he turned his head so she could only touch his cheek, without insult, without consideration.

Adrenaline, sleep deprivation – any and all could be blamed.

But she wouldn’t be pulled in for more, releasing him just as quick as Adelaide let a scandalized expression come to her face, and the Exigency fell out of lightspeed. “You can stay, Dameron, if you like. We may find out when the shields go down from Hux’s reactions,” Neria said, before ordering, “send a hailing signal forward.”

No one else reacted to the brief moment.

Not even Neria, stepping easily into her role as she took a central position in the command center, and waited for that beautiful connection.
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At least there are no other settlements on D’Qar except for that Resistance base.

The Resistance could perish if they wanted to continue their foolish ideas. But if anyone escaped, or if anyone was fortunately off planet, along with that droid, then there still lingered the threat of their finding Luke Skywalker.

She didn’t voice these thoughts.

“She shouldn’t get too far then. What’s one girl against everyone on this base keeping an eye out for her?” Perhaps those were foolish words, but Verena maintained confidence.

She had to, because the other result would lead to a disappointed and angry Snoke.

Verena paused. There. It was faint. The subtle pull of the Force, an unfamiliar one. She turned down another corridor in hopes it would lead her closer to the girl.


Poe stilled as he felt Neria’s fingers on his chin, followed by a quick kiss on the lips. Far, far too quick for his taste, and he leaned in for more, but she all too soon pulled away.

It was nothing more than a tease, and he wanted to rectify that mistake by pulling her in for more.

And so, despite the circumstance, and despite the fact that Hux could come over the comms at any moment, Poe pulled Neria in for a deeper kiss, but still altogether far too quick. “I needed one more for good luck,” he whispered with a cheeky grin, before he finally stepped away and let Neria do her job.

Not a second later, the firm voice of General Hux sounded over the connection, “This is General Hux. Are you here to ask for mercy for what remains of the old Imperials?”
Kylo wished he had that confidence, but he trusted an individual to succeed where groups would fail. Not to mention, they'd recently lost two other prisoners, and had two from the Order defect from their ranks. “Assuming they can keep their minds. She talked a stormtrooper into setting her free.” He grumbled the complaint before pausing.

Just as Verena did.

He didn't feel it, but he trusted Verena's instinct and followed, reaching out.

Reaching, and finding not the scavenger, but Han.

A cold chill went through him, and he swallowed it down, as the familiarity helped give him a fairly good idea of where Han was.

Where Rey had to be.

“The oscillator,” he said, speaking from a distance. “This isn't just a rescue mission.” This was an attack.

Not that he had the foresight to consider calling that information ahead.


Neria wasn't expecting Poe to reach out for more, though it didn't surprise her. She was annoyed with that extra taste, even if she wouldn't wish not to have it.

She just wanted more.

Obviously, what he wanted, as well. She rolled her eyes at the luck comment. Cliche as hell, and she couldn't retort due to the comms connecting. She focused her attention to that, looking out at Ilum and the way it was pulling energy from the sun.

“Armitage, just the ginger I was hoping to hear from,” she wouldn't acknowledge his title, anymore than she'd acknowledge Leia’s. Vigilantes didn't get that, “This is Imperatrix Tarkin, and no, I am not here to ask for mercy. I am here to give you an opportunity to surrender.”

She knew he wouldn't take that seriously, but she still allowed a moment's pause. “I have Arkanis fully surrounded, with communications blocked. If you surrender, I will call off my assault on Arkanis, and we can negotiate the terms of surrender and disarmament. I will even be willing to support any innocence you wish to proclaim as your actions being made under coercion by Snoke.”

Another pause, “You do not need to fear him any longer. You must be aware of what befell the Herald of Lian by now.”
Verena frowned at the additional information Kylo presented. “She used the Force on a stormtrooper? And she’s not trained?” That…certainly wasn’t good. Not that stormtroopers were hard to manipulate, yet still the girl shouldn’t be able to do that!

She felt Kylo waver beside her, before he updated her on what he found. “The plan on attacking the base?” she asked for confirmation. It was almost ridiculous!

But there was a feeling that lingered in her that put doubt on everything.

“I need everyone on alert. We have intruders on base,” she spoke into her comm, since Kylo didn’t step in to do that. “Be prepared for an attack.” Would the Resistance be stupid enough to attack from space as well?

She frowned, continuing forward to the oscillator


From the commander center on Starkiller, Hux frowned as he heard Neria Tarkin’s voice. The most annoying of those Imperials of all. He never could fathom why they didn’t join those who formed the First Order. Instead, they were heading down a path that would lead them to the same fate as the Resistance.

A scowl crossed his face at first with the ginger comment, which was soon replaced with an incredulous scoff. A nearby officer sent him an amused look. A chance to surrender! How ridiculous!

She spoke again before he could get anything more in. Disbelief set in, and he glowered. “You’re bluffing.” Off to the side, one of the communications officers confirmed that they couldn’t get access to Arkanis. The communications to the planet were indeed blocked.

To surrender over the fate of one planet? He couldn’t fathom doing that, even if the planet was Arkanis. His allies would understand.

But one more question remained, as he furrowed his brows, “What are you talking about? What befell the Herald?” Last he heard, she was recovering in medbay, with wounds that some bacta bandages would take care of.
Well, at least Verena didn't mention where. Kylo wouldn't add anything to the comm as he went towards an elevator that would bring them up to the surface, and outside.

The freezing wind seemed worse with the sun failing above them. He didn't do much as shiver, though he did look at Verena and her own attire which hardly seemed sufficient. Still, there was no time to change, as he led towards the oscillator building, where he was starting to feel the presence of the scavenger, as well as Chewbacca, and a smaller presence in the Force.

“There are four people,” he said, fairly certain of it as he crossed the frozen wastes towards the building. Thankfully, they hadn't barred entry. “They've split up,” he said, “so should we,” he intended to focus on the girl.

It was better than going after Han.

He wouldn't say it aloud, he'd just take the direction that felt like it would bring him closer to Rey, striding into the building and looking around for people – not, unfortunately, the explosives those people had set everywhere. He started to cross a bridge, ignoring the way the Force pulled at him, ignoring–



He turned on the catwalk to see Han on the other end of it.


Neria waited until Hux asked about the herald. “Ah, they haven't spread the news. I suppose it would be demoralizing.” She only wished she could see Snoke’s reaction.

It occurred to her she'd be telling Poe what happened, the secret would be out for all, but even she fell victim to a good boast. “I'm the one who caused all that harm to the Herald. She was reduced to fighting with her hands, and all I suffered was a bruised shoulder,” no one on the Order’s side could contest that lie. She'd been invisible until they were gone. “While you were working on a weapon with a history of being more expensive than it's worth for your Force sensitive overlords, I've created a device that makes it so I'm not even worried about Luke Skywalker returning, even though he was a pain in the ass in the Senate.”

She'd protested the Jedi having a place strongly.

She won that argument.

“I can nullify the Force, Hugs,” a casual slip, one that might even go over a few heads, “so, would you like to reconsider your life decisions?”
The chilling wind hit Verena violently when they stepped outside in the icy environment. The clothes that medbay provided for her were definitely not appropriate at all for the weather, but that was of no concern to her right now. She fought to ignore the chill, and used it to harness the dark side.

Verena nodded at his suggestion of splitting up, and she walked off in another direction, staying out in the cold longer. She followed the pull of the Force, hoping it would lead her to one of the damn intruders, or the scavenger. Maybe even both!

She doubted any of them had the skills to defeat her, even with her wounds still tender.

Or she could wait near one of the other exits for them to make an escape, with the hope that Kylo was blocking the entrance he just went through.

But the freezing air slowed her down some, as she tried to stop herself from curling her arms around herself and shivering. That was weakness. I am not weak.

Verena was unaware of the four intruders in the open chamber in the oscillator, and of Kylo meeting his father.


Hux listened in disbelief. While Neria spoke, he reached for his datapad and pulled up Verena’s file from her recent medbay visit. Several burns, bolt wounds to her side and to her hip. He’d never known the Herald to sustain so many serious injuries before.

And against Neria? There was definitely something more at play.

His head snapped up at the mention of the device she created, and what it can do. Nullify the Force. With a device like that, he could dispose of Kylo Ren. And do I even dare to think of disposing of Snoke?

He did, and he relished the mental image of his claiming the title of Supreme Leader.

And he held no ill thoughts toward the Herald, but if she stuck with the other Force users, then he would get rid of her as well.

Hux definitely missed the nickname Neria gave him over the shock of the device. Poe, also surprised by her announcement, did not miss it, and stifled a laugh.

“And I suppose that simply asking for the plans to build said device wouldn’t work on you, would it? I…may reconsider a few things.” He wouldn’t at all, but damn did he want those blueprints.
Kylo stared down at his father, willing him not to approach as he felt himself pulled into autopilot, “Han Solo,” he greeted, distant, “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.” He had been dreading it for a long time. Just as he dreaded encountering Leia again, but knew, he’d have to.

He had to overcome this fear.

He had to be free.

“Take off that damned mask,” Han ordered, “you don’t need it.”

“What do you think you’ll see if I do?” he countered.

Han began to walk across the bridge, “The face of my son!” he said, as if he’d seen Kylo recently enough to even know what his face looked like anymore. Even so, perhaps he deserved that. To truly know he didn’t know his son.

To know his son was gone.

Kylo reached up for his helmet and took it off, letting it drop to his feet, before fixing his gaze upon Han, as hard as he could, “Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish, like his father,” he wanted to believe that. He wanted Han to think he believed that, “So I destroyed him.”

Han scoffed, “That's what Snoke wants you to believe but it's not true. My son is alive.”

Kylo stepped back, “No. The Supreme Leader is wise.”

Han stepped forward, shaking his head, “Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you -- you know it's true.”

Kylo did. He hesitated, and looked away, “It’s too late,” he murmured.

“No it's not. Leave here with me,” Han motioned back, “Come home. We miss you.”

Kylo looked up. His eyes shimmered with unshed tears, “I’m being torn apart,” he saw a terrible opening in his father’s desperation. He wanted to take the opportunity.

He wanted to take Han’s hand. “I want to be free of this pain. I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?”

Of course, Han was willing. “Yes,” he stepped forward and settled a hand confidently on Kylo’s arm, “Anything.”

Kylo’s hand shakes as he moves it to pull the lightsaber from its place. He offers it out to Han, uncertain what he actually intends to do when Han’s hand settles on it. Han pulls, but Kylo doesn’t release it.

‘Act. Don’t think. Just—’

A blaster shot went off, Finn apparently taking Kylo’s own mantra to heart. It strikes his arm and he staggers back, Han releasing the lightsaber just as it illuminates.

Just as it becomes clear that it could have stricken Han with the crossguard.

Han staggers back, “Ben—” Chewie roared, and Han took the advice in it – he runs.


“Why don’t you find out, Hux? Try asking me very nicely, and I’ll give you the blueprints to the device,” Neria offered, relishing the way his words were playing out to Sindian in Arkanis. “You know by now I’m not bluffing about Arkanis, and I’m sure you’ve had time to realize I am not bluffing about the Herald. I’m not bluffing about handing it over.”


Adelaide arched a brow. Neria was a notorious liar, but…there was an advantage to giving the Order the blueprints.

They’d devour and destroy themselves, caught up in pettiness.

The question was whether or not Hux would, indeed, ask nicely. That might be too much for him. Either way, Adelaide was certain he’d already damned himself by even hinting at reconsidering things, with allies on Arkanis listening, unbeknownst to him.

Adelaide could only hope Lucius was recording Sindian; she never could shut up. Hearing her rage over Hux’s words would be delicious.
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After Chewie roared, and after Han ran off the catwalk and out of there, the series of explosions started. Rey and Finn took that as the opportunity to start running, back out into the gust and cold. They knew they needed to find the Millenium Falcon, where hopefully Han and Chewie would already be waiting and starting up the ship, before the First Order found them.

They hoped that they headed in the right direction, as they maneuvered through the trees. Though while Finn had been introduced to the frigid environment of the base before, Rey and her hot desert upbringing struggled to keep up.

She slowed down, and Finn slowed down next to her. They could still make it…they could…

A woman stepped out in front of them, and the two red blades of her lightsaber ignited. Finn, with his hand on Rey’s arm, stepped back in surprise.

“You must be that girl that Kylo brought here.” Verena’s eyes shifted to Finn, recognition alighting in her eyes. “And you’re FN-2187. What a curiosity you are.”

“It’s Finn now,” he declared, as if it was the most important thing at the moment.

Verena smiled, “How cute.”


Poe looked to Neria, eyes wide as he wondered what the fuck she was thinking, giving the First Order access to such a weapon! Though they didn’t have any Force sensitives yet that the First Order could destroy with the device, if they did find Luke though…

He huffed, but remained silent in his protests.

General Hux’s jaw tensed at the proposition ahead of him. A quick glance over the command center, and everyone was looking at him, anticipating what he would do next. They all either had a fear or hatred of Kylo Ren, and some felt both.

Then there was Arkanis, and what he would do regarding that. But the device…

He needed that device.

“Please hand over the blueprints, and I promise to spare your ship.” Eyes shifted around, but no one dared to say anything.

It pained Poe to keep silent through that. Oh he needed that recording to share with the Resistance.
The pain of the shot burned through Kylo. He’d failed this test. He’d failed. Snoke would know about it unless he did something to turn this around. Explosions went off and rocked the oscillator, and he knew he had to move. He stumbled off the bridge, pulling his helmet into his hand, but not putting it on, as he found his way out.

He had to use the Force to push debris out of the way.

He was able to follow the traitor’s pull in the Force. It seemed to have grown bolder.


‘No….’ The awakening…could Snoke have meant…?

He barely feels the cold on his face, as he feels Verena through the Force. He manages to catch up as she’s appeared in front of the two. Han and Chewie are gone. Kylo doesn’t consider what that could mean down the line for this.

He wants revenge.

“Traitor!” He screamed at the Stormtrooper’s back, and the Stormtrooper shifts, realizing he can’t protect Rey from both sides. He still pulls a lightsaber into his hand, and ignites the blue blade.

Kylo’s sure then – he has the Force, too.

Rey seems a bit more uncertain, only having a blaster, but she braces herself anyways, and glares back down at Kylo for a moment, “You’re a monster!” she snarled at him.

He ignores her, stepping forward towards the stormtrooper’s challenge.

Force or not, he’s still a reckless fool, and rushes right at Kylo. Kylo only has to step and shift right, and the swing FN-2187 meant for him misses completely. Kylo only needs a half-step and a swing to tear open FN-2187’s back and send him sprawling into the ground.


‘You fucking idiot.’

Neria’s grin became far more feral as Hux did, indeed, ask nicely for the blueprints. She saw an explosion rock the base below, and she lifted her hand to get Poe’s attention, before pointing down. ‘Go, Dameron.’

Their opening was clear as day, and she had Hux’s attention.

“Very well, Hux,” Neria stepped forward to the console, and loaded the information, “I am sending down the plans known as Black Hole,” she indicated, “as I am doing that, I feel it prudent to let you know this entire conversation has been heard on Arkanis. The planet, and everyone in your command center, know that you have asked to receive blueprints that can limit a Force sensitive’s power.”

Her tone was terribly formal, as she drew out the consequences, “It will not be long before Supreme Leader Snoke knows of this, if you are not careful. There are many in that command center who could now blackmail you, and many on Arkanis who could do the same. I have no interest in it. We’re mutually aligned in dealing with Snoke, Kylo Ren, and Verena.”

Which was why she had no problem beaming the down the information, “So, will you interfere in the destruction of your allies on Arkanis? These…liabilities?”

She would have the recording to use in the future, and some would survive Arkanis. She’d make sure of that, ironically, but she’d give Hux a headstart on destroying Snoke before she started to show his allies what he’d done to get to his position.

The downfall of the Order had already begun.
Through the cold and her focus on the two in front of her, Verena didn’t see Kylo approach them until he yelled at the former stormtrooper.

Except, she realized his voice wasn’t modulated. And upon looking up at him, she realized he didn’t wear his helmet. For a few seconds, she was distracted by the unexpected and shocking reveal. Holy fuck how does his hair look so soft and voluminous after being under that helmet all the time?

Verena realized only after the ignition of the blue lightsaber that she had been staring at Kylo’s face for longer than she should have.

The trooper, who she recognized had budding abilities with the Force, was nearly torn open by Kylo, and when he sprawled into the ground, the saber flew from his grip and landed in the snow a few feet away.

But in a surprise show of the Force, the girl pulled the lightsaber towards her and ignited the blue blade.

“This will be too easy,” Verena chuckled. There was a look of strong determination on Rey’s face.

Verena lunged forward, swinging her blade at Rey. She jumped back and blocked it in a way that suggested some former survival training. But even as Rey came to the realization that she was facing down two powerful in the Force, her steely resolve never waivered.


Poe questioned himself if he was scared or…something completely opposite by Neria’s feral grin. He did enjoy the situation that Hux was in though, and he wished he could stay and watch the beginning of the general’s downfall.

But there was the opening they were waiting for, and Poe hurried to the hangar where his squadron waited. He gave the signal to load up, and in less than a minute, they flew towards Starkiller.

“Alright, we see that giant hole down there?” Poe asked his squadron, who all confirmed. “Hit the target dead center, as many runs as we can get!” The mission only sounded too easy, but soon they all knew to expect enemy TIE fighters to engage.

Hux scowled at the new information. That everyone on Arkanis heard, Neria giving his officers in the command center the idea of blackmailing him. With that, he wondered if he should even care about the fate of Arkanis.

And his officers? Well, there were more that could easily replace them.

The blueprints arrived as expected, and Hux was quick to make sure that they were saved on his datapad. As he opened his mouth to speak, several explosions could be heard. Everyone’s head turned to the large windows and saw the fiery damage to the oscillator.

“X-Wings are approaching Starkiller,” an officer announced.

Hux clenched his fists. “Dispatch all squadron.”

“Yes, general.”
Rey had skill with a weapon, that much became clear as Kylo joined to help Verena, but it wouldn’t be enough. It couldn’t be enough. She’d clearly fought multiple opponents before, as well, but none trained in the Force.

Kylo knew he could use it against her, and fully intended to when he had an opening.

Indeed, as Rey came off blocking against Verena, and actually gained some ground, Kylo reached out with the Force and pushed Rey back against a tree, knocking her head hard against the wood, as he approached.

He could hear the shots from the X-Wings now running towards the planet. He knew with the explosions at the oscillator, they were in danger. He knew, he shouldn’t think about killing Rey when they needed the information she held, but his mind had taken the turn from playing things safe.

He’d failed with Han.

FN-2187 had opened fire on Verena to try and help Rey only face one opponent – but his effort wasn’t solo.

The planet split, geysers of hot air rising up. Kylo didn’t look behind. He didn’t look to see how it split him and Verena. Nor did he pay attention as he heard heavier fire, presuming it was the X-Wings with just annoyingly bad aim, and not the Falcon aiming to also keep Verena pinned down.

They didn’t want to fire too close to Rey as Kylo closed in on her.

Rey was far more capable of holding her own against him, although Kylo held the upper hand – or so he thought. Rey followed instinct, and it was terribly powerful as the planet began to rend itself apart.

In a deadlock, Kylo was knocked off-balance by the tremors of the planet losing control of the sun it had absorbed, and Rey didn’t even hesitate.

He felt the white hot pain of the lightsaber as it lanced up his side, through his arm, and across his face. He fell back with a startled scream, not realizing the extent of the damage as the planet parted him and Rey rather forcefully; he was lucky not to be sucked down into the crevasse created, and could only stare in horror – both at the fact he’d lost, and at the future ahead of him for such a failure – as Rey chose to run, FN-2187 shouting from the ramp of the Falcon.


Neria had to hope the x-wings had enough time to destroy Starkiller. She had to hope that in the end, it would all go straight to hell. The weapon would malfunction. The base would be destroyed, and not one would be lost. It was a fool’s hope, but nonetheless, she had to have it, as she watched the x-wings through the viewport.

She chuckled to herself, “No comment on Arkanis, Hux? That’s all right, your unwillingness to negotiate or surrender says enough,” she muted her comm to Hux for a moment, “Admiral?”

“Yes, Imperatrix?”

“Begin the strike on Arkanis.” With the x-wings now in flight, surrender was off the table for Hux, so there was no point in holding back.

“Very well,” that line muted again, but Neria knew Lucius was ordering the strikes, scrambling his forces to make sure Arkanis was devastated. Starkiller and Arkanis both would fall that day, and the First Order would be reeling from the losses.

She clicked back on to Hux, “I hope you don’t make the same mistake as Grand Moff Tarkin, Hugs.” Going down with the planet would hinder all plans to use him against the Order, and he was already proving to be such a willing fool.
Verena was separated from Rey and Kylo by means of the trooper and the Millenium Falcon shooting at her. She dodged the fire, either by means of deflecting with her saber or diverting the fire away from her using the Force.

But concentrating on both a ship and a blaster, with her earlier injuries, Verena grew tired, and her fingers grew numb from the air.

Then the planet split apart. Deep chasms and crevices opened up, and a burst of hot air from the mantle temporarily warmed up Verena. But the planet was falling apart, and so she didn’t chase after Finn when he headed for the ship.

Instead she turned in the direction where she last saw Kylo. On the other side of a crevasse, she saw the black of his clothes standing out from the pure white of the snow. She ran and jumped the gap with the help of the Force pushing her further, and when she landed, she ran to Kylo’s side.

Verena saw the hand first, before her gaze landed on Kylo’s face. Lost a hand, and a terrible laceration running across his face. Without intent, she brushed aside a few strands of his hair from his face so they wouldn’t touch the new wound - even if the lightsaber did cauterize it immediately.

“Can you stand?” He didn’t look like he suffered any injuries that would hinder movement.


Hux’s glare through the window was full of pure anger and hatred, yet inside he could only think of the failures of Starkiller and the destruction of Arkanis.

He couldn’t save them.

But you did gain hope to destroy the Force wielders.

So no, he wouldn’t be like Grand Moff Tarkin that day.

With a snarl, he cut off communications with Governor Tarkin and ordered everyone to leave. He quickly talked with Snoke, who ordered him, along with Verena and Kylo, to return to him on the Supremacy. It was time to regroup and restrategize.

The X-Wings gave the oscillator all they got. A few brave ones distracted the TIE fighters when they could, but several of the X-Wings were lost in the fight.

But their efforts were not in vain, as the damage Poe and his crew caused was enough to set off a chain reaction to the planet, ensuring its ultimate destruction.

Unless the First Order had another secret superweapon, there would not be another planet destroyer anytime soon.

“We’re returning to you, Neria,” Poe said, glancing behind to watch the planet break apart, piece by piece. He could only hope that Finn and Han rescued Rey and were able to get off the planet in time.

He had a feeling they did.
Shock was all Kylo felt as everyone vanished before his eyes and he was left in the cold with his wounds, and an entire planet turning into a sun beneath him.

It was an emptying feeling.

His dark eyes remained ahead at the space once filled by the Falcon. Now, it was nothing.

He was nothing.

Kylo could have dissolved into the planet. He considered not moving. Yet, the crunch of snow turned his head towards Verena. She didn't look terribly injured. Quite the opposite, really, she seemed fine, as she moved hair from his face. It hurt, but he was too numbed to react to the tender flesh being agitated as she asked if he could walk.

“Yes,” it was an automatic answer. He knew, physically, he could.

But he didn't move to do so.

He was quite unaware how much the shock was impacting him. Quite unaware he'd lost a hand, even if his body knew, and put him into this state that could compute nothing.


Armitage’s snarl was the last thing to come through from the Order, after Poe’s announcement that he was heading back. Neria kept a smirk on her lips as the connection snapped, and cast a sidelong glance to Adelaide. “Well?”

Adelaide answered monotonously, “If we don't lift another finger from this point, the Order will devour itself within three years,” she stated it as fact, no question in her voice at all.

Neria had no question about it, either. Karan had been right, there was immense dissent and dissatisfaction within the upper echelons, held together only by fear. With this introduction, that fear would fade to naked ambition. Then it was only a matter of time. The cadet training by Brendol Hux and the competitive nature of the Imperial structure that Snoke imitated promised their downfall.

“Shame I don't feel like stepping back. I'd love to challenge that,” Neria said, “set preparations for lightspeed to D’Qar once all the X-Wings are back. I'm going to check in.”

“Check in?” Adelaide arched a brow.

“I think that's what the kids are calling it nowadays,” she grinned, before exiting the command center to head to the hangar the X-Wings were loading into, counting them, noting they did lose a few. They weren't her people, not she did still feel the pang of loss for those who didn't make it.

At least she knew Dameron did, given he'd radio’d back.
Kylo said he could move, yet he did nothing as the planet continued to tremble under them. Verena cursed as she realized he wasn’t going to move anytime soon.

Shock was a bitch.

She swiftly sent a ping of distress to the Order, with hope that some officer in a shuttle would see and come to them. “Come on, we’ve gotta get out of here. You can go into shock later when we’re not on a planet that’s about to implode on itself.” She didn’t fancy dying because Kylo was in his own world.

Mindful of his known injuries, she wrapped one arm around his back and used the Force to help her help him up. It was clear he was all muscle, a fact Verena realized as she moved him.


The X-Wings arrived back at the star destroyer without further incident. Although it was a victory for them, Poe cursed at himself for the loss they did sustain. None directly involved in his Black Squadron, but others who put their lives on the line for the mission of the Resistance.

There were cheers all around the pilots as they docked and climbed out of the X-Wings. Pilots hugged one another, patted each other on the back, and congratulated each other.

Upon climbing out of his own X-Wing, a few came over to Poe, including Snap who pulled him in for a tight hug. The significance of destroying the superweapon was not lost on them.

The First Order suffered a great blow, but there was still much to do.

Yet as he looked over and saw Neria, he couldn’t care about what there was to do next. Poe could use a damn break, and some sleep. He stepped away from Snap, who was giving Poe a slight look, and walked in her direction.

“Were you so concerned for me that you had to come see me immediately?” he asked with a grin. BB-8 beeped behind him, a message that translated loosely as ‘you’re not as subtle as you think you are.’
Kylo's aversion to touch had a way of waking him up. He flinched, but didn't pull away as he recognized the help. He figured he could at least use her to get to his feet and then….

Then he saw his hand in the snow, even though he was standing.

His helmet had been dropped.

He was still holding his lightsaber.

He half expected pain to flare at his stump but it didn't. Shock, adrenaline, he supposed it didn't matter as he felt Verena try to pull him along with the Force. “Wait,” he pulled back.

He let his saber fall into it's holster, before he pulled his helmet into his hand. He didn't have the strength to try and struggle to put it on, but he wasn't leaving it. He could leave the hand.

Lightsaber damage meant it wouldn't be reattachable.

He took in a deep, shaking breath, before looking back at Verena and blinking owlishly, lost, and far too vulnerable.

He hated it, hated the weakness that kept him unable to mask completely without the mask. So, he gave a short nod, prepared to walk on his own.

Not quite prepared to be grateful for it, though.


Neria was immensely amused with Dameron’s apparent attempt to be subtle, if BB-8 was to be trusted. Which, he probably was, so that meant Poe had a particular method of approach.

Neria was far less subtle as she stepped into Poe’s face with a feline grin on her lips. “Not at all,” she answered, “I was only hoping there was more to that parting gift of yours,” there'd still be no offense taken if not.

She knew what it was to get caught up in a moment, but she was trusting the droid roasting Poe as a good sign. And Snap’s look. Had Poe mentioned anything on their comms?

“We're both coming down from rather extraordinary victories,” she'd reach out to touch his side, and presuming he gave no uncomfortable reaction, trail it down, over his hip, along his outer thigh.

Not subtle, as her gaze followed.

“Don't you want to see how far your luck can take you?” she let her eyes snap back to his face, and drew back a step, fingers trailing forward.
Verena halted as Kylo pulled back, reaching for his helmet. Of course. She found herself wishing it had fallen into a chasm, but only so she could see his face a bit longer.

So she could look at those large, brown eyes of his, so full of emotion and vulnerability. Was this why he wore the mask?

Focus on staying alive.

Even though Kylo started walking on his own, Verena remained by his side in case he needed her, or if she needed him. The tremors increased, and she stumbled, placing her hand on Kylo’s chest to stabilize herself.

A very firm chest, she noted when she was walking again.

It wasn’t too long before a shuttle neared them, proving to be their rescue off the doomed planet.


Poe raised his eyebrows at Neria as she stepped closer, and as he felt her hand trail down his side, and further down…

He cleared his throat and grabbed her hand before it could venture further than it should in public. BB-8 trilled again, and Poe sighed. “Yes, I know my luck is going to run out one day, but I doubt that will be today.”

He took a step forward, moving to wrap an arm around her wait. “Why don’t you go hang out with Snap for a while, buddy?” Beebee shook his ‘head’ in exasperation before rolling over to Snap and the other pilots.

Jessika wolf-whistled in the distance.

Poe shook his head, though a smile belied his true emotions. “There is more to that parting gift, but I believe it would be more appropriate to give it to you somewhere without prying eyes.”
Kylo wouldn’t fight to get ahead of Verena. He didn’t have the energy to do anything like that. “Uff.” Her hand on his chest was nearly stabilizing in his current condition, but he stays standing and gives Verena a bit of a rueful look for it.

Still, it’s hard to blame her.

The planet continued to tremble beneath them, and more fissures and crevices popped up. Navigating back towards base, towards a hangar, felt like an impossible task. Thankfully, a shuttle appeared, and it seemed it was for them.

Kylo was able to step in, and Verena after.

“I’m here, I’m—ohmystars,” Ava’s words quickly ran into each other and she pressed her hand to her lips as she saw Kylo’s state, “You need to lay down, now.”

Kylo glared, “Where are the droids?”

“They’re—oh my—make him lay DOWN!” Ava all but shouted, “I’ll get the droids!” they were, thankfully, on the shuttle with her. The officer had the foresight to help get Ava off when they learned Kylo and Verena were outside the base and needed help.

Kylo just scoffed, and did not lay down.

Which, nearly caused him to topple over when the shuttle lurched off of the planet.


Neria didn’t pull her hand back when he caught it, but kept a cheeky grin on her lips as he stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her waist. ‘Aww.’ BB-8 was dismissed to the squad, one of who decided to whistle.

Neria blew her a kiss in response.

Neria had never been shy in her life, she wasn’t about to start now, “Not an exhibitionist?” she teased, not that she was, but she found she could push quite a few limits in that way before hers were pushed.

She wouldn’t, of course. She was just as eager to get behind a closed door. She briefly considered heading to the Orrineswa, but opted against it, on the chance the kids were sleeping inside it. She could check on that situation later.

The safest option was her room on the Exigency. “I hope you don’t become shy on me, Dameron. I was hoping to strip you bare and clean you up before giving you any modesty in the sheets.” She didn’t think he’d protest that route.

It’d been a long day, and they’d both taken more than their fair share of bruises without having time to clean up. Besides, the clean-up would be quite enjoyable on its own with a partner, or at least, Neria usually found it so.
Verena could have yelled at Kylo for being so stubborn!

Just a few seconds ago, he looked like a lost and confused boy, but now? He was back to being the stubborn Kylo she knew, just without the helmet.

“Just let the damn doctor help you.” But, instead, the doctor went to get those droids, and Kylo still stood up, when he very much needed to lay down.

Verena definitely wanted to sit, as her body ached and as the warmth of the shuttle thawed her. She picked a nearby chair and plopped down with a huff.

Kylo nearly toppled over, he couldn’t hide that from Verena. So in his weakened state, she willed the Force to push him into a nearby bench to finally take a fucking seat and rest.

She knew she wanted to rest. She was fucking exhausted.

Without a second thought, Verena pulled out her lollipop and stuck it in her mouth. Her first food in hours. Maybe since the previous day. And it was just pure sugar.


Poe squeezed her side. “I prefer not sharing what I’m doing with my partner to everyone.” And he was a bit of the jealous type. No one else should see the pleasure on their face except for him.

They had reached the corridor, away from the eyes of his pilots, when Neria delivered her sinful comment. Poe groaned, pulling her tighter to him, “You shouldn’t talk like that until we get to your room.”

Which was sinfully far away.

He didn’t even know where he was going. He was just hoping Neria would steer him right.
Kylo collapsed into the seat he was pushed into and glared across at Verena. He wanted to stand in defiance, but the thought was too foolish to humor long.

He was practically shaking as it was.

He hung his head instead and waited. It wasn't too long before he heard the familiar binary of the droids, as two quickly came over, one hovering above the ground to scan him, and the other following it's instructions to get to work on his…stub, to preserve as much as possible so a mold could be made and a robotic hand created.

He lifted his head to watch, and noticed Verena seemed to be eating?

He lifted his head further and saw a lollipop.

His stomach complained at the thought, as Ava returned with a huff and approached Verena. “Sorry, sorry, I didn't even offer – do you need looked at? Oh! What flavor?” She couldn't help but ask.

“You have candy?” Kylo couldn't help but ask.

“Mmm, for all my patients. Your blood sugar is probably shot, isn't it? I grabbed my jar if you want one.”

He swallowed saliva, and tentatively nodded, parking his helmet in his lap.


Neria couldn't deny the thought of adding more terrible commentary to rile Poe up, see if he might crack before they reached the room. She allowed herself one additional comment of the delights of activity pre-room, just to bother him, though. “Why, Commander, do you not enjoy the sensation of being kept on edge with a cool metal wall at your back?”

She pulled from his side rather than let him pull her closer after that. She kept her hand in his, though, as she did reach her door and was quick to unlock it and let them both in.

It was something of a larger version of her room on the Orrineswa, though Neria didn't really intend to let Poe look around it much. She wanted his attention in one place only.

She still fully intended to drag Poe to at least a shower, but as soon as the door shut behind them, she turned back to Poe and reached for him, to crash her lips against his and draw him flush against her. The illusion of restraint wasn't necessary, and she could peel his clothes off while walking him back towards the refresher.
Verena was silently relieved, and even winked when he glared, when Kylo didn’t fight her and remained sitting. They all needed to rest, even if expressing that need was something they were trained to not do.

She watched the droids absentmindedly, not really focusing on anything in particular in their movements. It wasn’t until Ava reappeared, and started talking to her, when she refocused on her surroundings.

With Ava’s first question, Verena noticed some pain in her side, where she was injured earlier and received medical attention, but she didn’t answer Ava’s question regarding her health. Sure, all the fighting and running may have aggravated and reopened a wound, but she was also willing to risk it didn’t.

“I believe it’s meiloorun flavored,” she commented, eyes darting over to Kylo when he expressed desire for one. “Don’t worry, it’ll be our little secret.”


Poe nearly protested as she pulled away, but he was placated with promise of more when Neria stopped before a door, presuming the one to her quarters. And he really didn’t have the greatest urge to look around when he was presented with such a delicious promise in front of him.

When her lips locked onto his, Poe puts his hands on her, all over her. He groaned into her mouth when his fingers touched bare flesh under her shirt. That gave him more than enough motivation to yank off her shirt and throw it somewhere in the room.

His lips parted from hers only to trail over her jaw and down her neck, one hand still relishing the skin contact, and the other moving upwards to grasp her hair, yet mindful of her recent head injuries.

Poe would let her lead him wherever she wanted him to go, and he would follow happily.
The question on health was avoided. Ava noted it, but that was Verena’s choice to make. She wouldn’t press, “Mm, that one is good. Refreshing flavor,” she agreed, before going back to her jar and grabbing one at random for Kylo.

He took it, ignoring the irritation at eating something sweet right then. Blood sugar. That was a good reason, right? Either way, he unwrapped the lollipop and stuck it in his own mouth. The flavor was immediately familiar: pashie.

Not how pashie really tasted, of course, but he knew the candy flavor all too well from his own youth. He remembered Han….

He didn’t want to remember Han buying him candy and telling him it was a secret to keep from Leia, because Leia was a bit more strict on when Kylo could have sweets and other desserts. Han never was.

The temptation to throw the candy away was there. “Oh, shoot, do you not like that one? I have others. Pashie’s just—”

“It’s fine,” he spoke around the candy. This is why he hated actual doctors. All the damn talking. At least he could tune the binary out.

Ava nodded and looked back to Verena, “What happened?” she knew she wouldn’t get an answer from Kylo, after all. But at least he might be slightly less aggressive with a lollipop in his mouth. “I’ve never known him to get….” Her voice lowered to a whisper in the hopes he didn’t hear. If he did, he at least didn’t react, but she didn’t actually think he did.

He was zoned out again, staring, but seeing nothing at all.

His face looked so…haunted.

Even Ava wondered at that terrible expression of pain, that she didn’t think had anything to do with his missing hand, or the lacerations that the droid was starting to stitch up on his face.


Neria was delighted to be met by such energy, just as quickly. Her own hands roamed over the jumpsuit, hating the damned orange thing for definitely not being ‘throwable’, unlike her shirt, which was soon gone. Blessedly so, his fingers were all the warmth she needed right then, spreading it through her like a fire with each point of contact.

Even so, she was able to start trailing his clothes, pushing the vest off, and letting the chest box clatter to the ground, before she was able to get to the zipper of the flight suit. “Mmmm,” the trailing kisses were pleasant, the grip of her hair moreso, and she tilted her head up to give him more space, as she unzipped the suit and pushed it down from his arms.

They were not going to make it to the refresher at this rate, though, with his kisses trailing down, and Neria nearly tripping over her own feet when she kicked off one boot. She still laughed at the stumble and way she braced against Poe, though, far too eager than she had been in a while to get at someone.

The thought of just slipping to her knees and helping him with the pants occurred to her, except that would definitely not get them to the refresher because there would be other things to take care of down there, too.

So, instead, she leaned into him and pressed a kiss to his neck, his jaw, his ear, “First one undressed gets to pick the first position,” she challenged, before breaking away to add urgency to that challenge by kicking off her other boot.

It didn’t matter who won, she just needed to step away a moment before she forgot her own damn plan of the shower, and she could finish dropping her clothes outside of his arms, and slide easily into the refresher before he caught up, and get the water going.
Verena shifted in her seat, realizing with annoyance that she would have to get Ava to look at her side again, if she ever wanted it to have the chance to heal.


She watched the emotions run through Kylo, now that she could actually see his eyes. So expressive. So lost. The urge to hold him and run her fingers through his hair was there, but that was ridiculous.


She didn’t answer Ava’s inquiry at first. She didn’t know what to say, or how much to reveal. Kylo wouldn’t want much to be said, and frankly neither did she. It was nearly embarrassing. “There was a fight. The planet was crumbling.” She shrugged.

“You can make your own theories.” But she wouldn’t outright say what happened.

Another shift and sigh. “Do you mind taking a look at my side?” Verena mumbled.


It had been a minute too long since Poe last allowed himself to enjoy such carnal pleasures. He was always busy now with the Resistance, and the missions Leia put him on. Not that he was complaining in the least.

Especially since one of those missions brought him to this bedroom.

He hurried to kick off his shoes and remove the rest of his jumpsuit, all too eager to get that out of the way. It could be annoying and cumbersome, and not at all what he wanted for the evening.

And the more he revealed of Neria, the more he wanted to push her to the nearest wall and forget the shower.

“Oh yeah?” he asked breathless. But her challenge spurred him on to remove more of her clothes, detaching from her neck to remove his shirt and work on his pants.

But seeing her form revealed to him caused Poe to stumble and pause removing his own clothes for a second too long to win the challenge. But he didn’t complain. There was really no losing for him.
Ava sighed and shook her head at the comment, “You realize information is how we can treat your injuries best sometimes, right?” Even if the droids were handling it in silence for now, the gaps in the history could always cause problems down the line.

Kylo's defiance was clearly not going to get her anything. He'd even struggled to open the lollipop with one hand rather than use the Force.

But Verena asked for help, and Ava nodded. “Here, or should we try to get some privacy?” Ava gave a glance at Kylo. Zoned out or not she wasn't sure how much Verena wanted to show Kylo. “I will need you to take off your shirt.”

Kylo didn't react to the words, likely not focused in enough. Ava wouldn't make any move to treat until Verena decided how she was comfortable, though.


Winning a game that had no losers, was still a delightful victory, “Don't worry, Dameron,” Neria curled the chain of his necklace around a finger, “you can keep this on,” chains were fun, “I only intend to ride you until you forget the names of everyone else you've been with. Then you can have your choice of fun.”

Assuming he still had the energy.

But first, Neria did use that chain to pull him into the warm shower, to familiarize herself with him that way – laughter and cleaning up, and more than a little additional fun.

It was a miracle they ever made it to the bed, but Neria did find herself there with Poe eventually, warm furs and satin sheets as comfortable as ever. Despite her thought of tiring him out, he got his turn, and Neria was practically purring from the work out as she let herself lay out half-on him, still fiddling with the necklace absent-mindedly.

There wouldn't be much time before they left lightspeed, but Neria intended to savor the moments.

“So, where did this pretty thing come from, anyways?” She couldn't help but be curious. Jewelry never taken off was always significant. And a ring? Maybe it was a fiance who perished too young.

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