Kylo was not expecting to see a partially disrobed Verena. For a moment, he froze up, as her movement drew his attention down to her relatively bare torso. “Er—” he meant to turn away and step out, but she was dressed quickly enough, and teasing him over it. His face heated behind the helmet, but he forced his posture to relax, a bit.
He wasn’t that worried about her. He opted not to answer that question.
“The woman has escaped.”
He said, then realized Verena had no idea the full story, so he cut into that quickly, “She’s Force sensitive. I didn’t realize it until after I tried to read her mind,” that was still unusual. He’d pushed through others with the Force before, “she was…capable of pushing me out, though she has no training. This is new to her,” he knew that, from what little he’d gathered from her mind.
She had no experience.
Just instinct.
That was potentially very deadly, with the amount of power she had already at her beck and call. “Snoke wants her taken to him at the Supremacy, but we have to find her,” the Order was searching, obviously, but he didn’t trust them nearly as much as another Force sensitive. They needed her for the map.
And to avoid the Order looking, well…incompetent.
Neria couldn’t help but giggle at the question Poe asked, manic energy driving the reaction, “Oh, he won’t, that’s the beauty of it,” Neria answered, “Arkanis is not only Hux’s home planet, it is the most loyal planet to the Order. General Hux forsaking his planet will be a grand display of what it means to other planets aligned with the Order, and what sort of protection they can expect,” Neria couldn’t help but let another spurt of giggles escape at the utter glee she was going to have in this.
Armitage Hux would never stall his plans for Arkanis, and some of his allies would understand.
Others would not be so forgiving, and the majority, would have their morale shaken.
And if he did dare to intervene for Arkanis? He’d be called spineless. Neria couldn’t see him as clever enough to pull off an act where he came out wholly good, and that was fine by her. She didn’t lose no matter what.
Admiral Motti’s voice came through, “Admiral Motti, General. Was there more to discuss?”
“It’s me,” Neria said, “tell me how Arkanis looks.”
“Ah,” his tone shifted, losing some of its cold edge, “Imperatrix. We have a full blockade. Sindian arrived ahead of us, and she’s been mewling ever since we arrived. No messages have escaped Arkanis since our arrival. She’s hailed us a few times, but I have chosen to ignore her.”
“Fair,” Neria allowed, “I’ll be at Ilum soon,” she said, “I am not going to let General Hux know you’re on the line, but I want all of Arkanis to hear the conversation. Think you can manage?”
“Certainly, Imperatrix,” he said, “but how do you know it’ll be General Hux?”
“Armitage Hux just destroyed multiple planets. He is going to want to gloat to someone, and I know Snoke isn’t stupid enough to be anywhere near the planet destroying weapon, given their reputation, so it will be Hux.”
“Understood,” Lucius Motti said, “My orders beyond listening?”
“As soon as Starkiller is destroyed, or the General fires the weapon, ravage Arkanis. Bring me Sindian alive if you can, but I’ll accept her body, just as well.”
He wasn’t that worried about her. He opted not to answer that question.
“The woman has escaped.”
He said, then realized Verena had no idea the full story, so he cut into that quickly, “She’s Force sensitive. I didn’t realize it until after I tried to read her mind,” that was still unusual. He’d pushed through others with the Force before, “she was…capable of pushing me out, though she has no training. This is new to her,” he knew that, from what little he’d gathered from her mind.
She had no experience.
Just instinct.
That was potentially very deadly, with the amount of power she had already at her beck and call. “Snoke wants her taken to him at the Supremacy, but we have to find her,” the Order was searching, obviously, but he didn’t trust them nearly as much as another Force sensitive. They needed her for the map.
And to avoid the Order looking, well…incompetent.
Neria couldn’t help but giggle at the question Poe asked, manic energy driving the reaction, “Oh, he won’t, that’s the beauty of it,” Neria answered, “Arkanis is not only Hux’s home planet, it is the most loyal planet to the Order. General Hux forsaking his planet will be a grand display of what it means to other planets aligned with the Order, and what sort of protection they can expect,” Neria couldn’t help but let another spurt of giggles escape at the utter glee she was going to have in this.
Armitage Hux would never stall his plans for Arkanis, and some of his allies would understand.
Others would not be so forgiving, and the majority, would have their morale shaken.
And if he did dare to intervene for Arkanis? He’d be called spineless. Neria couldn’t see him as clever enough to pull off an act where he came out wholly good, and that was fine by her. She didn’t lose no matter what.
Admiral Motti’s voice came through, “Admiral Motti, General. Was there more to discuss?”
“It’s me,” Neria said, “tell me how Arkanis looks.”
“Ah,” his tone shifted, losing some of its cold edge, “Imperatrix. We have a full blockade. Sindian arrived ahead of us, and she’s been mewling ever since we arrived. No messages have escaped Arkanis since our arrival. She’s hailed us a few times, but I have chosen to ignore her.”
“Fair,” Neria allowed, “I’ll be at Ilum soon,” she said, “I am not going to let General Hux know you’re on the line, but I want all of Arkanis to hear the conversation. Think you can manage?”
“Certainly, Imperatrix,” he said, “but how do you know it’ll be General Hux?”
“Armitage Hux just destroyed multiple planets. He is going to want to gloat to someone, and I know Snoke isn’t stupid enough to be anywhere near the planet destroying weapon, given their reputation, so it will be Hux.”
“Understood,” Lucius Motti said, “My orders beyond listening?”
“As soon as Starkiller is destroyed, or the General fires the weapon, ravage Arkanis. Bring me Sindian alive if you can, but I’ll accept her body, just as well.”
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