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Fandom Star Wars Altaverse (OOC)

Also, I'm waiting to see what Ghost and Stainsofme decide before I make my next post. Blight, once I do post, I'll have Kota respond to your holocall and have him pick Skuncho up. May also have EPOC and Jackson on the ship, depending on what they decide. Jean, what are your plans for Eron? Why is he on Udorrea and when does he join up with the group? NapalmHuffer, are you still playing Admiral Bragge?

I know Souvla said he was going to be away for a few weeks, so we can always incorporate his character later on. I deleted the Zann Consortium characters since their players never showed back up, and I will do the same with Admiral Bragge if I feel the character is abandoned.

So, our current rebel-side roster is:

Redd Gharrow (Me)
Ahsoka Tano (Me)
Rahm Kota (Me)
Vania Soto (ThatGuyWithSouvlaki)
EPOC (Stainsoftime)
Skuncho (BlightGiver)
Torelma Eron (BadBoyJean)
Jackson Prayden (Ghost Toast)

And then Yang's Galen Marek, who starts out Imperial and turns Rebel later.

Depending on how it goes, we may not need to post a separate thread just for Marek and Thrawn, but instead have it be a flashback -- up to you, Yang. Marek could already be aboard Kota's ship heading to Udorrea, having flashbacks to his time serving the Empire. Thrawn could also be having flashbacks as he attends his ceremony for his promotion to Grand Admiral, reflecting back on his missions with Marek. That would give you the chance to be with the group from the beginning but also get to write out his missions as an Imperial. What do you think?
Another idea I had is to make Thrawn Force-sensitive and Marek could be his Sith Apprentice, but I know you were concerned with the number of Force-users, so I'll leave that up to you.
My Idea is that Eron is there by chance, because Udorrea was part of the route the smugglers he hitchhiked with uses. He has recently lost pretty much all his belongings, since his ship was blown up in a ”fueling accident” (meaning a bounty hunter blew it up) on Nar Shaddaa. If something is off with that I could fix it.
I’m thinking he will join as soon as possible, possibly following someone he recognizes or intervening if there is any fighting.
Maybe Eron is in the Cantina and he overhears on a Czerka guard's radio that there is potential rebel activity in the sewers and he rushes ahead of them to scout it out. He can be the one who warns the people at the meeting that Czerka is coming, if you want.
Maybe Eron is in the Cantina and he overhears on a Czerka guard's radio that there is potential rebel activity in the sewers and he rushes head of them to scout it out. He can be the one who warns the people at the meeting that Czerka is coming, if you want.
I just edited my post to be a bit more fleshed out, but I can definitely have him overhear a Czerka guard once outside.
Well, it will be a few more hours in-game before the meeting, so it would be later in the evening when he would overheard that. Once I know what everyone is doing and who will be at the meeting, I'll write my next post and lead into the meeting. Once each character has posted themselves at the meeting, I'll make another post and include a part at the end where a guard in the Cantina hears the call on the radio.
Well, it will be a few more hours in-game before the meeting, so it would be later in the evening when he would overheard that. Once I know what everyone is doing and who will be at the meeting, I'll write my next post and lead into the meeting. Once each character has posted themselves at the meeting, I'll make another post and include a part at the end where a guard in the Cantina hears the call on the radio.
Alright, I'll keep him busy until then.
Okay, would you prefer if we made the party sooner? Instead of having some missions on Udorrea, we can have the characters just flee the planet after the meeting is ambushed and go to somewhere else from there. Then their first mission as Spider Squadron can be the the Imperial Graduation Ball, and we can have the whole Tython story arc after the party.

As for the current mission of Thrawn and Marek, I actually had an awesome idea -- what if we pit them against the Lothal rebels, but in this version of history, they lose and Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger are both executed after hours of torture. Maybe witnessing this, along with the massive civilian casualties on the surface leads Marek to begin questioning his loyalty to the Empire?
Okay, would you prefer if we made the party sooner? Instead of having some missions on Udorrea, we can have the characters just flee the planet after the meeting is ambushed and go to somewhere else from there. Then their first mission as Spider Squadron can be the the Imperial Graduation Ball, and we can have the whole Tython story arc after the party.

As for the current mission of Thrawn and Marek, I actually had an awesome idea -- what if we pit them against the Lothal rebels, but in this version of history, they lose and Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger are both executed after hours of torture. Maybe witnessing this, along with the massive civilian casualties on the surface leads Marek to begin questioning his loyalty to the Empire?
I was already for the civil casualty angel. Just do what you were doing I'll be fine.
I’m thinking of introducing another character later on. A member of the Royal Guard. He will supposedly face off against Eron on some occasion, and eventually go rogue also because of civil casualties and doubt in the Empire. I'd also like to have Drake Lo'gaan and Ekria join up with the rebels.
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Sorry, been busy with the holidays and all my RPing activities have kinda been pushed to the side. Hoping to get all my RP stuff caught up next week.
Okay, still no response from Ghost Toast, so I guess we'll need to move on without him. His character can join at a later time if he returns.

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