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Fandom Star Wars Altaverse (OOC)

So, there may be some changes coming. I know several of us are disappointed with the starting posts, so there may be a shift to a smaller group of writers. I'll keep everyone updated.
I will share this post I just did in another thread:

Everyone is welcome, but I do want to advise you all that I only enjoying playing with those who write well, can creatively distinguish between dialogue and narrative, and make proper use of grammar and punctuation. By putting thought and effort into your writing, you make it more entertaining for your co-writers. This isn't a babble chatroom rp -- it is an epic tale that deserves to be respected. Of your posts, ask yourselves, "would I enjoy seeing these paragraphs in a published novel?" If your answer is anything but "yes!" then you might consider a few edits.

Creative and literary integrity should dominate your list of writing priorities, so that you may craft a fine-tuned work of literature that your co-writers can undoubtedly sink their minds into with relative ease. Take not the easy route with over-used words and phrases, but rather branch out your narrative to truly unfold the splendors of the written word.
I will share this post I just did in another thread:

Everyone is welcome, but I do want to advise you all that I only enjoying playing with those who write well, can creatively distinguish between dialogue and narrative, and make proper use of grammar and punctuation. By putting thought and effort into your writing, you make it more entertaining for your co-writers. This isn't a babble chatroom rp -- it is an epic tale that deserves to be respected. Of your posts, ask yourselves, "would I enjoy seeing these paragraphs in a published novel?" If your answer is anything but "yes!" then you might consider a few edits.

Creative and literary integrity should dominate your list of writing priorities, so that you may craft a fine-tuned work of literature that your co-writers can undoubtedly sink their minds into with relative ease. Take not the easy route with over-used words and phrases, but rather branch out your narrative to truly unfold the splendors of the written word.

deep......you have inspired my soul sir!
At this time, I have made the decision that we will be moving forward without Skulzor. I have already notified him of this via PM, and I implore the rest of us -- myself included -- to strive for literary excellence in all future posts. Also, given that Breezy has still yet to update his CS to retract the part about Yoda training him in the Dark Side, I have also elected to move forward without his character or the Zann Consortium sub-plot. Anyone else who is still playing but has not posted yet, please do so now. I will give everyone the weekend and then post on Monday, and once that time comes, we will only be moving forward with those that have introduced themselves into the IC thread. Once that happens, we will not be accepting any new writers to give us a chance to meld ourselves into a well-oiled literary machine without getting overrun with too many people.
And Blight, that's fine :D. Also, it has been brought to my attention that perhaps I did not do a good enough job of pulling our characters together, and since several of them are already on Udorrea before the distress call was sent out, I feel it would be best to rework this a bit. So, I am going to edit my post slightly so that your characters were invited to Udorrea for a secret rebel meeting. Those that have already posted, please edit them slightly to include receiving this invitation. Anyone who is not a rebel themselves, you can say you were hired by Rahm Kota as mercenaries or informants. That gives a reason for EPOC and Skuncho to be there, if you'd like. If so, just edit your posts to add in an extra scene taking place after the events you already posted where you are hired by Kota.
And my earlier statement about moving forward without anyone who posts this weekend does, of course, exclude anyone who already advised me they would be away, such as in Souvla's case.

So, we worked out a way for EPOC and Skuncho to be on Udorrea. Ghost, you could rework your post to say he was invited as a representative for his Rakata Prime rebel cell, but please refrain from identifying Ahsoka right away as she is keen on keeping her true identity secret at first. Everyone who is attending the meeting has no idea that Fulcrum is actually Ahsoka, yet. The meeting is at an abandoned water treatment plant in the Udor City sewers. Just have your character arrive at the location and we'll go from there. I am editing my intro post to include a description of the treatment plant.
Also, just so everyone is aware, because the military rank system in the Imperial Navy drives me nuts, let's just use ranks similar to Starfleet in Star Trek.

Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Lieutenant, Lieutenant Commander, Commander, Captain, Commodore, Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, Fleet Admiral, Grand Admiral.
Also, just so everyone is aware, because the military rank system in the Imperial Navy drives me nuts, let's just use ranks similar to Starfleet in Star Trek.

Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Lieutenant, Lieutenant Commander, Commander, Captain, Commodore, Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, Fleet Admiral, Grand Admiral.
What did they tell you about crossing the streams! Canon ranks or GTFO

Malsuphur Malsuphur
If it's ok, I'd like for my character to not be called to the meeting initially. I feel like it would be unlikely since he has held low-profile ever since Order 66, and he doesn't have anything to offer in the means of resources. Having that said, I think I could introduce him to the group in a different way, depending on how the upcoming situation escalates.
If you'd rather not have me do so, I'll work it out.
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That's fine, Jean. And Yang, I'm just fine with American ranks, bahaha. My Dad was US Navy and my Grandfather and uncles were US Air Force :D.
Okay, so I finally edited my first post to include mention of the meeting and Kota's ship arriving above Udorrea. Anyone who wants to be on Udorrea but is not sure how, feel free to edit your post to include yourself as either a militia member, hired hand, or some type of rebel fighter. Ghost, if you want Jackson to be there representing his rebel cell, he could have joined forces with Kota. This also creates an awesome chance for EPOC and Skuncho to be hired by Kota.

As for Yang, we were discussing playing a side story where Captain Thrawn and Commander Marek embark on Imperial missions, so some characters could start out on the Imp side and then switch over later on. I may create a second IC thread, and run them both independently at first, one for the Rebel side and one for the Imperial side, though the Imp thread would only be for side stories when in a different location that the Rebel characters. Once Thrawn shifts completely into the main antagonist stage, the Imp side story thread would come to a close and the narrative would merge completely into the Rebel thread. It would be titled Hand of Thrawn and the last post of that thread would be his promotion to Grand Admiral.
Also, I did change up the calendar some from canon. I have the Ruusan Reformation of the Republic set 1,104 years ago, as shown in my date stamp in the intro post. I am using the five day week as displayed in some sources: (Primeday, Centaxday, Taungsday, Zhellday, and Benduday.)

For the months, I decided to use the number of the month followed by "tember." So, in the intro post, it stated the date as Threetember 16th, 1104 ABR, meaning the 16th day of the 3rd month of the 1,104th year After the Battle of Ruusan. In my version, there are ten months total: (Onetember, Twotember, Threetember, Fourtember, Fivetember, Sixtember, Seventember, Eighttember, Ninetember, Tentember). Other worlds may have their own local names for days and months, but these are the ones used in official Imperial matters, based on the Coruscant Calendar. Each month has seven weeks, each week has five days. So that's thirty-five days in a month and three hundred and fifty normal days in a year. On Tentember 35th, there is a celebration known as Eve of the Nova, sometimes referred to as Nova's Eve. This represents the end of the year and the rebirth of sorts as a new year starts. There is a period of ten days known as the Long Holiday, where there is often extravagant parties and balls and feasts and gift-giving. After the ten days pass, the calendar restarts with Onetember 1st, also known as the Day of Rest. This is where people recover from their ten days of partying and then resume normal life on Onetember 2nd. So, with 350 normal days and then the ten days of the Long Holiday, a full year is 360 days, which is roughly the amount of time it takes Coruscant to complete an orbit around it's sun.
Kinda hard to understand Skuncho, but I understand he is speaking Huttese, so it might sound different when written in English/Basic :D.
Yeah, for some reason, I just have this image of Huttese translated resulting in the Hutt speaking in thirdperson and having imperfect grammar. If anyone feels it's too confusing, I can change it if needed.
Also, I did change up the calendar some from canon. I have the Ruusan Reformation of the Republic set 1,104 years ago, as shown in my date stamp in the intro post. I am using the five day week as displayed in some sources: (Primeday, Centaxday, Taungsday, Zhellday, and Benduday.)

For the months, I decided to use the number of the month followed by "tember." So, in the intro post, it stated the date as Threetember 16th, 1104 ABR, meaning the 16th day of the 3rd month of the 1,104th year After the Battle of Ruusan. In my version, there are ten months total: (Onetember, Twotember, Threetember, Fourtember, Fivetember, Sixtember, Seventember, Eighttember, Ninetember, Tentember). Other worlds may have their own local names for days and months, but these are the ones used in official Imperial matters, based on the Coruscant Calendar. Each month has seven weeks, each week has five days. So that's thirty-five days in a month and three hundred and fifty normal days in a year. On Tentember 35th, there is a celebration known as Eve of the Nova, sometimes referred to as Nova's Eve. This represents the end of the year and the rebirth of sorts as a new year starts. There is a period of ten days known as the Long Holiday, where there is often extravagant parties and balls and feasts and gift-giving. After the ten days pass, the calendar restarts with Onetember 1st, also known as the Day of Rest. This is where people recover from their ten days of partying and then resume normal life on Onetember 2nd. So, with 350 normal days and then the ten days of the Long Holiday, a full year is 360 days, which is roughly the amount of time it takes Coruscant to complete an orbit around it's sun.
Why not call a week a Five-day then if it has five days?

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