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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

FYI, I went ahead and used 40 of the 50 points to put the Opti Upgrade on both Jin's Seed cannon and Heat Cannon...
I’ll allow it, assuming Psy wants to do that.

On another note, celestialbody celestialbody and D. Rex D. Rex Any word on the progress of your characters? I haven’t heard from you guys in a bit.

Lol got super busy with work for Christmas and new years. Much more busy than I expected. I did make progress! But then I left it in draft for a couple days and RPN basically ate everything so now I have to start over from scratch....
Lol got super busy with work for Christmas and new years. Much more busy than I expected. I did make progress! But then I left it in draft for a couple days and RPN basically ate everything so now I have to start over from scratch....
D. Rex D. Rex Oh no!

Maybe try saving these thoughts in Your Private Workshop? I have a thread there for all thoughts unfinished. Once saved, I come back to them, finish the thought, edit them, and out they go! Don't trust the draft to save it! =)
I had guessed that you were busy with the holidays, so I wasn’t too worried. Sorry to hear that you lost your rough draft of your sheet. I’ll be patient to see what you’ve come up with.
Same for me with the Holidays! I was gonna try and get it all done on the weekend but the did a silly goofy thing and fell down the stairs and fucked up my back so I couldn't sit at my desk for long lol.
Pretty much fine now and here's my stuff (I think I did everything?):
Swarm Lord gives +1 to IQ, +4 to ME and +5 to PS
Jeet Kune Do added:
2 to I.Q.
3 to P.P.
2 to P.S.
2 to P.E.

IQ is 24 so I get one time +10% to all skills
M.E. save vs. psychic attack/insanity gets a +8
P.S. Hand to Hand Combat: Damage +10
P.P. parry, dodge and strike bonus +6
P.E. save vs. coma/death +24%
save vs. poison & Magic +6

Basic Military:+20%
Climbing, Hand to Hand: Basic, Military Etiquette, Running, W.P. Sword and W.P. Knife.
Bio-Technology: +10%
Bio-Comms, Biology, Genetics, Machine Lore and Operate Bio-Equipment.
Infantryman: +10%
First Aid, Forced March, Hand to Hand: Expert, Running and W.P. Bio-Weapons: Light.
Athletics: +10%
General Athletics (and four Physical skills of choice) Boxing, Wrestling, Outdoorsmanship, and HtH Martial Arts.
Nomad: +10%
Cook, Hunting, Identify Plants & Fruits, Land Navigation, Preserve Food, and Sewing.
Scout: +10%
Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Intelligence, Land Navigation and Prowl.

Need Martial arts or Assassin lvl for JKD?
Jeet Kune Do:
Attacks per Melee: 3
Escape Moves: Roll, Maintain Balance, Breakfall.
Basic Defenses: Parry, Dodge, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defenses: Combination Parry/Attack.
Hand Attacks: Strike (d6), Backhand (d6), Elbow (d6), Fingertip Attack (1 point), Forearm (d6), Palm Strike (d6), Power Punch (double-damage, counts as two attacks), Uppercut (d10).
Foot Attacks: Kick (d8), Crescent Kick (d10), Knee (d6), Reverse Turning Kick (Combination Dodge/Kick, 2d6 damage, 1/round), Roundhouse Kick (3d6), Side Kick (d10), Snap Kick (d6), Trip/Hook (no damage, causes knockdown, cannot be parried).
Jumping Attacks: Jump Kick (d8 + Critical Strike), Flying Jump Kick (d10 + Critical Strike).
Special Attacks: Body Flip/Throw, Choke, plus...
- Bite (grappling range only. 1-2 damage + 1/2 strength bonus [maximum +3]. Opponent must Save vs. Pain [14] or release hold/lock).
- Eye-flick (No damage. Opponent is -2 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge for one melee round).
- Head-butt (in-fighting and grappling range only, d8 damage).
- Self-knowledge (Special! The Jeet Kune Do may learn a martial art technique from any other system [subject to GM approval). Signature techniques [like Aikido's Knife-hand Knockout and Thai Kick Boxing's Lightning Form] cannot be learned. Techniques with a "prerequisite" must be learned in order. For example, to learn Automatic Elbow Hold, one must first learn Elbow Hold. "Take what is useful and develop from there." - Lee).
Holds/Locks: Arm Lock, Leg Hold, Wrist Lock.
Lvl Adv:
1st - +1 to Perception, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge.
2nd - Eye-flick + Roundhouse combination (one Strike roll for both effects), +1 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to damage.
3rd - Self-knowledge, +1 Attack per Round, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 19 or higher.
4th - Way of the Intercepting Fist (Special! Once per round, upon his opponent's attack, the JKD artist may attempt to Simultaneously Attack the opponent. If successful, the JKD artist has the option to intercept before the opponent's strike connects. If the JKD artist's strike is successful, roll damage. The opponent must Save vs. Pain [14]. Failing the saving throw results in the opponent losing his attempted attack), +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge.
5th - Flying Side Kick causes knockdown, +1 Attack per Round, Critical Hit on a natural roll of 18 or higher.

Elective Skills:
1 from Wilderness- Skin & Prepare Animal Hides +10%
3 from list: Technical- Research, Science- Xenology (+5%) , Domestic- Gardening (+10%)

Secondary Skills:
Domestic- Fishing
Science- Astronomy and Navigation
Military- Camouflage
Technical- Art

Host Armor MDC (Lithvore)
Arms: 120
Hands: 60
Legs: 170
Feet: 80
Main Body: 268
Hive: 155
Chameleon Skin - Free

Stink bugs: 30 BIO-E for 60 bugs plus 21 BIO-E for size increase
Spy Flies: 20 BIO-E for 40 bugs
Impact Beetles: 80 BIO-E for 40 bugs plus 40 BIO-E for Increased Accuracy
Stingers: 30 BIO-E for 50 bugs Plus 15 BIO-E for Increased Size plus 20 BIO-E for High Frequency Stinger Blade
Locusts: 35 BIO-E for 50 bugs plus 20 BIO-E for Regurgitation plus 20 BIO-E for Acidic Regurgitation
(19 BIO-E points remaining for Hive)

Armor BIO-E
107+ME and PE(30 and 27=164 BIO-E)

4 BIO-E for 2 Grip Hands to hold guns/long range weapons
Bone blades: Mega-Damage & Bio-E Cost: 10 Bio-E per 2D6 M.D. inflicted by the weapon (the larger the blade is, the more damage it inflicts), up to a maximum of 1 D6x1O M.D. per Bone Weapon (at a total Bio-E cost of 50 points)(So I roll for how much BIO-E it costs???)
Mantis Blades:20 BIO-E (10 for each arm)
Opti-Upgrade (Mantis Blades) - 40 BIO-E
Advanced Eyes: 5 BIO-E
Regeneration Enhanced: 10 BIO-E
Reinforced Exoskeleton: 5 BIO-E
Enhanced Neurological Connections: 20 BIO-E
Ambidextrous: 15 BIO-E
(25 BIO-E points remaining)

I will say that I wasn't sure if I needed to have my HtH at Martial arts or Assassin to get Jeet Kune Do but for now it's just at MA.
I still have BIO-E points for my Hive and Armor but thought I'd maybe just hold on to those
Whoops, also meant to ask what page the guns I'm allowed to get are on? I can only find the guns attached to armor and I'm not sure if the guns I'm seeing NOT attached to armor are way out of my price range?
Side Side note: You said you wanted everyone to come from the same house but I don't think you mentioned which house that was?
The main book has hand-held ranged weapons starting at pg 132, and there are a few hand-held weapons listed in the Lore page, like the Thud Gun, Shield Cracker, and the Leecher Rifle.
The main book has hand-held ranged weapons starting at pg 132, and there are a few hand-held weapons listed in the Lore page, like the Thud Gun, Shield Cracker, and the Leecher Rifle.
Are those all Light weapons? I only have proficiency with Light weapons and I'm either blind or it doesn't say whether the ones on the Lore page are Light or Heavy Weapons.
Let me see. . . The Thud Gun is a "small yet powerful" weapon, so I'll say that one is a Light Bio-Weapon, while the others will be Heavy ones. The weapons listed in the Core book do indicate which ones are Heavy vs. Light.

I'll also let you start out with six Bug Bombs and three Scutigera Mobile Migs, along with two Protective Bug Bombs.

EDIT celestialbody celestialbody You can pick a total of two hand-held ranged weapons of your choice to start out with.
Let me see. . . The Thud Gun is a "small yet powerful" weapon, so I'll say that one is a Light Bio-Weapon, while the others will be Heavy ones. The weapons listed in the Core book do indicate which ones are Heavy vs. Light.

I'll also let you start out with six Bug Bombs and three Scutigera Mobile Migs, along with two Protective Bug Bombs.
Okieokieokie, could I...possibly...have 2 Thud guns? I got 2 gripies (Grip hands) to hold 2 weapons but if I can only have one then I'll just get rid of a gripie.
Just saw the edit gotcha!
Let me see. . . The Thud Gun is a "small yet powerful" weapon, so I'll say that one is a Light Bio-Weapon, while the others will be Heavy ones. The weapons listed in the Core book do indicate which ones are Heavy vs. Light.

I'll also let you start out with six Bug Bombs and three Scutigera Mobile Migs, along with two Protective Bug Bombs.

EDIT celestialbody celestialbody You can pick a total of two hand-held ranged weapons of your choice to start out with.
So did I need to bump my HtH up by one more or is it good at Martial arts for me to get Jeet Kune Do?
Gotcha Gotcha Gotcha, I'll switch some things up then, I think I'm done now other then needing to move some stuff around for that though.
Cool deal. Feel free to post your sheet in the Character thread once you are ready.

I have to get to work for NYE shortly, but I'll try to get some posting up on my lunch hour.

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