Princess Psychie
Seeing the Spider leap for her, Toni plants her feet to be able to get a powerful lunge into it with her own Mantis Blades, hoping to pin it in place and give everyone else a clean shot at it.
Critical Strike for 260 MD
Critical Strike for 260 MD
MDC by Location:
Arms (2): 197 M.D.C.
Hands (2): 107 M.D.C.
Legs (2): 202 M.D.C.
Feet (2): 147 M.D.C.
Head: 137 M.D.C.
Main Body: 630 M.D.C. // 550
Elbow Bone Blades: 115 M.D.C.
Harbinger Cannon: 187 M.D.C.
Munitions Reservoir: 487 M.D.C.
Sentinel Eels: 217 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell: 307 M.D.C.
Sidekick Rifle - Super Light Cell Cluster: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage, 1,000 ft range - Mega Upgrade
Sidekick Rifle - Spore Discharger: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 4d8 Damage, 40 ft Radius, 1.200 ft range - Omni Upgrade
Action Points: 8 / 7
Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor
Number of Attacks: 6 / 9
Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
Dodge: +12 / +3 Automatic Dodge
Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
Initiative: +2 / +9
Perception: +7 / +7
Damage in HtH: +1
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
[Critical on a 17-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]
[Critical on a 17-20 with Velocity Cannon from Opti-Upgrade]
Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike; 4d4x10+10 for a Dual Strike
Energy Expulsion Vent: 2D8 +bonus M.D. equal to the P.E. attribute (2d8+28)
Organic Rockets: 5d10 M.D. to a 10 foot radius
--Rocket Payload: 15 /
Central Maw: 3d8 M.D.
Velocity Cannon: 2D8x10+40 M.D. for a short burst of 10 rounds from one cannon or 4D6x10+40 M.D. per simultaneous bursts from both cannons firing a total of 20 rounds.
--Ammo in Cannons: 120 / 80
--Ammo in Munitions Reservoir: 600 /
Arms (2): 197 M.D.C.
Hands (2): 107 M.D.C.
Legs (2): 202 M.D.C.
Feet (2): 147 M.D.C.
Head: 137 M.D.C.
Main Body: 630 M.D.C. // 550
Elbow Bone Blades: 115 M.D.C.
Harbinger Cannon: 187 M.D.C.
Munitions Reservoir: 487 M.D.C.
Sentinel Eels: 217 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell: 307 M.D.C.
Sidekick Rifle - Super Light Cell Cluster: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage, 1,000 ft range - Mega Upgrade
Sidekick Rifle - Spore Discharger: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 4d8 Damage, 40 ft Radius, 1.200 ft range - Omni Upgrade
Action Points: 8 / 7
Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor
Number of Attacks: 6 / 9
Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
Dodge: +12 / +3 Automatic Dodge
Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
Initiative: +2 / +9
Perception: +7 / +7
Damage in HtH: +1
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
[Critical on a 17-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]
[Critical on a 17-20 with Velocity Cannon from Opti-Upgrade]
Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike; 4d4x10+10 for a Dual Strike
Energy Expulsion Vent: 2D8 +bonus M.D. equal to the P.E. attribute (2d8+28)
Organic Rockets: 5d10 M.D. to a 10 foot radius
--Rocket Payload: 15 /
Central Maw: 3d8 M.D.
Velocity Cannon: 2D8x10+40 M.D. for a short burst of 10 rounds from one cannon or 4D6x10+40 M.D. per simultaneous bursts from both cannons firing a total of 20 rounds.
--Ammo in Cannons: 120 / 80
--Ammo in Munitions Reservoir: 600 /
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