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Splicers - I Am Legion - IC Thread

Seeing that the fighting between the Collector and the Assault Slayer is over, Toni ducks down behind a bit of rock to keep a lower profile and gets ready to light up the Assault Slayer if it tries to target Jin or Chaska as they cross the street.
Jin watches Toni's massive armor lope across the the road. waits till the massive armor is safe. Then Jin's ghost like translucent form blurs and starts to make her own run across the road when the explosion of the fallen collector nearly brought her to the ground, the shock of the explosion forced Jin to fall to a kneeling position. Jin turned her head to look up at the impossibly massive quadrupedal robot that was taller than the buildings around them. There was a moment of shock, of awe as something so very large. Jin caught herself and moved very carefully and slowly, maximizing her stealth, hoping that between her stealth field and all the activity and battle in the area, the robot's sensors would not notice her.

She relaxes her body and keeps an eye on the giant machine ready to engage her flight and bolt if it opens fire on her.

Jin's Prowl is 55%
Jin is using an action point for this roll.

Action Point = 1D6 x 5 = 1x 5= 55+5 = 60% Prowl With Action Point

Prowl Roll = % Roll = 34%! Prowl Roll Successful!
Jin's quick thinking and cool head are enough to keep her from being detected by the Assault Slayer. As she rises up and begins to move once more, the heavy robot slowly shifts on its remaining legs and begins to search for its next target to attack, but it doesn't pick you up on its radar or hear your footsteps as you move.

Unfortunately, this still leaves Chaska on the far side of the street. The Assault Slayer is still there, smoke rising up from the holes in its armor. Do you hold your position, or do you try to make a move across the street? If you move now, what is your Prowl roll, and do you want to use an Action Point to boost your chances of getting across undetected?
Unfortunately, this still leaves Chaska on the far side of the street. The Assault Slayer is still there, smoke rising up from the holes in its armor. Do you hold your position, or do you try to make a move across the street? If you move now, what is your Prowl roll, and do you want to use an Action Point to boost your chances of getting across undetected?
Chaska breathes a silent sigh of relief when he learns that Jin is safely across with the others.

Chaska moves WyldKat to the most reasonable spot he can find that seems best to cross the street. He tries to find a route with plenty of cover, or barring that, concealment, understanding that the WyldKat's Stealth Field is most effective the slower one moves. With this in mind, he is comforted by the knowledge that the WyldKat cannot be picked up by thermographic sensors or their like.

Never cocky, even when odds appear in his favor, Chaska decides to focus himself in the ways of his fallen House. The Lost Warriors were also never cocky, but instead, realistic and practical in most affairs - including matters pertaining to subterfuge and stealth. Chaska steadies his breathing and imagines himself crossing the street, each step moving away from anything that might give him away, or putting him closer to debris or structures that might prevent line-of-sight between himself and the still-terrible Assault Slayer. Wounded bears, he thought, were still bears!

When he feels the time is right, Chaska calms himself and strolls across the street - hopefully with equal calm and ease.

Chaska and I are not taking any chances here. Spending the Action Point for its 5-30% bonus.
Chaska's base Prowl is a nice 87%. Here's hoping my building it that high pays off here! =)
Chaska is silent as a ghost as he glides across the street, right up to the point where the Assault Slayer turns and starts to walk down the street in your direction! Instinctively, the Deliveryman freezes, which is just the right thing to do to keep from getting spotted as the multi-legged machine tromps over your head and continues down the street, leaving Chaska free to move on once more towards the opening in the wall.

Axel lets out a 'whoosh' of breath. "Hot damn. When that Slayer started to move over towards Chaska, I damn near pissed myself!"

Archos looks over at Toni and asks, "Ready to move out, ma'am?"
Toni chuckles. "Axel, I'm not too proud to say that I did a bit, too. Excellent job in keeping cool, everyone. Ok, now that I can breathe again, we can go. Lead on, Archos."
Chaska is silent as a ghost as he glides across the street, right up to the point where the Assault Slayer turns and starts to walk down the street in your direction! Instinctively, the Deliveryman freezes, which is just the right thing to do to keep from getting spotted as the multi-legged machine tromps over your head and continues down the street, leaving Chaska free to move on once more towards the opening in the wall.
Chaska decides to "lose it later" and calmly and slowly record the Assault Slayer going over his head. He is like a child in a very dangerous museum; understanding his danger and not giving in to fear.

Perhaps, he thinks, this data may be useful to House Artemis. In the future, a weak spot from this angle might be found. It never served one to lose their head in combat.

If you lived, there was time to do that later. If you freaked out during the incident, there might be no later. =)
Cerberus squad manages to avoid a fight with the Assault Slayer, but there are many other threats out there.

As you move through the ruined building, sounds of screaming people can be heard from above you. Looking up, you see these:


There are five of these monstrosities; four-foot-tall multi-legged things with multiple screaming human faces sticking out of them, with a large laser rifle built into them.

The screaming of the human heads gives away the surprise attack that the Gun Spiders were going to make, giving everyone a chance to respond.

Psychie Psychie Eonivar Eonivar need to post an initiative roll, and Purr Purr what is your initiative roll bonus?

At this point, the nasty spiders are on the fourth floor and are preparing to leap down onto you.

EDITED post due to the Storyteller making a booboo.
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Toni instinctively tries to jerk out of the way of the incoming fire, doing her best to keep the Worm from getting hit in the event that she can't evade the lasers, but the sight and sound of the screaming human faces chills her to the bone and causes her to stumble in the ruins, making her vulnerable.

OOC I do have Resistant to Lasers, so they will do half damage to me if/when they hit.

EDIT Nat 1 to dodge, 11 for Initiative
MDC by Location:
Arms (2): 197 M.D.C.
Hands (2): 107 M.D.C.
Legs (2): 202 M.D.C.
Feet (2): 147 M.D.C.
Head: 137 M.D.C.
Main Body: 630 M.D.C. /
Elbow Bone Blades: 115 M.D.C.
Harbinger Cannon: 187 M.D.C.
Munitions Reservoir: 487 M.D.C.
Sentinel Eels: 217 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell: 307 M.D.C.

Sidekick Rifle - Super Light Cell Cluster: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage, 1,000 ft range - Mega Upgrade
Sidekick Rifle - Spore Discharger: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 4d8 Damage, 40 ft Radius, 1.200 ft range - Omni Upgrade

Action Points: 8

Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor

Number of Attacks: 6 / 9
Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
Dodge: +12 / +3 Automatic Dodge
Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
Initiative: +2 / +9
Perception: +7 / +7
Damage in HtH: +1
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
[Critical on a 17-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]
[Critical on a 17-20 with Velocity Cannon from Opti-Upgrade]

Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike; 4d4x10+10 for a Dual Strike
Energy Expulsion Vent: 2D8 +bonus M.D. equal to the P.E. attribute (2d8+28)
Organic Rockets: 5d10 M.D. to a 10 foot radius
--Rocket Payload: 15 /
Central Maw: 3d8 M.D.
Velocity Cannon: 1D8x10+20 M.D. for a short burst of 10 rounds from one cannon or 2D6x10+20 M.D. per simultaneous bursts from both cannons firing a total of 20 rounds.
--Ammo in Cannons: 120 /
--Ammo in Munitions Reservoir: 600 /
Spore Discharger Tusks: See Description
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Initiative rolls so far:

23 - Chaska
--Laser Sidekick
--Chemical Sprayer Sidekick
21 - Axel
--Grub Sidekick
17 - Archos
16 - Toni
--Laser Sidekick
--Spore Discharger Sidekick
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“Five hostile contacts on the fourth floor above us…” As Jin scrambles aside to avoid any possible attacks and find a good angle to fire at them.

Jin’s initiative is +9

1D20+9 =15+9 =24!!!!
Jin's quick response is enough to give her the edge in responding to the threat of the hideous almagram of human and machine parts, even as the five twisted things get ready to leap down to attack at point blank range.

Eonivar Eonivar is up first

24 - Jin <====
23 - Chaska
--Laser Sidekick
--Chemical Sprayer Sidekick
21 - Axel
--Grub Sidekick
20 - Gun Spider 1
18 - Gun Spider 2
17 - Archos
16 - Toni
--Laser Sidekick
--Spore Discharger Sidekick
15 - Gun Spider 3
12 - Gun Spider 4
8 - Gun Spider 5
Jin raises her heat cannon from her position upon entering the lobby, aiming for and firing at one of the abominations, looking to shoot through the SDC floor at it to not only hit it, but also weaken and potentially collapse the floor under it and the others. Jin then carefully steps about ten feet along wall of the hole they just entered into away from where the five enemies were above them to get a better angle, and crouches, hoping her stealth field was effective at evading there sensors, prepared to ignite her thrusters and dodge if they shoot at her.

(Using 2 attacks with the Vital Points skill to give her an additional +3 on a called shot)

Heavy Mega Heat Cannon Strike (2D8x10 MDC) on spider thing #3 (the one in the middle of the formation so as to weaken the floor for all of them) = 1D20 + 13 to hit = NATURAL 19 +13 = 32!!! CRITICAL HIT

Damage = 2D8x10 x 2 = 5 x 10 x 2 = 100 MDC Damage!
Critical Strike. The MDC of the heat blast punches through the SDC materials of the floor like a hot knife through warm butter, and Gun Spider 1 gets tagged hard by the blast. Even though the floor that the Spider is standing on is damaged, the weight of the thing is spread out wide over its eight legs, so it doesn't fall through the floor yet.

Purr Purr is up. Don't forget to declare if your Sidekicks are under direct control or in autonomous mode.

24 - Jin [2]
23 - Chaska <====
--Laser Sidekick <====
--Chemical Sprayer Sidekick <====
21 - Axel
--Grub Sidekick
20 - Gun Spider 1 - moderate damage
18 - Gun Spider 2
17 - Archos
16 - Toni
--Laser Sidekick
--Spore Discharger Sidekick
15 - Gun Spider 3
12 - Gun Spider 4
8 - Gun Spider 5
Both Sidekicks are in autonomous mode.
Chaska is currently +16 "to Strike" with his Dual Heat Cannons which together inflict 2D8x10+20 M.D. on a successful strike.

Chaska frowns. He knew better than to hope they would reach the target undetected, but hope - at least when he adventured alone - was sometimes all he had.

Bringing his Organic Thrusters to life, he hovers off of the ground now that stealth is but a memory. He sends his beloved companion to fly as he calls over his Bio-comm. "Woo'stock! Watch back!" This is his way of asking Woodstock to stay out of the fight while watching the immediate surroundings from above and warning him if anything else was coming their direction - in this case, more of Legion's hated and fearful creations.

Training his Dual Heat Cannons on the target Jin has just struck, he looses his blasts through the floor if it does not seem to compromise the integrity of the building, bringing it down upon them. If it does seem to, then he scoots to line-of-sight targeting. He hopes to finish off the threat.

Over the squad Bio-comms, Chaska says the following in cool-headed tones. "We kill dem quick or more Legion come. Woo'stock watches for more enemy!"

Inside his mind, he sends what could be called a prayer for the screaming humans that had warned Cerberus of the ambush. Who could know how much pain their calls had saved he and his comrades. "You no worry, fallen humans. Your pain end soon - by House Apollo, Chaska swear it!"
Chaska's shot blasts another hole in the floor and while a little bit of the force of the attack is wasted on the structure, most of it scores a solid hit on the twisted horror, melting its armor but not doing enough to destroy it. But the heavy lasers of Chaska's Sidekick Rifle bore a hole directly into the heart of the cyborg, and as the Gun Spider collapses, the floor under it can no longer hold its weight and the cyborg falls to the ground floor with a sickening thud, leaking reddish-brown fluid from multiple holes.

While that is going on, the Chemical Sprayer Sidekick fires its Stick-Um at Gun Spider 2, gumming it up just enough to slow it down a touch and making impossible to safely fire its weapon until its working parts can be cleaned out.

Seeing that the one Gun Spider has a huge glob of sticky goo covering its weapon, Axel shifts his fire to a different, still dangerous target and fires. His Thud Rifle hits Spider 3 in the belly and knocks it upwards until it drops down and lands on its feet once more. But before it lands, his Grub Launcher Sidekick fires a huge grub that begins to burrow into the metal of the cyborg, doing even more damage.

Gun Spider 2 leaps off of the ledge, waving its forward claw-legs at Chaska as it falls past you. Purr Purr IIRC, you have an Automatic Dodge. What is your bonus?

Archos fires his suit's Casting Rifle at Gun Spider 2, hitting it with a burst of his weapon.

Psychie Psychie is up with Toni. Don't forget to declare your Sidekicks attack mode.

24 - Jin [2]
23 - Chaska [1]
--Laser Sidekick [1]
--Chemical Sprayer Sidekick [1]
21 - Axel [1]
--Grub Sidekick [1]
18 - Gun Spider 2 - rife gummed up, light damage [1]
17 - Archos [1]
16 - Toni <====
--Laser Sidekick <====
--Spore Discharger Sidekick <====
15 - Gun Spider 3 - light damage
12 - Gun Spider 4
8 - Gun Spider 5
"Ha!" Chaska grins as the Gun Spider he and Jin fired upon goes down. But... Chaska gasps as he suddenly spots the attacking Gun Spider. Aided by his Organic Thrusters, he shifts back and away as defensively as he can with a mind of not getting in the way of his squadmates.

Sherwood Sherwood
Chaska's Automatic Dodge modifier is a wonderful +19 at the moment. =)
"Ha!" Chaska grins as the Gun Spider he and Jin fired upon goes down. But... Chaska gasps as he suddenly spots the attacking Gun Spider. Aided by his Organic Thrusters, he shifts back and away as defensively as he can with a mind of not getting in the way of his squadmates.

Sherwood Sherwood
Chaska's Automatic Dodge modifier is a wonderful +19 at the moment. =)
Needless to say, if it were not for your exceptional maneuverability, the nasty razor-sharp blades on the tip of the front legs would have done sizable damage. But Chaska is able to swerve out of the way with ease.
"Whooo!" Chaska sees those blades and is grateful to be a Splicer. For without his WyldKat and his training, the former Chaska would have perhaps now joined those other faces in near-endless agony.
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Toni shifts her stance to be able to use her big gun on these things, saying over the bio-com, "Watch it! These things have some nasty tricks up their sleeves!" She points her Velocity Cannons up at Gun Spider 3 and fires a double burst at it. Sending a quick mental signal to the Sidekicks, she directs the Laser Cell one to fire at her target, and the Spore Discharger to fire up into the air to try and catch all three remaining Gun Spiders in its splash radius.

OOC Velocity Cannon to hit of 29 to a 20 foot radius
Damage 90 MD

Probable miss with the Super Light Cell
Nat 1 with the Spore Cannon :angryteeth:
MDC by Location:
Arms (2): 197 M.D.C.
Hands (2): 107 M.D.C.
Legs (2): 202 M.D.C.
Feet (2): 147 M.D.C.
Head: 137 M.D.C.
Main Body: 630 M.D.C. // 620
Elbow Bone Blades: 115 M.D.C.
Harbinger Cannon: 187 M.D.C.
Munitions Reservoir: 487 M.D.C.
Sentinel Eels: 217 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell: 307 M.D.C.

Sidekick Rifle - Super Light Cell Cluster: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage, 1,000 ft range - Mega Upgrade
Sidekick Rifle - Spore Discharger: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 4d8 Damage, 40 ft Radius, 1.200 ft range - Omni Upgrade

Action Points: 8 / 7

Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor

Number of Attacks: 6 / 9
Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
Dodge: +12 / +3 Automatic Dodge
Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
Initiative: +2 / +9
Perception: +7 / +7
Damage in HtH: +1
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
[Critical on a 17-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]
[Critical on a 17-20 with Velocity Cannon from Opti-Upgrade]

Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike; 4d4x10+10 for a Dual Strike
Energy Expulsion Vent: 2D8 +bonus M.D. equal to the P.E. attribute (2d8+28)
Organic Rockets: 5d10 M.D. to a 10 foot radius
--Rocket Payload: 15 /
Central Maw: 3d8 M.D.
Velocity Cannon: 1D8x10+20 M.D. for a short burst of 10 rounds from one cannon or 2D6x10+20 M.D. per simultaneous bursts from both cannons firing a total of 20 rounds.
--Ammo in Cannons: 120 / 100
--Ammo in Munitions Reservoir: 600 /
Spore Discharger Tusks: See Description
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Toni's heavy gun roars, sending up a spray of fire at the Gun Spider, shattering the flooring that it is standing on, sending it tumbling down to the ground. Unlike its fellow Spider1, this one manages to spin around in the air and land on its feet, its armor showing signs of damage building up on it. The Laser Cell Sidekick fires at it but it misses, blowing a hole through the wall out into the street. The Spore Rifle tries to fire, but the organic mechanism jams, and it will need to use its second attack this round to try and clear the obstruction.

Gun Spider 3 targets Toni with is underbarrel grenade launcher, and the weapon explodes in a wide area. Psychie Psychie It is an Area of Effect weapon and your Host Armor is too slow to evade it completely, but you can try a roll with punch attempt to take less damage.

Gun Spiders 4 and 5 both target Chaska, spraying laser fire around you where you used to be, but with your maneuverability, you swerve out of the way. (Unless you don't want to dodge for some reason, that is.)

Psychie Psychie has a defense to attempt, and Eonivar Eonivar is up

24 - Jin [2] <====
23 - Chaska [1]
--Laser Sidekick [1]
--Chemical Sprayer Sidekick [1]
21 - Axel [1]
--Grub Sidekick [1]
18 - Gun Spider 2 - rife gummed up, light damage [1] OTG
17 - Archos [1]
16 - Toni [1]
--Laser Sidekick [1]
--Spore Discharger Sidekick [1]
15 - Gun Spider 3 - moderate damage [1] OTG
12 - Gun Spider 4 [1]
8 - Gun Spider 5 [1]

OTG = On the Ground
Toni's Roll With Punch is +10

Total of 24 to take 1/4 damage thanks to my Resistance to Kinetic Attacks upgrade.
Toni manages to tumble and twist around to get out of the worst of the blast, but you still take a total of 10 MDC past your evasion and Armor Upgrade.
Jin still in a crouch along the wall, aims her mega heat cannon at the damaged spider that targeted Toni (#3) and fires a blast and then as before moves along the wall another 20 feet and stops hoping that their stealth field hides them in the chaos as before, but also being ready to move if fired upon. She tried not to focus on the 'human' parts of the aberrations, but felt that she was at least putting them out of their misery.

Jin fires her Mega Heat Cannon at #3 (not using vital points this time, only one attack used) = 1D20+10 =

Damage = 2D6x10+20 MDC = 10x10+20 = 100+20 = 120 MDC Damage to #3

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