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Splicers - I Am Legion - IC Thread

The Gun Spider looks like it would be a clumsy thing, but it reveals that it is in fact very nimble as it nearly dodges out of the way of Jin’s heat blasters without losing a beat. The human face lets out an agonized scream as the armor melts and cooks what organic material it may have inside the armored shell. It is obvious that it is in a critical state of damage, but it is still up and functioning.

Purr Purr is up

24 - Jin [3]
23 - Chaska [1] <====
--Laser Sidekick [1] <====
--Chemical Sprayer Sidekick [1] <====
21 - Axel [1]
--Grub Sidekick [1]
18 - Gun Spider 2 - rife gummed up, light damage [1] OTG
17 - Archos [1]
16 - Toni [1]
--Laser Sidekick [1]
--Spore Discharger Sidekick - clearing a weapon jam [1]
15 - Gun Spider 3 - critical damage [1] OTG
12 - Gun Spider 4 [1]
8 - Gun Spider 5 [1]

OTG = On the Ground
"Your pain end soon!" Chaska repeats his promise to the screaming human-heads though they probably cannot hear him.

Chaska requests the laser Sidekick to take on the critically-damaged Gun Spider #3. If it fails to destroy it, Chaska chooses to fire his Dual Heat Cannons on it; if it succeeds, he takes aim at Gun Spider #4 along with his Chemical Spraying Sidekick.
The Laser Sidekick fires and scores a solid hit, causing the damaged Gun Spider to explode. Chaska's attack is not as fortunate. A weak hunk of masonry falls from the damaged ceiling and nearly crashes into Chaska, distracting you just enough to let the Gun Spider evade away from you and the Stick-Um launcher on the second Sidekick.

Axel levels his Thud Gun at the damaged Gun Spider 2 and fires. He hits, but just with a grazing blow doing minimal damage. His Sidekick fires another Grub, this time at Spider 2, again doing minor damage.

Since its weapon is still gucked up, Spider 2 charges Toni and lunges with both its claw tipped legs. They will hit unless you dodge.

Archos spins around and fires a burst from his Casting Rifle. It scores a few hits, but the Spider is still up and screaming.

Psychie Psychie is up with a defense roll for Toni, and your action

24 - Jin [3]
23 - Chaska [2]
--Laser Sidekick [2]
--Chemical Sprayer Sidekick [2]
21 - Axel [2]
--Grub Sidekick [2]
18 - Gun Spider 2 - rife gummed up, moderate damage [2] OTG
17 - Archos [2]
16 - Toni [1] <====
--Laser Sidekick [1] <====
--Spore Discharger Sidekick - clearing a weapon jam [1] <====
12 - Gun Spider 4 [1]
8 - Gun Spider 5 [1]

OTG = On the Ground
Chaska grins in great satisfaction anyway as the Gun Spider #3 explodes ceasing the screaming human heads from that abomination.
Toni will try to parry the melee strike of the Gun Spider, and in return, she strikes out with a dual attack of her Mantis Blades. She then orders the Spore Discharger Sidekick to clear the jam, and for the Laser Sidekick to fire on Gun Spider 2.

Parry Roll: 25
Melee Strike: 34 critical
Melee Damage: 280 MD!!
Laser Cluster to hit: 19
Laser Cluster Damage: 53
MDC by Location:
Arms (2): 197 M.D.C.
Hands (2): 107 M.D.C.
Legs (2): 202 M.D.C.
Feet (2): 147 M.D.C.
Head: 137 M.D.C.
Main Body: 630 M.D.C. // 585
Elbow Bone Blades: 115 M.D.C.
Harbinger Cannon: 187 M.D.C.
Munitions Reservoir: 487 M.D.C.
Sentinel Eels: 217 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell: 307 M.D.C.

Sidekick Rifle - Super Light Cell Cluster: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage, 1,000 ft range - Mega Upgrade
Sidekick Rifle - Spore Discharger: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 4d8 Damage, 40 ft Radius, 1.200 ft range - Omni Upgrade

Action Points: 8 / 7

Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor

Number of Attacks: 6 / 9
Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
Dodge: +12 / +3 Automatic Dodge
Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
Initiative: +2 / +9
Perception: +7 / +7
Damage in HtH: +1
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
[Critical on a 17-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]
[Critical on a 17-20 with Velocity Cannon from Opti-Upgrade]

Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike; 4d4x10+10 for a Dual Strike
Energy Expulsion Vent: 2D8 +bonus M.D. equal to the P.E. attribute (2d8+28)
Organic Rockets: 5d10 M.D. to a 10 foot radius
--Rocket Payload: 15 /
Central Maw: 3d8 M.D.
Velocity Cannon: 1D8x10+20 M.D. for a short burst of 10 rounds from one cannon or 2D6x10+20 M.D. per simultaneous bursts from both cannons firing a total of 20 rounds.
--Ammo in Cannons: 120 / 100
--Ammo in Munitions Reservoir: 600 /
Spore Discharger Tusks: See Description
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Toni's Mantis Blades swing up and catch the vibro blades before they can hit, and in return, the dual insect-like blades strike out and rip two massive holes into the armor and tear their way out. Just as that happens that the Laser Sidekick fires and punches into the weakened armor and makes the cyborg explode. Psychie Psychie you take another 20 MD damage to your main body from the force of the blast right up in your face.

Gun Spiders 4 and 5 both attack Toni with dual laser bursts. They will hit unless you can dodge

Psychie Psychie has a defense to declare, and Eonivar Eonivar is up

24 - Jin [3] <====
23 - Chaska [2]
--Laser Sidekick [2]
--Chemical Sprayer Sidekick [2]
21 - Axel [2]
--Grub Sidekick [2]
17 - Archos [2]
16 - Toni [2]
--Laser Sidekick [2]
--Spore Discharger Sidekick [2]
12 - Gun Spider 4 [2]
8 - Gun Spider 5 [2]
The two bursts hit, doing a combined 50 MD damage before your laser resistance kicks in.
Seeing the other spiders get destroyed, Jin turns and aims at one of the spiders shooting at Toni, and fires a blast from her Mega Heat Cannon at it. After firing Jin once again moves about 30 feet around the edge of the room, and crouches, prepared to jump if need be.

Normal Attack - Roll 1D20+10 = 14+10 = 24 to hit!

Heat Cannon Damage = 2D8x10+20 = 15x10+20 = 150+20 = 170 MDC!
Jin fires up at the abomination and scores a solid hit. The disturbing thing is that you can hear a pair of voices screaming, “Oh, God! It hurts so much! Make the pain stop!” And “Mommy help me! I’m sorry, please don’t let it hurt me anymore!”

I need Perception rolls from everyone.
Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie and Purr Purr . Also, Purr is up next in the order.

24 - Jin [4]
23 - Chaska [2] <====
--Laser Sidekick [2]
--Chemical Sprayer Sidekick [2]
21 - Axel [2]
--Grub Sidekick [2]
17 - Archos [2]
16 - Toni [2]
--Laser Sidekick [2]
--Spore Discharger Sidekick [2]
12 - Gun Spider 4 - moderate damage [2]
8 - Gun Spider 5 [2]
Even with the fighting going on right in top of you, there is the distinct sound of something large and heavy footsteps coming closer to you with a quickness. Archos lets out a yell, saying, “The Assault Slayer is coming, the one that we saw earlier! It’s almost on top of us! We need to be out of here fast!”
Even with the fighting going on right in top of you, there is the distinct sound of something large and heavy footsteps coming closer to you with a quickness. Archos lets out a yell, saying, “The Assault Slayer is coming, the one that we saw earlier! It’s almost on top of us! We need to be out of here fast!”
Except that Archos seemed to have forgotten that Cerberus doesn't have a fast anymore. Cerberus runs on two speeds now: slow and slower, hence their heavy use of stealth up until this point. Ever since Cerberus gained Valkyrie the Dreadnaught, "fast" had become a thing of the past.

There are only two options for Sgt. Kokoro Chaska and the first is unthinkable - leave Toni in Valkyrie behind and flee. Chaska is of the fallen House Apollo; his lifelong following of The Lost Warriors included leaving no one behind unless one absolutely had no other choice. If the Machine caught Toni, she'd be killed. But if Legion caught Toni, well, Chaska has seen firsthand what might happen to Toni if that happened.

Just as your feet hit the street and you start running, there is a violent explosion of the last Collector, leaving the Assault Slayer the victor, albeit a heavily damaged one.
Chaska had been directly underneath that very same heavily-damaged Assault Slayer just a short while ago - if that towering behemoth has a weak point, Chaska figures it will be there - its underbelly. Having no time to waste lest further enemy units show up, Chaska puts the mission and Houses Artemis and Deluvane first and his life second - just as any Lost Warrior of House Apollo would do!

Over the Bio-comms, he says with a deadly calm. "Cerberus. House Deluvane need us. Please leave Assault Slayer to me."

Using the WyldKat's Organic Thrusters, Chaska breaks off full throttle from the Gun Spider fight, jetting between the buildings, hopefully out of the line of sight of the Assault Slayer. His aim is to get as close as he can to the Assault Slayer and attack its underbelly in melee from below.

As the WyldKat carries him, he continues to record. Chaska calls out in the nature of his people though with all of the sounds of battle, his voice is likely to be unheard. "Machine!" he challenges the Assault Slayer in the way of the Lost Warriors - by stating his House's fighting method. "Apollo Zanbato! Die properly!"

katana GIF
Purr Purr since we are now splitting off to a separate fight, I’m going to start a new melee round at action #1 for Chaska running along at roughly the same time as the fight with the Gun Spiders.

Chaska <====
Assault Slayer - badly damaged

You are up with action 1
Axel snarls out a spray of profanity that he seldom uses except when he’s really upset, the kind of pissed off that thankfully doesn’t happen often. He jinks over to the side and fires at Gun Spider 4, scoring a critical strike on his target. It is knocked over on its back, struggling to get back on its feet.

Archos doesn’t plan on letting it have that chance. He leaps up into the sky and comes down on the wounded Spider with a paired strike of his mantis blades, skewering it through its guts. He jumps back just in time to avoid getting caught in its death explosion.

Psychie Psychie is up

24 - Jin [4]
23 - Chaska - disengaged
--Laser Sidekick [2]
--Chemical Sprayer Sidekick [2]
21 - Axel [3]
--Grub Sidekick [2]
17 - Archos [3]
16 - Toni [2] <====
--Laser Sidekick [2]
--Spore Discharger Sidekick [2]
8 - Gun Spider 5 [2]
Purr Purr since we are now splitting off to a separate fight, I’m going to start a new melee round at action #1 for Chaska running along at roughly the same time as the fight with the Gun Spiders.

Chaska <====
Assault Slayer - badly damaged

You are up with action 1
Sherwood Sherwood Sounds good. Chaska is closing the distance using the buildings as concealment and cover to engage the Assault Slayer in melee. Does Chaska have a shot at hitting it undetected via Stealth Field and Prowl? I would like set up a Critical Strike from Behind if that's possible? The machine's attention seems quite taken with the Gun Spider battle?

If he thinks he has a chance, I'll have him shut down his Organic Thrusters and sneak as Deliverymen do so well. =)
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Sherwood Sherwood Sounds good. Chaska is closing the distance using the buildings as concealment and cover to engage the Assault Slayer in melee. Does Chaska have a shot at hitting it undetected via Stealth Field and Prowl? I would like set up a Critical Strike from Behind if that's possible? The machine's attention seems quite taken with the Gun Spider battle?

If he thinks he has a chance, I'll have him shut down his Organic Thrusters and sneak as Deliverymen do so well. =)
You do know that the Assault Slayer does possess radar, so it is possible that it will be able to detect you at least a little bit. Keeping low and slow will improve your chances of getting into melee range unseen, but it is not a guarantee.

It is entirely possible that if you go to ground that the machine will come to you without spotting you.
Toni yells out, “Watch your ass out there, Chaska! Yell if you need help!” Focusing on the last Spider, she levels her Velocity Cannons and fires a double burst of the heavy exploding shells.

MDC by Location:
Arms (2): 197 M.D.C.
Hands (2): 107 M.D.C.
Legs (2): 202 M.D.C.
Feet (2): 147 M.D.C.
Head: 137 M.D.C.
Main Body: 630 M.D.C. // 585
Elbow Bone Blades: 115 M.D.C.
Harbinger Cannon: 187 M.D.C.
Munitions Reservoir: 487 M.D.C.
Sentinel Eels: 217 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell: 307 M.D.C.

Sidekick Rifle - Super Light Cell Cluster: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage, 1,000 ft range - Mega Upgrade
Sidekick Rifle - Spore Discharger: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 4d8 Damage, 40 ft Radius, 1.200 ft range - Omni Upgrade

Action Points: 8 / 7

Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor

Number of Attacks: 6 / 9
Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
Dodge: +12 / +3 Automatic Dodge
Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
Initiative: +2 / +9
Perception: +7 / +7
Damage in HtH: +1
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
[Critical on a 17-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]
[Critical on a 17-20 with Velocity Cannon from Opti-Upgrade]

Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike; 4d4x10+10 for a Dual Strike
Energy Expulsion Vent: 2D8 +bonus M.D. equal to the P.E. attribute (2d8+28)
Organic Rockets: 5d10 M.D. to a 10 foot radius
--Rocket Payload: 15 /
Central Maw: 3d8 M.D.
Velocity Cannon: 1D8x10+20 M.D. for a short burst of 10 rounds from one cannon or 2D6x10+20 M.D. per simultaneous bursts from both cannons firing a total of 20 rounds.
--Ammo in Cannons: 120 / 80
--Ammo in Munitions Reservoir: 600 /
Toni yells out, “Watch your ass out there, Chaska! Yell if you need help!” Focusing on the last Spider, she levels her Velocity Cannons and fires a double burst of the heavy exploding shells.
"Yah, Toni," is his heartfelt reply. Chaska has no desire to die this day, but if today is his day, there are worse ways to go!
Even with all of her training in the simulator on the Kraken, getting to fire the Velocity Cannon for real is a whole different story. While Toni thought she was properly braced for the recoil, the sheer power of the automatic fire from the cannons makes the weapon 'walk up', and Toni ends up taking huge chunks out of the wall and part of the ceiling.

The last Gun Spider makes a leap attack against Toni, intending to use its forward claw-legs to rip her apart. Psychie Psychie has a defense to declare.

Eonivar Eonivar is up with Jin

24 - Jin [4] <====
23 - Chaska - disengaged
--Laser Sidekick [2]
--Chemical Sprayer Sidekick [2]
21 - Axel [3]
--Grub Sidekick [2]
17 - Archos [3]
16 - Toni [3]
--Laser Sidekick [2]
--Spore Discharger Sidekick [2]
8 - Gun Spider 5 [4]

Purr Purr

The Assault Slayer must have picked up a glimpse of you on its radar as you were going to ground because it begins to fire in your direction, but its aim is off and all it manages to do is chew up the already damaged pavement where you were with its rail gun fire.

You are up with Chaska

Chaska [1] <====
Assault Slayer - badly damaged - [1]
Jin takes a breath as she trains her heat cannon at the last gun spider, her movement slow and precise…she catches herself a moment…she had been firing out of reflex on the metal parts of the thing and not the flesh parts, she wondered if they were a true cybernetic organism.

“One way to find out”.

Jin zooms in her sight and aims for the human head/flesh parts of the spider.

Jin uses her Vital Points skill to get an additional +3 on a called shot, Attack will cost 2 attacks per melee

Mega Heat Cannon Heavy Blast 2D8x10+20 MDC damage, max range is 1800 feet
Called shot on flest/head part of spider.

1D20+10+3 (vital points skill) = 1D20 +13 to hit = 14+13 = 27 to hit

Damage = 2D8x10+20 MDC = 10x10+20 = 120 MDC Damage

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