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Fantasy Spirits of Aerth- character page


More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
Post here, add what you feel is needed if I haven't labeled it. When making a character you have a choice between a Spirit or a living race. If you choose spirit the CS would reflect the form the spirit takes when physical. A living race, (half elf, human, dwarf, beastkin etc) can start off with a spirit but you would need to voice them yourself.

The idea would be a spirit character works with another but we may not have enough players to make that happen proper. Depending on how many people post a sheet and what they want to play will determine how we move forward. If all the characters are living I'll make and assign a spirit to you that you and I can control.
If you all make spirits then I'll make some hosts for them

Change the sheet as you feel is needed. If you think a spirit has no flaws then don't add talents either

Notable features- (appearance, things one would notice if staring for a bit)
Talents- (for a talent add a flaw)

Skills- (similar to talents but more a learnt or practiced ability/technique)
(mana determines what magic you can use. every race has one...
Healing, fire, telepathy almost any magic or power can fit into a type of mana.
I may ask you edit or change to avoid OP b.s. super speed for example)

Optional background-

Optional starting spirit-
(You can start with one but don't go crazy, if you want more of a example on spirits I will answer questions ASAP when able to)
Notable features- Lightly colored, nearly white blonde hair, a shorter than average stature and a near perpetual squint.
Talents- A natural affinity for understanding the emotions and non-verbal communication of spirits.
Flaws- She struggles with non-literal statements and the concept of lying.

Skills- Is adept at surviving in the wild, cooking with what is at hand and making shelter in forests, as well as hunting with a bow.
Mana-Growth, particularly of plants but can accelerate or resume the growth of animals as well with some effort.

Optional background- A wandering nomad from a far off tribal society, Ilona began her journeying as soon as she reached maturity among her people and hasn't stopped yet. She has seen many different places but never stays for very long, but among those that have met her beyond just seeing, she has a reputation as the woman who advises on dealing with spirits in exchange for practical things like food and occasionally transporting small amounts of goods between where she is and where she is going. Though never having taken an interest in local contests before, when word of a grand tournament observed by spirits and word of a grand prize reached her, she decided to travel that way to investigate.

Optional starting spirit-None.
It's late and I'm trying to think this up before taking care of important IRL business so I might be lacking a bit but I can try to spruce it up later if necessary

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