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Futuristic Spacestruck - Futuristic Space RP (Open)

Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack shrugged when she did that, then continued to shoot alien scum, due to being bored of waiting and not really wanting to play stupid games and other immature things in the middle of a mission. His suit picked up her as a biotic on the scanner, he looked in her direction, but when he was about to pull the trigger, he recognized her, but had to hide again, due to enemy fire. Thus he was unable to watch whatever she wanted to perform... he had a different idea. He threw a grenade onto the Starmen, blowing them all up. He looked out again, zooming in with his suit. He began staring at the Assassin and what she was about to do. "Whacha got there, mute g-... What's that?" he looked at the side of the suit's HUD, seeing an information bar pop up.

You have 1 message from:

  • [REDACTED] (Current Contractor)

The message flashed with a blue light, becoming brighter and letting out an audible, but short 'Beep'. He smirked at it and pressed 'Open' as a lot of information was revealed to him... his pupils grew and he slowly walked out of cover towards the Assassin. He used the radio, to communicate with everyone again "Guys, change of plans. We're not blowing this place up, we have to secure it."

"Securing an area...now that's a first." The Russian mumbled closing her eyes slightly and sighing, standing her she was loosing money on jobs she could be doing else where.

The assassin spotted Jack looking at her, so she took some biscuits from her pocket, which she took on the run while she was cloaked on the ship. Then she went up to the big metal door and banged 3 times on it. *Band* *Bang* *Bang*

Some cameras went up and looked at the assassin, but she kept staring at the door.

It seemed like she didn't have bad intentions, so the big metal door started to open. *Shuuuuuuuuuuunnkkk* *Clank* *F'taaang*

The big metal door opened, as an alien guard exited from it, pointing his rifle at her.

She was motionless while he approached her, step after step, he got closer and closer.

Once he was 1 meter away from her, she stepped forward and raised the buiscuits to his face, as an offer.

The alien seemed confused, but intrigued. He then decided to grab a biscuits with his hand, while with the other he kept the rifle pointing at her face. He chomped on the biscuit and nommed a bit, before making a satisfied expression.

But, a familiar pair of gloves snapped the neck of the alien who fell on the ground.

Behind the alien there was another assassin! Identical to the one he knew!

As the assassin which snapped the neck to the alien looked in the eye of the other assassin, the one giving the cookies started to dissappear and dismantle into many pixels, and after a second it dissapeard. The assassin which snapped the neck, entered the facility.
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[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]
The assassin spotted Jack looking at her, so she took some biscuits from her pocket, which she took on the run while she was cloaked on the ship. Then she went up to the big metal door and banged 3 times on it. *Band* *Bang* *Bang*
Some cameras went up and looked at the assassin, but she kept staring at the door.

It seemed like she didn't have bad intentions, so the big metal door started to open. *Shuuuuuuuuuuunnkkk* *Clank* *F'taaang*

The big metal door opened, as an alien guard exited from it, pointing his rifle at her.

She was motionless while he approached her, step after step, he got closer and closer.

Once he was 1 meter away from her, she stepped forward and raised the buiscuits to his face, as an offer.

The alien seemed confused, but intrigued. He then decided to grab a biscuits with his hand, while with the other he kept the rifle pointing at her face. He chomped on the biscuit and nommed a bit, before making a satisfied expression.

But, a familiar pair of gloves snapped the neck of the alien who fell on the ground.

Behind the alien there was another assassin! Identical to the one he knew!

As the assassin which snapped the neck to the alien looked in the eye of the other assassin, the one giving the cookies started to dissappear and dismantle into many pixels, and after a second it dissapeard. The assassin which snapped the neck, entered the facility.

Jack Rosenthal

Jack saw her do it... he was unimpressed. Giving biscuits? Snapping necks? He could do that when he was 12 years old! He ran in inside after her, holstering his rifle on his back and taking out his revolvers. He walked inside after her, then said "What the fuck was that? Can you get a bit serious?" he asked the mute assassin, then sighed "Don't bother." he said, as several Starmen looked at them, picking their rifles up and aiming. Jack just stared at the Assassin, not looking at the guards... but somehow he shot them. He looked in front and said "THAT. That? That was impressive, not giving biscuits and snapping necks. My grandma could snap an alien's neck."
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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack saw her do it... he was unimpressed. Giving biscuits? Snapping necks? He could do that when he was 12 years old! He ran in inside after her, holstering his rifle on his back and taking out his revolvers. He walked inside after her, then said "What the fuck was that? Can you get a bit serious?" he asked the mute assassin, then sighed "Don't bother." he said, as several Starmen looked at them, picking their rifles up and aiming. Jack just stared at the Assassin, not looking at the guards... but somehow he shot them. He looked in front and said "THAT. That? That was impressive, not giving biscuits and snapping necks. My grandma could snap an alien's neck."
She followed in after the two of them, not running and instead moving slowly with hardly a care. Her long legs took large strides, "this is not a competition, ladies." Ana laughed looking at both Jack and the assassin.

JustCallMeAimee said:
She followed in after the two of them, not running and instead moving slowly with hardly a care. Her long legs took large strides, "this is not a competition, ladies." Ana laughed looking at both Jack and the assassin.

Jack Rosenthal

"You only say that because you're losing. Also, I've already beaten my record at planting explosives." he said, then took out a detonator. He smiled under his mask, looking at Anastasia with the corner of his sight, the detonator next to his face, but tilted. He pressed the big, red button and you could hear...

*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* far away... you could also hear multiple alien screams.

"Don't worry. It wasn't in the base. It was outside. I didn't destroy shiiiit." he added, smiling. He took back the revolvers and walked further into the base, humming a familiar tune.

@The Black Rainbow
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"You only say that because you're losing. Also, I've already beaten my record at planting explosives." he said, then took out a detonator. He smiled under his mask, looking at Anastasia with the corner of his sight, the detonator next to his face, but tilted. He pressed the big, red button and you could hear...

*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* far away... you could also hear multiple alien screams.

"Don't worry. It wasn't in the base. It was outside. I didn't destroy shiiiit." he added, smiling. He took back the revolvers and walked further into the base, humming a familiar tune.

@The Black Rainbow
Edgar ran up to the group. "Oi, what do you mean we need to secure this place?" The cyborg said as he shot an alien that was reaching at his foot. "Sorry I'm late. We had got some Starmen heading to the ship, and I had to take care of them." Edgar looked around the base. "Yo, does everyone have their comms to channel one?"
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"10-4, that means Affirmative." he responded to Edgar's last question. He walked up to a sliding door, but it didn't open. "Alright then. Plan B." he said, as he took out a big CX9 explosive, about the size of 6 adult hands clenched together. He put the charge on the door and said "Take cover." while taking out his detonator. He stood behind a small pillar and looked at the rest.

@The Black Rainbow @JustCallMeAimee
Nodding Ana jumped grabbing something above her and swinging her legs up where she hooked her legs over a bar, out of the line of fire.

Trying to keep out of the other's way since she wasn't as strong as the others, Saphira ducked into a closet and closed the door behind her. She took out a broom as a weapon just in case something happened.
I have been standing on the ship for all of this, and after Edgar leaves I decide to follow. I use my built in blaster to help him with some aliens that I can't identify, then follow him inside a large complex. We join the rest of the team, and I say, "Hey guys. What's going on? Oh, by the way, thanks for the rescue. Much obliged. What are we doing exactly?"
NekoQueen49 said:
Trying to keep out of the other's way since she wasn't as strong as the others, Saphira ducked into a closet and closed the door behind her. She took out a broom as a weapon just in case something happened.
That's cute.

Jack Rosenthal

Jack looked at the unknown person and said "Heya. We're blowing shit up." with a casual voice. "So take cover, pal." with a friendlier tone. Then he cleaned his throat and said "Alright. It's the final countdown. 3..." he started counting, he did it slowly on purpose to let the newcomer take cover.

@NekoQueen49 @JustCallMeAimee @The Black Rainbow @Weston Da Wookie @Safety Hammer
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Jack Rosenthal

Jack looked at the detonator when counting and said "No... wait. This is not right. I have another idea. Why the fuck are we even blowing this up? Why not just knock and ask nicely?" he walked up to the door, whistling. He pulled the explosive off of the door and put it on the ground next to it... suspiciously. He gave the metal door three steady knocks and ran behind cover...

Afterwards, a Starman opened the door, then looked around... seeing the room devoid of any life-forms... as everyone was taking cover. He walked out and called some of his friends. Jack smiled as about 5 more Starmen surrounded the bomb, in curiosity. Jack said "Fire in the hole." with a soft, sweet and awfully casual voice. The next thing you heard after he spoke, was a loud explosion and a lot of aliens screaming in agonizing pain. As you walked out of cover, you could see the whole wall next to which the explosive was before wasn't there any longer... and there were mutliple pieces of shrapnel and blood everywhere. Apparently the Bomb hit a little too hard, leaving not that much. There were a few bleeding corpses lying around there and there. The next room had a lot of what seemed to be the remanants of the wall everywhere.

Jack started laughing really hard, in fact he laughed so hard that he fell on the floor, dropping his favourite toy; the lovable detonator. He picked it up again. Then said "Yeah, yeah. I can't believe they fell for that! These guys are stupid, they don't even study our weaponry before invading our planet? How cliche of a Villain faction can you actually create? They are so disposable that it's hard to believe."
Oblivious to the bloody battle outside, Matt and Freddy had just finished their excruciating workout. He had yet to master Jack's @Birdsie counter-attack but he felt he had made a little progress. Sweating like a giant Star-Boar, Matt luckily found a large bathtub in the Captain's Room. Slipping into the cool water, Matt pushed a button that read 'Jets'. From below the bath, bubbles shot out of the sides of the tub, massaging the young man's weary body. Freddy floated on its back as the creature snored in its sleep.

Matt looked at the strange creature saying, "Where did you come from Freddy? It's like you just popped out of nowhere. I thought you belonged to Jack but he didn't seem to know anything about you. Edgar said your species was called a 'Mr. Saturn'; funny name! Well wherever you came from you're stuck with me now!"

Matt smiled at the napping creature as the jets spun him around the tub.

"You know Freddy I'm not a nice person, I admit it, but those jerks shouldn't treat me the way they do. Of course, I haven't be treating them right either. They did, after all, save me from those aliens. I would have died on New Moscow if they hadn't bothered to take me aboard their ship."

Pondering a bit, while cleaning his back with a brush, Matt remembered Edgar's @Safety Hammer words...

@NekoQueen49[/URL] . And I can deal with being around 163 @The Black Rainbow now and then. The hard ones will be Jack... and that damn Anastasia @JustCallMeAimee ! If I'm nice to her she might treat me a little better; emphasis on 'might'. She's actually kind of pretty for being such an awful person."

Matt's eyes bulged in shock. What was he thinking?!

"She's the enemy!," Matt yelled out as he struck the water, causing a splash to soak Freddy. The lazy creature opened one eye as it shook its nose to get rid of the water drops on top of it.

"Jack is too! All of them are my enemies. They don't like me and I detest them. I don't need those douche bags!"

Matt crossed his arms together and sunk deeper into the tub in anger.


The young man calmed down and said, "No! That's not truth... I am my own worst enemy. Freddy! I'm going to change my ways. I'm not making any promises- but I'll try to be the better man and be friendly. If I treat them better then they'll have no other choice but to give me a little more respect. But if that Russian lady hits me again I swear I'll beat the shit out of her- when I become stronger that is! What do you think Freddy?"


Freddy floated on the water, clueless of Matt's resolution.

"Lazy bones!" Matt said, washing his grimy scalp.
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Officially switching to FP. It's just easier that way. ;D

I had to give it to him. That guy was good, if a little psychopathic. I decide to show these people how good I was. With a quick scan I spot another wave of Starmen and some Grunts. I just walk in and say, "Hi there." They stand and stare for a second, then one of the Starmen screams and raises his gun. I lock on everyone with my targeting system, then activate my cannon. It springs out of my back and then fires off three rounds for each enemy. They're down within seconds. I glance back at the others. "Well? You coming?"
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Jack Rosenthal

Jack said "I was about to propose the same thing." as he placed another explosive charge on a nearby wall. He placed it strategically, so that the whole building doesn't fall apart. He walked a bit away and with a small, controlled explosion, there appeared a new hole in the nearby wall. He grabbed his rifle and shot several Grunts inside. Then he located the main computer, saying "Here it is. What we came for." as he walked up to it.

@Weston Da Wookie @The Black Rainbow @NekoQueen49 @JustCallMeAimee
*Pawool lived in this dark room that only got a small ray of light. It was in this building that was abandoned now. He was still comatose for the time being because no one has located him. It's been a long time since Pawool has walked around*
"Alright Freddy, how's this?" Matt said as the creature sat on a couch in the Lounge(Room 4).

Matt, with a cheesy looking smile, said in a genial manner, "Hello Jack @Birdsie ! How are you?"

The young man frowned as he noticed how unnatural his voice sounded. Jack wouldn't believe Matt was sincere saying this!

Taking a confident breath, Matt said, "Anastasia @JustCallMeAimee ! You're liking ravishing today! Even that gaping scar on your eye can't take away from you're voluptuous beau- beaut- BEAUUUUUU! Goddamn it! I'm sure as hell not saying that to a jerk like her!"

Composing himself again, Matt said, "Say Edgar @Safety Hammer ? Are those new arms you're wearing? I wouldn't mind a pair- God! I sound so stupid!"

Matt looked at Freddy for advice.

When Freddy did not say anything and just proceeded to bounce on the sofa cushions, Matt said, "You're no help Freddy! Why is it so hard to give a few complements to those assholes?"

The young man's head jolted up; he had an idea!

"Freddy, you know what people like? Food! I'll make them something to eat! Saphira @NekoQueen49 made everyone drinks, so I'll make them dinner. Pure genius! What could possibly go wrong..?"


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@Birdsie[/URL] ! How are you?"

The young man frowned as he noticed how unnatural his voice sounded. Jack wouldn't believe Matt was sincere saying this!

Taking a confident breath, Matt said, "Anastasia @JustCallMeAimee ! Your liking ravishing today! Even that gaping scar on your eye can't take away from you're voluptuous beau- beaut- BEAUUUUUU! Goddamn it! I'm sure as hell not saying that to a jerk like her!"

Composing himself again, Matt said, "Say Edgar @Safety Hammer ? Are those new arms you're wearing? I wouldn't mind a pair- God! I sound so stupid!"

Matt looked at Freddy for advice.

When Freddy did not say anything and just proceeded to bounce on the sofa cushions, Matt said, "You're no help Freddy! Why is it so hard to give a few complements to those assholes?"

The young man's head jolted up; he had an idea!

"Freddy, you know what people like? Food! I'll make them something to eat! Saphira @NekoQueen49 made everyone drinks, so I'll make them dinner. Pure genius! What could possibly go wrong..?"


Far, far more than everything I'm afraid. Can you imagine all of them at a table? Like a huge, huge ass family, filled with mercenaries?
*Pawool sneezed in his sleep, causing finger to escape the ribbon. The finger glowed and what felt like an earthquake happened. The ground started shaking violently*
Edgar hid behind another fallen pillar, and tapped his ear.

"All right ladies and gentleman," The cyborg said from the comms. "How about we kick some ass in style?" Edgar opened up his computers and started to stream a song through their comms/helmets/earpieces.


I glance at my sensors and notice that both seismic activity and mental radiation are off the charts. "Guys, we got trouble. There's a highly powerful psychic in the area, and from the frequency of these tremors, I don't think they have control of their powers. We have to move fast." @Safety Hammer @Birdsie @RP Marshall @NekoQueen49 @The Black Rainbow @JustCallMeAimee I blast through the next door.



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@Birdsie[/URL] ! How are you?"

The young man frowned as he noticed how unnatural his voice sounded. Jack wouldn't believe Matt was sincere saying this!

Taking a confident breath, Matt said, "Anastasia @JustCallMeAimee ! You're liking ravishing today! Even that gaping scar on your eye can't take away from you're voluptuous beau- beaut- BEAUUUUUU! Goddamn it! I'm sure as hell not saying that to a jerk like her!"

Composing himself again, Matt said, "Say Edgar @Safety Hammer ? Are those new arms you're wearing? I wouldn't mind a pair- God! I sound so stupid!"

Matt looked at Freddy for advice.

When Freddy did not say anything and just proceeded to bounce on the sofa cushions, Matt said, "You're no help Freddy! Why is it so hard to give a few complements to those assholes?"

The young man's head jolted up; he had an idea!

"Freddy, you know what people like? Food! I'll make them something to eat! Saphira @NekoQueen49 made everyone drinks, so I'll make them dinner. Pure genius! What could possibly go wrong..?"


I'm pretty sure Edgar would beat the living shit out of Matt for saying that.
*Pawool was still in his comatose state. Red ribbons surrounded the room, and you couldnt even see the floor or the wall. He was tied up to the wall with his hands wrapped in ribbon. You could see his finger poking out while it and his whole body glowed a bright cyan*

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