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Realistic or Modern Southside College

Ella followed Drew, Dallas and Mark without thinking it twice. They seemed to know what to do in situations like these and she didn't want trouble with the cops. What would she tell her parents if they had to bail her out of jail? Yes, she knew she was being a bit dramatic but if she had to choose one moment in her short life to be dramatic the moment when the cops arrived would be the correct answer. When she heard the gunshots it was like time had stopped, she had heard that when someone was in shock that person couldn't move and that was exactly how she felt when, for a second, she saw the bullet coming towards her. Luckily, Drew had saved her life but others weren't so lucky as she was. She gasped in horror when she saw Dallas' lifeless body with a gun in his hands. "This can't be happening..." She whispered trying to convince herself it was just a nightmare.
Drew got up and ran to Dallas. He bypassed Russel quickly, and he knelt beside his friend. He was indenial. "Dallas! Dallas, wake the fuck up! Dallas, you're not dead! You're not...you're..." Drew began yelling, but he was stopped by his own sobbed. He sobbed over his friend, getting tears on his corpse, but not caring. "Dallas..." He said between sobs. "No...." He moaned.
"You motherfuckers..." Was all Mark could say as he watched one of his best friends get shot multiple times and die right in front of him. This was not supposed to happen, they should be celebrating Drew's victory with cold beer but instead they got the shitty ending. The "game over" for Dallas. "I'm... I'm so sorry man, this was not supposed to happen..." He said to his friend's corpse.
Russel let a bit of a grin out, honestly unafraid of the situation. He starts to walk to his car, but then turns back to watch. "It's really true." He whispers to himself, "When beggars die, there are no comets seen; heavens themselves blaze fourth at the death of princes."
Drew looked at him, looked at Dallas, silent after a good amount of sobbing. There was still a few sniffles. "Well that's how it fucking turned out. Damn it Dallas" Drew said in response to what Mark said. "Why did he think it was a good idea to..." Drew said. He sobbed again, and he put a hand on Dallas's chest as he did, using it for both support to keep his depressed and weak body up and to try to comfort himself with the touch of his friend's coldening skin.

(Wow, Russel is REALLY cold-blooded.)
(Well, he sees Drew's friends as criminals, and thinks all criminals deserve to die, but that it is the police or the courts descision)
Ella remembered saying horrible things about Dallas in school and how she wanted to beat him up after their encounter in the halls but now that he was dead she felt horrible for thinking such horrible things about him and now wanted to beat herself up for it. She knew his friends were going through hell and she really wanted to help them but she didn't know what to say to people who hated her. She kneeled down besides Drew who was holding his friend and patted him on the back. "I'm so sorry..."

"That doesn't bring ol' Dallas back, does it?" Drew said to Ella, turning to face her with a tear-covered face. "But thanks for trying to comfort me. It's very thoughtful. Even though we have hatred between each other, we have the humanity to be there for the other in their times of need. It's beautiful." Drew said. He just kept tearing, kept holding Dallas, but he didn't take his eyes off Ella. He didn't know why.
"He died protecting his friends" Mark said with a sad smile and grabbed his friend's cold hand and squeezed it as hard as possible. He knew the cops were probably going to take the body away from them soon so he treasured the last moments with him as much as possible.
"I wish it did" Ella said wiping a few tears from her eyes and gave Drew a weak smile. "And yet you saved me, we weren't in the best of terms before but I officially consider you a hero and I think he would think the same thing. Do you want me to help you with anything?" She asked.
Russel sat in his car. He still hadn't driven away. "Should I feel bad?" he thought to himself, ashamed, because he didn't. "Why don't I feel bad? It's my fault!" He thought angrily. The he realised it. These people, they had done quite a bit wrong, but as far as he saw it, it was his fault. His eyes started to water, but with no real tears.
"Oh, man, lots of things. Things you probably won't wanna do, to be honest" Drew said, smiling weakly. He tried to maintain a strong sense of humor at all times. "When it comes down to someone's life, it doesn't matter weather you love the person or hate them, it matters weather you want to be a murderer or not. I would be murdering you if I hadn't saved you. I wouldn't be able to live with that. Also, you're like my favorite girl to bully, I don't wanna have to go through the process of finding a different one. Takes forever." Drew said to Ella, the last part unseriously.
Russel drove home. There was nothing here for him. He couldn't go out on patrol tonight; he was to injured. What he did know, was Ferro needed something that he could rely on more than hands and feet. He also needed to train more unarmed. Mabye, just mabye, if he had been a better fighter, and could have beaten Drew quickly, he could have avoided Dallas's death being on his consience. He remembered why he didn't do the killing himself on thoughs who deserved the death penalty. It wasn't that he respected the judicial system, he wasn't emotionally strong enough. When he gets home, he gets a shower, gets some comfort food, and watches an uplifting movie.
(R.I.P My emotions)

Ella wanted to laugh but she just couldn't, since she was a little girl the simplest comments made her laugh but for the first time she felt like laughing was completely impossible. "Grief does weird things to people" she thought. "And you are my favourite bully. School would be boring without you and we do share the same sense of humour" Ella said trying to lift up the mood. "Dallas was a good guy".
"Yeah, he sure fuckin' was" Drew said, and the police men approached them, after a Coroner truck arrived. "We need to take the body, now" they said. Drew didn't speak, neither did the others, just let then do it. After the body was gone Drew really let it all out. He was crying his fucking eyes out, unable to breath because of the sobs. He didn't care if this made him look weak.
Watching them take his corpse away from them was enough for Mark. He had seen his best friend get shot, killed and cried over his lifeless body while squeezing his cold hand. He just wanted to go home and sleep for years. Mark slowly walked to his car and drove home wiping the tears from his face every once in a while and fell asleep on the couch as soon as he arrived.
Drew didn't budge, didn't move from where Dallas had fallen. "Go home if you want" Drew said to Ella, staring at Dallas's bloodstains. He thought about past memories with Dallas. He had knew him since PreSchool. Now he was...gone. Just like that.
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Ella was completely lost. She was in front of the strongest guy in her school who had kicked her best friend's ass less than 24 hours ago while he cried his heart out. In movies, characters comforted each other so easily but it was something completely different in real life. What the hell was she supposed to do? Without thinking about what she was doing, she hugged Drew and decided to keep hugging him until he wished to push her away. "I'm not going anywhere, not now."
Drew hugged her tightly, putting alot of emotion into it. "You're the only one keeping me standing right now, Ella. Everyone left. Fuck, Mark left. What the shit" Drew said. "Thank you" he said, his voice cracking slightly on "You".
"I'm sure Mark had perfectly good reasons to leave" Ella said, feeling a bit crushed by Drew but she was fine with it. If Drew wanted to break every single one of her ribs it was fine, the only thing that mattered now was helping him. "I should be the one thanking you, do you want to stay here go somewhere else or do you want me to drive you home?"
"If I could I'd stay here for the rest of my years. But, that's not a option. We'll take my car to my place, or I could drop you off, if you'd prefer, but I'd like to drive. Clears my head" Drew said. He felt himself starting to have feelings for Ella.
"If you want me to stay with you for a while then we'll take the car to your place but if you want to be alone then you can drop me off or I can just walk there, you decide" Ella said. "So Bianca was right, Drew is a good person after all" She thought.
"Alright, to my place. We can sink our sorrows in food, alcohol, and marijuana." Drew said with a small laugh. He stood, and he took Ella by her hand, to his very own surprise, and they began to walk back to Hartfield's. When they reached the parking lot, they could see Russell's dried blood stains. "Russell got a ass-beating, Dallas got shot and killed. World is real fucked up" Drew said solemnly.
"Food, alcohol and marijuana. Sounds like the perfect way to end this horrible day." Ella said as they walked to the parking lot and nodded. "I'll drink to that but I do think that our lives might improve after this. Like they say, there's always calm after the storm. Or something like that." Ella said truthfully as they approached his car.

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