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Realistic or Modern Southside College

Ella kissed Thomas softly and chuckled when he asked if she was injured. "I should be the one asking you if he harmed you." She said trying to brighten up the mood. She wanted to spend as much time as possible with Thomas now that they were safe and together again. "Hey... We never had that movie date y'know"
Thomas kissed her back and chuckled when she mentioned their pending date. "I'm open but you should probably change before we go" he said with a small smile and helped her get up.
Ella looked down and giggled when she remembered she was wearing the dress she had used for Victoria's party and shrugged. "In my defense, I had nothing else to wear" she said with a smile and began walking home. "I'll be back soon, call me if anything happens" she said cheerfully and walked home. She came back twenty minutes later wearing a red tank top and black shorts. "I'm sorry I took so long, shall we go now?"
Autumn yawned waking up in her bed. She wasnt sure what happened last night... She was pretty hung over. She slowly climbed out of bed and got dressed. She put on a black box pleated skirt, a black crop top sweater which said "Dont talk to me. Im hungover." and her black and purple floral Doc Matrins. She put on some sunglasses and got into her car. She texted Drew.

Autumn: Hey Im coming over.

She sent the text and started driving. Her blonde pigtails flapped in the wind as she sang loudly to "Bad Blood" by T. Swift. She thought about Ella. Then she thought about who she would be in the music video.

"CUZ BABY NOW WE GOT BAD BLOOD!" she sang at the top of her lungs. She made a Hangover smoothie and sipped it, it really worked. She pulled up in Drew's drive way.
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Drew was scared. He was tied, a gag in his mouth, and lying on his side in his room. The F.B.I. had came to his house and threatened him at gunpoint, and detained him. He had no choice but to comply. He heard a knock on the door - oh, fuck, Autumn. When Autumn opened the door, she was met by a F.B.I. Agent with a Surpressed Beretta 9FS2. "Leave"
Victoria went home after that little problem so she can get ready for the After Party. She then texted Drew and said....

Hey can you help me out with getting thing ready for the party. Thanks Bae☻
Here is the code

[message=them]Hi [/message]
[message=me]Who is this?[/message]
[message=them]Lol, It's me silly.[/message]
The door opened and she saw the guy. Looked like Drew had gotten himself in trouble again.

"W-what's going on...?" she asked.

He told her to leave so she got back into her car and drove to Victoria's. When she got there she ran up the stairs and started pounding on the door.

"Victoria... Ross... Victoria's brother... anyone!" she screamed.

She was scared for Drew... She was mad at him but he could be getting hurt...
She ran down the stairs and opened that door and said "You don't have to bang on the door like that, what is the matter this time Autumn" she said looking at him

Ross was passed out on Victoria's couch
(I gotta do some H.W., be back in a maximum of 15 minutes)

Drew just sat there, until three of the four Agents approached him. They picked him up and put guns to him, bringing him out to a blacked out car. They shoved him in there and they began to drive towards....God knows where, but Free certainty didn't.
"Yes... Yes I do! Drew... He's in trouble... these guys... they took him... I went to his house and he... he told me to leave... Im scared... I need huggles...from hot guys... wheres your brother?" she said worriedly. She was shaking and crying a little.

She took out her phone...

Drew <3
Where are you babe... Im scared.

"Who could have done this....?" she said wiping her tears.
(Sorry I was Sleeping)

She looked at Autumn and said "You need to calm down for real" she said looking at him and added "I don't even know where Nick is at all and I believe Drew will be fine" she said looking at her and added "Drew must still have his gun from last night, so probably he still has it" she said looking at her
"N-no! Fuck you! Drew could be getting abused or something!" she screamed.

"Oh you believe Drew will be fine? Are you a fucking psychic Victoria? No. So shut up!" she said sitting down.

"All guns do is start problems..." she looked at her phone and she started breathing faster and faster. Her body was trembling.

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