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Realistic or Modern Southside College

(Oh. Drew's gonna be maaaad)

Drew Torres

"The fuck was our deal?" Drew said, angrily, giving his blunt to Autumn and straightening himself, angry. "I JUST told you. What the fuck was our deal? You know what, go ahead, spill it. What was our deal, Thomas?" Drew said. Discreetly, the guy with the glock drew it, no one noticing. He kept it behind his back.

Autumn Dallas

"Woah, Drew, hey, what deal? Can we just smoke?" She asked, taking another drag off the blunt and throwing it into Ella's face. She heard the gun being pulled, but she ignored it. She doubted she'd get shot. If there were shots, she had a clear avenue of escape.
Thomas quickly looked at Ella with a frighted look and mouthed "go away" before looking at Drew again. He knew talking to Ella was a bad idea but he thought that Drew wouldn't try anything against him while Ella was around. He was so wrong. "I- I won't try to act like a hero or talk to your friends again". He said nervously and hoped Ella would go away before anything bad happened.
Drew Torres

"That's right, now uphold your part of the deal, man. You know what happens if you don't. Ella, I advise you to get the fuck out of here. For your own good and for Thomas's" he said, smoking the blunt and finishing it. He threw it to the floor and smothered it with his right foot. (Autumn just stood there, smoking)
Everything made sense when Drew shouted at Thomas and he mouthed something that she couldn't really understand but she knew it was something he wanted her to do. Of course Drew was involved, she felt stupid for trusting him and thinking they could be friends even though she knew what he was capable of. She quickly stood beside Thomas and grabbed his hand, knowing she could support him while he was a nervous wreck. "I'm not going anywhere and I'm not going to let you do anything to him understand?!"

(I'll edit)

Drew Torres

The gunman aimed Drew's Glock at Ella's head and began to fire, but Drew knocked the gun to the right, the bullet hitting the ground. After this, the football player punched Drew and aimed the gun at him. Drew grabbed the man's wrist, the gun aiming down, and the guy fired two shots, both hitting the ground, and Drew then pulled out his switchblade and sank it into the Football Player's neck, killing him instantly. Drew let the man fall, and he leaned against the brick wall of the alley. "What...What the fuck!" He yelled. "You did this! You stupid bitch!" He yelled at Ella. He collected his gun, and already people were running from the party. "Stupid mother...FUCK! We got to go!" He yelled, and he grabbed Autumn by the arm, yanking her toward his car.

Autumn Dallas

Autumn crouched when the gunshots went off. When Drew killed the shooter, she yelled "Drew, what did you do!?" When Drew began to pull her away, she obliged, crying as she was dragged toward Drew's Lincoln. "Ella, you stupid c*nt!"
Thomas held Ella close to him and hugged her tightly when Drew killed the football player. He had never seen something like that before and judging by Drew's reaction, it was not the last time he would see someone die. He blamed Ella but he had been the one who killed the football player and Ella had almost died. "Are you alright? C'mon we have to get out of here" he said and began running with her towards the mansion.
(The only thing Ella want's to do is punch Drew so I don't think so. )

Ella buried her face in Thomas's chest when he hugged her and closed her eyes when Drew yelled at her and remembered when he had mentioned killing Rusell because he thought he was the one to blame for Dallas's death. He thought it was her fault so would he try to kill her too? She ran with Thomas as fast as possible hoping they would get to the car without having to see Drew or Autumn again.
Drew Torres

Drew jumped in the front seat, Autumn in the passenger, and the Football Player in the backseat. Drew gave one of the guns he had on him, the Beretta, to the remaining football player, just incase. He was furious, yet scared. He had just killed! He had just...Oh God...

(Autumn was silent)
After running for a while, Thomas and Ella finally reached his car and he jumped in the front seat and Ella in the passenger seat and began driving to his house. Drew seemed mad about what happened with the other football player and he blamed it on Ella. The thought of Drew going to Ella's home and hurting her horrified him so he took her to his house instead. After driving for twenty minutes in complete silence they finally reached his house and Thomas opened the door for her after he got out of the car. "I doubt he knows I live here so I want you to stay here tonight just in case he tries to hurt you"
Ella couldn't stop thinking about how close she had been to death and how Drew had saved her life two times in a row but that didn't mean he wouldn't kill her for 'killing' one of the football players. When they reached the Depp residence she smiled at Thomas and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for everything Thomas, Drew was wrong when he said you should stop trying to be a hero because you're a great one" she said with a small smile and entered the house with him.
Thomas blushed when Ella kissed his cheek , he couldn't believe he was dating the girl of his dreams. He had waited for this moment since they met but he had imagined it under completely different circumstances. When they entered his house they headed to his bedroom and he hugged her again. "Tomorrow I won't leave you if you don't leave me alright?"

(Do you want us to end the night with the time skip and the Thella plan?)
-Time Skip-

Drew stood in his bedroom, staring at the Switchblade, the bloodied switchblade that he had used to kill a man. He'd convinced himself it was in self defense. He put the blade away, but also retrieved his Glock 19. He put it in his waistband, and he made a call. "We're gonna go have a chat with Tommy. Find out where he lives" Drew told a associate. Soon enough, he was in his car with 3 other guy's, all having a pistol and one having a MAC-11.

(Tommy and Ella fuck then Drew and his guys come around.)
(They already did that, this is the morning after, Leela is going to make the first post so I'm going to wait for her to post)
When Thomas woke up the first thing he saw was Ella hugging him while she slept with a smile in her face. They had kissed last night when they were comforting each other and then the kiss lead to something more... and more.... and then they fell asleep together. He carefully slipped out of bed without waking her and dressed in a gray t shirt and jeans and kissed Ella's forehead.

Drew and his men reached the Depp Residence and assembled, guns drawn, on the Depp lawn. "Come out, now, Thomas! I know you're in there! I will burn your house down!" Drew yelled, holding a Molotov cocktail up high on the air, a lighter in his other hand.
Ella woke up without Thomas next to her and heard someone shouting his name outside. She quickly got up and took a peek at the ones who were outside and gasped when she saw Drew with a Molotov cocktail and a lighter. She ran to the other side of the room and dressed up in the dress she had used during the party and ran downstairs, not caring about Thomas when he warned her to not go outside. She ran outside and ran towards Drew and his men. "Drew! What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
Victoria woke up next to Ross, and she then got up and went to the bathroom to look at her face and said "I look ugly" she said looking at her face. She then went and grabbed her towel and went in the shower and said "I feel so much better". When she got out the shower, she went and grabs her shorts and her tank top and puts it on. She then driedher hair with her towel and went to wake up Ross and said "Did Nick sleep over your house

or did he sleep over mine" she said to him.

Ross looked at her and said "I don't even know, how about you just call him and see where he is" he said looking at her
Thomas tried to warn Ella about going outside but she didn't listen to him and now she was outside with some maniac who hated her and had a Molotov cocktail and friends with guns. He ran after her and stood behind her when she reached Drew and tried to pull her away from him. "Go! I'll handle this!"
"Listen to your fuck friend, Ella!" Drew said. "Yes, I know. Pictures are already up. It's amazing what Paparazzi can do!" Drew said, laughing. Just then, another carload of armed thugs arrived. They walked up, aiming guns, grabbed Thomas, and began to drag him towards a car. The familiar Bianca held Ella by the arms so she couldn't move, couldn't prevent it.

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