~ Soulmates ~

We need more guys before we do soul mates unless everyone goes lesbo. If I need to, I can add in another guy. Unless, you know, cat fight over Bren. That's always acceptable.
haha, Yeah, if a few of you could add an extra guy, that'd be great. You don't have to, though. I was going to myself, but i added Flora. Mebbe i should scrap her and go with a guy. I find it hard to rp with more than 2 :$ you can though
Alora is taken, but Bren's still up for grabs, ladies. Oh, and of course, Mr. Broody Silent Warlock here. Let me know if I need to add another. I'm pretty good at balancing multiple characters.

Name: Alexander de Levian

Age: 18

Gender: Male


With dark brown hair, his pale skin and grey-green eyes stand out vividly. Alexander is of average height and build and tends to blend in, which is what he prefers. He almost always wears a long, black trench coat over his clothes.

Personality: Alexander is cold and aloof, not really caring about others much. He was raised in an ancient family of warlocks and has dedicated his life to furthering his magic. Anything that will not help him will only get in the way. He is very knowledgeable and wise but prefers to keep his intellect to himself. Very distrustful, Alexander has a hard time making friends and letting people in.

Race: Warlock

Other: Woe to those that mistakenly call him "Alex."
I'm going to need some time to think about a male character... They never come as easily to me as female characters do >.< I'll probably have it by the end of the day though ^^
Name: Daniel Morrison

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Looks: He stands at six feet tall with a strong, muscular build. His jaw is squared off, and his nose is hooked. With his honey blonde curls, it gives him a sort of eagle-like look. Not many people consider him attractive, but some do. The most brilliant part of his features are his olive green eyes, which glimmer and glisten without sunlight.

Personality: Daniel is very overprotective about those he loves, and he is sometimes considered clingy. He forms really close relationships with people, and it's hard for him to let them go. He's defensive and selfless, gladly willing to give up his life it it means to help others. Unfortunately, he is very easily blinded by love, and sometimes, he can't see the difference between right and wrong if those he loves are involved.

Race: Human that has developed

Other: He can move objects with his mind--maybe after a medicine he was on after he got sick from an unknown disease or from the disease itself.
Ooh, romancing Shelby should be fun. Monica and Sierra also need soulmates, don't they? I think Bren would work better with one of those two since they already get along. Or should we make another two guys/girls for them?
Ah, yeah. You can choose from those two, tomorrow I'll make a male chara for one and the other Lace will have to wait.
Not sure if i'm keeping her or not; going to see how i cope with 3 characters. If i find it difficult, i'll probably drop her.

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