~ Soulmates ~

(I'm in)

Name: Lucius Rutt

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance (Hope it isn't too racy):

Personality: Lucius is the proverbial boy next door. He's quiet and rather shy, which is rather misleading due to his looks. He's completely oblivious when it comes to women, unable to figure out how they are feeling or what they are looking for him to do. But when he loves, he's desperate to make his significant other happy. He is a lover, not a fighter, but will fight to his living breath for the woman he has sworn to protect. His weakness is his naivety. If a woman were to approach him at first with the promise of intimacy, he will most likely choke.

Race: Vampire

Other: He is the sixth child of twelve and is very much used to being bullied or picked on due to his elder siblings.
Name: Ison Dorian Jeffersen

Age: Looks 25 but is 2506 years old.

Gender: Male

Looks: Stands at 6´4 feet with long black hair which reaches his shoulder, he always has it in a low ponytail. Emerald green eyes with a mix of light blue. Lean body built with a six pack.

Personality: Quiet, secretive and with an aura that says stay away, Ison is rudely honest, opinioated and couldn´t careless of peoples feelings.

Race: Vampire

Other: Can change peoples memories and holds wisdom beyond normal.
Yeah, sorry i forgot to tell you, i changed around some of them because i think it would make the roleplay more interesting if their personalities clashed at first

hope you don't mind
((I'm in :3 Ahahaha, I hope you like him xD And don't be afraid to tell me if I need to change anything!))

xxxName: Gabriel McMyn






Refer to picture above


My personality? Well, I'm pretty sure just about everyone classifies me as the King of all Otaku's, a complete anime nerd with a serious case of obsession over it. So, that's pretty self explanatory. But, I will warn you all that I tend to try to step into certain characters shoes, so, if I randomly act differently that would explain why! Ehehe~ For the most part I think I'm an extremely cheerful, peppy, happy-go-lucky person that enjoys to sit back, relax and bask in the holiness called being lazy. I'd much rather devote my attention to the box of a T.V and or computer then go out on the prowl for a lover. Hence why my experience with love is below regular standards and I'm completely lost when it comes to love. So, please be kind to me?


A regular human


Enjoys anything that has to do with the supernatural and unusual beings, will most likely stick his nose into something he shouldn't.
PhantomxxxKodomo haha, sounds great, Gabriel will be in dorm two with everyone, but half the people hav't turned up so i'll b re-making the soul mates list tomorrow. For now, you can just join in normally :3
Name: Alaska Obitus Jones





Alaska is usually quiet, and tries to usually stay out of trouble. She spends the majority of her time alone and either playing music, writing, or just thinking. While she's introverted, she often goes out of her way to help other people since no one was often there to help her. Alaska's a pretty big goody two shoes, and get extremely nervous when she's done something that might hurt someone else, or when she's being put on the spot.

Human/demonic hybrid.

The nature of her birth was unusual, due to the fact that her father was a demon and her mother a human, this resulted in the death of her mother at birth. Being a hybrid, she does not have the full powers of a demon unless she is pushed to the absolute limit. And even that would take an immense amount of energy. Alaska is cursed with Clairvoyance, which is the ability to see and interact with spirits. Aside form this, she has the power to force someone to see visions of their worst fears but only if they are looking her in the eyes and if she is pushed to her full limit. She can also tap into their memories on rare occasions.
Name: Pendulum 'Pen' Morris



His eyes are green and his hair is a very dark brown - almost black.


Pendulum is very quiet and reserved, but he's a fun guy to be around once you get to know him. He's very nervous almost all the time due to his anxiety. He is very observant - always watching people from the sidelines - and he loves music. He is a really kind person and always wanting to help people, but he has a dark side as well. He just chooses when to show it and when to keep it hidden.


He is blind in his left eye so it looks like a dull grey, while the right eye is a beautiful, transfixing green.

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