~ Soulmates ~

Name: Zaero

Age: He was created at the beginning of time with his fellow archangels. He looks about 25 years old.

Gender: Male

Appearance: He likes to wear a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, the top button undone, and a loose tie. He wears jeans and loafers. He also seems to have an interest in fedoras. He has bouncy, blonde curls for his hair. He isn't overly ripped, but he is muscular and lean. He rarely reveals all six of his wings, preferring to show two.

Personality: He is cold and distant. He speaks in a formal, yet polite tone. He was raised by his brother, Michael, and Zaero sees him as the ultimate authority. However, for some reason, he can't bring himself to believe that all demons are bad. For now, however, he serves the angels. Or rather, he served Michael in commanding the angels.

Species: Archangel

History: He was created along with Michael, and so, Michael trained him to become one of the strongest of Heaven's Army's soldiers. He was put in charge as Michael's Second-in-Command. However, he left his post a millenia ago to try to sort out his feelings about the enmity between angels and demons. Most angels have forgotten about his existence, so they won't recognize him as an archangel, only as a regular angel. But, strong demons might be able to "sense" a difference in him.

Other: Being an archangel, he has six wings, making him faster than most winged beings.
((Can I join?))

((I promise I put more detail in when I roleplay. I'm still in the midst of developing my character.))

Name: Sierra Dayton

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Looks: Her hair is short and black, and it it cut up to her chin. She keeps a black rose tucked behind her ear. Her eyes are a deep purple, almost like liquid; they are the colour of the night sky. Her pale white skin is flawless except for the cuts and scars along her right arm.

Personality: Sierra has always had a dark side to her, engaged in learning about the Seven Deadly Sins and learning about the evil inside of people. She has always been irritable and secretive, but her cryptic lies go no further than helping herself. She's also very interested in body language and behavior. Not just of people, though. Of everything. She studies animals, using her powers to manipulate them to her studious advantage.

Race: Witch

Other: She studies body language, behavior, and "Sinful Tendencies"
Name: Rohana Okasi

Age: 15

Appearance: Long red hair with the deepest brown eyes you will see. She wear a school girl uniform. Its black, blue, and white. Wears knee high socks. On her neck in a tatoo of a black rose

Personality: Rohana is likes to be friends with everyone and thinks that nobody can do anything wrong. She smiles and laughs a lot. She accepts people as they are human or not. Sometimes though she can blackout and can be very mean and dangerous. Rohana is interested in learning about everything and everyone. She is very trustworthy.

(Still open? And are we allowed to have more than one?)

Name: Alora Svenis

Age: appears 16, true age is not shared

Gender: Female

Looks: Short, blonde hair frames her pale face. Standing at barely five feet and slim as a pole, Alora blends into a crowd which is just what she prefers. Her clear brown eyes take in all her surroundings as she silently watches.

Personality: Alora has always been very reclusive and secretive. She rarely lets people in, and her only true friend is Bren. Due to her parentage and a horrible accident in the past, Alora feels that she must keep people away for fear of hurting them.

Race: Seveocha (a female dhamphyr or human/vampire offspring)

Other: A closet lesbian, Alora has not yet come to terms with being in a relationship.

Name: Brently "Bren" Hoffman

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Looks: Bren towers over his best friend Alora as he stands at well over six feet despite his lankiness. His brown hair is cut closely around his head but he spikes up the front. His bright blue eyes stand out against the contrast of his dark hair. He has one piercing: a silver horseshoe septum ring. He always wears a black silk ribbon tied around his left wrist that he is reluctant to talk about when asked.

Personality: Easygoing and carefree, Bren is a joy to be around. He loves to crack jokes or just have a simple conversation. He's the only person Alora will confide in, and he holds her trust in great regard.

Race: Human

Other: Bren will casually flirt with others, but something seems to be keeping him from making a strong commitment.

Name: Vincent Rogers

Age: 17

Gender : Male


Personality: A care-free guy who always enjoys the little things. Tends to ignore when others when they get too serious. Wants to make others smile. Loves to smile but he only does it for others see he is all right.

Race: Undead[Zombie]

Other: Does not die, Unless his head is severed.

Lace lafiyette (lace luckless



Long white hair, light chocolate colored skin, her eyes are both black and golden. She can can normally be seen in either jeans, or her leather strapped pants, with her knee high stripper boots. Also she can usually be seen with a long sleeve crop top.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_KwRbLYXNyS831547425.jpg.a03e16918b0e42bc6de0cc7dccd8c3c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_KwRbLYXNyS831547425.jpg.a03e16918b0e42bc6de0cc7dccd8c3c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_UM4AkcXKoW271090953.jpg.b99c6ef7888667d73743b81094122dfa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_UM4AkcXKoW271090953.jpg.b99c6ef7888667d73743b81094122dfa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lace can be a cocky ***** at times, but it happens to the best of us , Majority of the time lace is a fire cracker (ironic right:), out going, silly, and loyal. At first meeting she can seem shy, and cold, but once you've to talked for a while you learn.

Vampire/Snow Goddess

Lace is bisexual, and also a former stripper.



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May I still join?

Name: Alexis Rose

Age: Actual & Physical-18

Gender: Female


Alexis has hypnotizing ocean green catlike eyes with impossible long and thick eyelashes.Usually she wears rather fashionable clothes, but she doesn't really care what others think. Alexis has long orange hair. She's considerably tall and attractive and she knows it.

Personality: Alexis likes to be quite around most people. She can be annoying or scary if she wants to. She keeps most her feelings to her. She just can't bring herself to be totally honest to about anyone. Alexis wants to be, but just... can't. She just likes doing whatever she wants.

Race: Mixed Blood.

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