~ Soulmates ~

Name: Sedrian (he has long since forgotten his last name)

Age: (he doesn't care, but he looks to be around 18-20)

Gender: male


personality: often cold, and bitter, Sedrian has never been one for interaction or conversation, however if you can get past the rough exterior, he his merely a tortured soul longing for someone to make him feel again.

Race: vampire

other: he is has the power to control shadows, and can mess with peoples minds.
Name: Naomi Cain

Age: 17(looks closer to 14, and acts that way too)

Gender: Female

Looks: she has choppy dirty blonde hair, with bleach blonde streaks in it. Her hair is just above her shoulders, too. She has grey-blue eyes and nearly invisible eyebrows. Her eyelashes are a pale brown. Her legs are long, and she is very skinny even though she has a major chocolate addiction. She's about 5' 7".

Personality: She is pretty cynical and suspicious at first, but after a while she is very friendly. Once you get to know her, she's weird and bubbly. She'd never hurt anyone, but will always protect those that she loves. Even though she wouldn't hurt anyone, she often makes empty threats to chop someones head off.

Race: Human

Other: Can I still join?

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